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Best and worst names seen...


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I saw the name Revän and also saw Obi-Juan and it pissed me off so much. Why are people not creative that they have to use already existing characters!


If he was able to get the last name Valdez it could be pretty epic.


Then all he needs is a mule companion...



My submission...


First name Samcro, legacy name Reaper.

Failure level: Extreme.

Edited by savagepotato
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I am surprised that there has not been any "Obi Two" or "Spewbacca".


Evidentally you did not read the thread before responding as a few posts above yours stated they had seen an Obi Two.


Worst name I saw was Tentaclerape. There is no need for that kind of crap on a game period. It amazes how immature some gamers are. I know a lot of them are kids but it just shameful how stupid some players are.

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If I wanted to troll and be ridiculous...


Character Name: Major

Legacy Name: Major

Title: Major


Character Name: James'T

Legacy Name: Kirk

Title: Captain


(You just know that Captain James'T Kirk running around in a SW game would bring out the troll feeders...)

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Reported a few already, but don't expect Bioware to treat those tickets until after launch rush calmed down. Won't name them here, for obvious reasons =P


Yeah it was one of my hobbies reporting the rude names in WoW


Saw this guy called Motherlicker reported it and he changed it to Mooseknuckle:rolleyes:


Looked on armory 30 other toons with same name and even a Guild.:eek:


So I admitted defeat and gave up


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my main is called millicano/Milacano.. do you see a [roblem with my name i'ts nice sounding and is not offensive .


oh and i'm named after a coffee.. my favorite coffee..




i love this coffee, and genrally hate house brand coffee's but anyone whose tried this coffee can agree... it's nice!



One of my alts is an SI named Chocolate so someday she'll be Darth Chocolate. :D

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No one seen an


Obi Bama yet?


I should make one


Worst Ones:




or any name with fett worked in there somewhere. But I guess when you sell the most action figures it is bound to happen, nice going fanboys!

Edited by WutsInAName
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Hey, what is the best and worst guild names and person names you have seen ingame so far.


I think Jesuspower was funny.


I honestly dont notice the best ones!

If they are good they dont stand out to me and dont ruin the surroundings or immersion


Now im on RP Servers and have over 70 bad names on ignore so not going to remmber them all but ill try to get the bad ones!


AGAIN, im on a RP SERVER (2 of them) and have been told by Cust service these names are fine and fit the RP enviroment!


These are to real names seen, non are made up






Apprentice Padawen(name, I forget the name now, she had padawan in her name tho)

Apprentice Darth(name, like above, its the title in name thats wrong)

Darth Marshmellow

Shenanigans (and yes he would call out shenanigans over chat till ignored, apperantly in post WOW era that passes as RP)






Starkiller (and to many versions misspelt of it)



Captain Captain Captain (thats title Captain, name Captian, Legacy name Captian)


Im starting to draw blanks so would have to log in and look for some of the truely outrageous ones ive flagged only to be told they are fine (ON A RP SERVER)


Ive stopped flagging but I still firmly beleive that on RP server there should be a enforced naming policy much stricter then what I set my standards by.


While all the canon names should be changed regardless of server the other ones I listed are fine...ON A PVE SERVER.


On a RP Server, there should be a higher standard enforced.

Edited by Kalfear
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