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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate the TOP 5 AAA MMORPG's


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Remember AAA means high production value and does NOT indicate popularity. If AAA meant popularity then games like Wizards101, Second Life, Runescape, and WoW would lead the way. Here are my top 5 AAA MMORPG's. I play them all: (PLease list your Top-5 Current AAA titles)



2. Rift

3. Star Trek Online

4. The Secret World

5. Aion


How would you rate them?

Edited by Klarick
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All time?


1) Everquest - It had major issues but as "the original", deserves top spot

2) Vanguard - Only game to ever offer good balance of solo, duo, and group options

3) CoH

4) TOR

5) Champions Online - Not much of a game, but fun nonetheless


I meant the current AAA titles. I also agree that Champions Online is a AAA title; however it didnt make my top 5, as there just isnt enough game there IMO. However, I also agree that what is there is fun!

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1. Ultima Online. It's where I, as well as most long term MMO'ers began before Everquest came out.

2. Dark Age of Camelot. This game will always have a special place in my heart. Had some of my best moments ever in an MMO in DAoC.

3. Rift. I had a Bard, what more do I need.

4. Warhammer Age of Reckoning. Been a Warhammer fan since the 80's and it was great to step foot in a (watered down) version of that world.

5. Champions Online. Had some great fun in that game. The character creation is fantastic.


The one and only reason SW:TOR didn't make my list is because i've spent far longer and have more memories in the games above.

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1. WOW - Sorry but it has literally almost everything an MMO needs.

2. SWG - Even though I hated the way the game turned out and I'm glad it's gone now. Still some of the best memories.

3. Guild Wars - PvP'd my butt off in that game.

4. SWTOR - I love Star Wars, wish it had more PvP in it but meh, what can you do.

5. The Repopulation - Haven't even played it but it's just an MMO I'm looking forward too. Didn't have a 5th favorite.

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For Triple A MMos that have a functioning none buggy, none glitching, animation bugged game client that are and function acceptable from the design of the game and launch?


1. Tera

2. AoC

3. EvE

4. TSW

5. Any game that has a functioning combat log at launch.


I know SWTOR is on a lot of peoples lists, but unfortunately you can't rose colored glass's past all the core client issues the game has had since as well as at launch. SWTOR is not a triple A MMO. At best its AA.

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1. WoW

2. Swtor

3. EQ

4. N/A

5. N/A


There are no 4 and 5. If you include other games, re read the title.


My only problem with your list is WoW and EQ. WoW is certaintly the most popular, and was a AAA MMO 8 years ago; however, its outdated graphics are no longer good enough to be considored AAA quality. EQ has a special place in my heart as I played it for many years. But, no longer can it be considored AAA.

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I meant the current AAA titles. I also agree that Champions Online is a AAA title; however it didnt make my top 5, as there just isnt enough game there IMO. However, I also agree that what is there is fun!


Well I get where you're coming from but who has time to try, let alone play 5 current titles?


High production values are great to have, but gameplay always trumps bells and whistles.

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1 SWG, I have my greatest MMO memories from this game, until they ruined it completly.


2 WoW, I have spent way to much time of my life in this game, it is sad really. But still it is also the best MMO on the market now, at least the most polished. Right now I am taking a break from it though, playing SWTOR instead.


3 SWTOR, best quest system in an MMO, but also the most linear. They failed utterly on the gear department, I have yet to look like a real Jedi instead of looking like my character really hate his hair. All the cool gear is given to NPCs and apperantly shown in most marketing stuff. :S People has been asking for a hood toggle since release, has anything been done... nope... Still the Star Wars setting and other class stories drives me back, if it where not for the Star Wars theme, I would have stopped playing a long time ago.


4 Warhammer online, I loved this game, but so few did it seems, as I stopped because of the flawed mechanics of the public quests. Was not possible to do them since there was to few people. What they did get right, is how gear looked. I refuse to believe that some of the same designers are working on SWTOR, as all the gear for my orc in War looked awesome. Mostly all the gear I have on my JK looks like crap.


5 Eve online, not my thing, but I know it is a good game in itself.

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Current MMO's like the op asked are.


1.) WoW

2.) Swtor


4.) Rift

5.) AoC


People complain about the state of MMO's today but I've pretty much enjoyed every major release the past 5-6 years. The only one I picked up which I didn't care for was mmo messiah Guild Wars 2. Hated the homogenized classes and abilities and spvp was poorly designed.

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1 - SWTOR - Jedi Consular


2 - SWTOR - Imperial Agent


3 - SWTOR - Trooper


4 - SWTOR - Smuggler


5 - SWTOR - Sith Inquisitor


Honestly I love this game and play only this most of my time :D


BUUUTTT if you MUST ask


1. SWTOR - Love it, to death


2. AION - Very nostalgic! Has beautiful landscapes, music. Very relaxing and good flashbacks.


3. RIFT - Love archer classes when I played fantasy and this is one of the best


4. TERA - The manual aim combat was kind of cool along with the ost and landscapes


5. The Repopulation - Once it comes out anyway. it it looking great!

Edited by Skyrison
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Big huge gap between these.


2. WoW

3. The Secret World



TSW doesn't get nearly enough credit. They do something at least somewhat different for parts of the game. They actually add player driven content and have monthly content updates. Yet people won't even look at the game. So frustrating after seeing so many jaded bittervet MMO'ers complain about innovation and wanting something different.


4. Rift


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I dont know about AAA, there was a time when developers made games as a passion and not as a gold mine of revenue.


So my top 5 MMORPGs of all time are


1) Never Winter Nights on AOL - circa 1991-97 (this is NOT the Bioware game of same name)

2) Dark Age of Camelot

everything after this point is subjective at best

3) EverQuest

4) EverQuest 2

5) The Realms


Everquest and Everquest 2 get on my list mostly because of after the fact issues. While I played them, there was much I wanted fixed and done (much like TOR) but after I left I find myself desiring the things they did do correctly. They added to the genre despite having issues that plagued their game play after launch. I suspect TOR will become another title like them for me. Needing massive work to be complete, but what it did add to the genre should be a staple of MMORPGs going forward.

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Big huge gap between these.


2. WoW

3. The Secret World



TSW doesn't get nearly enough credit. They do something at least somewhat different for parts of the game. They actually add player driven content and have monthly content updates. Yet people won't even look at the game. So frustrating after seeing so many jaded bittervet MMO'ers complain about innovation and wanting something different.


4. Rift



That's because people just like to *****. They don't actually want innovation, or something different.

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1. Final Fantasy XI

2. Old Eve Online (Before it became Capital Ships Online)

3. Star Trek Online

4. Secret World

5. Final Fantasy XIV: Realm Reborn ... Hopefully (please don't suck)







Really? Star trek online?


its pure garbage, i tried it, enjoyed it, but the exploration missions were pure garbage, only reason i stopped playing, unless your telling me that and the game changed drastically over the past...i dunno 2 years? i wont be coming back anytime soon

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