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BioWare: Change the final fight please (major spoilers)


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WEIRD BUG. Sorry for caps but wanted to draw attention to this without making a new thread.


So I died a few times on my way to the emperor and my probe time was on 10 minutes. I had just done the first few pulls inside the great hall. I decided to click respawn at med center, I figured it couldn't be too far away. However I get ressed at the med center that IS past the emperor's throne, into the next area. So I am basically stuck behind a red barrier, with the switch to open just outside it. My fleet pass is on CD for another 13 hours and there is no quick travel point. /stuck does NOT teleport me to the other side of the red barrier.


My only options right now are using the fleet pass to get out, or work my way into the emperor's chambers where I will find a dialogue which I am unable to get, because I haven't done the previous step in the quest.


I opened a ticket and they sent me a template by email which explains how to use the /stuck command. Really helpful.


Has anyone tried this and found a workaround?

Edited by Coltraine
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For God-sakes, make the daily quests available without finishing this ridiculous fight. I don't wanna sit on my ***, waiting for 1.1 before I can progress into the end game.


I was with you all the up to this point. I dinged 50 on Wednesday and have been hitting the Daily Warzones (win 3), Weekly Warzones (win 15), Daily Ilum (5 objectives) and Weekly Ilum (15 Objectives) from the moment I dinged 50. I JUST finished this fight tonight (running 16K HP as a Vigilance Guardian thanks to the Champion and Centurion gear I already have from said dailies).


The "end game" is tied to level 50, not the story. The only daily/weeklies I haven't been hitting are the Hard Mode flashpoints due to their being a lack of 50s on at any given time on Master Gnost-Dural.

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I did the fight tonight. Well, I started the fight 1 week ago but with a labtop and so lagged, and with a T7 in level 16 gear, so I gave up after the first 2 zones and the firt 2 sith at teh entrance of the temple (got pwoned going on the left, I didn't see the feast behind the corner waiting for me).


After 1 day off, I came back to the game on my main pc, and I worked for 1 week all the evenings a couple of hour taking some pvp gear and upgrading t7 (also gathering credits, I had 9k left after repair).


I discovered only 3 days ago that YES, you can do dailies on Belsavis (+ 2 on Illum) also if you didn't complete your final quest. Just go in the middle base in Illum and in the 4° from the right in Belsavis (probably you do not have it on the map, but you can find it, then fllow the flow, there are like 10 quests doable). Tonight after defeating the final fight I got 2 quests that send me to those planets (I stil have to go there and see what I have more to do).


About the fight:


1) start at 21.30 entering the zone, having 347k credits. End of trash (2 deaths for bad pulling ) with 372k credits (including repairs) Yes, I cleared ALL inside the Temple, 80% outside. At 23.00 I got this quest that is maybe optional:



You open the red gate but T7 alert you that Kira is in danger. A Romance quest? Ended saving Kira and kissing her again, and with Kira telling: now go punch the Emperor in the deep space :):D




After this side quest, I went upstairs: other 5 minutes trash, then I got pwoned after the first talk.


Then I did 5 tries, and yes, I am a guardian.


The hardest part were the clones, i didn't imagine there were so much of them. They DID not spawm at 100%, 75 %, they seemed to be on a timer.


2 tries I use LoS, interrupt, awe on clones, T7 taking the emperor, but T7 was instant killed every time.


At the end I did in that way 3 other attempts (total 5):



T07 in passive, saber throw, running to the stair, but didn't push back.


1) Waiting clones, used awe, activating also t7 on the Emperor while i killed all clones.

At this point i nuked the Emperor, but he teleported having like 90% hp

T7 was alive, I used a medpack for me + companion. I didn't move.


2) Waiting for the clones. Repeated faster :

killed first 2 clones without awe, but with saber trhow and leap. T07 still passive

awe on the remaining clones soon after, T7 on Emperor, me on Emperor, had him at 70% this time (if you wait behind the corner at the stairs he will stay on you for like 20 seconds or few more after the clones are dead)


3) Used the med pack again (out of cd)

clones came togheter, awe, t07 on emperor, used cd, + call of the force to save T07, I went on emperor, got him at 50-55%, then he teleported



more or less here I died on 3° and 4°, once the Emperor got me with his "now you fly" spell when I was still killing last clone and I felt down in the stairs.. bonus: no repair for this death.


In the 5° try, all the same, but :


4) Used another med pack


same as point 2, clones came in 2 little waves. Emperor came, t07 was alive, and I started the interrupt, move from circle on the ground and.. force stasis to do another interrupt and.. look, he is standing exactly with his back at the stairs..

and I didn't resist.. pushed down, instant killed.. Episode VI style.





Conclusion: it's doable, but very risky, without pushing him.. It would have taken me other 3-4 teleports, maybe.

Standing in the main room, thing would have been different: much more time to dps him between a wave and the other, but I guess taking all in range with awe and kill them all with the Emperor pwning T7 would have been long to learn.


Including quest reward I was having 368k credits at the end (one time I got pushed down from the stairs and took zero damaged gear, no repair)


Final cutscenes are awesome :)

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A: A liar/troll.

B: Got friends/guildies to help them.

C: Got lucky due to some inexplicable bug that trivialized the fight.

D: Is a Jedi Guardian who pushed him down the stairs.

E: Won a 15-20 minute pillar hump that makes any Arena match in WoW look as exciting as the Chariot scene in Ben Hur.



I so wish I could have frapsed my win on this fight.


Maybe instead of calling people liars, you could maybe, work on playing better?

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I so wish I could have frapsed my win on this fight.


Maybe instead of calling people liars, you could maybe, work on playing better?




I'm full pvp geared and finished hardmodes with my friends I win every pvp warzone I enter, yet I and my level 50 friend, was 1 hit killed before we even knew what happend 15 sec into the battle.

so for anyone to claim it was easy etc, fine, but dont tell others to play better when he 1 hit kill us for no reason. Either its bugged, or else im not gonna belive some people here.

I mean, this is the internet braggers/liars are common, but I dont accuse anyone. Anyway, when I with pvp gear + friend who just did hardmode flashpoint with ease gets 1 hit crit killed in a few seconds it make me wonder...how truthful some of these "level 48 players did it" or hey, mayby its bugged.

I mean, the chest for T7 wasnt even working for me, great idea bioware... force us to use a companion that have no gear and get wiped in 1 sec against boss, yes 1 sec, if anyone tells me he doesnt get wiped in the start with level 10 gear, did you play the boss? DID YOU?

Edited by quezcotl
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I just began working on this and the fact they stuck me with T-7 drove me bananas. As a defense-spec'd Guardian, I had no reason to use him after I got Kira. I get the lore reason and all why it's done but some kind of hints would've been nice instead of a "surprise! You're using a companion in level 10 gear now" halfway through the quest on DK. My midi-chlorians were not happy about that particular event in the story.

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1. Yes

2. Sentinel/Watchman



Forced companion usage, punishment for playing your character as a character, bad mechanics, buggy as the dickens.


This one is a winner. It makes me not want to log in. I don't care that it's hard, I like a challenge. I liked the other boss fights that seem to have drawn criticism. They could be beaten if you played your rotation and kicked the right spells. You also had the ability to use whatever companion fit your build.


Here you have to play silly buggers with cliffs or pillars or endless kiting and be punished for playing like a jedi knight.

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First let me say this:


Not a single class quest fight was particularly challenging for me up to this point. I've solo'd and even one-shot fights that have caused other Sentinels to quit (here's looking at you Angral). Others have said some of the later fights were challenging. If they challenged me, I didn't realize it. Maybe I died once to a few, I don't think so though.


This isn't a boast. This is just to show you where I'm coming from. I am competent enough to know the mechanics of my class. I know my cooldowns. I know how to manage multiple adds.



Yeah I'm in the same boat as you man. I had no problem with any class quest content leading up to the Emperor. I one shot all of them except Executor Krannus, who I died to once.


BW did a great job with the JK class quest in terms of story and encounters, until this last one....

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WEIRD BUG. Sorry for caps but wanted to draw attention to this without making a new thread.


So I died a few times on my way to the emperor and my probe time was on 10 minutes. I had just done the first few pulls inside the great hall. I decided to click respawn at med center, I figured it couldn't be too far away. However I get ressed at the med center that IS past the emperor's throne, into the next area. So I am basically stuck behind a red barrier, with the switch to open just outside it. My fleet pass is on CD for another 13 hours and there is no quick travel point. /stuck does NOT teleport me to the other side of the red barrier.


My only options right now are using the fleet pass to get out, or work my way into the emperor's chambers where I will find a dialogue which I am unable to get, because I haven't done the previous step in the quest.


I opened a ticket and they sent me a template by email which explains how to use the /stuck command. Really helpful.


Has anyone tried this and found a workaround?


I am in the same situation right now,Any ideas?

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One shot the Emperor Strategy for Jedi Sentinel (Worked for me, hope it works for you)


1. Force Jump

2. Immediately spam Precision slash


He should die immediately.


Did you do this by chance or did you see or hear it from somewhere?


This worked on your first try I assume?

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Anyone who claims to have beaten it on these forums is


A: A liar/troll.

B: Got friends/guildies to help them.

C: Got lucky due to some inexplicable bug that trivialized the fight.

D: Is a Jedi Guardian who pushed him down the stairs.

E: Won a 15-20 minute pillar hump that makes any Arena match in WoW look as exciting as the Chariot scene in Ben Hur.


I wholly resent this!


.....it was a 5 min pillar hump.


I'd heard rumours of this fight from the Sent's and Guardians in my guild who beat me to 50, but just grumbles and headshakes, nothing to give it away. When i announced i was on the quest and going to give it a go, a soft chuckle emerged from those 'in the know', but it still caught me by suprise!


After battleing my way to the Emporer, with a companion who would put a depressed Lemming to shame in the 'how quick can i die' stakes (no deaths myself, but every single encounter T7 died) I attempted Mr Emperor and got severely ganked...severely....


But, with each new attempt a new mechanic was realised and after a lovely little bug which rezzed me at the beginning of the instance (the medical probe would appear to have a sick sense of humour) i finally got back to the Emperor with a new plan. Killed him on the 5th attempt, much to the shock and dismay of my guildies. T7 is now a little, compacted, metal cube on my ship in memory of the fight


It's doable, it's by FAAAAR the hardest on-level single player boss i've seen in this MMO or any other, but it is doable.....

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I wholly resent this!


.....it was a 5 min pillar hump.


I'd heard rumours of this fight from the Sent's and Guardians in my guild who beat me to 50, but just grumbles and headshakes, nothing to give it away. When i announced i was on the quest and going to give it a go, a soft chuckle emerged from those 'in the know', but it still caught me by suprise!


After battleing my way to the Emporer, with a companion who would put a depressed Lemming to shame in the 'how quick can i die' stakes (no deaths myself, but every single encounter T7 died) I attempted Mr Emperor and got severely ganked...severely....


But, with each new attempt a new mechanic was realised and after a lovely little bug which rezzed me at the beginning of the instance (the medical probe would appear to have a sick sense of humour) i finally got back to the Emperor with a new plan. Killed him on the 5th attempt, much to the shock and dismay of my guildies. T7 is now a little, compacted, metal cube on my ship in memory of the fight


It's doable, it's by FAAAAR the hardest on-level single player boss i've seen in this MMO or any other, but it is doable.....


See this is good.


I'm really sick of the people who are in the "if I can't do it it means no one can do it" camp.

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I believe a very few people honestly believe they beat the fight straight up. Those people were not fighting the same fight I was. As I said, in videos, the people who seemed to have fraps their win had clones that behaved differently from mine. They didn't cast spells. They charged in and vanished with seemingly no effort from the player. Whether it was T7s AoE or not, I don't know. All I know is my T7 did jack vs. the clones because they stayed too far away.


I couldn't even get a proper pillar hump working simply because my clones prioritized their ranged attacks and spawned all over the place. Some would attack from one side of the pillar, others from the other. Often, I'd hit a Force Storm that forces me to get out from behind the pillar while the clones are still up. If I tried to interrupt it, I got hit with a Lightning Strike that had no cast time, just a channel time and slowed me, which meant all the clones got a shot or two. If I was at 90%, within 3, I was down to 30%.


If I didn't try to interrupt it and ran to another pillar, same thing happened. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Maybe it's *me* that hit a bug that made the fight 10x harder than it should be, but I guarentee, you sit in my chair, and fight the same fight I'm fighting... you don't win it solo.


I brought a healer with me and 1 shot it yesterday. Now I'll leave it behind with a bad taste in my mouth .

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Maybe it's *me* that hit a bug that made the fight 10x harder than it should be, but I guarentee, you sit in my chair, and fight the same fight I'm fighting... you don't win it solo.


You see, this is do resent.


Look around, see all the pages of this thread and the 2-3 others about the same subject. Everyone gets the same fight (barring those where the fight was made easier due to bugs/glitchs - and fair play if this did happen to you, you're the lucky ones) I was made the emperors little whipping boy for 4 attempts, 4 very hard 'you are kidding me' wipes and yes, i did wonder if it really should be this hard, if perhaps there's something fundementally wrong with the fight (apart from it just simply being too hard) The cold sweat started after the first attempt and i died when the emp was still 95% health after burning every cooldown in my Defense heavy spec. But on the 5th attempt i cracked it, the same fight i had 4 times previous and the same fight you had in your attempts. I still got hit with the fight's mechanics, i still saw him do all the moves he'd done before, things happened when they had happened in the other attempts etc etc.


It is doable, legitimately, you're fight was no different from 99% of everyone elses here.


That being said and in the spirit of we're all in the same boat, ok perhaps i did get lucky in regards to LoS'ing miliseconds before x should happen or a lucky crit here, a parry there.


But i do maintain that my Emperor was no easier than your Emperor (and sorry, that sounded like it just came straight from a playground...)

Edited by Laga
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I want to know what Bioware was thinking here. They suddenly force you to use T7 after not using him all game? He his level 10 gear! Even the trash mobs are a headache. I either try to avoid them or just run as far as I can and then die. It's gotten so bad, I used the fleet pass to get out of there and I'm going to try and gear him up.


So I checked the GTN and there's no gear on there for him. I'm at a loss. I have no idea what to do. I can't survive any of the fights because T7 dies immediately so I guess I'm going to roll an alt...


Seriously BW, what were you thinking?

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Decided to try it yesterday on my lv50 watchman sent.

Took me 4 tries to beat him.


Had to use around 250k and commendations to upgrade T7....at the end he was sitting around 14k hp but he went down as easy as when he had 10k.



First try, no idea what was happening....completely destroyed, barely got him down to 70% hp.


Second try, he was sitting now, so the figth starts in your own terms.....sent T7 first....destroyed in the first wave of adds. And me shortly after


Third try, I went first, this time it felt better, T7 was destroyed still on the first wave of adds tough...but I got the trick of LoS with the pillars and how dumb adds are.


Final try, I went first again but with T7 on hold, burned valor call on trascendance for the run buff, after the emp jumps and mixes with the clones, he used force storm.....ran behind a pillar, adds come one at the time around the pillars so they were easy to kill, just had to watch the aoe on the floor an run to a diferent pillar.

After all adds are death, I activated T7 and started to burn him, to 50% hp more or less.


2nd wave of adds, left T7 tanking, used awe and I ran again behind the pillars, T7 died but killed most adds since the were all stunned for 6secs., burned another 30 centering on my dmg buff and 1 on 1 the emp using my interrupts, shields, pacify, stasis, etc.....finished him of with a dispach and I still had 30% hp left (didn't used saved by the force)


More or less that's what I did.....got the feeling a cybertech sent with grenades + awe would even have an easier time.


Edited by Erudain
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Decided to try it yesterday on my lv50 watchman sent.

Took me 4 tries to beat him.


Had to use around 250k and commendations to upgrade T7....at the end he was sitting around 14k hp but he went down as easy as when he had 10k.



First try, no idea what was happening....completely destroyed, barely got him down to 70% hp.


Second try, he was sitting now, so the figth starts in your own terms.....sent T7 first....destroyed in the first wave of adds. And me shortly after


Third try, I went first, this time it felt better, T7 was destroyed still on the first wave of adds tough...but I got the trick of LoS with the pillars and how dumb adds are.


Final try, I went first again but with T7 on hold, burned valor call on trascendance for the run buff, after the emp jumps and mixes with the clones, he used force storm.....ran behind a pillar, adds come one at the time around the pillars so they were easy to kill, just had to watch the aoe on the floor an run to a diferent pillar.

After all adds are death, I activated T7 and started to burn him, to 50% hp more or less.


2nd wave of adds, left T7 tanking, used awe and I ran again behind the pillars, T7 died but killed most adds since the were all stunned for 6secs., burned another 30 centering on my dmg buff and 1 on 1 the emp using my interrupts, shields, pacify, stasis, etc.....finished him of with a dispach and I still had 30% hp left (didn't used saved by the force)


More or less that's what I did.....got the feeling a cybertech sent with grenades + awe would even have an easier time.


I tried this last night on my Sent and honestly I wish it would have gone as well for me as you..




I had read this message around level 40, so I started selecting gear for T7 in any quest that offered it from that point on.. Even used some commendations to get him stuff in lieu of myself or a commendation badge.


I tried sending T7 in first, and me not long after.. I got pushed back and he then went to the middle of the room. Only to see T7 go down in a blaze of electrical storm and me within a hit or two after.


Tried again with me going in first and T7 to follow.. sames results.


I tried the thing behind the pillar, but then kept on getting 'you can't see him errors' when trying to attack the adds.


I tried using Awe and got the first set of adds down, but then all of a sudden a second set of adds showed up and I know he wasn't at 50% health.


I tried a side attach vs a frontal attack so I could hide behind a pillar easily.. It all boiled down to an extreme evening of frustration for me.


But then last night the game felt really sluggish as well, even while out performing the other class quests to get to this point. It was like my character was slashing through molasses. I don't know if this fight is over tuned, bugged or what. But I can tell you this much that character is mothballed as of this point. I consider him useless because I really can't continue with him..





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You see, this is do resent.


Look around, see all the pages of this thread and the 2-3 others about the same subject. Everyone gets the same fight (barring those where the fight was made easier due to bugs/glitchs - and fair play if this did happen to you, you're the lucky ones) I was made the emperors little whipping boy for 4 attempts, 4 very hard 'you are kidding me' wipes and yes, i did wonder if it really should be this hard, if perhaps there's something fundementally wrong with the fight (apart from it just simply being too hard) The cold sweat started after the first attempt and i died when the emp was still 95% health after burning every cooldown in my Defense heavy spec. But on the 5th attempt i cracked it, the same fight i had 4 times previous and the same fight you had in your attempts. I still got hit with the fight's mechanics, i still saw him do all the moves he'd done before, things happened when they had happened in the other attempts etc etc.


It is doable, legitimately, you're fight was no different from 99% of everyone elses here.


That being said and in the spirit of we're all in the same boat, ok perhaps i did get lucky in regards to LoS'ing miliseconds before x should happen or a lucky crit here, a parry there.


But i do maintain that my Emperor was no easier than your Emperor (and sorry, that sounded like it just came straight from a playground...)


You maintain this, but at the same time, you awknoledge the fight is bugged all to hell for some people? So, bugs only work to make the fight easier in your world... not harder?

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You maintain this, but at the same time, you awknoledge the fight is bugged all to hell for some people? So, bugs only work to make the fight easier in your world... not harder?


The specific bug he was referring to was the 1shot bug.


That one certainly does.

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T7 being under geared really isn't the problem; the problem is that the mobs in the area, and the final fight itself is designed for groups, not for a solo Knight like it is supposed to be. Bioware has admitted to over powering the mobs, and obviously under powering Knights/Warriors(which is supposed to be patched), so there really isn't much that can be done about it.


I love the game, but sometimes I wonder if Bioware even bothered to play it before shipping it out to the masses. If they did, then they need to equip themselves in normal FP gear, not modded dev gear, because that is the only thing that is going to get you through the Jedi Knight's final phase without several, several, several deaths.

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