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Are Commandos/Mercanaries Overpowered?


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Why, pulling someone into the acid or flame vents and then stunning them is a viable tactic, even more satisfying if the target is carrying the ball.


Seems cheesy though, and would also appear to give an advantage to the empire side that the republic side cannot counter in any way.

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Problem is with BH mercanary they can run and gun.

Where a IA have to be stationary.


They wear heavy armor, have heals, and a shield.

Altho I see Mercs just unload evrything while the jedi and sith are strugeling.


Either buff mellee classes to withstand more Blaster fire, or tune down the BH's death from above.


My two cents.

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Eversingle person who said commandoos dont have the best damage is totally ignorent, if someone stands still and lets me hit them will drop like a stone. Sniper LAWL my bro played that till 25 then re-rolled dont make me laugh commandos definetly have more damage then them


With such low mobility tho we cant be OP

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Eversingle person who said commandoos dont have the best damage is totally ignorent, if someone stands still and lets me hit them will drop like a stone. Sniper LAWL my bro played that till 25 then re-rolled dont make me laugh commandos definetly have more damage then them


With such low mobility tho we cant be OP


sniper at 50 kills a commando in seconds. they're more tanky and can't be interrupted. tracer dart does as much damage as their 1.5 second snipe, but can be pushed back/interrupted.

Edited by zeroburrito
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My Immortal Spec Juggernaut eats them for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Get close with charge on a 2 second stun and hope they break it with cc break, then either choke or backhand or even push and start laying that damage up, before they can get away however make sure that chilling scream is put on them and never again will they pose a problem!


Ah Ha! You must be the guy that keeps kicking my Merc butt in PVP. :)


I do really well in PVP until someone gets in my face and prevents me from putting space between us. In melee, my Merc goes down pretty fast. I am able to put out some decent initial damage in melee but after that I am a dead man walking if I do not get away. This weakness is really highlighted when two enemies get in my face. I can usually get away from one but the second makes things more complicated. :)

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I find that assult specialist is alot better in melee range due to its damage being dots. im looking forward to maxing out plasma cell + skillers in assult specialist and then use incendiary round - x5 grav round - high impact bolt.


should be getting alot of armor ignore on it :)

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Problem is with BH mercanary they can run and gun.

Where a IA have to be stationary.


They wear heavy armor, have heals, and a shield.

Altho I see Mercs just unload evrything while the jedi and sith are strugeling.


Either buff mellee classes to withstand more Blaster fire, or tune down the BH's death from above.


My two cents.


I think Juggernauts and Guardians should have a native ability to reflect some amount of blaster fire back at the attacker. You saw it all the time in the movies and not to have a reflect ability seems out of place for a defensive class.

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Aha. Well, I think you misinterpreted my post a bit there, friend, and went straight for implying that I am garbage.


But that's okay, let me help you out.


I am not complaining about balance. I'm merely posing a question. I PvP fine - better than most, actually. So now that we've gotten that out of the way... I didn't say they tank. I said they're tanky. As in they use heavy armor, which they do. This, in addition to their heals and range, makes for the best survivability in the game. They do indeed have the best burst in the game, that much is fact. I said arguably because Assassins/Shadows have the best burst hits, but their sustained burst is not as good as BH/Commando.


I appreciate your input , and forgive you for being rude. It's late. I understand. :)


Sorry to tear apart your post but:


Armour: Means very little in PvP when the vast majority of classes have access to non-physical (i.e. armor not a factor) attacks (rdps) or heavyweight armor debuffs (all melee classes afaik?)


Ranged DPS - we need to stand still to do more than tickle you with our 'free' ranged. attack. Hence your gap closers should come into play here. Can have serious burst if specced into, but mediocre without spec points.


Healing - our heals are incredibly weak, easily set back, and have a long cast time and consume our resource (Ammo). No ammo means no dps (back to the incredibly weak i.e. in a bolstered WF it doesn't even hit for 400 total against cloth). This changes if we spec into it, but then we give up almost all our burst damage.


So with all due respect; you're talking total rubbish fella. The class balancing in this game is one of the best i've seen in any MMO so far (Sith Inq/Sage exempt!)

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None of us have enough experience with the game as a whole to call for nerfs or buffs yet, so just give it a rest.


I don't want to see this game going in the same direction that WoW went, by catering to impatient players!




Let's not swing the nerf bat until we know where the ball is, k?

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I think you should stop, have a think then stop posting rubbish. Getting a bit bored of seeing all this nonsense.


1. Commandos dont Tank, Vanguard does.


2. Best burst dmg? possibly if they spec for it (which means their 2 Empire equivs have the same burst dmg too I.E. Bounty Hunter). If they spec burst they generally dont spec into survivability I.E. Heals to make them viable at healing.


3. Yes, they're ranged. Thats why Melee classes get stealth, sprints, Stuns, Charges and all the other tools they get to close that gap.


4. They have heals. Trooper base class gets a 2.5 sec and and a 1.5 sec weaker castable heal. They heal for peanuts if you dont spec into them/gear for them. Also, plenty of other (if not all) classes get self heals / absorb shields / mitigation abilities.



Stop posting garbage. Spend some time with YOUR class, and learn to play it better.




you hit the nail on the head.



there's a LOT of people that believe they are the best in pvp -- if someone beats them (single pvp OR group pvp) then obviously the other person(s) cheated, are OP, or somehow had unfair advantages.


group situation -- it's NOT about you.


solo -- maybe you just suck. a lot.


but, people tend to be stupid and not understand that just cuz THEY think they're da uber pvper -- that they might really suck, or be in greens and other folks are in blues/purps/orange, or even a higher level...

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I have fought many operatives 1v1 - several very good ones, as far as I could tell. I have yet to lose to one.


Focusing them is key in team-fights. Left alone, they'll wreck players. I wouldn't necessarily call them OP, though.


What I've found playing a BH and often making my kill targets troopers and other BH, is that if a BH can get an opener (or two) on you he'll probably win. Otherwise in 1-on-1 scenarios it's a really close call who wins and it seems to be some combination of skill and bit of luck. PvP has felt pretty balanced to me.

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My trooper is 24 atm, Commando AC.


It's very easy to top damage, and churn out big numbers when turreting. As long as I get to park my *** and fire away, I do fine. With melee on me.. eeh.. not so much. There's a few skills (two knockbacks if Gunnery, Cryo Nade) to help build range but you don't get to chain burst that much. You end up doing a few quick shots here and there or resorting to low-damage instants/auto attack. You're dependant on someone peeling or healing to get you through melee classes that train you.


Grav Round/Tracer burst is insane, but it uses up all your ammo. The less ammo, the less regen. If you burst down everything, you'll be stuck pretty much auto attacking for 10-20 sec with a few attacks here and there. You'll never get back to full ammo without 2 min CD / pure auto attack. It's very effective at taking down targets in a quick 1v1, but can backfire horribly in group PvP. You trade a lot of short-term damage for low long-term.


You definitely feel locked down vs SW's that you can't knockback, and the class is very dependant on hard casts and channels to do damage.


All that being said, for all its strength, it's simply impossible to call OP right now. Until more people get to max level, gear up, and we account for the lacking skills right now due to level advantages/disadvantages, we can't say for sure. We also can't control for skill or pug vs premade. When you see Commando's repeatedly doing very well in group vs group PvP at max level with gear, there might be a problem. Until then it's too much speculation and "Oh **** I died, whoever killed me is fkn OP". FWIW, Shadows seem OP as f when they double-backstab 70% of your HP away in 3 seconds. Note, -seem-.

Edited by Livianicen
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if you want to talk about OP class take a harder look at the operative class, AOE CC on players, backed with another 2 CC's and a vanish ability.....oh and their knives do insane damage. 1v1 you will never beat a decent operative.


agreed...1v1 if a good operative gets the jump on u ur pretty much dead...i consider myself to be a very skilled pvp player but I will stun and run from a good operative...just the nature of the beast tho...if i have even 1 person throwing weak heals my way i can kill him...but that initial attack is rough..specially if none of my CD's are up

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