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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1 new warzone in 1 year.. Not good enough


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You'll like the HK-51 questing. I think they did a really good job. I especially like how the Theoretika portion paid homage to the undersea quest in KOTOR - they definitely achieved the same anxious & haunted feeling. I also thought the overlap in questing areas created some interesting open world PvP scenarios. Credit where credit's due. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and intend to do it again with my alts.
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Yeah well this is a PvE game after all.


PvE got:


-3 operations

-2 flashpoints

-3 daily areas

-3 new sets of gear




-Rated warzones (yaah?)

-1 (one) new warzone

-Several different gear grinds and 1 (one) new set of gear, which is fine by me.


All in all seems quite fair:rolleyes:


Once you reach level 50, you'll find yourself PvPing non-stop. PvP is all you can basically do once you reach 50 and have done everything else.


Unless you were being sarcastic, hard to tell over the internet.

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Wow! HK isn't even a week old. I like this. BW is starting to step up.


Don't get impressed quite yet.


Bioware simply broke up a big patch into 3 parts, and gave it to us piecemeal. That is, everything was mostly ready for 1.4 (minus F2P), but they extended it into 1.4-1.6.


I say that as someone who very much likes SWTOR. Wait until we see what content 1.7 brings and how fast it is released.

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you didn't know this was a PvE game? you must be new here


The game is what the players make it, not what the developers designed. That's the truth, the facts, it's what a business that makes money knows and relies on. Give the customer what they want, give them more of what they already have and enjoy, never ever give them what YOU think they should have.


If a large portion of the playerbase likes PvP, give PvP. If the playerbase asks for OPvP, give OPvP. It's not really that hard. Why the bleeding heck can I not receive some amount of commendations for a player kill in an open world setting? EVEN ONE! One commendation per kill. That'd be AWESOME compared to NOTHING. It's not at all hard to limit it to players within a set range of your level, or your valor level, or whatever. It's also not at all hard to give diminishing returns on those rewards to limit kill trading. For crying out loud - it'd make people flock to open areas instead of sitting on the fleet. Thus, the PvE environments would be seen and appreciated for once.


Obviously there are a lot of players who love the PvE carebear stuff. Great. They get tons of that. Let the PvP'ers in on that generosity of development.


Darn it all to heck in a hand basket. DO IT! NOW! (Arnold voice)

Edited by Uber_the_Goober
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as title says .... 1 new warzone in 1 year ...

Dont we need a new warzone or is it okay with what we got.


My apinion is this is far from enough.. :rolleyes:


Have we forgotten about Novare Coast when 1.2 struck? And now the gate wz. thats 2 new warzones in a year.

Edited by TarristerWelm
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Have we forgotten about Novare Coast when 1.2 struck? And now the gate wz. thats 2 new warzones in a year.



Sry to ask, but how many times have you played Gate WZ ???? Just asking, cause i have played it NONE.


It was to be released in 1.4 but as usual from BW, nothing is for sure even if they say otherwise.


So 1 WZ in 1 Year still stands. ( cause i dont think we will get Gatez before christmas)

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Huttball definitely needs another two maps at least and for the love of all that is holy can we PLEASE have an option of selecting the particular WZ we want to play!!!! Ugh - it's soooooooo aggravating to get a WZ you hate.



Edited by Darth_Sinistor
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lol you must not play gw2 the pvp system it has is great and the WvW is awesome. So it must not be to hard EAs to busy selling UI bars to add in some good NEW content.


GW2's PvP combat system is not great by any stretch. It is satisfactory. I consider SWTOR's superior.


GW2's WvW is pretty awesome though, although it usually just devolves into a zergfest. The best thing GW2 has going for it is their awesome game engine. Other than that, the game is pretty meh.



You'll like the HK-51 questing. I think they did a really good job. I especially like how the Theoretika portion paid homage to the undersea quest in KOTOR - they definitely achieved the same anxious & haunted feeling.


Agreed. The Theoretika stuff was like a blast to the KOTOR past, old school style gaming. I didn't use any guides or cheats so it took me a few hours to figure that stuff out. More SWTOR and MMO content should be like that, not just spooky and interesting, but more cerebral.



Bioware simply broke up a big patch into 3 parts, and gave it to us piecemeal. That is, everything was mostly ready for 1.4 (minus F2P), but they extended it into 1.4-1.6.


I understand, but I'm a fan of the smaller updates and I think they are a better way to go. And I like the fact that BW is sticking by their word and hitting the 6-week timeline. They are 2 for 2 so far, and look to be 3/3 here in a few weeks.



Why the bleeding heck can I not receive some amount of commendations for a player kill in an open world setting? EVEN ONE! One commendation per kill. That'd be AWESOME compared to NOTHING.


I thought the Ilum quests were on the right track in this regard. Optional PvP objectives you could complete for PvP progression outside of WZs. I would contend that we don't even need an Ilum revamp or new OPvP area, although I certainly would like these. Players just need an incentive to do OPvP like the dailies we had for Ilum. All BW has to do is make it so the dailies can be completed in any contested area on any planet. That would be enough to trigger massive OPvP in this game.


I think the World Bosses would be perfect for this. They make great OPvP objectives. PvE servers would get shafted, but hey, they rolled on a PvE Server, what do they care.

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