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What I had hoped for with F2P...


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I'm not unsubbing, I'm not anti-F2P. What is does is give players a really in depth look at the game as a decent try before you buy. I hear many people saying that the game is pay-2-win. Well... yeah. I would expect that. If I am subbing $15 a month I wouldn't want some F2P dancing bear newb to be bouncing around in full War Hero MKII beating me to death.


I get the gear restrictions, I get the fine line EA/BioWare had to walk with this. But it kinda killed my hopes for more pops on Pug quests and PvP War Zones. F2P 1-50 was in mind mind supposed to bring back old players and allow people to level toons to 50 and THEN the heavy restrictions would hit at 50. I was dissppointed to see so many restrictions on the new players. The need to purchase UI? The need to buy Sprint? I wanted new players to come into this game and say... Wow, this game is kinda cool! It's fun!


All I hear from new players is about how restricted the game is. No new content was added. Same Grind all the time. I realized many of the people returning were already upset with the game before, and even if they had added a carnival of new content these same people would not have been happy. Still I wonder about the take for NEW players in the game have?


Someone brought up a good point. You get 3 War zones, all of them are Huttball where you get trounced by Subs, because you have no idea what's going on yet. Then that's it... would you really want to pay for more of that? I want people to be able to try ALL of this game. I want new players to have a good experience. I don't want my friends and new players to be routed and run off by people who have been playing for almost a year. F2P needs to be protected somewhat to have a good enough time to want to play more. Not bashed in the skull with a grav round kicked in the nuts by a Smug and told to go sub. :D


That said, big thank to those in this community who are taking the time to help new players out! You guys are all making the game just a bit more enjoyable for everyone when you do something nice!

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As a F2P players, thank you for looking out for us. So many times in games like this it is Sub vs F2P, not Sub and F2P working to make F2P better.


The sad thing is they took away things we had for the lvl 15 trail. I regret not making more then one character now, I had all 12 slots and sprint before F2P launched. F2P should not be restricting F2P players as much as it is about adding things for Subs. Give F2P 8 character slots, one for each class, then give Subs 16, one for each advanced class. Things like that are what should be done.

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I was very upset with the game when I quit. Very, VERY upset, and now that I hear all these things about the F2P...

I was so close to downloading the game and playing it once again, but this? No freaking way. Never, ever going back now.

This game can die, I couldn't care less. 3 years of waiting for this piece of garbage that is being ruined day after day by the developers. They can't even make 1 simple beneficial decision here, it's like they are sabotaging the game from the very beginning. All the way from choosing the Graphic Engine, to making the F2P so restrictive and annoying that they deserve to be jobless after this.

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Alas, North American based MMOs that make a post live conversion to F2P aren't really F2P: they're really just unlimited free trials and need to be looked at as such. In the true F2P model, the moment that any player can buy an in-game advantage of any sort over a non-paying player, that's pay to win, and that's what we see here as opposed to what they have have in China and Korea. As much as North American game companies claim to have fallen in love with the F2P model, the truth is that they don't trust a business model where players only pay for things if they want to. Plus, for a true F2P game, the content has to work in synergy with your marketplace, and that's almost impossible to truly achieve in a game that was initially designed to be supported via subscriptions; the games that are truly F2P were designed that way from the very beginning.. Thus you get what we have here, which is heavily restricted game access meant to bully players into paying, preferably for a sub.


I'm not saying that this hybrid sub/F2P model is good or bad: its just what we've got. Its easier to called it F2P than to call it a unlimited free trial with optional paid unlocks to additional game content.


As for the returning players who are whining: what did they expect? Surely they had to realize it was still going to be the same game that turned them off six, seven, eight months ago?

Edited by WSRB
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I was very upset with the game when I quit. Very, VERY upset, and now that I hear all these things about the F2P...

I was so close to downloading the game and playing it once again, but this? No freaking way. Never, ever going back now.

This game can die, I couldn't care less. 3 years of waiting for this piece of garbage that is being ruined day after day by the developers. They can't even make 1 simple beneficial decision here, it's like they are sabotaging the game from the very beginning. All the way from choosing the Graphic Engine, to making the F2P so restrictive and annoying that they deserve to be jobless after this.


If you didn't like it before, you prolly aren't going to like it now. I think the game had made good, not great strides. Especially all the end game content that got fixed! :) I hope they have a bigger expansion planned!

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Do you think we dont want this game to be one of the greatest MMo of our time too? we do as for the fact that some of us Subbed in the worst time of this game while 1,5 mil left it and we supported it since beta, but I HAVE NEVER SEEN A COMPANY SO EAGER TO SHOT HER SELF IN THE LEG LIKE BIOWARE REALLY!
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I really dont like the F2P.




-Its taking me alot longer to level my alts now, It seems that every quest has 3 or 4 people camping the locations


- general chat is now controlled by 12yrs ,


- game lag



I just resubbed last month after taking sometime off,, but I will not be renewing at this point

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F2P was just released and your all moaning about the restrictions imposed by the game you left and decided to come back without paying a dime?


This is generally what F2Play has always been. What? You think downloading a game Demo entitles you to play the full game without paying for it?


Look it was obvious from the get go that Bioware was going to restrict the game inorder to entice you to sub. The fact is with this game you can now pick and choose which components you want and which ones you don't.


I am not saying its perfect, but Bioware/EA really do need to make money for this game. You have the choice of just playing the game for free, but don't expect to be getting access to every map in PvP or *** stomping others by grinding for war hero gear.


You really want to play this game then sub, otherwise please don't whine about how you can't get this or that. I am fine with helping out new players, but don't care for ones who think downloading and playing this game for free entitles them to much more, I haven't seen another game give out so much when their income is clearly a pay to play model.


I guess Free to play is misleading, Pay to play just seemed like the older model.

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F2P was just released and your all moaning about the restrictions imposed by the game you left and decided to come back without paying a dime?


This is generally what F2Play has always been. What? You think downloading a game Demo entitles you to play the full game without paying for it?


Look it was obvious from the get go that Bioware was going to restrict the game inorder to entice you to sub. The fact is with this game you can now pick and choose which components you want and which ones you don't.


I am not saying its perfect, but Bioware/EA really do need to make money for this game. You have the choice of just playing the game for free, but don't expect to be getting access to every map in PvP or *** stomping others by grinding for war hero gear.


You really want to play this game then sub, otherwise please don't whine about how you can't get this or that. I am fine with helping out new players, but don't care for ones who think downloading and playing this game for free entitles them to much more, I haven't seen another game give out so much when their income is clearly a pay to play model.


I guess Free to play is misleading, Pay to play just seemed like the older model.


yeah you have the right to tell people to stop whining when they change the BIG lie about free to play and call it Free To Try, this game has nothing to call ftp because you cant earn the coins in game as any other ftp game and they charge you for money in every corner, WORSE than that is that you need to pay for UI, i mean really no other game did that!

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yeah you have the right to tell people to stop whining when they change the BIG lie about free to play and call it Free To Try, this game has nothing to call ftp because you cant earn the coins in game as any other ftp game and they charge you for money in every corner, WORSE than that is that you need to pay for UI, i mean really no other game did that!


I said it wasn't perfect. But if your expecting to walk into a game thats given you so much free content up to level 50 and still not pay when you reach max level then your out of you mind.


As for UI, from what I can tell they took off a bunch of items that wasn't necessary to play the game, just ways to help make things a little easier to play the game further.


Don't like it then buy the packs from the cartel market, if not then sub. If thats no it then leave the game. Don't expect a game whose income comes from subs to hand over everything to new players from the get go, cause all that happens is that you will get bored and leave for another game.


So far you can get to 50 without having to pay a dime. Be happy about that.

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yeah you have the right to tell people to stop whining when they change the BIG lie about free to play and call it Free To Try, this game has nothing to call ftp because you cant earn the coins in game as any other ftp game and they charge you for money in every corner, WORSE than that is that you need to pay for UI, i mean really no other game did that!


This game has to make money or it will be turned off. I dont think you understand that

Edited by Kesica
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I said it wasn't perfect..


If you admit it is not perfect why would you tell people to stop complaining?


This game has to make money or it will be turned off. I dont think you understand that


But I thought that was what the cash shop was for?


People need to wake up and realize that this is just not a good model. They either should have put realistic restrictions in, or just done away with the subs and made money off the micro-transactions. Instead they have confused and convince large portions of the player base as to what they need to keep the game running, and what they really want to make a huge profit off of.

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This game has to make money or it will be turned off. I dont think you understand that


well, if the game fail because people don't play then its a failed project! from 2 mil to number below 400k if not less than that and instead of giving people motivation to play and try the game, they just Piss them off and take them for being morons, they call it free to play yet you have to buy UI to be able to play it! if you say this game need to make money then they have to deliver something worth buying or wasting time on!


so they rushed the game and messed up the release farmed the money and messed up the "FTP", what do you think gonna happen?


i don't find something to describe what is happening other than

yeah Slow death :(

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If you didn't like it before, you prolly aren't going to like it now. I think the game had made good, not great strides. Especially all the end game content that got fixed! :) I hope they have a bigger expansion planned!

Except I liked playing it, I just didn't think it was worth 15 dollars. I've played a few MMOs, and the quality of this one is sub-par.

So instead of giving an option that would allow me to pay for what we wanted in the game at a reasonable price....they gave us this F2P system. You end up paying MORE for the F2P way of unlocking WZs, gear restricts, hotbars, etc...

It's a slap in the fact to returning customers. They advertised you'd be able to choose your payment options, and how to unlock the galaxy, the fact is you either subscribe or pay more than a subscription(for just a fraction of the game).

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All I hear from new players is about how restricted the game is. No new content was added. Same Grind all the time. I realized many of the people returning were already upset with the game before, and even if they had added a carnival of new content these same people would not have been happy. Still I wonder about the take for NEW players in the game have?




no new content was added???


Are you joking??

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no new content was added???


Are you joking??

Not a single PvP update in over 6 months.....it's still called "Pre-season" ffs.

Just one operation in 6 months.....

A companion.

A cash shop to milk you dry.


The content updates have been so slim the past 6 months.

I resubbed a week ago, after a 4 month long break....in that 4 month span NOTHING changed at all. Actually there were some bugs where there weren't bugs before.

Edited by Synxos
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I was very upset with the game when I quit. Very, VERY upset, and now that I hear all these things about the F2P...

I was so close to downloading the game and playing it once again, but this? No freaking way. Never, ever going back now.

This game can die, I couldn't care less. 3 years of waiting for this piece of garbage that is being ruined day after day by the developers. They can't even make 1 simple beneficial decision here, it's like they are sabotaging the game from the very beginning. All the way from choosing the Graphic Engine, to making the F2P so restrictive and annoying that they deserve to be jobless after this.


Go away.

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I really dont like the F2P.




-Its taking me alot longer to level my alts now, It seems that every quest has 3 or 4 people camping the locations


- general chat is now controlled by 12yrs ,


- game lag



I just resubbed last month after taking sometime off,, but I will not be renewing at this point


- Start a group. Invite people that are camping so you both benefit. Quit being anti-social. Also keep in mind, Objective first, then kill mobs.


- I have news for you, it's not 12 year olds. Quite a few of these are considered, legally, adults.


- Get a better PC and/or Connection.

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- Start a group. Invite people that are camping so you both benefit. Quit being anti-social. Also keep in mind, Objective first, then kill mobs.


- I have news for you, it's not 12 year olds. Quite a few of these are considered, legally, adults.


- Get a better PC and/or Connection.


-I cant force those people to group, And they don't want to from my xp


-I had total of 3 people on ignore before F2P, That's from over 6 weeks of playing my new character, Since F2P its

almost full page, I cant count how many times I saw F__K Y__ in general chat last 3 days.


Like I said I'm not happy and I wont renew at this point..

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-I had total of 3 people on ignore before F2P, That's from over 6 weeks of playing my new character, Since F2P its

almost full page, I cant count how many times I saw F__K Y__ in general chat last 3 days.



Ever heard of confirmation bias?

You think F2Pers are annoying, so you're on the lookout for any bad behavior.....when in fact the behavior was always going on in chat, you just weren't looking out for it.

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I was very upset with the game when I quit. Very, VERY upset, and now that I hear all these things about the F2P...

I was so close to downloading the game and playing it once again, but this? No freaking way. Never, ever going back now.

This game can die, I couldn't care less. 3 years of waiting for this piece of garbage that is being ruined day after day by the developers. They can't even make 1 simple beneficial decision here, it's like they are sabotaging the game from the very beginning. All the way from choosing the Graphic Engine, to making the F2P so restrictive and annoying that they deserve to be jobless after this.


And others like me and my wife enjoy this game deeply. My wife can't play often so FTP is perfect. I sub and love it. You don't. To you it is garbage. To me it is the most fun I have ever had with an mmo.

I honestly wish you the best of luck in finding a game that you enjoy as much as I enjoy swtor.

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And others like me and my wife enjoy this game deeply. My wife can't play often so FTP is perfect. I sub and love it. You don't. To you it is garbage. To me it is the most fun I have ever had with an mmo.

I honestly wish you the best of luck in finding a game that you enjoy as much as I enjoy swtor.


I am in the same exact boat as you. My wife was happy to hear that she could play this without really having to sub. She wants to play something like a single player game, but alongside me.

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well, if the game fail because people don't play then its a failed project! from 2 mil to number below 400k if not less than that and instead of giving people motivation to play and try the game, they just Piss them off and take them for being morons, they call it free to play yet you have to buy UI to be able to play it! if you say this game need to make money then they have to deliver something worth buying or wasting time on!


so they rushed the game and messed up the release farmed the money and messed up the "FTP", what do you think gonna happen?


i don't find something to describe what is happening other than

yeah Slow death :(


New players don't even know that you can get more than 2 bars. You also don't need more than 2 bars to level.


People complaining about the bars are returning players.

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no dought playing the main quest and flashpoints that were created by Bioware prior to going to f2p are really bloody good and that people can play it without paying a cent with some restriction is fantastic as well. New players are getting a bargain and I guess that is a huge area for Bioware. But existing or returning players are not getting a lot from Bioware and that is after a nearly a year of false promises.


I re-subbed so I could get my cartel points from Bioware. The store is well designed but a lot of content is just recolored rehashed items unless it is in the gambling boxes (which I object to greatly - but that is a nothing post)


The problem I am having is prior to going to f2p there was a lot of promises on new content and some content that sounded really great, but besides HK quest line it is no were in sight.


Bioware promised new content every 6 weeks and I personally don't think they have met this promise nor did I expect they would. They really need to get on a regular content schedule. But for me I will keep playing this month I have payed for, but unless we here solid plans about the future and what his happening I won't be re-subbing. Not saying I won't be back, just will wait until they expand this game a lot more..

Edited by Aus_Jedi
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