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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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I'm a sub, but I still find some of the restrictions strange. The core UI, ie: 4 quickbars and the layout editing should be part of what you get as F2P. Subs get the extra 2 bars and F2P could buy them in the market.

Rather than weekend passes, perhaps the flashpoints, OPs, etc could have individual monthly unlock passes. Prices to the point that if you want more then 1 you might as well be a sub. Maybe 2 passes costs the same as a monthly sub, or slightly less. That would entice the F2Per to think "Hrm, I could buy both of these passes so I can run OPs with my guildies and do some HM FPs to gear up... but then I'm paying as much as a sub and they get even more."


I'm just saying... do not make these kinds of decisions in isolation from the common player.


Regardless, as has been said this is now Day 2 of F2P. We might see patches that add the 3rd and 4th quickbars back, the passes might become monthly, changes will almost certainly be made to the structure once the soulless bean-counters/marketers/executards start seeing "Metrics" and "Financial Risk Assessment pie-charts".

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So subs just keep on funding the game for F2P, whilst F2P enjoy all the benefits that a sub provides, full access to the 1-50 story, full access to all current WZs, FPs and OPs....and the subs just have to sit there in the hope the they will receive some value out of future content?


You are right, PVE and PVP ARE the biggest points about any MMORPG. Therefore, try the game, by all means enjoy the F2P option to the max and if you enjoy the game and want access to the entire MMORPG that is SW:TOR then support it financially?




No, Free players fund the game too.


I think the current model is more discouraging though, you are basically paying for time.


If the model is to only encourage subs then I don't see how it can work. Other F2P games are made so that free players can enjoy the game to their hearts content but that certain things will make the game better. This model actually just feels like "Sub for the game or suffer the consequences."


The point I've been saying is...F2P is pretty much the standard now and other games do it better. It's not about Free players wanting everything for free, it's that there are alternatives and is this game going to draw those players from their other free games? Is it going to keep them for when other F2P games pop up?


The F2P market is not some unlimited thing. There will not be a unlimited flow of players to go around just because it is free.

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People keep using the "nickel and dime" phrase like it's a bad thing, but they forget: THAT'S ALL YOU ARE WORTH TO THIS GAME NOW.


You don't want to pay a paltry $15/month (I really do laugh at people who suggest that only rich fat kids have $15/month available) so the only value you have to the business that provides this game, a business that MUST EARN MONEY to STAY in business, is your nickels and dimes. If you aren't willing to pay nickels and dimes, then you really really should go. You can't afford this game and this game certainly can't afford you.


As a subscriber, I don't mind that F2P players get access to the main part of the game - the planets and character stories. I wouldn't even mind if they got one extra toolbar. But I see people here suggesting FULL access to warzones and FP's, unify color, hide head slot... I say NO! I pay a SUBSCRIPTION FOR THOSE THINGS.


So cough up some nickels and dimes to get the access and convenience (head slot is CONVENIENCE) that you want and keep the game solvent. You are not entitled to anything more.


But boy, do people feel entitled.


$15/mo isn't paultry, it works out to $180 a year, and that doesn't include the price we paid just to buy the game in the first place. Can anyone say with a straight face we've seen $180 worth of content since launch?


Now if you would have actually read my post, I made it perfectly clear I don't mind paying for things I want and will use. (gear, additional content, etc.), but I refuse to pay again for something I already bought when I purchased the DDE pre-launch, and that includes action bars and the titles I unlocked. And why should I pay for something every other F2P game gives away?

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The two restrictions keeping me from returning for F2P are the hotbar restrictions and the two characters per server for preferred members. I logged in and just said to myself "no way" am I going through this hassle of two hotbars.

While I do think the way they present the 'hot bar entry fee' is not well thought out (that is, they should have figured out the purpose for these various unlocks and packaged them to appeal to the F2P player better), if you had 4 tool bars what would you be spending money on in this game?

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FPs you still get. Ops are end game and honestly, if you're serious about end game, you shouldn't be playing F2P anyway.


What I read was for FPs that they are limiting rolls on loot to 3 bosses or something per week. I don't remember, I read it and logged off tbh.


If it is true that FPs are completely free, that will be a lot better imo.

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The two restrictions keeping me from returning for F2P are the hotbar restrictions and the two characters per server for preferred members. I logged in and just said to myself "no way" am I going through this hassle of two hotbars.


Even though you would not feel any pain from a lack of toolbars until you hit level 50 / endgame?


/nicetry :)



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Threads like this are why people hate F2P games and also F2P players. Give them an inch, they want a mile. They are never happy and even if they got extra QBs (for free, because the cheapskates could buy the extra ones right now and be done with it), they'd want to post more items to the GTN for free. Then they'd want all of the Crew skills for free, etc, etc.



F2Pers are never satisfied. They take the word "free" way too literally and want everything for free.

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You get TWO bars. All of your necessary combat abilities will fit on two bars even at level 50. If you want the convenience of an extra bar, pay 350 CC and be done with it.


On my level 25 agent, I'm already feeling the sting of being limited to two bars. That's twelve skills I'm limited to, I could just pick the very best skills I have, and play at a level so far below optimum that it's not funny, or I could just go play DCUO, a game that doesn't slap me in the face for daring to play it for free.


And ultimately, that's what it comes down to. F2P is not a new thing. Heck, MMOs are coming out F2P out of the gate as a better way of marketing it. F2P isn't as easy as "here's your half a game, pay for the rest" anymore, because now there are other options. "Why play this substandard F2P game when I can play one of the other dozens that are actually fun?"


I'm all for buying things in F2P games. I've bought all the DLC in DCUO, I've spent more than I care to admit on League of Legends, and I've also spent a good bit of money on Champions.


The thing they all have in common was that I was paying to make a fun game MORE fun. I wasn't paying to make a bad game LESS bad.


You are still forgetting what dcuo do to there subs, if you end your sub you lose all the dlc unless you pay there cash store for the dlc


You're right, I did forget, but I've purchased all the DLC (except the shield, because honestly, it's a shield. I like cap and all, but come on), so I always have access to them. :D

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What I read was for FPs that they are limiting rolls on loot to 3 bosses or something per week. I don't remember, I read it and logged off tbh.


If it is true that FPs are completely free, that will be a lot better imo.



I believe it's three FPs and three "need" rolls. Which is actually awesome. It prevents F2Pers from need rolling on everything that drops. They will only roll on things they can use.

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$15/mo isn't paultry, it works out to $180 a year, and that doesn't include the price we paid just to buy the game in the first place. Can anyone say with a straight face we've seen $180 worth of content since launch?


Now if you would have actually read my post, I made it perfectly clear I don't mind paying for things I want and will use. (gear, additional content, etc.), but I refuse to pay again for something I already bought when I purchased the DDE pre-launch, and that includes action bars and the titles I unlocked. And why should I pay for something every other F2P game gives away?




It's not about entitlement, not about wanting stuff for free. It's about competition. A lot of other games have better models.

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I'll repeat what I said elsewhere: you'd make more money without the harsher restrictions, because the CC Shop is good.


It's the only Cash shop I've seen with stuff that' actually worth buying. With just a few less stringent limitations (the Quickbars being the most important of these), you'd have far more players having such a good experience in the game they'd be tempted to buy some of this stuff. Add to this the fact that much of the CC Shop stuff is unusable to F2Pers anyways, and I think it's clear you'd see greater revenues by easing a thing here or there.

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On my level 25 agent, I'm already feeling the sting of being limited to two bars. That's twelve skills I'm limited to, I could just pick the very best skills I have, and play at a level so far below optimum that it's not funny, or I could just go play DCUO, a game that doesn't slap me in the face for daring to play it for free.


And ultimately, that's what it comes down to. F2P is not a new thing. Heck, MMOs are coming out F2P out of the gate as a better way of marketing it. F2P isn't as easy as "here's your half a game, pay for the rest" anymore, because now there are other options. "Why play this substandard F2P game when I can play one of the other dozens that are actually fun?"


I'm all for buying things in F2P games. I've bought all the DLC in DCUO, I've spent more than I care to admit on League of Legends, and I've also spent a good bit of money on Champions.


The thing they all have in common was that I was paying to make a fun game MORE fun. I wasn't paying to make a bad game LESS bad.




You're right, I did forget, but I've purchased all the DLC (except the shield, because honestly, it's a shield. I like cap and all, but come on), so I always have access to them. :D



Actually, two bars = 24 abilities. That's plenty for combat abilities. if you want a hotkey for your speeder, spend the CC. And if you think this game is bad, why waste your time?

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but I refuse to pay again for something I already bought when I purchased the DDE pre-launch
You have everything that that purchase gave you: the ability to pay $15 a month subscription. F2P is a new option that does not require buying a box. Don't like it? Don't use it. You paid for the box to be a subscriber, keep subscribing. (Besides, that box, DDE and however many months of subs probably got you 2000+ complimentary CC to buy those unlocks you are missing when you cancel your sub and still get to play).
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I believe it's three FPs and three "need" rolls. Which is actually awesome. It prevents F2Pers from need rolling on everything that drops. They will only roll on things they can use.


If this is true then it's much better. I read http://www.swtor.com/buy there that it says full rewards from 3 FPs though. Guess i'll have to look into it more. FPs really should be free, at least some of them should. People want to play with each other, even if it's just running the same FP over and over again let them do that. They are investing time in the game and that will mean they will throw money at it.


Gw2 has the best model. Pay once and get everything else and never have to pay again....yet people do. You see a bunch of people in cosmetic items because they invest so much time into the game why not?

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see when you make your free to play so unplayable it doesnt make you wana go "HMM i better pay for it" you will just get pissed off and go to a much better game, which any game would be better at this point. good for you if you like SWTOR but it is now a minority to like swtor now, alot of people have been screwed over by bioware/EA with this. they closed down a better star wars MMO, star wars galaxies, sure it didnt have the graphic's swtor does but in the long run it means nothing, a game that was made back in 2003ish was about to trump a game that came out in 2012? pathetic, star wars galaxies lasted 8 years never went free to play. look at most of the games that go free to play, dead or gone, DCU is about to close, city of hero's did close, and countless others are dead due to f2p. it doesnt bring paying subscribers it brings free loader's and limiting the free to play doesnt make them wana pay to play, they go to a different game, it's good if you like swtor not telling you "YOU must hate this NOW" my problem is with fan boy's who are not mature to hear someone downing their game.
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Actually, two bars = 24 abilities. That's plenty for combat abilities. if you want a hotkey for your speeder, spend the CC. And if you think this game is bad, why waste your time?


Well, thanks for that. I was assuming the two bars were the 12 abilities.

The + icon was giving me "unlock additional bars" and not actually expanding, so that's where I thought the limit came from.


I did not think to click extended bars to get the extra 12.


I've certainly got egg on my face!:w_frown:

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Even though you would not feel any pain from a lack of toolbars until you hit level 50 / endgame?


/nicetry :)




I started using the side hotbars around level 30.


There's no way in hell I'm paying $5 per hotbar or whatever it is.


I would pay for extra character slots to try all eight classes, but starting with just 2 slots even when I bought the game on preorder? That's a bit too much.

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see when you make your free to play so unplayable it doesnt make you wana go "HMM i better pay for it" you will just get pissed off and go to a much better game, which any game would be better at this point. good for you if you like SWTOR but it is now a minority to like swtor now, alot of people have been screwed over by bioware/EA with this. they closed down a better star wars MMO, star wars galaxies, sure it didnt have the graphic's swtor does but in the long run it means nothing, a game that was made back in 2003ish was about to trump a game that came out in 2012? pathetic, star wars galaxies lasted 8 years never went free to play. look at most of the games that go free to play, dead or gone, DCU is about to close, city of hero's did close, and countless others are dead due to f2p. it doesnt bring paying subscribers it brings free loader's and limiting the free to play doesnt make them wana pay to play, they go to a different game, it's good if you like swtor not telling you "YOU must hate this NOW" my problem is with fan boy's who are not mature to hear someone downing their game.


-Bashes fanboys

-Praises a failed MMO (galaxies)



Edited by Codek
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While I do think the way they present the 'hot bar entry fee' is not well thought out (that is, they should have figured out the purpose for these various unlocks and packaged them to appeal to the F2P player better), if you had 4 tool bars what would you be spending money on in this game?



I quit before the first month ended, right after the Ilum debacle. They didn't have a group finder tool. If as a F2Per I enjoyed the runs when using the group finder, I could see where I might actually subscribe for a while. I would 100% subscribe if they added fun, free roaming, multiplayer space missions.


I could see myself buying character slots. But being limited to two per server is overly strict for me personally. I have a level 50 and my first alt is lvl 35. They both NEED the extra hotbars. I wouldn't bother trying an instance in the group finder if all of my buffs and medpacks aren't hotkeyed.


I haven't looked greatly at the store because of the two limitations I mentioned. They are my personal barrier to entry. I'm going to play some other games for a while and pray that BW loosens up on their hotbar restrictions.

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Threads like this are why people hate F2P games and also F2P players. Give them an inch, they want a mile. They are never happy and even if they got extra QBs (for free, because the cheapskates could buy the extra ones right now and be done with it), they'd want to post more items to the GTN for free. Then they'd want all of the Crew skills for free, etc, etc.



F2Pers are never satisfied. They take the word "free" way too literally and want everything for free.



1. i brought $30 worth of stuff yesterday and i will spend more today when i get paid. i believe im not "cheapskate".

2. wanting a the basic UI e.g. quickbars, is wanting a mile? lol think again



this "f2p players is parasites" attitude is really stupid man. there ARE f2p players who do support this game(perhaps more than 15 dollars per month). wanting the basic quickbars isnt bad, in fact it is the least the game could do. there are sooo many things BW/EA could tax f2p players for, but instead they went with the worst one , the UI. now you may say "why dont you buy a sub and be done with this?" now i could buy a sub (i definitely have more cash than enough to do so),but my personal life is really hectic,so much so that the f2p or preferred model is great for me.i can play the storyline, throw a few cash here and there for vanity stuff or exp pack boosters, FP, WZ or OP passes, it is great. i (and im sure other f2p payers) dont appreciate being treated like we are lepers or peasents. just because you pay 15 dollar per month doesnt make you more better than me or anyone else.if you think it does, well this game wouldnt gone f2p if BW/EA think subs was enough


get off your high horse

Edited by astrobearz
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All of the people that dumped their account as soon as it went F2P are just trying to bully EAware into giving them more free stuff. They're using the remainder of their forum time to try to accomplish this. Very sneaky F2Pers, very sneaky in deed.


Actually i think you are exactly right sir. but they do not want to hear that.


Yep. What we have here is a classic tug of war between a company that wants to maximize a profit , and customers who want to get as much as possible for as little as possible.

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If this is true then it's much better. I read http://www.swtor.com/buy there that it says full rewards from 3 FPs though. Guess i'll have to look into it more. FPs really should be free, at least some of them should. People want to play with each other, even if it's just running the same FP over and over again let them do that. They are investing time in the game and that will mean they will throw money at it.


Gw2 has the best model. Pay once and get everything else and never have to pay again....yet people do. You see a bunch of people in cosmetic items because they invest so much time into the game why not?


Wrong link, I meant this...



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