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Everything posted by Edmund

  1. Well, thanks for that. I was assuming the two bars were the 12 abilities. The + icon was giving me "unlock additional bars" and not actually expanding, so that's where I thought the limit came from. I did not think to click extended bars to get the extra 12. I've certainly got egg on my face!
  2. On my level 25 agent, I'm already feeling the sting of being limited to two bars. That's twelve skills I'm limited to, I could just pick the very best skills I have, and play at a level so far below optimum that it's not funny, or I could just go play DCUO, a game that doesn't slap me in the face for daring to play it for free. And ultimately, that's what it comes down to. F2P is not a new thing. Heck, MMOs are coming out F2P out of the gate as a better way of marketing it. F2P isn't as easy as "here's your half a game, pay for the rest" anymore, because now there are other options. "Why play this substandard F2P game when I can play one of the other dozens that are actually fun?" I'm all for buying things in F2P games. I've bought all the DLC in DCUO, I've spent more than I care to admit on League of Legends, and I've also spent a good bit of money on Champions. The thing they all have in common was that I was paying to make a fun game MORE fun. I wasn't paying to make a bad game LESS bad. You're right, I did forget, but I've purchased all the DLC (except the shield, because honestly, it's a shield. I like cap and all, but come on), so I always have access to them.
  3. I am a returning player, and I guess I'll chime in. The UI limits are terrible. Being restricted to one quickbar destroys the game for a lot of reasons. It makes the game close to unplayable, since you're losing out on a ton of your skills in combat, and honestly, just wrecks the entire feel of the game. Combat feels terrible when you're always aware that you have a hundred other skills that you CAN'T use. And before someone says "Well you're playing for FREE! who cares?!", the thing is, you don't see this in other F2P mmos. DCUO's gotten a ton of money from me purely because I can play it F2P without feeling like the developers hate me. F2P is about providing a fun experience, while dangling the carrot of "This is fun, but it could be BETTER if you buy this or subscribe", DCUO does it wonderfully, SWTOR doesn't. Instead of providing a fun experience that, at it's core, advertises the rest of the game, it's just a gutted mess. There's no "This is fun, but it could be better", it's just "this is the crap you get for not paying. Play it, or don't. We don't care." On the subject of legacies and titles, I'm not sure it really bothers me, but it sure does feel great to come back to the game, and see everything I've done is locked out. And missing out on Unify Colors doesn't really bother me. When I unsubscribed, it was around the time Bioware decided to add the feature back in after removing it for no reason, so I got used to working around not having it, so I guess I can live. On the plus side, the forum emoticons are still amazing, so that's good. They may take our quickbars, but they'll never take away... OUR COOL WOOKIES!!
  4. Can someone explain this to me? Why the heck would you lie about getting banned from a game on the forums? I've seen it a couple of times on these forums, and it just flabbergasts me. What's the point? What are you trying to accomplish by fibbing about getting banned? A lot of complaint threads are trying to get bioware to actually fix the problems in the game, but lying about getting banned/warned doesn't do that. It just stirs up ****. I just don't get it.
  5. They're light armor so all classes can wear them.
  6. I'd rather see the people that abused it punished, not entire servers rolled back. It's selfish, but I don't want to lose a day of playing when I already don't have a lot of time to play to begin with.
  7. I just want to know why you'd actually lie about getting banned. It just seems so pointless to me.
  8. Why would you willingly watch an Angry Joe review? Not trying to cause any problems, just... why?
  9. I don't expect Bioware to release a totally bug free game. I do expect them to fix a lot of glaring bugs that are still in the game since beta, ESPECIALLY when I know I and several other people reported them.
  10. I feel for you OP. I know i'd be furious if I was in a situation where I consistently lose play time because maintenance schedule is based on a different time zone in a different country. I'm not really sure how bioware can change it though. SWTOR.com goes down with every maintenance period, so it's not like they can do different maintenance times for different regions.
  11. I'd like to see them to fix the glitch that stops the reverse engineering button from showing up until you go to a vendor. Really minor, but really annoying, and it saddens me that bioware didn't fix it. It's been in the game for ages, since way back in the beta.
  12. We just need to make sure bioware hears our complaints I guess. They brought back the grace period after everyone complained about it, maybe they'll give us server forums.
  13. Well, Bioware WAS talking about adding in an option to change Advance Class really early on just for situations like this. I don't know why it never happened, but they really should have something for the people that pick the wrong AC on accident, or get an immediate change of heart.
  14. I'm not sure why people are jumping on the OP. He spent $150 for the CE, and a pass into the CE vendor costs 1,000,000 credits. There should be some pretty swag stuff in there, even if it's just cosmetic.
  15. Leveling is a bit on the fast side, I'll admit, but power levels are going to power level. Nothing bioware can do about it.
  16. Yeah, I'd like character transfer, just so I can jump to a different server and finally group up for BT.
  17. I picked Wall of Light when I got in yesterday, because it was light, and I was hearing horror stories about long queue times and now I'm kind of regretting it. Imperial Fleet had nine people before I logged off. Hutta never went over triple digits. Everything is just quiet and kind of empty. Anyone else having this problem? Are the other servers that aren't full like this?
  18. I agree. Why try to improve and make your launch different when you can just take the lazy route and say "Well, every other launch has this problem too, so who cares!"
  19. Join dates don't mean nothing, ya goofball. Bioware handled this terribly.
  20. I pre-ordered November 5th, didn't get my code until Dec 9th, and I still haven't gotten my invite. And there are a lot of people in the same boat as me. There's no way I'll say EGA was handled brilliantly.
  21. I got a lot more impatient as I started to get older. I don't have huge piles of free time anymore, so I hate hate HATE getting hung up on silly stuff.
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