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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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Grammar and capitalization are your friends. :) I think SWTOR is a great game and definitely worth a sub. I just think BW needs to show people that and not make it seem like a restrictive POS. Give people the quick bars and give them QT.


And also give the previous people who invested in the game their CP too.


Founder here, subbed for all but 2 months...but to get the CP I have to sub?


That's like waking up on Christmas morning but then finding out I can't open my gifts without paying $15 first. What is that?

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And tbh this game can live for years. Look at ff11 its still alive and still have a lot players that is willing to pay the $12 per month to play that game


They could even take the Final Fantasy XIV route and completely redesign the game on a new engine. Introduce a 6 minute cinematic showing the destruction of the galaxy. Actually, with them currently using the Hero Engine, they should do this.

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And also give the previous people who invested in the game their CP too.


Founder here, subbed for all but 2 months...but to get the CP I have to sub?


That's like waking up on Christmas morning but then finding out I can't open my gifts without paying $15 first. What is that?


You get the cc for the 2 mohtn sub

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They could even take the Final Fantasy XIV route and completely redesign the game on a new engine. Introduce a 6 minute cinematic showing the destruction of the galaxy. Actually, with them currently using the Hero Engine, they should do this.


Ik they could but I dont see it happening. I just want new stuff like they said every 6 weeks

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Unfortunately history, market records, investor reports and general market knowledge with respect to F2P stands in opposition to your contention that claiming F2P generates revenue is not a smart position to take.


Now, you could argue the current model Bioware is using will not meet with success, but I think to argue that F2P systems do not generate considerable revenue is silly, considering the evidence that exists, including some cases where F2P revenue far exceeded subscription revenue.


free to play does nto bring money! it is the online store, think about it. free to play is just a ploy for you too see the market item's and most of the **** they are selling u can loot and get already ingame so why spend 10 bucks on a outfit u can craft already? what game then do i think did free to play right? 2 of them DCUO and runescape. these two mmo did free to play very well. made free to play not as limiting like this system and still runescape has been up for like what? 20 years or less? that is success and it is constantly being upgraded due to its loyal fan base, this game's fan base will stab you in the back murder your kids beat your wife to death over a shiny easy to get crafting supply ( a bit over exaggeration but you get my point) but my other first point is free to play it's self brings no money in. the cartel store will but as i said they are selling you stuff u can get for free inside the game if u put like 5 mins into doing that mission as the right class. if they would just give subber's something they didnt already have before f2p then why pay for this game? no better question is why play this game? because it is the only star wars MMO... that is the answer i get from almost everyone i ask. this is sad when most of your player base is only playing because your the only star wars MMO out there.

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I'm asking this honestly... $15 is too much for this game? To me it's an amazing value given the content and quality. It's a really well produced product.


How is $15/month a deal breaker? In order to even play the game you need:


1.) A computer good enough to play the game.

2.) Access to the Internet

3.) Electricity

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Grammar and capitalization are your friends. :) I think SWTOR is a great game and definitely worth a sub. I just think BW needs to show people that and not make it seem like a restrictive POS. Give people the quick bars and give them QT.


a grammar troll i see? who gives a crap about grammar in a game's forum page, unless im a bioware employee that has not been fired or "laid off" yet then it matters not good sir

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I'm asking this honestly... $15 is too much for this game? To me it's an amazing value given the content and quality. It's a really well produced product.


How is $15/month a deal breaker? In order to even play the game you need:


1.) A computer good enough to play the game.

2.) Access to the Internet

3.) Electricity


nice i see your into star wars galaxies and the SWG EMU as well. you sir gain +100 companion points

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I'm asking this honestly... $15 is too much for this game? To me it's an amazing value given the content and quality. It's a really well produced product.


How is $15/month a deal breaker? In order to even play the game you need:


1.) A computer good enough to play the game.

2.) Access to the Internet

3.) Electricity


You can't reason with the Occupy SWTOR crowd. Welcome to the 2%! :D


Just remember we don't allow "tent cities" on Vaiken Spacedock! *montions towards imperial security and points at an OSC setting up tents*

Edited by Urael
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You can't reason with the Occupy SWTOR crowd. Welcome to the 2%! :D


Just remember we don't allow "tent cities" on Vaiken Spacedock! *montions towards imperial security and points at and OSC setting up tents*


**** You my friend just make me spit my water out my mouth that I was drinking at my screen reading this :eek:

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a grammar troll i see? who gives a crap about grammar in a game's forum page, unless im a bioware employee that has not been fired or "laid off" yet then it matters not good sir


Okay try this, if you hate this game so much (which you clearly do, i've looked through your post history and I see nothing but hate posts since you signed up to these forums) leave. Your trollish and abusive posts shouldn't be tollerated here imo, and i'm rather suprised that a mod has never come down on you for it.

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Okay try this, if you hate this game so much (which you clearly do, i've looked through your post history and I see nothing but hate posts since you signed up to these forums) leave. Your trollish and abusive posts shouldn't be tollerated here imo, and i'm rather suprised that a mod has never come down on you for it.


Lesson Number One: Listen to OMEGAlomaniac

Once you accept your WoW fanboiness, in your heart you will know peace.

Edited by KnighteStar
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free to play does nto bring money! it is the online store, think about it. free to play is just a ploy for you too see the market item's and most of the **** they are selling u can loot and get already ingame so why spend 10 bucks on a outfit u can craft already? what game then do i think did free to play right? 2 of them DCUO and runescape. these two mmo did free to play very well. made free to play not as limiting like this system and still runescape has been up for like what? 20 years or less? that is success and it is constantly being upgraded due to its loyal fan base, this game's fan base will stab you in the back murder your kids beat your wife to death over a shiny easy to get crafting supply ( a bit over exaggeration but you get my point) but my other first point is free to play it's self brings no money in. the cartel store will but as i said they are selling you stuff u can get for free inside the game if u put like 5 mins into doing that mission as the right class. if they would just give subber's something they didnt already have before f2p then why pay for this game? no better question is why play this game? because it is the only star wars MMO... that is the answer i get from almost everyone i ask. this is sad when most of your player base is only playing because your the only star wars MMO out there.


Ah, I see the point you are making...F2P is not the direct revenue source because it earns 0 revenue in and of itself...it is the cash shop that follows that earns the revenue. Well, I can't dispute that, but isnt that semantics?


And remember, Im not stating your opinion is silly if you contend the current system in place will not work. You are certainly entitled to that viewpoint, and success or failure at this point is anyones guess.

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I'm asking this honestly... $15 is too much for this game? To me it's an amazing value given the content and quality. It's a really well produced product.


How is $15/month a deal breaker?

It is a psychological barrier. Some people don't like the commitment, paying up front and not sure if they will use the service. Some people don't like that when they stop paying they lose all access to a game they bought or have invested in. Keep in mind that the typical game is purchased and owned.


(I just wrote a wall of text I will instead try to get the point of across in this example)


I bought this game and played it heavily for the first month. I got to 50 and thought, for $15 a month, this is a pretty fun game with an interesting story, I could play through the other seven classes and get my money's worth. Well, 8 months later I finally started to work on my second class story but I paid a sub that whole time, always thinking I'd get back in to the game. There were times I'd feel like I was, but then would lapse into long periods of inactivity.


While for me, having that $15 charged to my credit card each month was not that big of a deal, there are plenty of people who just don't want to be in that situation where they are paying for something they don't end up using. Similarly, there are a lot of people who might only really play once or twice a month, so $15 is not 50 cents a day, but as F2P can be persuaded to spend some cash on things they feel they get to keep or enhance that time played.

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if it was up to me I would put a 1 op per week restriction, unlimited Tier 1 flashpoint access, unlimited unranked WZ access


need to purchase artifact quality cert.


Think about this though. If they unlocked all WZ, FP, etc., why would subscribers need to pay any more? It would be the death of the game if they did that. The F2Pers would be getting the endgame gear without having paid anything. Some of us paid to grind out gear on those FP's and to have a freeloading player just come in and grab gear that we spent time grinding for is nonsense.


Sorry. I think the current F2P model is as close to perfect as we will get(minus the quickbars). If you're not subbing, youre missing out. 15 dollars a month is NOTHING, unless youre a teenager who spends his life on PS3 and thinks everything should be free.

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I'm asking this honestly... $15 is too much for this game? To me it's an amazing value given the content and quality. It's a really well produced product.


How is $15/month a deal breaker? In order to even play the game you need:


1.) A computer good enough to play the game.

2.) Access to the Internet

3.) Electricity


Because other games might offer more at the same price. My guess would be some folks felt it was not a good value, not worth the 15 dollar fee.


I don't think its that much of a stretch to contend that some people just didnt think the game was worth the money. But if your asking, in my opinion that would be why...not because 15 bucks is too much, but because 15 bucks was too much in this market for this game and what it offered for that price point.

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Well, as I mentioned earlier, I think it was a mistake to restrict returning players to 2 bars. The other items, like color match and the like would probably be tolerated, but the UI restrictions went a bit overboard IMO.


This is how I think it should have been.


F2P - 2 bars

Preferred - 4 bars

Sub - 6 bars


I also think they should have added a fourth tier for players that have purchased the game in the past and paid for at least three months sub. I will not list the added perks I suggested since I have stated them many times.


I really feel this is the only flaw to the setup. It has been universally denounced, as far as I can see, across the net as far too restrictive. It seems limiting the UI for returning players at least was going a bit too far.


I fully agree with you! :)

Limiting important UI functions was the one thing that really upset me as a returning player.

I wasn't even at maxlvl when I quit, but I found it really difficult to just do my (class-)quests with two bars. Already now there are too many skills that you want to have on your bars, then add consumables, mounts, stances and you find yourself struggling for space easily. I'm fine with paying for the 5th and 6th bar, should I find the need for them.


I was really expecting this to be playable without an issue if you just wanted to do your classquests and the cashshop being there for cosmetics, convenience, boosts, possible content unlocks if you really don't want to sub. DDO had a lot of content unlocks, which subs/VIPs get for free I believe and games like League of Legends have a very successful f2p model too which consists mainly of cosmetic stuff, boosts with some transfers, namechanges.

I believe the cartelpacks are the biggest sellers right now, so that should show BW something.


The cosmetic options being locked are fine and the reduced experience is probably even helpful, since I found myself outleveling planets in the past before even going for any bonus missions. But the mentioned UI limitations and to some extent the locked rewards(mostly the lockboxes, which are the only reward for some quests) are really something that shouldn't be there in my opinion.

I also found the artifact restriction applying to lower levels kinda annoying, especially since I had the luck to find a purple mod for my class with the right stats and I couldn't even use it. Always thought it was meant to restrict the use of highlvl raid-/pvpgear, not stuff that you can get from drops or the gtn.


This change was supposed to give players options if I remember right and let everyone taste what is great about SWTOR, but at the moment it seems a bit too limiting by some stupid decisions that were made(even as a preferred player, not to mention real f2p players).

Was looking forward to have the option to sub when I feel I can really use the time that I pay for and stay preferred with some possible small cc purchase sometimes without having too many limitations in the story, questing content(WZ, Flashpoints etc. restrictions are fine).


I considered resubbing even, since playing this game again was quite fun and I actually have the time to do so again, but I think I will wait till they sort out those issues hopefully.

Edited by LennethValky
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my opinion on all this.


The game feels alot like it was meant to be a Kotor 3 (single player) but then somebody thought hey now adays cash is made with MMOs. So not doing their homework they release a very poor MMO in a SW costume. In hope it will be enough for the fans. We know how that did go.


Now desperate to keep the game alive and dont want to admit that they failed, they turned the game f2p and again somebody didnt make their homework. We got a totally hilarious list of restrictions which even messes up the gameplay for subscribers. (will explain this) Limiting basic game functions like UI, hiding head gear, limiting crew skills, is a bit too much and we know it wont be changed, cuz it would mean they have to admit they failed yet again.


Now my explanation to limitations messing with subbers.


We have a subber, who wants to use the new flood of players to make some cash, so he starts crafting purple items. All fine and dandy he puts them on the GTN. But most of the new or returning F2p players cant buy them cuz they cant use them. We have a solution here, you can get an unlock for artifact items thats cool. But there is the other problem a F2P player only has 200k a returning player has 350K most artifact items cost atleast twice that much and there is no unlock item for that in the cartell shop. So our subber is prety much screwed cuz he cant sell as much as he wanted.


BW and EA have to understand that in a F2P model the cash is made with micro transaction and not by trying to force the player into a sub. Specially when there isnt much endgame content. So please dear devs. Put in more unlock features in the cartell shop. I am willing to pay for each one of those to get a full game experience. But they have to make sense, why should i unlock artifact items if i dont have enough cash to buy them??

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you need to understand the point... That is a P2W model, not F2P. ToR is attempting F2P but revealing a P2W model, this is the big issue here


Actually he was not telling the truth. You can unlock every single thing he said without paying a penny. You earn coins just by playing DDO and LoTRo and can use them to buy it. LoTRo was set up less forgiving than DDO but that is also why DDO, a far INFERIOR game to LoTRo is more successful not only with far more people playing it, but people spending money on the micro-transactions like buffs.


DDO is the only non full F2P game that has been a success near what the biggest F2P games are...Bioware failed to hit their target market yet again with this Pay Trap model.

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It just doesn't make sense to leave players out of things like Flashpoints, which require more than three runs due to drop rates. A restriction on that just sounds stupid, added with the fact that you cant use epics. As far as sprint goes, it should be available at lvl 1 regardless of sub or not, walking/running, is how the player gets around so being the only guy in a group or in general that has to wait till 15 is slightly vexing, again, its not game breaking as at lvl 15 is when you starting getting into things.



Crew Skills shouldn't even be a question, you don't leash the meat of the game, so far the F2P feels like I'm a horse with blinders. Yes I used to subb, and its just ridiculous how far the limitations go.

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FPs, OPs and WZs are their only gateable content (I'm talking actual content, not fluff), so they're going to be gated. Get used to it.


The things that shouldn't be gated are the things that no one is going to bother to pay for.


Seriously, who is really going to pay to Display their Title or their Legacy Name? Really, that's just stupid. And charging people to color match their outfits. That's just plain low. You sell these chest pieces that are obviously not going to match any standard armor sets in the game and then you gate the ability to color match? Lame. That's like Champions Online charging real money to use their Tailors in-game. Charge for Armor pieces and sets, fine, but don't charge just to match colors.


And BTW, the prices on the new per character Armor Sets... way too high. If these sets were account wide unlocks or even Legacy bound that might justify it, but on a per character basis bound to that character, I don't think so.



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