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Cartel Packs = Scratch and lose lottery.


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You guys do realize that for an item to be considered "rare" it needs to have a very low percentage of appearing in Cartel packs. Did you expect to get a super duper prize every time? If everyone got the meditation chair on their first pack how much money would be made? How "rare" would that item then be. I would assume that each pack has a set % of generating a rare item. Each pack will have its own individual percentage roll. It doesn't matter if you buy 10 packs, 100 packs or a 1000 packs. The % to get an item is fixed for each pack. If you choose to gamble your Cartel Coins then don't moan when you don't get the item you want. Rather, be smart about it and wait until people sell it in two days on the GTN. (For the record I got a nice speeder in the only pack I bought...lucky me.)


This.... /thread?

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Sorry they are weak.


Between the paid accounts in the family we opened about 10 Crime Lord Packs, and out of those most of it was duplicates of useless junk, in fact the vast majority was trash lewt, worth nothing really.


I believe everyone should be refunded their Cartel Coins for these idiot packs, and then they should post the items up on the cartel market for what they think is 'fair' for them.. These scratch and lose lottery systems are a joke, and no better than the Asian F2P ones that rip off people. Free2Play needs to be funded, but seriously you need to make the rewards for Cartel reasonable, and at least based on a higher percentage of success.


Right now this entire system is pretty failure in my view, and I immediately canceled 2 accounts after seeing how this was being handled.. Now we will milk the F2P system, and simply use our allotments each week and go play another game. EA dropped the ball on this one I think...


Wow i'm sorry to hear that. I mean assumptions were made but I know i personally thought it was gonna be similar to the way Valve does it with Team Fortress 2. All items / gear in locked boxes are useful but theres a small chance youll get a really really good item. Their boxes are actually numbered and when you float your mouse over them you can see which single item out of say 8 in that series of locked box you have a chance of getting.


I'm just gonna sit back and see how this cartel pack thing pans out :)

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Until Elder Scrolls Onine ads their gambling boxes too. :D


Look, you don't like the odds of the cartel packs, don't buy them. Wait a few weeks, you'll find all that crap on the auction house, probably increasingly cheaper as they flood the market.


its not a bad thing. It just depends on how the game dev uses it. This same thing has been done for yrs in other games. Whether you show what you have a chance of getting from a box / pack or not its gonna depend on the dev.


I mean if this is your first time seeing this it can leave a bad taste in your mouth ,but if you seen it , very successfully, before then you have a different opinon.

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Sorry they are weak.


Between the paid accounts in the family we opened about 10 Crime Lord Packs, and out of those most of it was duplicates of useless junk, in fact the vast majority was trash lewt, worth nothing really.


I believe everyone should be refunded their Cartel Coins for these idiot packs, and then they should post the items up on the cartel market for what they think is 'fair' for them.. These scratch and lose lottery systems are a joke, and no better than the Asian F2P ones that rip off people. Free2Play needs to be funded, but seriously you need to make the rewards for Cartel reasonable, and at least based on a higher percentage of success.


Right now this entire system is pretty failure in my view, and I immediately canceled 2 accounts after seeing how this was being handled.. Now we will milk the F2P system, and simply use our allotments each week and go play another game. EA dropped the ball on this one I think...


I'm sorry to say it BUT "We told you so".....(see my sig).


Those of us that have seen this before knew full well what a scam it is but we were heckled and trolled. Its sad but I feel a little bit of satisfaction at being proven right. Its just sad they have to resort to ripping people off, just put the items up for sale, dont gouge your playerbase EA!

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Can't lose if you don't scratch.


You choose to buy the item.

You choose to take the risk.

You are guaranteed nothing but randomness.


It is completely asinine to complain about this.


I have to disagree. It's completely asinine to buy some packs, then complain you didn't get what you want.


I don't feel asinine at all for complaining about the very mechanics by which these things work, since I'm completely abstaining. I'm somewhat morally torn about whether or not I should even buy some of these items off the GTN if/when they show up. While that (obviously) isn't gambling myself, it's still enabling/encouraging other people to waste their money gambling.


Thankfully, it seems like the only items I'm particularly interested in are "rubbish items", so I'm somewhat relieved that it's unlikely my buying them is going to encourage people to buy more boxes to get more of them.



Oh, and P.S. your chances of a "rare" are supposed to be 100% or 200%, depending on which pack you get. Problem is there are really way too few types of rares, so they end up being fairly common. You do (however) have a small chance of a super rare. (presumably one of your rares will be the super rare instead).


I'd have argued they should have had a much wider range of rares, even if many of them are simply different colored versions. 10 different colored versions of the loungewear, for instance. THEN make the "super rares" about as common as one of the loungewear, just that there is only 1 type of the "super rare".

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Who in the hell would piss away their coins to get 10 packs, hoping to get one or two items. You'd think after the first 5 of getting nothing, you'd stop. They have this thing in lottery advertisements about playing responsibly. Perhaps this applies here? If you're idiotic enough to buy 10 in a row, it's your fault. Not EA's.
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Sorry they are weak.


Between the paid accounts in the family we opened about 10 Crime Lord Packs, and out of those most of it was duplicates of useless junk, in fact the vast majority was trash lewt, worth nothing really.


I believe everyone should be refunded their Cartel Coins for these idiot packs, and then they should post the items up on the cartel market for what they think is 'fair' for them.. These scratch and lose lottery systems are a joke, and no better than the Asian F2P ones that rip off people. Free2Play needs to be funded, but seriously you need to make the rewards for Cartel reasonable, and at least based on a higher percentage of success.


Right now this entire system is pretty failure in my view, and I immediately canceled 2 accounts after seeing how this was being handled.. Now we will milk the F2P system, and simply use our allotments each week and go play another game. EA dropped the ball on this one I think...




Um you'll be able to buy most of the stuff on the Cartel Market off the GTN for credits... So go farm and less QQ

Edited by Nanglez
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I only wanted the throne to sell on gtn, I could care less about using it. I can guarantee that will sell for a lot atleast for the first couple weeks. Unfortunately rng sucks and I didn't get it. Oh well, I'm not about to blow hundreds of dollars to farm for a virtual item to acquire more virtual currency.
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Sorry they are weak.


Between the paid accounts in the family we opened about 10 Crime Lord Packs, and out of those most of it was duplicates of useless junk, in fact the vast majority was trash lewt, worth nothing really.


I believe everyone should be refunded their Cartel Coins for these idiot packs, and then they should post the items up on the cartel market for what they think is 'fair' for them.. These scratch and lose lottery systems are a joke, and no better than the Asian F2P ones that rip off people. Free2Play needs to be funded, but seriously you need to make the rewards for Cartel reasonable, and at least based on a higher percentage of success.


Right now this entire system is pretty failure in my view, and I immediately canceled 2 accounts after seeing how this was being handled.. Now we will milk the F2P system, and simply use our allotments each week and go play another game. EA dropped the ball on this one I think...


Well as They "Bw/EA" gave you those cartel coins which by the way they didn't have to do. They cost you nothing out of pocket I don't see the need for them to refund any one anything. You KNEW it was a gamble on them yet you bought them any way.


Don't blame BW/EA for the fact you didn't get the super rare you wanted. That is why the call them gamble boxes.

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As previous posters have said, and the site makes clear, it's a lottery - if you don't like, don't pay/play!I've used my subscriber coins to buy 4 packs, and am happy with what I got - a plus 47 endurance gem, two speeders (great for my alts), a fun invisible chest piece (orange)... Winners, losers, it's a game.


And I hope LOADS of people buy more coins: maybe it'll ensure that the game developers get paid!

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Sorry they are weak.


Between the paid accounts in the family we opened about 10 Crime Lord Packs, and out of those most of it was duplicates of useless junk, in fact the vast majority was trash lewt, worth nothing really.


I believe everyone should be refunded their Cartel Coins for these idiot packs, and then they should post the items up on the cartel market for what they think is 'fair' for them.. These scratch and lose lottery systems are a joke, and no better than the Asian F2P ones that rip off people. Free2Play needs to be funded, but seriously you need to make the rewards for Cartel reasonable, and at least based on a higher percentage of success.


Right now this entire system is pretty failure in my view, and I immediately canceled 2 accounts after seeing how this was being handled.. Now we will milk the F2P system, and simply use our allotments each week and go play another game. EA dropped the ball on this one I think...





What is really annoying me with it is that every item they tantalised us with in pre-F2P the only chance you have to get it is through a gambling box.


The stuff you can buy directly in the cartel shop is largely medioce.




I understand why they are doing this (it allows them to charge an average cartel coin amount per item much higher than anyone would pay if it was bought directly, because most people don't do the maths when gambling - this is how all lottery and chance based gambling works), but it is still basically gouging players from the start of F2P. :mad:

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So...you could...you know...Not buy packs with them????


I'm not really sure what people would spend their cartel coins on (gear-wise certainly), in the cartel shop.


Look at the stuff you can buy directly, with 1 or 2 exceptions it is pretty poor stuff.




Almost all the cooler stuff is in the gambling boxes, for the reasons already mentioned.

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I myself bought CE edition and am a active subscriber since wave 1. I got 2800 cartel points saved up, spent them all, nothing. Got mad and bought 11,000 more cartel points. Still nothing. I have had a lot of duplicates. I even opened a Crime Lord pack to find nothing but 10x nanosilk. Too bad I didnt screen shot it or I would ask for a refund. Seriouslly I did not think the Nihlius mask OR Overseeer throne would have this bad of odds. But enough of my QQing I have terrible luck so be it.


Funny thing is after opening 38 Crime Lords packs, I got quit a bit of "Useless" stuff saved up and on my server some of this garbage is actually worth A LOT of credits. I already have 50 listings in the GTN and have made 200k already within 6 hours and I still have about half a cargo hold of loot, most now waiting for the 2 day bind do be done. 8 Epic mounts, a bunch of pets, vanity items etc to go. Assuming I sell all this junk I estimate around 5-7 mil. I got 2 pink crystals that add 41 expertise, thing is you can use it at level 10. Very unfair advantage in the lowbie warzones dont you think? I expect these OP crystals to fetch very high dollar. Now the sucky part is due to all this inflation the economy will be finished. Buying credits from farmers is illegal for this very reason but now we can do it legally through bioware. Anyways since I never got my overseer throne I have unsubscribed, no point in rolling my final character.


glad this patch finally opened your eyes, I played since early access and stopped in march, only resubbed for the 1.5 hype and I can easily say this game is a complete waste of money and time.


this was the last chance swtor had.

Edited by tzagheru
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What is really annoying me with it is that every item they tantalised us with in pre-F2P the only chance you have to get it is through a gambling box.


No, you can also buy them off the GTN.


Not only can you get the items by only spending in-game credits, it also keeps the items somewhat rare, which is nice IMO, compared to if they were all just put up on the Cartel Market for everyone to purchase directly.

Edited by Trenter
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When you say you got nothing, is it just that you didn't get what you were hoping for?


Out of my packs, I walked away with several different speeders, Darth Malgus Holo, and a handful of Pink/Purple Crystals just to name a few off the top of my head. Yes, all from the 2800 free coins I received. Also forgot to add in the 4 or 5 pets.

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@TS: Your definition of nothing must be flawed. Guildies who opened these packs got numerous items out of them. Items which are now selling on GTN for 50k, 500k, 2~3 mill, and in case you're lucky enough to get the mask you can put it up for roughly 25~30 mill.


A lot more than nothing if you ask me. It appears more that you have a lack of appreciation for value of items.

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Yes bring in the Texas Lottery commission to regulate them,,LOL I don't think the idea is to buy them like crazy :eek: just once in awhile for a fun chance to get something, kinda like the scratch offs, nothing is a given when you take a chance, and nothing in those boxes are "NEEDED" to play the game, some people find that kinda stuff fun, there is whole city in the west built on chance /shrug



Im spending quite a few of my coins on the pack till they are adding something really cool to the market to buy.

Its never a given that you win anything good but you can sometimes if youre lucky but i do like a gamble every now and then.

And got some nice weapons from them already :p

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I actually kinda like these. Im against the grab bag system by principle, but I'm happy that the throne for example is very rare. I bought 35 euros worth of cartel coins but didn't get one. Makes me value it more once I get it.


As for the rest, I got a speeder and a sniper rifle for my alt, and a nice crystal. So It hasn't been completely at waste. Plus useful stuff of smaller value like companion gifts etc.

Edited by Karkais
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Can't lose if you don't scratch.


You choose to buy the item.

You choose to take the risk.

You are guaranteed nothing but randomness.


It is completely asinine to complain about this.


Somehow you managed to describe SWTOR as a whole - a big mess of randomness.


And for the "smart" people mentioning the odds:



Edited by GrandMike
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