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12,000 Cartel Coins - This Is What I Got


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Unless they charged you the coin equivalent of $30 per item this is unlikely, once you got the item you'd never have any incentive to spend again.


Your statement is completely false from a business perspective sadly.


Maybe, maybe not. Say it takes $100, on average, to get whatever. Or they could sell it flat out for $25. if more that 4x as many people are willing to buy it flat-out at $25 than gamble for it on $3 (or whatever) packs, they'll make more money w/ no gambling. Personally, I have no plan whatsoever to gamble my coins away.


I plan on sitting on my coins until I see something I actually want... Which may eventually be buying unlocks to create a personalized lifetime subscription.


edit: And PS, even with gambling, once you get the item you never have any incentive to spend again.

Edited by GnatB
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Bull. I know for a fact many people who love vanity items that wouldn't hesitate to drop $10 an item for every character to get the things they want.


Gambling boxes on the other hand will go unbought after the low rates rear their ugly head, except for the few people who always buy such things. As in the people who pay the equivalent of a used car to buy gear for every character in PWI.


No reason to even debate this. The revenue potential of this system has been proven to work in other games and is the F2P system of choice.


I get it, you don't like them but just because you personally oppose something doesn't mean you can logically make the case that it's a poor business strategy. From a personal view you are right, about revenue generation you couldn't be more wrong.

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I just bought gtns and mailboxes for my shipt, thinking that the price was reasonable for one ship, but in fact, it put them on ALL my ships. For a little over 1000 coins, you can put an extra cargo bay in All your cargo holds. Personally, I really like the adaptive armor I bought. Now my ds touched jedi can look the part, but even if one doesn't want those items or others, there are tons of very useful ways to use cartel coins outside the purchase of vanity items. People really need to stop QQing long enough to actually look at some of the purchase options available. There's something here for everyone.
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No reason to even debate this. The revenue potential of this system has been proven to work in other games and is the F2P system of choice.


I get it, you don't like them but just because you personally oppose something doesn't mean you can logically make the case that it's a poor business strategy. From a personal view you are right, about revenue generation you couldn't be more wrong.

Excuse me if I think they would get farther and wouldn't seem so obnoxiously greedy if you paid for what you wanted. Make money by earning it. If you have a product that people want to buy, they will pay a reasonable amount of money for it.


So they get a few suckers to buy their gambling boxes. There is such a thing as consumer faith that they lose by pulling suck tricks. Their failure to see this is why EA was voted worst company over Bank of America.

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Excuse me if I think they would get farther and wouldn't seem so obnoxiously greedy if you paid for what you wanted. Make money by earning it. If you have a product that people want to buy, they will pay a reasonable amount of money for it.


So they get a few suckers to buy their gambling boxes. There is such a thing as consumer faith that they lose by pulling suck tricks. Their failure to see this is why EA was voted worst company over Bank of America.


Theyll make more this way, people WILL pay until they get what they want. I dropped 40 to get my throne. No regrets. I like the lotto box more, makes it more satisfying feeling to have people fawn over my throne. If everyone had one, it would lose its cool. Like the wow sparkle ponie you mentioned, got lame 2 days later.

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I always have and always will hate these grab bags.

At any rate, I'd rather buy the items directly using my CC instead of gambling.


I agree.. I don't care for 90% of the crap in these grab bags. Just give me the cost for the specific item and call it good. BUT.. we all know that's not going to happen. So I share your hate for grab bags of gambling.

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I agree.. I don't care for 90% of the crap in these grab bags. Just give me the cost for the specific item and call it good. BUT.. we all know that's not going to happen. So I share your hate for grab bags of gambling.


Gambling keeps the item rare. You wouldn't like your throne mount if EVERYONE had it.

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That's totally your opinion of course and I respect it though I think you shouldn't impose your values on others.


I have a considerable amount of disposable income and this game is my hobby. I need no further justification.


I could agree with you ... but then I remenbered my 300$ spent in the Star Wars Galaxies trading card game . Was fun, i loved the game, but they closed it and all the beautiful cards ...just gone.


I miss my cards more than my money.

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I got a bunch of cosmetic gear and like 4 crime lord packs and 2 cartel packs with my two accounts. I only found 1 purple crystals. I think it's regular purple crystal, but I might not have check. It's more likely the purple pink crystal. It was a crit crystals. Otherwise, I didn't really get any thing else. I did buy 10 dollars more worth of cartel coins. I would have bought more, but I lost my power cord transformer to my laptop and I have a lot of my work on it. Thus, I had to order an another one online with overnight shipping. It was costly >.> that should teach me to not forget my power cord next time.. Edited by Knockerz
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I can't believe that you think your opinion matters to him. . .


. . .or to anyone else here. . .


Same could be said to you...


Back on topic, I think this whole gambling packs thing will really show EA how much they can get in short term money to lose in the long term. Forget the vanity items that people are fawning over because a fool and his money are soon parted. What is really the issue is the all of the concerns over F2P restrictions that seem to be getting glossed over. At the current state of the CC store most people who left and said sub was an issue won't be coming back because pretty much you need a sub now to be able to play the game. F2P should be something that gets players who weren't hooked back into the game not showing them once and for all they were stupid to even give the game another passing glance.

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I always have and always will hate these grab bags.

I can already see them putting in some ultra rare must have item, and then announce across the server

when ever someone gets it. With a really annoying message all across the screen.

Because why the hell not.

That's how asia did it, that's how STO does it, and it pissed off everyone pretty good so far.

Well maybe not. We shall see.


At any rate, I'd rather buy the items directly using my CC instead of gambling.


THIS! coz I am not buying into this money making scheme that fills someone else' coffers while I am subjected to a 'maybe' - but as they say: each to his own

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Welcome to the f2p model! Bioware isn't doing anything any item shop game doesn't. They make money off of gambling with a RNG. Don't underestimate how many people with throw larges amount of money at stuff like this. This is why f2p models can be a lot more profitable that a subscription model. That's the entire reason TOR just made the switch because they'll most likely make a lot more money then they would have keeping it sub only. So no, they're not going to cut into their profits because people with bad luck or the need to get everything want to take the random out of it.


Like every other thread whining about the costs of doing this or that you have to always point it it's totally optional. Break down and pay a sub and use the bonus CC's every month to gamble and you won't be out anything trying.

Edited by sumuji
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Welcome to the f2p model! Bioware isn't doing anything any item shop game doesn't. They make money off of gambling with a RNG. Don't underestimate how many people with throw larges amount of money at stuff like this. This is why f2p models can be a lot more profitable that a subscription model. That's the entire reason TOR just made the switch because they'll most likely make a lot more money then they would have keeping it sub only. So no, they're not going to cut into their profits because people with bad luck or the need to get everything want to take the random out of it.


Like every other thread whining about the costs of doing this or that you have to always point it it's totally optional. Break down and pay a sub and use the bonus CC's every month to gamble and you won't be out anything trying.


He speaks the truth, smart guy! :D

I said no-no to my my next gambling boxes. :( Cuz Bioware RNG soooooo EA-Ware (20 boxes with pure crap...)! :D

Edited by Glower
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All used on crime lord's cartel packs




  • Top row is all the experience boost items, second row is all emotes and lazer eyes, third row is companions, fourth row is alot of the same 2 mounts, fifth row is title, banners, and pink-purple crystals.
  • There is a bug where you get ONLY 1 or 2 items from the crime lord's pack, and I have run into this a few times. I only got 10 dallorian alloy for the packs or ciridium. I had to open a ticket, still pending.
  • Other packs just give you an emote and a title as the two "Rare items" even though they are blue quality.
  • Expect ALOT of doubles and triples, and I mean ALOT.
  • I vendored all the grade 6, grade 7, and blue companion gifts.
  • No, I didn't get any command thrones
  • My friend got 2 command thrones back to back and might trade me one.
  • Minor Experience Boosts last 1hr
  • Major Experience Boosts last 3hrs
  • All 6 of my pink-purple crystals are +41 endurance (is there a +41 power?)
  • I had about 2k CC to start and purchased 2x 5500 cartel coins for a total of $80, they came right away.
  • To BUY Cartel Coins, there is a new menu button at the top to the left of "COMMUNITY". It's called "STORE".


If you have a question about any of the items you see and want to know it's name, drop a comment.


Just wondering, those guns that are in the screenshot, are they from packs and could you do a screenshot of them in preview, the ones that look like 6 shooters btw cos they look incredibly close to the smuggler class reward which i have been looking for since the start of the game.

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I've said it over and over, but people weren't listening.


Buying the cartel packs [right now] is a complete waste of your money.


Wait until the second wave of stuff is added to them, AT LEAST the second wave, before you start flushing your money into them.


As it is, there is simply not enough VARIETY of stuff in the packs, so you're going to get dupes even with the RNG. A crap load of dupes that are going to be nearly WORTHLESS when the market gets flooded with them from everyone buying tons of packs on launch.


Wait. Be patient. Don't blow your money until at least the second wave. The chances of you actually getting stuff you want or stuff you can sell and make credits off of [to buy the stuff you want] will INCREASE.

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Are Nihilus Masks seriously that rare? I opened 5 packs and my notable items were:

Pink/Purple crystal (end+41)

Mask of Nihilus

Trailblazer's Helmet


Think I must have got a bit lucky :/!

Guess I might hang on to them and stick em' on the GTN, what do you guys reckon they'll sell for?

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