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Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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WoW is out for many MANY years! What did you expect???


I never really understood people saying stuff like this. What difference does it make? There are some proven, reliable solutions in other games that weren't implemented in SWTOR - why was that? There was enough time for devs to see what works in other games and make it work in their own game, why instead they chose to implement solutions that were used in 2004 is beyond me.


To all people saying "this game just launched blablabla" ask yourself this:


Would you buy a car that has no airbags?

Explanation for no airbags? It's a new car model, and they just started selling it - don't expect it to have everything at lauch!


It's not exactly rocket science, they have viable solutions - they only need to implement them (and should do that at launch) - no need to reinvent the wheel!

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WoW is out for many MANY years! What did you expect???


Although I hope many aspects of wow aren't in this game I think the amount of time crutch for MMOs is a big joke like you just said above. If you make an MMO and you WILL for sure know your market don't you think you would rather try to improve on aspects of current MMOs rather than use the "we just launched give us a break!" crutch? I would think they would be trying to improve on many aspects of current MMOs which they have in a lot of ways.


The one big issue I have that they really should have put some more time into is the global trade market (AH), its pretty upsetting and if addons aren't introduced to improve that then I don't see the market going to be used often which hopefully they fix themselves, as its quite horrific.

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I would say swtor is much more a copy of wow than Rift.


Erhm, just no! Rift had the nerve to copy WoW down to every ability:


Cheap Shot = Foul Play

Vanish = Slip Away

Blind = Blinding Powder

Sinister Strike = Savage Strike

Backstab = Backstab

Sap = Incapacitate

Eviscerate = Final Blow

Stealth = Stealth

Shadowstep = Shadow Assault


Should I continue?


You can't seriously say that you can copy more that this. Rift litterally just copy/pasted all the WoW abilities and/or talents and then slapped another name on it.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


I have not had trouble finding groups for dungeons yet. You go to the Imperial or Republic space station and ask around, people will come. How that hard? You want a convenience, when in fact what you should be asking for is a way to make you a little less lazy :)


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


WoW's UI customisation is minimal. Plus BioWare already said they're working on it, but it wasn't in at launch. Big deal.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


I can get in on this. The TOR community seems to be filled with spastic people as I've seen numerous misclicks in just the week's headstart alone. Letting people trade boss loot would've been nice.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


I imagine this was designed to reduce queue time, after all, who ever plays AB in WoW at the lower levels? That's right, nobody does. All you do is WSG over and over and over. BioWare's is not the most elegant solution, but it does ensure a change of scenery every now and then.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


One of my biggest gripes with Cataclysm was that sometimes many levels would pass before ever being rewarded for leveling up. You hit the next level, and you get squat: no talent point, no new skills, nothing. Sure, your skills level as you go, but that's a passive increase that doesn't feel like a reward. Having to visit a trainer and upgrade your skills may be a timesink, but it's also a way to let players feel like they're progressing.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


Many a debate has been had on addons, especially DPS meters, and I won't reignite that debate here. All I will say is that I hope TOR won't turn into the numbers-fest WoW is now.


As for knowing what to kill first, you've been given a brain to figure that out. Use it.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Guild progression is coming, BioWare already said that many times before. But you already knew that, or did you complain without knowing the facts..?


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Achievements are tracked via the Codex. Look it up and then pass judgment.


Seems most of your complaints are based on a lack of information or a lack of insight. As for the rest, please, by all means return to WoW. There are some things that WoW has that simply don't do a game any good. They may seem awesome, but in the long they are destructive.

Edited by Keadin
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6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


there's already a dps-meter in the game, it's called mob hp. if it goes down slow, your dps sucks.


as for rotations - yep, incredibly hard to figure out which skill is better and which to use when: the one on a 5 sec cd but does 350 damage or the one without cd and 100 damage.

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copy and pasted...? O_o Yeah sounding smart really works for you well I see.. LOL Yeah every Genre is a clone of one another I guess because they got the same elements. Metallica is easily a clone of the beetles because they both got guitars I guess right? :)


You, sir, are an idiot.

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Erhm, just no! Rift had the nerve to copy WoW down to every ability:


Cheap Shot = Foul Play

Vanish = Slip Away

Blind = Blinding Powder

Sinister Strike = Savage Strike

Backstab = Backstab

Sap = Incapacitate

Eviscerate = Final Blow

Stealth = Stealth

Shadowstep = Shadow Assault


Should I continue?


You can't seriously say that you can copy more that this. Rift litterally just copy/pasted all the WoW abilities and/or talents and then slapped another name on it.



lol please do, it was getting interesting. It's better than these people when they go this is a wow clone because it has different factions or different server type...


You, sir, are an idiot.


Sign when someone has nothing useful to say as proof, out dated and pointless catch phrases. ;)

Edited by LordKOLZ
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6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


I'm sorry... but when I got to this i just HAD to laugh!!! :D


Yes addons were nice, but they weren't BLIZZ developed, they were 3rd party developments, and they gave troubles sometimes too.


And, if you NEED them to know how to play your class??? Well, then you don't KNOW how to play your class!!

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there's already a dps-meter in the game, it's called mob hp. if it goes down slow, your dps sucks.


as for rotations - yep, incredibly hard to figure out which skill is better and which to use when: the one on a 5 sec cd but does 350 damage or the one without cd and 100 damage.


The ironic thing is that most people asking for macros and addons consider themselves "hardcore", "good players" or some other nonsense, while they actually use third party apps to run the game for them


WoW ------------------------------> that way


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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


NNNNNNNNNNNNoooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooo anything but this. It took me 2 mins to get a group for Hammer Station. I don't want a cross server looking for group it ruined wow, turned most into ninjaings asses who didn't care since "Well I'm never going to see them again so what" types.

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They can leave the Dungeon Finder and Fishing out as far as I'm concerned. Fishing is a bore, a waste of time and development, and there's no need for a Dungeon Finder. It ruins the sense of community on a server.


If the community is "ruined" it's not cause of the tool. It's cause of the trash behind the monitor you're playing with. Not everyone wants to spam the channel for over and hour as the game gets old.


"Never argue with an idiot, etc.....", so I'll sign off here. ;) Happy trolling.


Uh.. happy night elfing?

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


Definitely. All the people whining that LFD killed WoW don't know what they're talking about. Spamming General/Trade for 20 minutes to find a healer sucks and it ruins the chat for everyone else.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


This is very much needed. My action bars need to be in one place, not spread out everywhere, and my chat needs to be at the bottom. I've noticed increased eye strain from looking up to the top of my monitor all the time to see the chat box. Also, I have trouble seeing some of the very small numbers with a high-res monitor.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


This would be nice, too. It's no fun having gear ninja'd for someone's companion. Those should be greed rolls!


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


Eh, I don't care about this one. I think shorter queues are more important than selecting a specific warzone. Besides, the idea is that you're helping your side in whatever way they need you to. If it's time for Huttball, you best get in there! If it sucks for melee, well, fix it.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


And a credit sink! But seriously, this sucks. I usually end up going 4-5 levels without learning new skills because the trainer is all the way over there and I only have Quick Travel once every 30 minutes. More taxi points would also help alleviate the tedium of learning new skills every level.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


I'd like addons, but I'd like a lot of restrictions in place. Addons are a mess in WoW. I'm not against a combat log or a DPS meter, but perhaps it should only track personal DPS? That way, we can all optimize our own skills and the players afraid of epeen contests can rest easy.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


I read that this is already planned.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Please, no! Achievements are the worst.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



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WoW ------------------------------> that way


Funny to read this. Forget about the futuristic enviroment and check again what game you are playing. swtor=wow 1 year ago+lasers


And I'm loving swtor, not bashing it. It just doesn't make sense saying wow sucks, while playing a game which is wow

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


I see people finding flashpoint groups all the time. The only ones that are tough are those at around level 30+ because there are still very few people that far.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


I wholeheartedly agree. When they announced huttball I was skeptical, but gave it a try anyway, and found it to be the least fun of all three of them. Plus, its tone feels out of place if I want to fight the Empire-vs-Republic war, as it's just a violent sports game, even within your own faction. I'd play far more PvP if I could just queue for Voidstar or Alderaan.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Definitely needed, I hope it is coming with the first patch.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


I don't miss them, but that is mainly due to the fact that lately, games like WoW turned so many interesting things into an achievement grind fest (example: the annual holidays, it's all about the achievements now... sigh).

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Funny to read this. Forget about the futuristic enviroment and check again what game you are playing. swtor=wow 1 year ago+lasers


And I'm loving swtor, not bashing it. It just doesn't make sense saying wow sucks, while playing a game which is wow


O_o kung fu panda is invading this game too? I am returning my game right in the morning.

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Yeah.... so these are the kind of people who play wow. They aren't happy if they don't have everything done for them Q_Q wow babies


1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


No, dungeon finder is one of the many things that ruined WoW. Pre-dungeon finder, WoW at least had some inkling of players outside city hubs. Post-dungeon finger, the only people I ever saw were botters farming.



My thoughts in pink.


Also, I wish there was long hair and a barber of sorts.

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