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Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.

Hellllll no. You can still list your comment as lfg. WoW really went down hill with their LFG/LFR set up.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.

This will come soon, but not soon enough. ;)


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.

Yes. I'm sure they are looking into this. However, we spent years not being able to trade gear that was BoP.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.

No... queues would be longer and noooo one would play the less popular.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.

MMO time sinks are needed.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.



8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.

I think this is something WoW lacked in. ToR needs personal achievements that mean something.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.

LOL I agree! I've leveled fishing to max on 4 toons and it never gets any better.
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I'm glad there is not a dungeon finder - I started to lose interest in WoW around the time they added this feature. Also wouldn't mind if there were never any Addons - I got sick of people complaining that your DPS or gearscore aren't high enough... wow bro it's a game relax.


7 out of the 9 things you mentioned were not implemented in WoW until after release, some of them are pretty recent. There are a lot of things that SWTOR did not copy from WoW, and that's what makes SWTOR a different game, which is good... unlike all the other games that have come out that are almost exact replicas of WoW.


If you want all the features WoW has, go play it.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


I play WoW, and personally I love the DF, but at this time SW ToR should definitely not have it. I like the sense of community that WoW has lost.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


This will come with addons which Bioware said should come in a few months after launch.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


I have to agree with this, would fix quite a bit of problems with grouping.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


Not a necessity, but would make a lot of people happy, and not change anything for the worse for anyone else.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


Eh, I don't think SW should have it, at least quite yet.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


WoW didn't have addons at start either. Addons are going to be coming in a few months.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Should be coming with guild ships.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Personally I am the type that loves achievements. 10.3k achievement points in WoW, and it isn't for epeen but personal accomplishment. Seeing a category at 100% knows I have completed everything that part of the game has to offer, for now, and I love that feeling. It gives me a reason to keep coming back, and exposes me to elements of the game I had never even heard of.


To be fair though, WoW didn't have it till it's second expansion in. SWtOR just came out.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


No. Oh god, please no.

Edited by Zatheyll
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1) Dungeon finder.

Don't make freinds by queueing with people from other servers!


2) UI customisation.

Allowing mods that change UI.


3) Group loot rules.



WoW never had this, /shoo.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.



5) Skills that level as you level.

WoW Didn't do this.


6) Addons.

Mods that kill the MMO.


7) Guild storage.

I agreee with this one.


8) Achievements.

Boring time sinks.


9) Fishing.

A ****** profession that was boring.




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There seems to be some confusions about what the OP meant when he said "skills that level as you level". He's not suggesting that you never have to visit your trainer to learn skills. Rather, he's suggesting that you don't have to visit your trainer to learn "Skill Rank 2" and "Skill Rank 3", etc. Instead, each skill is learned from the trainer only once and then the numbers on that skill (damage, healing, etc.) scale with your level. WoW introduced this system in Cataclysm and it's fantastic.


When questing in SW:TOR so far, I usually get 2-3 levels for a quest hub and I'm usually just as many levels behind on my skills because the only trainer is on the other side of the planet and there aren't enough speeder points to get back there quickly. (Quick Travel only works once every 30 minutes, so I'd still have to choose to spend time getting there or getting back.) Right now, 2/3 of those levels are usually just "Skill Rank 2" and not new skills. Thus, using WoW's system would be better since the trainer wouldn't have anything to offer on those 2/3 levels and I wouldn't feel like I'm missing out.


Get it?

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Yea the game needs a dungeon finder badly...its funny how people will flame the OP just cause the idea came from WoW. Hint: just cause its from WoW doesn't automatically mean its bad there's a reason the game had 12 million subs at one point. Flashpoints are actually fun and would be 100x more popular with an LFG tool...but who the hell wants to put together a group manually then fly to fleet to get into the instance when its a lot more xp to just keep questing or pvping?
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Oh... nonononononono


Anything but this. Dungeon finder ruined WoW.


Completely disagree. As a casual MMO player the dungeon finder was a thing of beauty. I don't see how it hurts anyone either as you could still gather a group of friends and queue up for a dungeon like always.

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So, let me get this straight. From now on, new games MUST copy things from WoW because?








If I follow your logical, then from my perspective you should be a copy of me because, well, I'm better than you, so you should have my characteristics, personal tastes, view points, etc.



Oh wait...wait..wait..that'd be wrong. So if that's wrong then why does BioWare have to be like Blizzard?

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Yea the game needs a dungeon finder badly...its funny how people will flame the OP just cause the idea came from WoW. Hint: just cause its from WoW doesn't automatically mean its bad there's a reason the game had 12 million subs at one point. Flashpoints are actually fun and would be 100x more popular with an LFG tool...but who the hell wants to put together a group manually then fly to fleet to get into the instance when its a lot more xp to just keep questing or pvping?


/agree. I don't understand dungeon finder hate either. If you don't like it, don't queue for it. It only enhanced the experience for casual players like myself. I didn't see it affecting any of my friends who would consider themselves hardcore players.

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So, let me get this straight. From now on, new games MUST copy things from WoW because they set the standard and did all the legwork so that newer MMOs could learn from their mistakes and do it right the first time?


Yes. You are correct.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


No one wants it. It destroys server communities, they addressed this feature specifically and said they wouldnt be adding it anytime in the near or far future.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


They already addressed this. It's coming, and very soon. I would rather them do it right then half *** it.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


Developers shouldn't make themselves responsible for players' mistakes. If you screw up, you have to live with the consquences, just like in the real world. I expect theyll be adding things like this soon either way.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


Id rather have a reduced wait time to play the game, then sit in queue for the same warzone for hours on end.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


Just goes back to players being lazy. WoW caters to the idiots and kids that have begun to run rampant throughout this genre now. They make skill trainers easily accessible on every planet i've been to.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


If you need addons to tell you what to do, maybe you need to reevaluate how good you really are. Players are way too reliant on addons to make every decision for them, instead of having to think on their feet and make decisions for themselves. I'm looking forward to watching players who have played nothing but WoW fail here.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Already addressed. There is a dedicated team working on guild improvements, the bank being a priority.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Achievements are already in the game. The codex has them. Maybe you should go back and read the new player tips?

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Is this the thread where a whole bunch of 16 year olds that werent around for the launch of WotLK much less BC or Vanilla complain that SWTOR doesnt have any of the add ons that either werent even in the game until last year or are the product of third party development and not even a product of BLIZZARD?





let me add another thing.


10) Instant gratification. God forbid a MMO doesnt handout loot left and right, or try to be all things to all people.

Edited by Tourniquett
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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.

Group finder for finding a group i would kinda like, teleporting it to the flashpoint? no thanks


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.

yes please


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.

That is something awesome wow has indeed


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.

Think it would be aloooot better if the resolve mechanic actully worked in warzones, would make pvp in general as melee alot more fun...


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.

Meh i think it's fine.. Maybe more trainers though. but i usually just go and train every second level or so, or when i start to feel to weak for the mobs

6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...

A combat log would be lovely, don't care so much about a DPS meter.. Would also like if they added some sort of ui function in pvp which shows who killed you.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.

Give nao


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.

I personally hate achievements, but i can see why people like it so i agree on that part.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



Guess most of the stuff might have been said

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.



1. I agree, and it'll probably be added when they're done managing the servers like crazy since the game just launched.


2. They've already said that AddOns WILL be supported, just not immediately. Maybe by the first content patch.


3. That was JUST added in WoW with the last xpac. It'll find its way to SWTOR eventually.


4. I agree. But honestly, there would be like nobody queueing for Huttball if they didn't have to.


5. Again, WoW JUST started doing that in the latest xpac. SWTOR likes to make you go spend money on skills because it's a huge credit-sink. There's not many of those, so we need every one we can get.


6. See #2.


7. I agree. They kinda dropped the ball with guilds. Feels very outdated and archaic to have absolutely no perks to being in a guild. WoW has storage and abilities/skills, GW has amazing Guild Halls, LOTRO had an entire guild city. SWTOR has a buggy roster...


8. I really like achievements too. I'm sure they'll be added. Think of it from a dev's perspective. Would you add them immediately or would you wait a patch or two for people to get to level 50, do some endgame, get a little bored, and then release Achievements to make them play the game a little bit longer?


9. Rofl :) I'm so glad we don't have space-fishing.




Honestly, everybody just needs to read some things before making posts like these. In the case of AddOns, UI stuff, and I think even Guild stuff, they've said that it all WILL be added. It also won't take that long. BioWare has shown a lot lately that they really listen to its playerbase. When we all have a complaint, they fix it QUICKLY and tell us about it. Still not sure why we can't have low level purple color crystals, but that's my only complaint so far. BioWare is doing a great job developing this game and they'll be adding new features soon.


Games do this all the time. They probably already have future patches nearly finished and are just saving them for...future patches. For example, Blizzard was already working on the Zul'Gurub patch BEFORE WoW was ever launched! They hold back some stuff so that they have it to release later and keep us interested in the game. If they gave us everything at once, we'd get bored too quickly and we'd all quit.

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There are so many valid (and dumb) arguements for and against WoW-like features in this thread. I have only got this to say, and even Bioware have agreed. WoW has set the standard. It IS the benchmark that every other MMO has to reach to be considered a success. Not to emulate some of its features and the way things in WoW are done would be very dumb indeed.


The OP makes some very valid points. But please don't add LFG to this game.


LFG basically destroyed the WoW community forever. Why go to the bother of making friends on a realm to run dungeons and now even raids with when you can stand in SW/Org, hit a button and wait? You can then be as rude and commit as much douchebaggery as you like and not suffer the consequences for it. No. Just no. LFG means /subscription for a lot of players. Including myself.

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