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Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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My absolute number 1 biggest "Should have been copied from WoW/every other MMO ever made":


A CAMERA THAT YOU CAN STOP FROM AUTOPANNING WHEN YOU MOVE. Word cannot describe how much it annoys me when I'm trying to look over my shoulder while running, and being unable to mouseover or target ANYTHING because the damn camera snaps back to forward facing so fast it induces motion sickness.


I'd have to put that at the very top of the list of things I want fixed ASAP, followed closely by the AH, and then lack of UI scaling/customizability. A functional LFG system that doesn't require you sitting in a city doing nothing spamming general would be nipping on the heels of those.


The camera thing is just infuriating to me. It is SUCH a basic feature that I have never seen missing from an MMO before that I really don't understand how BW got away with not including it. To me, it's on the same level as not being able to zoom the camera, or remap hotkeys.


Sorry for the rant, it's just such a glaring oversight that significantly reduces my enjoyment. It annoys me every time I play. It's not enough to drive me away from the game, but it is without a doubt the number one thing I want to see changed for my long term enjoyment.

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1. Dungeon finder is a way to address shrinking populations on all realms, was a clever way to increase game longevity.


If wow needs a dungeon finder with a solid 10x as many subscribers as this game (shot in the dark, will have to give it a few months to see), then this game indubitably does.

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My absolute number 1 biggest "Should have been copied from WoW/every other MMO ever made":


A CAMERA THAT YOU CAN STOP FROM AUTOPANNING WHEN YOU MOVE. Word cannot describe how much it annoys me when I'm trying to look over my shoulder while running, and being unable to mouseover or target ANYTHING because the damn camera snaps back to forward facing so fast it induces motion sickness.


I'd have to put that at the very top of the list of things I want fixed ASAP, followed closely by the AH, and then lack of UI scaling/customizability. A functional LFG system that doesn't require you sitting in a city doing nothing spamming general would be nipping on the heels of those.


The camera thing is just infuriating to me. It is SUCH a basic feature that I have never seen missing from an MMO before that I really don't understand how BW got away with not including it. To me, it's on the same level as not being able to zoom the camera, or remap hotkeys.


Sorry for the rant, it's just such a glaring oversight that significantly reduces my enjoyment. It annoys me every time I play. It's not enough to drive me away from the game, but it is without a doubt the number one thing I want to see changed for my long term enjoyment.




Also, people are forgetting that WoW started 7 years ago, Bioware could have easily put some of these things into their launch game. The thing i liked in wow the best was the just recent fact of the skills scaling with you so you dont need to come back to buy the next rank of the same skill. Really annoying.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


This is utterly ********, sorry but it is. I get groups to flashpoints all the time and have done several multiply times and it took me barley a few minutes to get a decent group of players together.


And having all flashpoints easily accessible on the fleet is actually making the need for a dungeon finder less obvious. World of Warcraft needed one because they cross-realmed groups and they had their dungeons all over the world, but this is currently not the case with Star Wars The Old Republic and it's way easier getting a DECENT group when actually making your own instead of getting group with random people from other servers.



2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


I can't really agree on the high-resolution argument as I have played on 2560x1440 resolution and the scaling seems sufficient?


The customization options are nonexistent and that's simply not good enough for a MMO released in 2011. We don't need add-on support and all that mayhem, but the capability to move the different parts of the UI around and scale them to our liking should be implemented as soon as possible.



3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


You shouldn't be able to "need" on gear you cannot use, it's as simple as that. Though we have slight different situation in SWToR because of companions.



4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


Indeed, such alternatives should always exist.



5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


This is a personal preference, I for one like to go to my trainer and feel that I actually pay and receive new stuff instead of just getting them tossed right into my face.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


No dear God, NO! I agree that add-ons can and might enhance the game experience, but at the same time it always gives players that keep track on add-ons an advantages over other players and we would just get the same mayhem as World of Warcraft.


Not to mention all the possible memleaks and all sort of nonsense add-ons might add to the game, and all the whining we'll see as an result of this.



7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


I agree, this should and will almost certainly be added.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


What do you think all this codex and datacron things are?

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I never really understood people saying stuff like this. What difference does it make? There are some proven, reliable solutions in other games that weren't implemented in SWTOR - why was that? There was enough time for devs to see what works in other games and make it work in their own game, why instead they chose to implement solutions that were used in 2004 is beyond me.


To all people saying "this game just launched blablabla" ask yourself this:


Would you buy a car that has no airbags?

Explanation for no airbags? It's a new car model, and they just started selling it - don't expect it to have everything at lauch!


It's not exactly rocket science, they have viable solutions - they only need to implement them (and should do that at launch) - no need to reinvent the wheel!


Why is it so hard to understand, developing and building/making a game costs TIME.

They must make choices about certain things. Shall we do Voice acting and cinematics or build more planets to start with.


If you want to include everything in a game from a game that has been years around and have had years of time and development to polish and create new content and systems, your never releasing the game because you are playing catch up while the other party is always coming up with new stuff.

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Also, people are forgetting that WoW started 7 years ago, Bioware could have easily put some of these things into their launch game. The thing i liked in wow the best was the just recent fact of the skills scaling with you so you dont need to come back to buy the next rank of the same skill. Really annoying.


I'd be happy to go train every HALF level if I could just get a fully functional camera :-p

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Also, people are forgetting that WoW started 7 years ago, Bioware could have easily put some of these things into their launch game.


Hmm, we are going in circles here.

Some say, WoW is 7 years old and you cant compare them. Others say, this is 2011, so you must compare them in order to see what is missing.


I think it is safe to say, no one is totally wrong and no one is totally right.


Also, I'm so tired of seeing the samer arguments over and over again.


OK, executive decision by umm..me, yes, me . The truth is in the middle.




Oh, and before I forget:



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1. No. It leads to a crappy community.


2. They're already working on this.


3. I've had no problems at all until now (since day 1 of EA). Anyways, I don't see why this couldn't be implemented in the future, but it's not a priority.


4. I'm sure that they just want that everyone tries all warzones before allowing you to choose wich one you want to play. That and Huttball being the "not enough people" solution, as it can be played with same faction players, so it has to have some limits to what you can choose. Maybe if there's no people for other warzones they could ask you if you want to join Huttball instead.


5. As far as I remember I had to go back to the trainer in WoW, at least until I quit. You have to go back to hubs for quests (as there's usually a trainer in all of them), sell non trash items, etc., and it doesn't kill you to wait to level up your skills for 30 minutes.


6. No. Just NO. The only addons that I would like to have are UI addons, and they're not needed at all if they improve the current UI's customization options. You don't need dps meters or anything to be able to learn your class and beat fights here in SWTOR, it's enough if you just pay a little of attention to what's happening in your screen. I won't extend more on explaining this because it has been discussed to death already.


7. They're working on it.


8. They're in. Press L (default key for the journal) :D There you'll find exploration and combat achievements.


9. Space combat beats that. Plus they said that they'll probably implement better things like pazaak, swoop races, etc.



Edited by Lethemback
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You people are funy.


Ofcourse some features will be avaliable sooner or later, but arguments what is from WoW what is from Rift and so on are pointles.


Think about them like that : what car manufacturer used seat belts first ? Now ask yourself , when you think bout cars, YOU DONT CARE WHAT MODEL HAD SEAT BELTS FIRST. You just expect every MORDERN car to have seat belts and thats it.


So stop pointless comments on who-what-first.


PS> No Dungeon Finder, takes joy of meeting people and building long term relations.


The only problem with you 'logic' (for lack of a better word) is that you assume the stuff you miss (like LFD for example) is something positive. It isn't. Deal with it in an adult way, please

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Why is it so hard to understand, developing and building/making a game costs TIME.

They must make choices about certain things. Shall we do Voice acting and cinematics or build more planets to start with.


If you want to include everything in a game from a game that has been years around and have had years of time and development to polish and create new content and systems, your never releasing the game because you are playing catch up while the other party is always coming up with new stuff.


Yeah people don't get that software development isn't like, dunno, car manufacturing.

When you buy a car you expect it to work because it's a finished product and no one is going to come had to your house and keep updating your car. Software, works in a different way.


Also, how can people FAIL to understand that a game that has been out 7 years, had 3 expansions and several content patches, WILL have more content and features that say a game that just came out. The failure to grasp this automatically disqualifies you from adulthood and I really hope it's only kids doing this reasoning ( and for kid I mean anyone from 8 to 25 years old, seen the sorry state of youth these days)

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Why is it so hard to understand, developing and building/making a game costs TIME.

They must make choices about certain things. Shall we do Voice acting and cinematics or build more planets to start with.


If you want to include everything in a game from a game that has been years around and have had years of time and development to polish and create new content and systems, your never releasing the game because you are playing catch up while the other party is always coming up with new stuff.


Sorry, but you're wrong mate. I'm not talking about including everything, I'm talking about designing certain elements to work as they are working NOW in other MMOs - not as they were working X years before. MMOs are evolving, something great in 2004 is just not good enough in 2011 (2012).


We design UI - let's design it so it's not customizable, player's won't care about that.

We design rolling rules - let's take the worst system available today that will lead to problems and grief.

We design Guilds - let's not include options that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO on the market has.

We design Auction House - let's ignore great WoW addons that show us how a market should work, and instead make it unusable and not worth bothering with at all.


Do you see what I mean?


Many aspects of the game are flawed at the DESING level.


They did many things right, some things are awesome, but there are also aspects of the game that SUCK when they could be properly integrated into the game from the start.

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1) Dungeon finder.

NO never EVER install this in the game.


2) UI customisation.

Coming soon.


3) Group loot rules.

Not in wow, so how can they copy it. This isn't a good Idea and the majority of people in the game are ok with what loot rules we have.



4) Selecting PvP warzones.

They haven't said anything on this, but maybe in the future. Ps. Hutball is awesome.


5) Skills that level as you level.

W/E you just train them when you level.


6) Addons.



7) Guild storage.

Coming soon.


8) Achievements.

Codex/datacrons more to come.


9) Fishing.

WOW has fishing. Swtor has space battles.

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Sorry, but you're wrong mate. I'm not talking about including everything, I'm talking about designing certain elements to work as they are working NOW in other MMOs - not as they were working X years before. MMOs are evolving, something great in 2004 is just not good enough in 2011 (2012).


We design UI - let's design it so it's not customizable, player's won't care about that.

We design rolling rules - let's take the worst system available today that will lead to problems and grief.

We design Guilds - let's not include options that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO on the market has.

We design Auction House - let's ignore great WoW addons that show us how a market should work, and instead make it unusable and not worth bothering with at all.


Do you see what I mean?


Many aspects of the game are flawed at the DESING level.


They did many things right, some things are awesome, but there are also aspects of the game that SUCK when they could be properly integrated into the game from the start.


Again, just because something you like is missing from the game doesn't mean that they forgot about it, maybe they didn't want it? Maybe because what you call evolution is mostly dumbing down? Though the GT needs a rework...

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Sorry, but you're wrong mate. I'm not talking about including everything, I'm talking about designing certain elements to work as they are working NOW in other MMOs - not as they were working X years before. MMOs are evolving, something great in 2004 is just not good enough in 2011 (2012).


We design UI - let's design it so it's not customizable, player's won't care about that.

We design rolling rules - let's take the worst system available today that will lead to problems and grief.

We design Guilds - let's not include options that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO on the market has.

We design Auction House - let's ignore great WoW addons that show us how a market should work, and instead make it unusable and not worth bothering with at all.


Do you see what I mean?


Many aspects of the game are flawed at the DESING level.


They did many things right, some things are awesome, but there are also aspects of the game that SUCK when they could be properly integrated into the game from the start.


Again, just because something you like is missing from the game doesn't mean that they forgot about it, maybe they didn't want it? Maybe because what you call evolution is mostly dumbing down? Though the GT needs a rework...

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Sorry, but you're wrong mate. I'm not talking about including everything, I'm talking about designing certain elements to work as they are working NOW in other MMOs - not as they were working X years before. MMOs are evolving, something great in 2004 is just not good enough in 2011 (2012).


We design UI - let's design it so it's not customizable, player's won't care about that.

We design rolling rules - let's take the worst system available today that will lead to problems and grief.

We design Guilds - let's not include options that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO on the market has.

We design Auction House - let's ignore great WoW addons that show us how a market should work, and instead make it unusable and not worth bothering with at all.


Do you see what I mean?


Many aspects of the game are flawed at the DESING level.


They did many things right, some things are awesome, but there are also aspects of the game that SUCK when they could be properly integrated into the game from the start.


Totally agree with this whole post. The premise for the design is beyound comparison.


And also the (not so) little things, like not being able to bind certain keys, which shouldn't be a huge effort from the coding appartment(?).

More here:


Edited by Azazzello
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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.


On Dungeon Finders, people leave, ninja, dont know how play, are bad geared, sign for heal being dps... i think finding people always is better.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.


Said to be on next updates.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.


Well, that only happends on PuGs with people that you never talked, play with friends or talk with the party BEFORE having to loot.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.


Sith warrior juggernaut dps here, i like huttaball.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.


I... just dont remember that on WoW O.o... even, you got a trainer on every planet and taxis across all the planet. You can go to a trainer in less than 5 minutes. Besides, you dont need the skills of your level to level.


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...


I find dps metters cool... but i dont think addons will help on you knowing a rotation.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.


Said to be on next updates.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.


Datacrons are like that.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.


Remember those days fishing to make food for the guildmates xD.


Red answers forever!

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Is this the thread where a whole bunch of 16 year olds that werent around for the launch of WotLK much less BC or Vanilla complain that SWTOR doesnt have any of the add ons that either werent even in the game until last year or are the product of third party development and not even a product of BLIZZARD?


Well Said!

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Again, just because something you like is missing from the game doesn't mean that they forgot about it, maybe they didn't want it? Maybe because what you call evolution is mostly dumbing down? Though the GT needs a rework...


Look at the points I made and tell me which one is "dumbing down" the game?


Also, seeing as we are the ones paying the subs, maybe they should be a bit more concerned about what we want, not what they want? I'm not talking about changing the whole game philosophy - I'm talking about designing some things so it's not tedious/frustrating to play the game they released.

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