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Corellia is terrible


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Nah. Corellia is great. I took the time to look around a bit and the war torn city environment is very well done. Also if look up you see incredible vistas of the devastation including plumes of smoke, ravaged skyscrapers and architecture. The statues in the park were a nice touch btw (old republic heroes which you may recognize).


I think Corellia gets a bad wrap because it is the final segment of a long leveling process. But compare Corellia to Balrmorra or Taris (pub side), and it is a dream.

Edited by Rafaman
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I rather like corellia its one of my favourite planets. I do agree the planet should of been more "alive" you see thugs at checkpoints and they don't even touch you, heck you don't even see imperial and republic forces fighting each other on the map.
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My problem with Corellia has always been that they try to make it seem like an active warzone when it's just another dead, static world where mobs stand still and do nothing.


Pretty much this


All of the planets just have no life, not enough NPCs and NPCs that aren't doing anything.


I hope the devs have had a chance to have a play around in GW2 because they did a great job with their cities.

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I'm not a fan of Corellia myself, but for a completely different reason.


One of my favorite worlds in SWG was Corellia. I enjoyed visiting places like Coronet, Kor Vella, Doaba Guerfel, and so on. I wanted to see Corellia in TOR. I wanted to see the Golden Beaches. I wanted to maybe explore the giant repulsor that moved the planet into place. But, instead all I got was a war-torn Coronet City.


That's cool, though. It does what it's supposed to do fairly well. And, like with the Black Hole area, it's not like they can't add onto the planet later on.

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The only thing that I don't like about Corellia is that we are basically confined to Coronet. Being an fan of the SWG Corellia, I was hoping we would see more of the planet. Basically we are only seeing ONE city on the entire planet. :cool:
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Worst. Planet. Ever.


There's been a few things about this game that frustrate me, but I've been able to just live with them. But Corellia takes the cake for me. I hope the team responsible for designing this planet is not designing Makeb or any other future world. It has absolutely atrocious design.


There are so many arbitrary roadblocks thrown up here and there to make players go the long way around. It has a crammed feel with mobs everywhere, further frustrating the players, and the worst part is, if you die and rez at the medcenter, it's about a 10 minute ride to get back to wherever you were before. The medcenters are way too spread out.


The only cool thing about the place is the tram system. It reminded me a little bit of swoop racing. But other than that, Corellia is a world best avoided.


Ever think that those roadblocks had anything to do with the story of Corellia?:rolleyes:

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I don't hate Corellia...it's really where it's positioned, plus they're approach to leveling post 40 that sort of "ruins" Correlia for me.


this primary issue is with every planet belsavis and up. leveling time on those planets has nothing to do with experience grind...it has to do with running (or speeding) halfway across the planet for every quest. the quest hubs are not designed well, and the quest targets are spread out with far less symbiosis with other quest objectives. the earlier planets did this much better. I don't mind a Dev team increasing the time between levels, but it seems that their only approach in this game is to make the objectives further away. I enjoy planets....but i hate having to tread the same ground multiple times just to get all the quests done.


Plus, i think most people are getting the "end game" fever by the time they it Correlia. the last few planets seem to take forever, and as your hitting Corelia your perhaps one or two levels away from 50, and debating how much you really want to do Corellia....or just finish your class story and start in on the dailies (which can easily boost you up 2 levels on their own).


So those big factors really add up to me just being impatient by the time i reach Corellia, so I probably don't give it the fair shake that it deserves. my last toon i was glad to be able to push through Corellia to get to 50...had a ton of gear saved up, wanted to start running heroics, etc. but If you compare it's design, its a far cooler looking city IMO then Coruscant.


ON the offhand, I'd like to see more variance with planet types. like some more interesting Jungle based planets, some tundra style, perhaps a mass of swamp and wasteland with a few outposts and tons of mysterious ruins taht are reminiscent of the sith temple on Dromund. Voss had a very different and nice feel to it. In spite of the general dislike of Belsavis, I love the planet style and design (think the big issue is the travel time and trying to find the portal points, poor design there). Tatooine has a very cool feel to it (just wish it was bigger....the dune sea should just go on....forever....


no matter what the toon, by the time Im done with belsavis, Im pretty much tired of 3 things:

1) City-planets

2) Snow planets

3) long hauls in-between each quest.


we need a bit more variety.

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Funnily enough, I had the exact OPPOSITE feeling that the OP had. I feel that most of the planets are very static, with mobs just standing around, but Corellia actually made me feel like I was in a real warzone.


It's no Tatooine (which for me was head and shoulders above all other planets in the game), but I'd rate it in my top 5 for sure.

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I don't hate Corellia...it's really where it's positioned, plus they're approach to leveling post 40 that sort of "ruins" Correlia for me.


this primary issue is with every planet belsavis and up. leveling time on those planets has nothing to do with experience grind...it has to do with running (or speeding) halfway across the planet for every quest. the quest hubs are not designed well, and the quest targets are spread out with far less symbiosis with other quest objectives. the earlier planets did this much better. I don't mind a Dev team increasing the time between levels, but it seems that their only approach in this game is to make the objectives further away. I enjoy planets....but i hate having to tread the same ground multiple times just to get all the quests done.


Plus, i think most people are getting the "end game" fever by the time they it Correlia. the last few planets seem to take forever, and as your hitting Corelia your perhaps one or two levels away from 50, and debating how much you really want to do Corellia....or just finish your class story and start in on the dailies (which can easily boost you up 2 levels on their own).


So those big factors really add up to me just being impatient by the time i reach Corellia, so I probably don't give it the fair shake that it deserves. my last toon i was glad to be able to push through Corellia to get to 50...had a ton of gear saved up, wanted to start running heroics, etc. but If you compare it's design, its a far cooler looking city IMO then Coruscant.


ON the offhand, I'd like to see more variance with planet types. like some more interesting Jungle based planets, some tundra style, perhaps a mass of swamp and wasteland with a few outposts and tons of mysterious ruins taht are reminiscent of the sith temple on Dromund. Voss had a very different and nice feel to it. In spite of the general dislike of Belsavis, I love the planet style and design (think the big issue is the travel time and trying to find the portal points, poor design there). Tatooine has a very cool feel to it (just wish it was bigger....the dune sea should just go on....forever....


no matter what the toon, by the time Im done with belsavis, Im pretty much tired of 3 things:

1) City-planets

2) Snow planets

3) long hauls in-between each quest.


we need a bit more variety.


This. I did Corellia in full the first time around but the next 2 characters I just did everything I could on Voss before I went there.

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Plus, i think most people are getting the "end game" fever by the time they it Corellia. the last few planets seem to take forever, and as your hitting Corelia your perhaps one or two levels away from 50, and debating how much you really want to do Corellia....or just finish your class story .


I pretty much agree with most of the comment, but: this, this, 1000 times this.


I think Corellia on its own would be fine, but by the time I hit it, I just want to be done. Thanks to that, I've only done the planet quest twice (once for each faction) and the third time I went through, I did only the class quest at Level 49 just to complete it.


Once you hit Level 50, there seems little point to do the sidequests. You don't get as many credits as dailies, and if you're worried about gear for your Companions, most people seem more wanting to outfit them in endgame gear later. You don't even get a lot of Legacy XP for it, which is silly since not everyone is capped on that. :p

Edited by AlixMV
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My least favorite planet was also Corellia. Poorly designed is correct I think. But, I think they're learning, and the new planet Makeb will probably be one of their best planet designs, if not their best. If Makeb comes out, and its put together the same as the rest (and I'm not talking about quest objectives or anything like that, simply the layout of the planet), I will be very surprised.


Edit: Also, I think pod-racing should be the in game. I know it's off topic, but when you mentioned it in your post it just made me remember how bad I want that in the game.

Edited by SaintForHire
Needed more explanation
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People whine about Taris, but Corellia is worse in almost every way; and that's saying a lot.


Corellia is better than Taris in one hugely important way, though; once you finish it Pub-side, you can sit down and say, "I accomplished something. My character did something huge and important for this war and made a real difference."


People didn't hate Taris in KotOR because you weren't a Jedi. A lot of people said that was why, but if that were actually true, the "start as a Jedi" mod would have been way more popular instead of basically a non-starter compared to Super Skip Taris and its ability to actually compete with nude Bastila mods for download numbers. No, the reason people hate Taris is because everything you do there is pointless, stupid and futile within thirty seconds of you leaving. No decision you make there matters. No life you touched there survives. No one you terrified as a darksider is around to have nightmares, no one you saved as a lightsider is around to enjoy the gift of your aid. You go back to replay the game and it spends three hours asking you to care about stuff you know is completely meaningless, of course people hate it.


Apparently BioWare thought that the best way to make Taris the nostalgia capital of the game they were clearly aiming for was to attempt to completely and perfectly recapture that rage-inducing futility. Not only do they go out of their way to drive home that message from the first game, that Revan's time there was useless (the cure is lost, the Exiles died miserable primitives, rakghouls have spread, even the damn swoop bike tech didn't make it off planet), they also give you the whole split-chronology quest pair to establish that everything the SwtOR protagonists do there is futile too. Oh, and not just the Pub guys, who are obviously smacked in the face by the Imp-side storyline; the Imp guys didn't actually achieve anything with all that questing either, because it's also canon that Taris is still perfectly livable and quite thoroughly colonized three thousand years later.


At least all the other planet quests end in either a draw between factions or a win for someone. I find Corellia's storyline really great actually, for both factions; if only the level design had done it any justice instead of being an obnoxious exercise in exploring the massive deficiencies of the map UI.

Edited by Quething
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Corellia is the best planet out there to me. Voss is the one that sucks. Especially the nightmare lands. The first couple times through there, it's very hard to figure out where to go to find your mission objectives because of the varying terrain.


On Corellia, you just...stick to the roads? lol


If you have a problem with Corellia, I honestly can't understand that.

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Nah. The worst planet, ever, is Voss. I can't stand Voss. It always feels like I'm dragging myself along through the story, constantly wondering if I'll ever get off the planet and away from those dang gold-themed visions of theirs, ugh.


Corellia is awesome! Haven't played a class story line there, yet, that I didn't purely enjoy.

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To each their own and here is mine: I like Corellia, misspelled signs and all. I think they did pretty good at making it feel like a war-torn planet. I also never noticed any cramming issues or arbitrary roadblocks the eight times I'd been through there but as I said, to each their own. Not everyone is going to like everything and there's nothing wrong with that.
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My main beef with Corellia is that with one exception, my character's always tend to hit 50 before they get there (the exception being my Bounty Hunter...who skipped Voss). Once I hit 50, I pretty much feel ready to finish my character's story, and once I do that, going back and re-doing Corellia (which doesn't offer much in the way of rewards that a 50 might want/need)...well, I haven't motivated myself to do it yet, at least.


Visually, though, it's super. I love the cityscapes, and the warzone sort of feel, which no other planet (despite the game's overall story) demonstrates. The mazelike setup can be a little annoying if only because the paths aren't always clear on the maps. But I don't mind the layout at all.

Edited by JLazarillo
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