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ops vs assassin


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Not sure about the damage but the word survivability is what an assasin can be proud of. Can't say the same about oper. Oh, and utility seems to me a bit wider too. Sprint and deflect is just Heaven's gift.


dont forget mini godmode

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sometimes I think the greatest advantage to shroud is that it's the only abil that can cleanse all forms of dots (and roots/stuns/snares?). imagine that: a commando healer who could...you know...cleanse a sorc dot. it's comical that I can at least kite (if not kill) a mara, but i'm helpless against a dot spec sorc. :rolleyes:


anyway, back on topic, I think assassin is the better choice for dps. in my experience, it's a hybrid build that really wrecks house, but deception seems to work thus far (I'm new at it), and they're the best choice to guard a node in any spec. in the right spec, they'll have more burst than an op. you'll usually see a pair of sins or an op + sin take another team's natural node. tough to call inc. when they're already on you.

Edited by foxmob
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Sin. easy to play, viable on all 3 specs for pvp and pve, sprint, knock back, and many other.


but that is just my humble opinion.


Yes, Sins are the ONLY other AC other than Marauder who enjor all three trees being completely viable. Not just that, they are also the most hybrid happy AC in the entire game. And in many cases their hybrid specs performs even more superior compare to their full specs. Sins can choose to be super bursty, or they can choose to be super tanky, hell they can spec to be very tanky WHILE melting your face off if they choose to.



DPS wise (as well as utilities as well as survivability as well as sustained burst dps as well as pve dps capability) Sins are undoubtedly better overall.


One thing Operative DPS does better IMO, is their play style is closer to a real "rogue" archetype if thats what you are looking for (like Rogues in WoW).


Sin even tho can stealth just like operative, they are not nearly as dependant on stealth like operative DPS. Most Sin specs fight just as well without having to get an opener from stealth whereas getting hidden strike in dictates the outcome of the fight and is the ONLY advantage operative has. Which also means when operative is unable to open with hidden strike from stealth they are very poor dps compare to premium class like Sin/Mara/PT... which unfortunately is the majority of WZ skirmishes because WZ is rarely 1v1. And all the Sin's superior group pvp utilities aside, ironically Sins also IS the best 1v1 class in swtor (requires the player to know how to play which is rare in Sin community).


Operative is probably the worst dps class ever to exist in SWTOR if you dont get to open with hidden strike from stealth (and lethalty is even worse imo where most of your attacks actually keep you in combat and prevent you from able to re-stealth). Unlike operative Sins are pretty jesus in comparison for the overall playability ESPECIALLY in WZs.

Edited by warultima
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Sin even tho can stealth just like operative, they are not nearly as dependant on stealth like operative DPS. Most Sin specs fight just as well without having to get an opener from stealth whereas getting hidden strike in dictates the outcome of the fight and is the ONLY advantage operative has. Which also means when operative is unable to open with hidden strike from stealth they are very poor dps compare to premium class like Sin/Mara/PT... which unfortunately is the majority of WZ skirmishes because WZ is rarely 1v1. And all the Sin's superior group pvp utilities aside, ironically Sins also IS the best 1v1 class in swtor (requires the player to know how to play which is rare in Sin community).


Operative is probably the worst dps class ever to exist in SWTOR if you dont get to open with hidden strike from stealth (and lethalty is even worse imo where most of your attacks actually keep you in combat and prevent you from able to re-stealth). Unlike operative Sins are pretty jesus in comparison for the overall playability ESPECIALLY in WZs.

Boy am I finding this out. My assassin isn't 50 yet, but my PVP-leveling experience has been so much smoother and more powerful than my scoundrel was. Granted, I was a noob during my scoundrel days, so I'm not sure how much of it was due to my lack of skill.

I personally think that op/scoundel could use a move almost as powerful as Hidden Strike/shoot first. This move wouldn't require being behind the target, and would share a cooldown with the stealth opener. That way they're still incentivized to stealth, but aren't at as severe a disadvantage if they are caught out of it.

Edited by Stenrik
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I personally love my Shadow. They are just swimming in utility. I'm a KC/Balance Hybrid and the utility that class has is limitless:


- Force Pull

- Force Speed

- Force in Balance - Best AoE cap stopper in my opinion

- Resilience - Removes all DoTs and makes you immune to Force/Tech

- Taunts as a DPS class.

- Force Wave - Say what you will about the change I think it's 100% better now. If you close to a hole/pit you're going in that bad boy. If you're not close enough see number 1.

- Insta-Force Lift with additional 2 sec stun if broken.

- Spinning Kick out of stealth.


The list goes on and on. They make awesome node guards, ball carriers and harassers. It's also super fun to play. Now if a "stealthy" class is what you want maybe go for OP. I'm barley in stealth on my Shadow. I use when I need to but I rarely kill someone then restealth. I don't have an Operative but I feel like of the ones I've fought most of then get the kill then get out of dodge. A hybrid Shadow can attack from stealth and stay out, better survivability I guess.


I love my Shadow, even tough he wears dresses I'm not here to judge. Though that will be your biggest problem with the Shadow AC is the gear for them looks ridiculous. Tor-Fashion will be your friend here to make your Shadow/Assassin not look retarded.

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It is very similar but I love my Sin to death. I wade into battle stealthed, jump on the healer and proceed to whack with a glowstick till dead. If his boys try to help, i pop Dcds and re-stealth, wait a second or two for them to switch back then pounce again. Their battle lines fall apart and scatter and are mopped up by my teamates.


I hold nodes and doors when outnumbered. I survive the onslaught. I de-stealth sometimes just to let them know i'm there, and that from the last time they tried to fight me they need moar backup.


Assassin=Spacebatman. werd.

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The dps operative has nothing on sins, aside from maybe hidden strike but I could list a ton of stuff the sin does better in every other area. It's kinda sad the state dps operative3s are atm, esp. lethality. If you can't kill someone in a few seconds after your opener and you don't have combat stealth ready you're basically done for. Edited by byteresistor
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Not sure about the damage but the word survivability is what an assasin can be proud of. Can't say the same about oper. Oh, and utility seems to me a bit wider too. Sprint and deflect is just Heaven's gift.


Wait, so burst operatives get self heals, cloak out, cleanse, dodge (no master strike, ambush dmg, rail shot), defense screen (minor, but effective) speed boost, snare that's an amazing root when specced, 8 second AOE mezz, and they don't have survivability???!


Sorry but I'll take an operatives tricks over a deception sin any day of the week. Tank sin is completely different.

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Sorry but I'll take an operatives tricks over a deception sin any day of the week. Tank sin is completely different.


Not really if you know how to play your shadow and hybridize it correctly and know how to play. And why would you need all the "tricks" when you can kill anything and everything (assuming you know how to play a shadowsin ofc)


And as you said, tanksin (or any of the hybrid spec) will blow operative out of the water unless the sin/shadow is stupid and cant play. Also in case you have no idea no one is stopping you to do a tank hybrid with just 3 points in duplicity and you get to exploit the sick damage maul thats also next to free across all specs.


Again as most people said, Sins are better than operative DPS by a longshot.

In reality Operative are usually only used to heal, and theres really no point to take a full DPS operative over a Sin in any spec in "most" of the WZs situations.


But then again as I mentioned in my pervious post, there are plenty of bad sin/shadow that will tell you operative is better however.

Edited by warultima
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Wait, so burst operatives get self heals, cloak out, cleanse, dodge (no master strike, ambush dmg, rail shot), defense screen (minor, but effective) speed boost, snare that's an amazing root when specced, 8 second AOE mezz, and they don't have survivability???!


Sorry but I'll take an operatives tricks over a deception sin any day of the week. Tank sin is completely different.

self heals - a madness assasin has these, not quite as powerful as the operatives but they proc automatically from damage dealt whereas the operative (a melee class) has to stop and cast a heal.

cloak out- sins have it too

dodge- yep sins have something similar

speed boost - I'd take force speed any day over a 50% speed boost after exiting stealth


The dps operative is a one trick pony compaired to any sin spec. Almost everything the operative does, a sin does better. And I'm not saying this simply because I'm so in love with the assassin, I say it because dps op's could use some buffs. Heck, sins could use some nerfs.

Edited by byteresistor
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The only issue with Tanksins currently is that the tank hybrids are perhaps a little too powerful. Nothing game breaking, unless your a baddie of course, but then everything is game breaking to you. Just a few small things here and there. The two dps specs on the other hand, still need more buffs. 1.4 helped incredibly, dps sins aren't free kills anymore, but they still aren't enough. The best dps specs are the hybrids, which are actually quite nice builds. Those can be viable. The reason sins come up with so many hybrids, is because we have to, because our full trees just don't cut it. Neither full Deception or full Madness is a desired spec for ranked games. Whereas Marauders get all 3 trees that are viable all the way up to the 31 point talent, sins do not. It's quite sad really, since the build that gets all the hate is yet another hybrid, essentially 0 of our trees are viable for pvp. It's all hybrids. So fine, give tank spec the small nerfs it may or may not deserve. But then give the dps specs some buffs in return.
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First:in this game all classes are overpowered execpt merc/commando. Mara are op, operative healers are op smashing juggs are op,hybrid sorc are op,powertech are op assassin are op,snipers are op. In other words, nothing is op,there is only papers unable to beat scissors so they cry for nerf. (smashing juggs are not that hard to kill,PTs are not that hard to kill to and if you have half a brain and know the effect of the assassin's def cooldowns, you can kill it too)


Smashing jugg---> assassins are op---> used smash on force shroud--->facepalm

assassin-->maras are op---> wasted all the stuns before undying rage--->facepalm

mara---> smashing juggs are op--->you have a build that is almost the same--->facepalm

assassin-->PTs are op--used force shroud before any dot and ''bursted'' while the 25% dmg reduction shield was up-->facepalm

mara-->snipers are op-->have not used force camouflage as a gap closer and used ravage when the sniper's knock back was still up---facepalm


On topic, I'll say you should choose assassin, the class is a lot better than operative on the survivability side and maybe burst more (I've never played an operative so I cant really juge the dps)

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First:in this game all classes are overpowered execpt merc/commando. Mara are op, operative healers are op smashing juggs are op,hybrid sorc are op,powertech are op assassin are op,snipers are op. In other words, nothing is op,there is only papers unable to beat scissors so they cry for nerf. (smashing juggs are not that hard to kill,PTs are not that hard to kill to and if you have half a brain and know the effect of the assassin's def cooldowns, you can kill it too)


Smashing jugg---> assassins are op---> used smash on force shroud--->facepalm

assassin-->maras are op---> wasted all the stuns before undying rage--->facepalm

mara---> smashing juggs are op--->you have a build that is almost the same--->facepalm

assassin-->PTs are op--used force shroud before any dot and ''bursted'' while the 25% dmg reduction shield was up-->facepalm

mara-->snipers are op-->have not used force camouflage as a gap closer and used ravage when the sniper's knock back was still up---facepalm


On topic, I'll say you should choose assassin, the class is a lot better than operative on the survivability side and maybe burst more (I've never played an operative so I cant really juge the dps)


OP wants to 1. Stealth and 2. Deal Damage. So operative healer is OP doesnt mean operative DPS is OP. In fact DPS operative is one of the least desired DPS class in both PvP and PvE.


DPS wise, Operative will have higher open (assuming the operative gets to open with hidden strike) operative will go slightly higher burst in the 1st few GCD, Assassins will blow them right out of the water when they got all their buffs stacked up like "energized" or "5x surging charged" or "3x harness darkness" then it's "burn time"


In most cases if a fight lasts longer than the 3 GCD Sins become better at DPS as well as everything else and their survivability definitely helps them in that regard.

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The dps operative is a one trick pony compaired to any sin spec. Almost everything the operative does, a sin does better.


^ this.

Sins - most OP class, because stealth (= tactical advantage + advantage of first strike), great survivability, great utility and quite good damage.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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