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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Developer Update: Free-to-Play Option


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That was already bumped up to 5 on the PTS. Seeing how you have to buy the weekly passes per character (which I still think is a bad idea), I'd venture a guess and say that the limit applies per character as well.




Arg... yes. forgot about that. Ok... 5 per character... with 12 characters after unlocking the additional slots for my alts... thats 60WZ a week... that is more than i have played in the last 6 month...


Ah well...

one thing not to worry about...

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i feel like this is how they will introduce the wookie they will probably make it a special so people will buy the wookie race so not everyone has wookie and wookie would be a playable race for any class 2!! but i feel like this will be in a few years or so...


Few years to implement hairy butts lol :D

There's actually no excuse(or rather I don't see one) outside revamping gear not to put wookie in the next big patch. Breaks the story? Needs new voices? BS imo. Give the wookie little translator droid hovering beside him and use old voice overs with a speech synthesizer so it sounds a bit different. Is it cheap? Yea it is, but people just want to play wookies and nobody would be forced to buy it.

Beside cheapness in story cut scenes is already present. Like a sniper not using his rifle just a pistol which magically appears in a cut scene.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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The restrictions seem to be about making the game so frustrating to get to level 50 without purchasing additional perks that I wonder if people who found 15 bucks a month too much of a commitment will just quit in annoyance than dig into their pocket.


As for not effecting the subscribers game it seems that it already is. Without the free to play element of 1.5 it seems we would already be working towards getting HK. The new areas were on Belsavis before free to play and appeared to have far few known bugs. But that aside surely if there is new gear and options available only if I as a subscriber is willing to purchase them in a cash shop it is negatively effecting my game as they have been removed from the normal subscribers game. The masks, pets, armour sets, vehicles extra would have been put in the game as high end equipment or just because many of the current armour sets are so ugly. Instead we have to wait for free to play and then purchase them.


If more cargo space is considered a good thing why can't I as a subscriber purchase it but rather have to pay for it. Players have been asking for better armour for a long time and instead we got reskined Black Hole gear as dread master gear while the cash shop gets a number of new outfits. And then perhaps the most loathsome aspect the gambling lock boxes or cartel boxes. Now if you want a certain saber or other item you have to purchase a container which will likely have a xp buff that is worthless to most people that have been playing here for a while, some random crafting material and some junk. Dont worry though next time you might hit the 3% to get that item you wanted. But probably not but don't worry keep buying cartel boxes!

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One minor concern that nobody has mentioned in the last 8 pages, but that I think is more than a bit important, since I've been helpfully pointing people to the /free site for info on cartel tokens for the past month.


But you’ll only receive a grant of Complimentary Cartel Coins if you’re an active subscriber when the Free-to-Play option goes live!

So...I had gotten the impression from the /free info page that you get Cartel tokens for each paid month, and an additional 250 tokens for having an active sub when F2P goes live. The implication given by the table on that site seems to be that the tokens awarded for past paid months are separate from the tokens received at F2P launch (they are separate in the table, with no indication of mutual dependence).


It sounds now as though 9 months of paid subscriptions will net you zero tokens if you don't have a subscription in November. Is this the case?

Edited by Journeyer
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The restrictions seem to be about making the game so frustrating to get to level 50 without purchasing additional perks that I wonder if people who found 15 bucks a month too much of a commitment will just quit in annoyance than dig into their pocket.


As for not effecting the subscribers game it seems that it already is. Without the free to play element of 1.5 it seems we would already be working towards getting HK. The new areas were on Belsavis before free to play and appeared to have far few known bugs. But that aside surely if there is new gear and options available only if I as a subscriber is willing to purchase them in a cash shop it is negatively effecting my game as they have been removed from the normal subscribers game. The masks, pets, armour sets, vehicles extra would have been put in the game as high end equipment or just because many of the current armour sets are so ugly. Instead we have to wait for free to play and then purchase them.


If more cargo space is considered a good thing why can't I as a subscriber purchase it but rather have to pay for it. Players have been asking for better armour for a long time and instead we got reskined Black Hole gear as dread master gear while the cash shop gets a number of new outfits. And then perhaps the most loathsome aspect the gambling lock boxes or cartel boxes. Now if you want a certain saber or other item you have to purchase a container which will likely have a xp buff that is worthless to most people that have been playing here for a while, some random crafting material and some junk. Dont worry though next time you might hit the 3% to get that item you wanted. But probably not but don't worry keep buying cartel boxes!


I see no major items in the F2P option that would create any unreasonable burden to get to 50. I have been playing since day 1 and I know what it takes to get to level 50 (multiple times). It can very easily be done with 2 quick bars, green gear and limited storage space.

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The implication given by the table on that site seems to be that the tokens awarded for past paid months are separate from the tokens received at F2P launch (they are separate in the table, with no indication of mutual dependence).
Each of those categories has a footnote which states you need to have a paid subscription at the time of F2P launch to receive the coins.
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It will really depend on how they work out the cost of the coins.There is that level 31 armor for 1200 coins or just for one chr to wear purple was 1200.If it comes out to a penny a coin that would make 12 bucks for either.That is too much.If you stay subbed like I will that would be close to 5 months of being subbed for level 31 gear.No thanks.I glad to have FTP to draw people back to the game.So they really need to be careful not to drive away those they are trying to get.
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I for one am quite pleases with some of the items I've seen in the cartel shop and in the grab bags. I hope they will consider making the imp and rep banners have a 30m range rather than the 10m it is now.

I fully plan to keep subscribing and as long as I don't have to " pay to win" F2P is ok with me.


Now once all this F2P business is taken care of let's get back to work on the OWPVP and some warzones.

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The restrictions seem to be about making the game so frustrating to get to level 50 without purchasing additional perks that I wonder if people who found 15 bucks a month too much of a commitment will just quit in annoyance than dig into their pocket.


I don't see a problem with getting to level 50. Sure, you don't get to wear purple and won't see too many flashpoints (although, thinking back, I wouldn't have hit that limit too often either), but that really isn't an issue if you're just going through PvE. If you're a good little postman and do a moderate amount of sidequests, you outlevel your area most of the time. You also get moddable equipment early and easily enough to build viable gear with planet commendations.


You can also always team up with other people to do that stuff. This is, after all, trying to be a multiplayer experience.


Things get a bit worse once you hit 50 and finished the "single-player content", since content and gear tend to subtly change towards unavailable and unwearable, unless you start paying in some way. At this point it is worth repeating though that you've just had a damn long storyline for Free*.


* The definition of "Free" may depend on your country or region.

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Let me yell:



Hehe, really. Put that into CC (furniture, colors, etc...) and win/win for all XD!


I'd love to be able to decorate my star ships...but I have a feeling that a feature like that won't happen for quite some time. And to be honest..I'd much rather have a Barber Shop feature in the game first.

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No but I see the flaws in your thinking process.

Why would anyone leave the game at 50 if they liked it, logic says they would want to sub to experience endgame content and get all the advantages of being a subscriber. IF they didn't like it, then they may even leave at level 20'. They'll stay for the same reason you did.

And preferred status is not a slightly degraded version it is a much degraded version.

Personally? I'll pay 15$ a month because it is the most ridiculously cheap price for a month of entertainment I have ever seen. It's the cost of a 2hour movie ticket or a valet tip ffs.


It's even cheaper then taking a date to McDonald's for lunch.

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It will really depend on how they work out the cost of the coins.There is that level 31 armor for 1200 coins or just for one chr to wear purple was 1200.If it comes out to a penny a coin that would make 12 bucks for either.That is too much.If you stay subbed like I will that would be close to 5 months of being subbed for level 31 gear.No thanks.I glad to have FTP to draw people back to the game.So they really need to be careful not to drive away those they are trying to get.


Your maths is off there fella. You get a bonus of 250 for being subbed when f2p launches then after two months you will have 1250 to buy the level 31 armor , simple ? Also reading into what you said I believe you think subbed players need to unlock purple gear ? Well no they don't. Also the armor in the Cartel shop isn't needed really , we didn't have it before. The one thing that might keep people from playing is the 2 quick bars for f2p and preferred players , but i'm pretty sure that all important 3rd bar won't be too expensive , or it's bye bye Bioware for many.





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What is to stop people from leaving after level 50?


This addage applies here: "If you are giving the milk away for free, why would they buy the cow?" :p


Because no one will pay the price asked for that broken down old cow that gives no milk, to respond to your addage. The "subscription barrier" as defined by EA is reverse logic. They believe that they have a great MMO. The fact is that they have a great game, but terrible MMO.


The simple response to why someone left is "the cost of the subscription" The correct answer is "the VALUE of the subscription" I would say that most of the people who left, left to go pay subscriptions in some other game. Those who are F2P players would not have signed up for this game at launch or beyond. So those who have left are completely compfortable with the idea of paying $15 for a subscription, as long as they were getting their money's worth.


So basically everyone that ever had an account will be Preffered Status and anyone who ONLY pays the minimum of ~$5 US. FOREVER? It is not stipulated. If one only has to pay for a slightly degraded subscription for a one time fee of ~$5 US. Why would they ever subscribe?


Anyone else see the flaws in this plan?




Um... no. This is a common tactic among F2P games. It seems EA has cherry picked elements of F2P from current games rather than design one of their own. This is probably the best decision for EA, but only because this territory is so unfamiliar to EA. To play Devil's advocate for EA (yea, I can't believe I'm doing it either), they have no experience with this sort of gaming, so don't expect them to get it right at launch. This game wasn't right at launch, why would the F2P or CCM be any different? It's unexplored territory.


Well, lets analyze this.


The F2P model is broken because you are making people pay not for the content but for the tools needed to enjoy it.


You have two issues:

  • New players will not find normal paying for features that are free in others F2P MMO or that are not up to the market standard.
Somewhat correct without critical analysis. F2P is meant as a gateway. A means to which one can progress for casual gamers, and not have to pay the "start up fees." The features you mention, I assume, are the quickbars and bank space. Well in the course of playing the game, we need to consider that you don't need that much space for either. I don't usually expand my quickbars until after the home planet. That's around level 16-19. I have had toons that didn't need more than two until I reached level 40 (if I find I don't use a skill or item, I remove it). So for a casual player that wants to try out this game, it may take them several months to half a year or more to get off Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. Only spending around $5-$10 over several months, beats the $15 per month fee. Plus it's a one time layout.
  • Former players won't come back in the F2P model, or should I say won't spend money in it.


That is mere speculation and can't be substantiated by any means. Former players (or any player for that matter) will spend money, IF they believe they are getting their money's worth. If a former player comes back to play the game and finds that it is to their liking, they will spend the money. The smorgasbord that is the CCM is perfect to customize personal gameplay to meet the gamer. So in that, I find nothing wrong.


Thing is now a player has to pay more upfront than a monthly fee to be able to have a good game play experience.


You are implementing an entry barrier that's higher than the former one.

While you are trying to hide it, dividing it in subsets. Soon enough players will do the math and the word will spread out on the social networks, ruining your relaunch tentative. Never underestimate the MMO players...


True about underestimating, there is collective intelligence and wisdom. To the rest of your statement, it seems skewed. Let's do the math:


For all the bells and whistles account wide - $141.20 :eek:


But then lets look at what I NEED to enjoy the game.

Access Authorization: Section X - 600 per character, 1350 for entire account

I don't even know if I want to sub the game, why would I buy access to level 50? So - NO

Authorization: Artifact Equipment - 1200 per character, 2700 for entire account

I can't even get Artifact Equipment until I'm off the starter world, why buy it now? So - NO

Authorization: Crew Member Appearence - 325 per character, 725 for entire account

Again, not availible until after you leave the starter world. NO

Authorization: Event Equipment Requisition - 175 per character, 400 per for entire account

Unless an event is going on and I REALLY like the game. NO

Unlock: Guild Bank Access - 600 per character, 1350 for entire account

I'm just checking this game out. Most guilds woun't even invite me, nor would I even seek one out unless I plan to sub or pay anyway. NO

Unlock: 10 Galactic Trade Network Sale Slots - 125 per character, 280 for entire account

I can just vendor my junk. But, since I've said NO so many times, I'm going to say YES on this. Once.

Unlock: Additional Quickbar - 250 per character, 540 for entire account

I usually only use two over the course of the first chapter and since I can get that for free in Preferred status. NO

Unlock: Cargo Hold Access - 475 per character, 1050 for entire account

Gotta store my crap. - YES Once.

Unlock: Inventory Module - 175 per character, 390 for entire account

Again, gotta have room - YES Once, maybe twice if I'm only buying for one character.

Unlock: Crew Skill Slot - 420 per character, 945 for entire account

This one is debateable, but if I'm just cruising this car to see if the tires fall off. NO

Customization Control: Display Titles - 100 per character, 200 for entire account

Customization Control: Hide Head Slot - 350 per character, 775 for entire account

Customization Control: Unify Colors - 350 per character, 775 for entire account

Customization Control: Display Legacy Name - 100 per character, 200 for entire account

NO on all. I don't need these things to get into the game.


So on a trial, make only one character to test drive this puppy - $9.50 :p

If I'm pretty sure I'll play, but I can't afford the layout/commitment - $17.20 for account wide. But that is only once and I can purchase as I play and NEED it. If it takes me 2 months to get off Tython or Korriban, that turns into $5.75 per month. (2 "free" months and $17.20 for the third) :cool:


This is based on the assumption that it will be $1.00 US for 100 CC. Priced according to the PTS CCM.


Also more players will have access to the game and tell others players how broken is the game, especially as they'll compare it to games like LotRo, GW2. It's going to give you bad press.


Thing is you aren't in a monopolistic market. You do have competitors that have higher quality products with same or even lower price.


So to quote Tim, "They sky is not falling", at least in the regards to F2P functionality. This game has many more issues than F2P/CCM functionality. The reality of the whole F2P is that it is just a way to hide statistics from the fickle investors who see plummeting subscriptions and equate it to failure. (Well it IS, but with a F2P model, it makes it moot). It's all about the income generated. It's a delicate balance to juggle company needs, with investor needs, and consumer needs.

Edited by Thylbanus
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i really do enjoy this game but i am amazed at how the devs have wasted so many opotunities to make the game alot better, get to work on the following to give ppl more to do at lvl 50


barbershop (should have been at launch)


capitalships for guilds


FFS bring back Open World PVP rewards


Several new WZs required


Pazaak (should have been at launch)


swoop/pod racing (PvP)


spacecombat (PvP)


new planets/races


honestly with all these things missing from the game its no wonder so many have left

Edited by LucasEighty
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There were a lot of valid things brought up on FtP in the PTS forum. Some things needed major reworking and developers listened to that.


However, I am seeing an increasing number of subscriber's trying to get the devs to change the FtP model enough that they can drop their sub and still play the way they've grown accustomed. That is not going to happen. FtP is restrictive for a reason: to get people to subscribe. It is not "punishing" anyone. If you want to drop your sub, fine, but you will have restrictions until you pick your sub back up. It is not a "punishment" in any form.

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I think many of you are so focused on the flaws of this model, that you're failing to see the benefits for some players, which may even include yourself. Few points to consider:


1. Choice. Not everyone can fully dedicate their time to an mmo, some (most) have responsiblities. Ever had a month that you knew you were going to be up the closet full of work? As a subscription-only game, you'd basically waste the $15 dollars during such a month. Maybe you wouldn't have as much time to be active. Maybe you only wanted to play for an hour before getting back to your routine. This could allow you to toggle back and forth and make valuable use of your money and game time. I'm an active subscriber, and will continue to be one, but I wouldn't mind switching to F2P on a busy month or time period.


2. The bioware story is great, and some of the players who play this are hungry for a good story. Feed them a good one, and they come back for more. That's exactly the case with the F2P. The story will end eventually. What then? Players will be more likely to pay for extra game content after diving into a good story.


3. Keeping players active, even with F2P, keeps the game running smoothly; for example having to wait less on group finder for a heroic mission or warzones. Players tend to attract more players, so the population is bound to grow. And some of these new players have never even heard of Swtor, so they could be potential subscribers who were unaware of the game's existance. Yes, some people do live under a rock.


Just some opinions!

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Is there anyway we can get a CM or a Dev to weigh in on this? My sub is up on Nov 14th and I was looking at doing the F2P option as I haven't much time for anything these days. I bought the DDE and have had a sub since day -7 and played (again, off and on since I now have a lack of time) since early release.


Does this really mean no Cartel Coins since this goes live on Nov 15th and my sub ends on Nov 14th?


I don't need trolls answering, as I'm sure there are a lot of folks wondering the same thing. I like the game, have since the start, just that with how life goes sometimes your priorities change and time to do what you want conflicts with life.

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The second core rule is that subscribers should not experience any degradation of their gameplay experience. Those of you who are still paying a monthly fee should still get the same gameplay experience and you won’t find anything taken away from you and the gameplay that you currently enjoy.

First of all, with the last server consoldation players have experienced a sever degradation of their gameplay experience due to server side lag which was not present for me until SWTOR decided to pile everyone on just a few servers. Since 1.4 dropped, you can add frequent kicks to character selection screen or crashes to desktop many times while doing nothing (and I'm not talking about getting booted due to inactivity time out).


Since the assumption is that the FTP players will be crammed onto the few remaining servers along with the subscribers, please explain how my gameplay experience will not be degraded (e.g., even worse server side lag)?

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Is there anyway we can get a CM or a Dev to weigh in on this? My sub is up on Nov 14th and I was looking at doing the F2P option as I haven't much time for anything these days. I bought the DDE and have had a sub since day -7 and played (again, off and on since I now have a lack of time) since early release.


Does this really mean no Cartel Coins since this goes live on Nov 15th and my sub ends on Nov 14th?


I don't need trolls answering, as I'm sure there are a lot of folks wondering the same thing. I like the game, have since the start, just that with how life goes sometimes your priorities change and time to do what you want conflicts with life.


what I would suggest is to sub for 1 month (15$) to get all your Cartel Coins...


but remember, you don't have to do it RIGHT AWAY! you have until December 20 to do so...


also, if someone's really willing to spend a LOT of money to unlock most of the locked features, why wouldn't you simply subscribe and unlock ALL!?


they're mostly only available for those who want SOME features unlocked, and ignore the rest.


Me personally, will keep subscribing.

I'm just hoping for more interesting purchasable things in the future. (not just recoloured existing armour open to all classes and adaptive type)

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