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Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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I'd like Jedi robes that appear as they do in the movies -- i.e. the belt does not fasten around the outside of the robe.


I'd also like an outfit slot, like LOTRO has so I don't have to pay the credits to rip out my mods (which can be quite expensive) just to get an outfit that I like. I could also mix and match orange, green, blue, purple, etc. gear to get the absolute look that I want but still have my awesome gear.

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I would also like to note that please, please, include belts and bracers in the Cartel armor sets. The belt at the very least, as certain sets look best with the belt that was intended for it, and there aren't always Orange customizable version of the Belt to be used. Edited by Kirazy
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Primeval Vindicator's Chestguard

Force Sentry Headgear


And pretty much all of the Tionese/Columi/Rakata and Battlemaster Warrior gear (I know it is unlikely you guys will make adaptive armor based on endgame appearanced but meh).


I'd shell out a ton of money if ToR sold "adaptive" kits that could turn any piece of gear into adaptive armor. Oh man, I would buy so many of those ;_;

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The agent's TD-07A Scorpion Jacket, the trench coat without the high collar.


Seriously ... THIS! It's the exact same trenchcoat as worn by the security vendor, and also the gunslinger in the intro movie. I was forlorn when I found out only agents get the real trenchcoat and I have to deal with a cross between the lead-lined coat in Bladerunner and a life-preserver. It should be available in several shades of brown and black. I realize that the high-inflated collars and occasional fur lining on some of the regular longcoats must have been a bid for retro-chic meets the classic 80's Used Sci-Fi look that Lucas was going for, but for many of us it just falls short of the real deal. I swear the security vendor is poking fun of me when I'm not looking. If only I could incapacitate him and steal his duds when no one else is looking....

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More pants for counselors and inqusitors.


More uniform sets (various clothing uniforms and armor)


Opposite faction options. Not that it makes a difference from a gameplay standpoint, but from an RP standpoint... my Imperial Agent is a spy, it doesn't do him much good to wander around in an Imperial uniform, would be nice if he could get a set of Republic uniforms, and/or be able to wear Smuggler gear that looks like Smuggler gear.


The same could be said for Smugglers too, wearing an Imperial uniform, might get them past a checkpoint a little more often ;)


Please make more "adaptable" clothing sets.

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Thana Vesh's outfit. I know the marauder battlemaster set is similar but I just want an outfit just like hers with a hood toggle option.


A medium or adaptive armor version of Primeval Paragon Body Armor/legs/boots/etc. Right now this is only heavy armor.


Or just make everything adaptive armor.

Edited by Projawa
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We want the outfits from my epic thread (link in the signature). It has 5 stars, ever took a look? Perfect opportunity to see what community desires.


I'd especially like to see more Jedi Knight robes! And we don't want them on the Cartel Market - they were advertised for player character way before anyone would even think of f2p and cash shops!


Since you're having a lot of issues with hood toggle I would love to see HOOD DOWN variants of already available robes. Won't mind them being bundled in the cash shop at a reasonable price. I would especially love to see hood-down variant for the Legacy armor and Battlelord set.


We also need character creation screen armor of Jedi Knight. Would love to see it when f2p hits:

postimage.org/image/wwdumgcxb/ - won't mind it being from the cash shop. And keep it low level so I can wear it all the way from Coruscant... ^^

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Inquisitor's Exalted Robe (the Sith Inquisitor legacy set sold on Dromund Kaas) would be great. Either just the robe or the entire set. I could finally have black assassiny looking robes on my Jedi Shadow.


Would also like to see a recolor of Noble Consular's Vestments where the blue becomes black, and the brown / tan parts become dark grey and grey. I would definitely buy that as well.

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Individual armor pieces, not sets.


Cowboy hat

Eye patch (from the viper set)

Pieces like containment officer sets (not very many got the full sets in the first place)

Variations on Imp Trooper armor (obviously the classic version needs to remain CE only)

Jawa robe (large robe that hides everything but hands and feet, turns face black and eyes glowing yellow)

Darth Baras's headgear

Outlaw's Duster (just the chestpiece, not the horribly overpriced set)

Warlord's headgear (a version that works well with unify to chest would be preferable since none exist in game)

More pieces that use bright colors

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Black hood up robe for marauders. Like the one the Juggernauts get. I just want to look like a classic sith warrior. Nothing fancy.


You got close with the Defender set in the cartel market already but unfortunately its hood down.:(




A maurader set that has a hood up and doesn't look stupid.

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Jedi Battlelord armor and Rampage Assault armors are nice, but how about some with more vibrant colors and for goodness sakes put the belt UNDER the cloak. Who really wears a belt over the cloak to begin with? Also it would be nice to have the Sith Dueling Leathers in light/heavy versions as well as the Aspiring Knight's set in light/heavy armors. Also I've said it before and I'll say it again...Satele Shan's armor!!
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Jedi Battlelord armor and Rampage Assault armors are nice, but how about some with more vibrant colors and for goodness sakes put the belt UNDER the cloak. Who really wears a belt over the cloak to begin with? Also it would be nice to have the Sith Dueling Leathers in light/heavy versions as well as the Aspiring Knight's set in light/heavy armors. Also I've said it before and I'll say it again...Satele Shan's armor!!


YES! Belt UNDER the cloak for Knghts! Like for the Consular robes. It's not not tech issues (Consular chestpieces (like the pvp one) look perfectly with no belt around the waist, over the robe. It's just not very smart decision by the art team... On all the art and pictures no one is wearing wrapped robes =]

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Regarding the "Outrider's Flight Jacket" in the cartel market...


With no Trenchcoat options for my gunslinger, I was eager to find something rare and kewl in game that might separate me from the rest of the crowd. I hate capes, and the poofy longcoat wouldn't do. Now, the vest model isn't really bad (poofy collar aside). I actually found this item on the GTN pre-1.5 maybe a couple months back in game thanks to a fellow player that had been hanging onto it for some time (from the lower levels). Now, dark brown and green I can handle, but the mustard scarf was a little blah. But, I made it work and got kind of comfortable with using it as my 'unique' PvP chest. The only other colors I've seen for it in custom are pink and light blue (seriously?), so I figure it could be much worse.


Now, with the Cartel Market on its way and more options to choose from, i find.......... the exact same rare jacket??? Don't get me wrong, I don't care that other people have a chance to use something different or that it's no longer somewhat unique. What bugs me is that it's just a pre-existing model with no color variations from the original.


My suggestion? First and foremost, let us custom modify the colors of our own gear. Sometimes a gear model works, but the colors are unreal. Now, assuming that isn't an option soon to be available, what about allowing us to custom-select the colors for the cartel gear we buy? Again, I'd prefer being able to change the gear directly even at cost, but if that doesn't work, let us select colors before we buy and then have the custom piece placed in our inventory. I'd love for all purchases to be legacy-bound so that we can freely trade them between characters on the same account, too.


Hopefully you see where I'm going with this. We're already expecting to see an explosion of carbon-copy gear at launch, because frankly most of us are tired of looking the same. Giving us color options would make a huge difference, and perhaps make the cartel gear purchases even more popular. Give us customization, sell dye kits, whatever works.. but please do something.

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Hey folks, the Cartel Market team wants your help and advice in determining possible future content.


Specifically, they want to hear about what current in-game outfits you’ve been envious of that you would love to see available for other classes as moddable outfits. Please post your thoughts and ideas below!


How about just simple appearance slots? Players get to wear, appearance-wise, what they want. No muss, no fuss.


Players are more likely to spend real ca$h/Cartel coins, for appearance gear they don't need to mod. See other FTP MMO's for examples. The point of Cartel coins is to increase revenue. Exploit it.

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