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Release Of 'Star Wars: Episode 7' For 2015


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Good ideas but no frickin JJ Abrams, not only does he suck, he's already done an ST film. Thatd b a conflict of intrest, n borderline sacreligous man.


JJ Abrams did a great job with the Star Trek movie. It was a huge hit at the box office. He's a damn good director. It's his writing and "creative ideas" that are a bit too far out there for a lot of people. Besides, he's not under contract to Roddenberry or anything. He can do what he wants for whomever he wants.


Granted, Joss Whedon would be a much better choice, with the success of The Avengers and his ability to make every character shine onscreen. Give it up for Robert Downey Jr. that he STILL managed to steal the show in spite of Joss Whedon's fair direction. :D

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Given by the fact that it's called Episode VII, it will probably Mr. Lucas trilogy after the emperors death. Mostly concentrating on the three childs of Leia and Han. And by that I think that some of the original cast could really be on screen again. Even if they do not sign up for the project, it's rather clear that some long lived creatures and our most beloved droids are to appear.


After the desastrous prequels episode I-III (which really got worse with each following), I am happy to see that a development is lead towards the final original trilogy and I really hope that Disney relies on it's skills to tell good stories and fairy tales it's been famous for about nearly hundred years now.


The world now has got a reason to survive the 2012-phrophecy, let's get going for another great Star-Wars-Movie in 2015, best wishes for it, but directors and financing folk, do not forget that the original Star Wars films were much more than just high-priced special effects, than you probably can't go wrong.


I hope the sensation when entering the premiere will be like it was when episode IV special edition was released, ...

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It won't be a kids movie like the rest of the Disney movies, lets not forget that they also bought Marvel prior to the release of The Avengers.


Unfortunately all of the Star Wars movies have pandered to kids anyway. We give the OT a pass because we were kids ourselves at that time, but we hate the PT for it. The truth is that Star Wars has always been kid friendly.

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I completely expected this to be the case...it is cool that they are giving Zahn's books some publicity to the masses, though. ;)


For those interested, Timothy Zahn is posting thoughts about it in his facebook.


You go away for a weekend...


We got home from Tampa and Necronomicon late last night (after a full day of flying) to the stunning news of the Disney/Lucasfilm deal. It's going to take a little time to process my thoughts, but I'll try to post some comments here later today.


But to answer a few of the most immediate questions:


1. No, I haven't been contacted by either Disney or LFL.

2. There's no indication that anything from the Thrawn Trilogy (or any other EU book/comic will be part of the new movies.

3. There's also no indication that they *won't* make an appearance. Right now, we really have nothing on any of those details.

4. If Disney *did* want to use anything from the EU, they wouldn't need the author's approval or permission to do so. Everything that's been written under the Star Wars logo is LFL properly (as is only right and proper), and they can do with it as they please.

5. If by some miracle Disney *does* want my input on the project, I *will* be on the next flight to California. Heck, I'll charter a plane if I have to.


That's all for now. More thoughts when my brain wakes up a bit.

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  • 3 months later...

Well lucas doesent accept anything from extended universe and not even novels...and also he explicitly said new star wars are gonna follow luke and his establishment of jedi academy....anything else is still unknown...also luke will be old and main jedi saviour is probably gonna be his young padawan or full blown jedi by then....

who the main villain will be i have no idea but i would assume its jedi gone south again or something like that..i think there is going to be a lot of jelousy involved in new star wars...


BTW dunno why people doom these sequel already... remember empire strikes back was neither produced or screenplayed by lucas and it turned out to be an awesome movie and now...J.J. Abrams who is imo best sci fi director is in the crew so this is to be at least in terms of movie technology a great movie... plot is already written by lucas yeaaaars ago (episode 1-12) so lets hope he tought sequels better then prequels altough i like pre's quite alot...they give great perspective to what happens in 4-6.




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Well lucas doesent accept anything from extended universe and not even novels...and also he explicitly said new star wars are gonna follow luke and his establishment of jedi academy....anything else is still unknown...also luke will be old and main jedi saviour is probably gonna be his young padawan or full blown jedi by then....

who the main villain will be i have no idea but i would assume its jedi gone south again or something like that..i think there is going to be a lot of jelousy involved in new star wars...


BTW dunno why people doom these sequel already... remember empire strikes back was neither produced or screenplayed by lucas and it turned out to be an awesome movie and now...J.J. Abrams who is imo best sci fi director is in the crew so this is to be at least in terms of movie technology a great movie... plot is already written by lucas yeaaaars ago (episode 1-12) so lets hope he tought sequels better then prequels altough i like pre's quite alot...they give great perspective to what happens in 4-6.





Nice necro.

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