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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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I don't think this is a bad thing. It was shocking at first. But I do seem to remember Lucas saying he'd never create Episode 7. Imo, nothing is worse than never having another SW movie, even if they lack like 1-3 did. But I also didn't hate those movies and I know some of you do with a passion. One thing that somewhat scares me is I've never seen Disney do a video game or any good ones. Hope we see SW video games come out with their takeover.
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GL has a boat load of money, time to retire don't blame him, I have been a fan since A New Hope launched, I have enjoyed all 6 of the movies, and the clone wars is the only new star wars I get atm, I am looking forward to seeing some new movies, and hope they live on for years to come... that's how I see it for me, being a fan I am always hungry for new Star Wars..:)
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I can see Bill Nighy as a Sith Lord though. I mean: Rufus Scrimgeour, Victor, Davy Jones, that dude from Love Actually. Hardcore people.


It is all about who they hire to run the movies. We cite the Marvel group, but lets remember that set of producers are from what Marvel itself put together. They were doing just fine before Disney, and have been given more cash and the means to push harder. The results are good so far.


Now John Carter, there we have a cautionary example of lots of money not being enough to save an obscure title poorly done.


As for the games? I simply can't expect the Disney machine will fail to visit this little outpost sooner rather than later. And I so very much hope they hammer EA and either dictate they do better, or buy out the game and do it themselves.

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I find it funny that this is posted on the TOR forums, of all places. TOR, a game where we can actually go to Alderaan and see the workings of the noble houses. The leader of the House in control is called "King" or "Queen." That would make the daughter a princess.


Bail Organa was a member of the House. He was a Senator, yes, but he was also of the royal bloodline. Thus, his adopted daughter was, in fact, a princess.


Regarding Amidala, you're somewhat right. She was elected, but the simple matter is that she was a queen by matter of title. She was granted the title by the people of Naboo as part of their democratic process. That makes her royalty, because the people of Naboo are ruled by a Queen. So, no, she's not a princess. She was a Queen. And, just like former US Presidents, I imagine those who serve as queen retain some of the privileges of rank. So, she's still a noble, so she could fit into a loose definition of princess.


So, it wouldn't at all be a stretch of the lore to include these characters as Disney princesses. However, I'd think the fact that Amidala died in childbirth would put a damper on her inclusion. All the other princesses lived "happily ever after." Amidala lost the will to live. Hardly a role model for the girls, is it?


yes they can use any title they want to, but theyre not "classic" royals,,theyre modern ones,,really democracy


i also have no problems with leia and arielle in the "same box",,still feels a bit weird though


role model ,, yes,,she was good, she tried to do good things, but she was blinded by love


she also was a driving force to get rid of the president ,so palpatine could make his move


she is a strong willed and good person, she does many good things, and a few bad by accident


i think she is a good role model, she was simply a victim of the storyline


her role feels so more alive and real, than leias,,at least from whats been on screen

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This doesn't really surprise me-- Disney getting hold of LFL. While it's a little bit unnerving as a Star Wars fan, all-in-all I don't particularly mind it. Disney has worked with Star Wars things for years and has done an excellent job, and I think that they'll do just fine with it in the future, too. And I know that Lucas has said that he trusts Disney, and that if anyone was to take over he wanted it to be them (I can't remember the words exactly)... so I don't really see this as any big problem.

Besides, that just means that we'll be getting more Star Wars things. Lucas doesn't seem to really have any any plans past the last season or two of Clone Wars and that really crappy looking Detours series (besides the various rumors have a live action series that may or may not be happening). With Disney taking the wheel we'll no doubt see more Star Wars coming.


Honestly, I'm glad that Disney got it and not some other company.

Edited by Blue_Leader
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Star Wars has been continuing with the EU, it hasn't stopped at all. Theres also the TV show ya know too, but as I said while I don't mind a new movie they didn't really need to be making another. But again, will go see and probably end up liking it anyway, my only real gripe though is that I hope it doesn't ruin EU a whole lot.

Its risky I know, and a lot could go wrong - but ultimately we have a thousand different people and different companies getting their hands on star wars over the years in the EU and I don't hear any massive complaints. Disney is a respected company who are good at what they do, what could go wrong *crosses fingers*


EDIT: You do realize guys though that this is gonna be a bulldozer through any EU after the films (thank god i was never into that stuff) I'd be worried Thrawnites. (you have been warned, George Lucas always said that Starwars ended with ROTJ - but you just didn't listen :rolleyes:)

Edited by Beniboybling
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I can see Bill Nighy as a Sith Lord though. I mean: Rufus Scrimgeour, Victor, Davy Jones, that dude from Love Actually. Hardcore people.


It is all about who they hire to run the movies. We cite the Marvel group, but lets remember that set of producers are from what Marvel itself put together. They were doing just fine before Disney, and have been given more cash and the means to push harder. The results are good so far.


Now John Carter, there we have a cautionary example of lots of money not being enough to save an obscure title poorly done.


As for the games? I simply can't expect the Disney machine will fail to visit this little outpost sooner rather than later. And I so very much hope they hammer EA and either dictate they do better, or buy out the game and do it themselves.


yea nighy is awesome..his stare is even scarier than clints:eek:


and i hope the disney machine get here soon, while theres still something to save


but i think theyre planning on doing just that, since this is such a big asset

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LOL, i dont know why eveyones so upset, Lucas wasnt exactly spinning it into gold anymore. I mean cmon there is nothing dumber than bringing Darth Maul back with bionic legs, maybe disney wont do much better but theyl have to work really hard to make it much worse. Edited by Beans_of_steel
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i wonder if the agreement between Ea and lucas arts will be void now. Maybe disney will revamp this game. OR they will "lay off" everyone and shut the game down. Or a meteor will hit earth and wipe out al life. Or the sun will explode.


Or maybe something good will happen.


Disney did not buy Lucas Arts.. they bought the Lucas Films.. learn the difference :) Disney buying Lucas Films has no effect on the gaming division which they do not own. George Lucas still has complete control over Lucas Arts.

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In truth for me the first movie in 1977 was the magic. Good or bad that first movie and the ideas and fantasy's it has allowed me to live out have been good fun. Lucas lost me with Return of the Jedi. it was pure greed and marketed towards kids from then on. So this move to Disney won't really change that. kids are were the big bucks are at. George got his 4 billion and he loses all the hate He generated from all the bad moves He made after New Hope. This game is pretty close to my idea of an adult driven Star Wars. And of course...Star Wars lives on in my mind and the story's I cook up from my characters i have created as well as others who write fan fiction, that is where the real Star Wars lives, not in Disney or Lucas or even Bioware.
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Lucas is an incredible idea man.

He is not a very talented dialogist/director.


I am a fan of the prequels and the classic trilogy so it isn't like I'm all anti-Lucas HOWEVER...


With his ideas and more talented people at the helm, we might be in treat for a GOOD thing. Give it a chance.

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Disney did not buy Lucas Arts.. they bought the Lucas Films.. learn the difference :) Disney buying Lucas Films has no effect on the gaming division which they do not own. George Lucas still has complete control over Lucas Arts.


Um, you are incorrect: QUOTE: LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. © 2012 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm Ltd. & ® or ™ as indicated. All rights reserved.


That makes Disney in charge sir....

Edited by Bladesingre
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Disney did not buy Lucas Arts.. they bought the Lucas Films.. learn the difference :) Disney buying Lucas Films has no effect on the gaming division which they do not own. George Lucas still has complete control over Lucas Arts.


Incorrect, sir. Disney bought Lucasfilm, its IPs and its subsidiaries, including LucasArts, ILM, and Skywalker Sound.


EDIT: Curses, ninja'ed by Bladesingre

Edited by HoloTweed
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on another note: the "princesses" in star wars really arent


"queen" amidala was elected leader,,,PRESIDENT amidala


leia was a stepdaughter of senator organe,,,,"senators daughter"


but "princess" just sounds better


Pretty sure we're all aware that Alderaan does, in fact, have kings, and princesses. Being a senator doesn't mean you aren't also a prince... and a quick google search shows that (at least according to the star wars wiki) Bail Organa WAS prince consort to Queen Breha Organa. That would presumably mean that their adopted daughter would have been a princess. In addition to being a senators daughter. One doesn't rule out the other.


But yeah, Amidala wasn't ever a princess, she was a queen. Elected queen, but the title used was still queen.

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yes they can use any title they want to, but theyre not "classic" royals,,theyre modern ones,,really democracy



Here's Royals and Elections 101.


The Holy Roman Emperors, going back to Charlemagne, were elected. By a group of 7 nobles. You don't get more "classic" than the guy who basically invented post-Roman Europe.


Anglo-Saxon kings were elected by their thanes. Scandinavian royalty has been elected since the Middle Ages. Democracy is not a new thing. Nor is it incompatible with being ruled by a monarch. The Queen of England lives in a democracy.


Universal sufferage is not a requirement of democracy, either - all democracy means is that someone has voted, not that everyone has. Amidala is a queen because she was voted in, but she's as much a queen as any of the Terran examples above. Leia, as Bail and Breha's daughter, is a princess as much as Beatrice or Eugenie is a princess. Real princesses. I'm sure they could all pee through 20 mattresses, if they had to.

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I was pretty happy with these news.


New trilogy and a new star wars movie every 2-3 years after that.


Theres many untold star wars stories from the books and video-games that deserve a movie.


the original KOTOR and the Story of Revan would make one awesome movie. They could make a trilogy with KOTOR1, KOTOR 2 and SW:ToR: Revan book. It would be epic... and then another trilogy with the events of SWTOR! xD

Edited by Nemmar
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