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Official "Give Us Purple Color Crystals" Discussion


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We want our Purple crystals now!! We want to know WHY they were removed from the game (excluding the lvl 50 ones)!!! And do NOT make them Dark Side only!!!


I agree. Stop that mmo limit to raid, pvp or rare things stuff Bioware. This is a RPG and Star Wars game before a mmo. If you want some rare hard to achieve items then make it some rare gear set, but stop messing with our item customization because of some Ridiculous mmo argument. Like the when you took the color matching system out of the game and said "If you can make the colors match too well, you will not feel rewarded when gaining the right type of set, and improving gear is a big part of a mmo" Wait... WHAT? Seriously?


You build this game as a STORY driven mmo, and the STORY is while your leveling, meaning that you should have plenty of customization option while LEVELING, because when you reach max level who the hell cares how you look, since your STORY is over.

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I totally agree with Bioware having done it the way they have. Having some rare items/mods is nice. And that is coming from someone who really, really wants to use a purple crystal. I probably won't find one but hey, if I do, it'll feel all the more epic to have finally got one. Feels like more of a challenge than being handed everything on a plate.


Hell, half of the people whining for purple crystals to be handed out left right and centre probably only want one so bad because they are so rare. We always want what we can't have - psychology 101.


PLEASE do not change this Bioware.

Edited by Clash
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I totally agree with Bioware having done it the way they have. Having some rare items/mods is nice.


That is true; but so much for the vaulted claim that MMO players like to "earn" things. The title itself speaks to the fact that some don't really like the concept but instead want the path of least resistance with "Give us...."


Anyways; this issue was addressed and can be found in the Dev Tracker and pertinant thread:


It's actually not difficult at all. There is no RNG element involved, nor do you need to be running around in endgame gear to obtain it, nor do you need an Operation to do so.


You may need a bit of time, but not a crazy amount either. All classes are capable of obtaining it. Think of it as something like a datacron.


Of course you also need to find an Artifice capable crafter with the recipe to turn the raw crystal it into a Lightsaber crystal, but for the right price, I'm sure they'll help you out.


Honestly, I was a bit amazed to find out that it is possible to have a mystery like this in an MMO. It's been in the game for a few months now (since beta).


Why the mystery? Why not serve it on a platter to those who want the color?


Well, for the same reason there aren't vendors at the start of the game with all the outfits, colors, colors, weapon appearances, etc. Because this is an RPG - some things are earned, not just handed to you on a silver platter. If you want them, you have to play the game.


Yes, we know character appearance is important for people. Hence many of the choices we made in the game, hence us adjusting many features based on feedback from the community during beta. However, the acquisition of appearance options is still a part of the game. You earn appearance past character creation, in various ways.


As said, the magenta adegan crystal is available for everyone and eventually someone will figure out how to get it. It's rare because it's undiscovered, not rare because it's terribly hard to get.


And, because I'm such a nice person today, I'll throw in one hint to get you started:




- Sourced


This thread is redundant.

Edited by Solar
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  • 2 weeks later...
As said, the magenta adegan crystal is available for everyone and eventually someone will figure out how to get it. It's rare because it's undiscovered, not rare because it's terribly hard to get.


And again, as many people who are not colorblind have *already* pointed out time and time again, MAGENTA IS NOT PURPLE.


Magenta is a pink. I didn't have pink blades in KotOR I and II, I had purple blades. I don't want it because it's RARE, I want it because it is what my JEDI character HAS HAD IN EVERY OTHER GAME.


The whole BS "Lore" argument is invalid because:

This game's "Lore" is built on the KotOR games before it, and the Old Republic Era of the EU in the first place. If *ANYTHING*, those stupid black-core lightsabers are the ones which should either be super-rare or non-existant. Purple as a *BLADE COLOR* should be attainable during our story arc, not just at endgame on the Sith side only.

Edited by DoktorOrdo
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Addendum to my previous post:


I'm also tired of seeing the "Well then reroll as a Sith and do PvP loltrollwtfbbq!". Not everyone wants to be Empire, and not everyone wants to have to PvP to get such a simple thing as a blade COLOR that was freely available in KotOR I, KotOR II, and the Beta of SWtOR. Sure, in KotOR I and II, we had to look for said color crystals, but they were there and certainly not super-rare. I didn't get an opportunity to play the Beta of this game, but friends who did said that purple as a blade color crystal was available... And I for one was very disappointed when it wasn't available in the release. And to re-iterate, I'm talking about purple, like in KotOR I and II, not Magenta pink.

Edited by DoktorOrdo
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Guys, purple crystals are in the game, they just aren't prevalent yet because you need level 400 artiface to craft them. Before you know it everyone will have one.


Even if what you are saying were true about them being craftable and requiring lvl 400 artifice to craft at all, they would still only be available to high level characters unless there are schematics for crystals usable by each level.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Purple color crystals pretty please.


You can keep unique things going. Make it so the dark/red one is only available on rakata/battlemaster if you want. Keep making stuff like Master Chamma's Lightsaber, that allows dark siders to wield a green blade saber.


Make it so there's some rare black only crystal around that requires you to farm a month doing heroic 4 quests to get it.


Make a color shifting crystal that is even more super rare and require you to subscribe the game for 2 years collecting crap for it.


But please pretty pretty please make basic color sabers like purple and white available. And not all at endgame. If you have plans to screw us on white, at least throw us some purple for joy of republic and low level empire players.


Also while at it, throw a bone to artificers and get them to make the new colors.

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I agree 100%, Purple being this hard to get is just stupid.


To many NPC's have them in their weapons for it to be rare.


My Suggestion: when you first get your light saber or starting orange gun instead of it giving you a Mod with it it should pop up the option to choose a color crystal with the Rep's getting Green,Blue or Purple and the Imps getting Red or purple .. and maybe orange.


either this or bioware goes in and changes all the NPC's so the purple light sabers looks rarer .

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Here's my view on this...


I have been wanting a purple saber since before I even bought the game. I thought the purple would be a cool contrast to the red pureblood sith I was gonna create.


I honestly do not care about what the TRUE story is behind the colored light sabers. To me keeping this game "authentic" is a failed attempt. My characters name is "Midsyde"......Do you remember reading about any "Midsyde" in the books? NO because we all as players are doing our own thing.


That being said I think anyone should be able to customize solid colors. I don't care if it costs money or commendations but come on....We should enjoy the leveling process and if having our favorite color as a light saber that should be allowed.


The whole split colors and black or white sabers....go ahead and keep those for the high levels I don't care....but for me choosing between red and orange....just not cutting it for me.


PS - I also had how light side and dark side HAVE to have different colors.....if I want a blue saber I shouldn't be "forbidden" to use it....I do what I want! isn't that part of being a sith?

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Lol this thread is stupid.


Purple isnt a "rare" color, and the developer who posted in here flat out lied.


The only way to get a purple lightsaber is to be an Empire player and buy it with PVP tokens.


People wanting purple are stupid? Explain that one to me?

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Lol this thread is stupid.


Purple isnt a "rare" color, and the developer who posted in here flat out lied.


The only way to get a purple lightsaber is to be an Empire player and buy it with PVP tokens.


see but that is something that is freaking annoying.. what about the people that like purple but don't like pvp ..

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Here's my view on this...


I have been wanting a purple saber since before I even bought the game. I thought the purple would be a cool contrast to the red pureblood sith I was gonna create.


I honestly do not care about what the TRUE story is behind the colored light sabers. To me keeping this game "authentic" is a failed attempt. My characters name is "Midsyde"......Do you remember reading about any "Midsyde" in the books? NO because we all as players are doing our own thing.


That being said I think anyone should be able to customize solid colors. I don't care if it costs money or commendations but come on....We should enjoy the leveling process and if having our favorite color as a light saber that should be allowed.


The whole split colors and black or white sabers....go ahead and keep those for the high levels I don't care....but for me choosing between red and orange....just not cutting it for me.


PS - I also had how light side and dark side HAVE to have different colors.....if I want a blue saber I shouldn't be "forbidden" to use it....I do what I want! isn't that part of being a sith?


Anakin used a blue lightsaber.

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Seriously they need to just go back to crystals having no stats, make every single color craftable (no rares at all) and you would be surprised at what people end up using.

Most people would be using blue/green/red...only reason people clamor for white and purple right now is because it is a status symbol...take away the status symbol and they will become rare on their own.

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I believe that:


1. Color crystals shouldn't have stats at all.

2. All moddable weapons, should have an additional slot for color.

3. Unless it's red, blue, or green, there shouldn't be a restriction, IF ANY.


restrictions suck. Especially when it comes to something cosmetic. Bioware chose a joyless, crappy route with color crystals and I honestly believe they simply gave purple to the Empire because dark = evil and they have a blatant, embarrassingly unprofessional bias toward the empire.


Even Korean games can get this kind of thing right, but Bioware is just too arrogant to consider anything other than the stuff they think is important.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Most people would be using blue/green/red...only reason people clamor for white and purple right now is because it is a status symbol...take away the status symbol and they will become rare on their own.


I prefer purple, even without stats. I don't really care how and with what people pose on the fleet...

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