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Everything posted by Arybeth

  1. It's a huge "my opinion" here, but It's my feeling that the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior storylines are the "main" storylines of the game, so if you never saw them, it's really worthy to check them out. My first finished toon was a sorc, and my second a sage, and I can say I was kind of underwhelmed by their stories.
  2. I can confirm the server continuously having issues almost everyday at my usual playtime (night up to after midnight). Basically every day I play, there's a certain moment where the email server do not work. and if I log off of a toon at that time, it will mean 10+min loading screen either to log off or to log back on another toon, if I managed to evade the 'characters unavailable due to mainenance'.
  3. Acording to Lord Vash, they're "dull dull dull dull dull"!
  4. I didn't exhaust all the combinations, so I still have a lot to explore. For some reason I was unaware that Jen Hale was female trooper, so I picked up male trooper :-( Not that I have that much complains about the voice actor, but man, Jen Hale... I kind of enjoy the very unique tones the male Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter voice actors brought to the table. Same with the male Sith Inquisitor, it's indeed hard to stray away from dark side with him. But the real reason of this post is to mentino not a class voice, but a NPC voice I find awesome: Fixer 66, imperial NPC from the Balmorra questline. Anyone else found him awesome?
  5. I can't play every day. I work every day and do night shift maintenance on many weekdays because 2 of my coworkers are now in the hospital with broken bones. So I play at weekends, if I don't go out, or monday night, which is my day off. I logged in SWTOR 9pm, logged off 2am my time. I miss the raid because of Daylight Savings (wasn't aware of it). I did Belsavis dailies with guildies and then 33 warzones alone. You think it's impossible? You do think it requires 9 hours? Sorry, my numbers aren't pulled out my ***. I wasn't even counting, the quest trackers were! got the weekly and daily quests today, I finished the new 'play 30 warzones' daily, and I'm sitting at 2/3 of the 'win 3 warzones' one. Your random troll comment seem to be pulled out of your ***, though. It's fine, I was expecting a lot more. I'd post a screenshot if I had one, not that it'd prove anything to a troll. Sorry if you can't relate. Of course you're the judge of value of everything, right? Please post yor email so I can send my posts to you for previous evaluation before posting since you elected yourself the keeper of all that matters. No. You're not reading a post about zomg melee is one shotting me in one stun lock, or pl0x nerf these classes and buff mine. I didn't pick sorc because they're zomg overpowered, but because I have a history of playing healers, and I wanted to play a forcer user because well, Star Wars. If the only healer force user class was some crap one no one plays because it's clearly underpowered, I'd still have rolled one. Don't assume all players of a class are 'lolscrubs'. Sticking to the subject, I think presenting a strong case that definitely isnt new: SWTOR pvp focus is small teams, and the smaller the size, the greater the focus on individual talent and organization. Premades chain running BGs will almost always win, and usually only lose when matched against a better premade like this guy said: If he win 9 out of 10 games, maybe there's someone out there losing 9 out of 10 games. There are people who relate with this situation here. I never saw snow, does that mean I should call ******** of its existence? If 100 people never saw something, it doesn't mean it does not exist. But just needs 1 to see something to prove that it exist. Common advice to my 'complaint' is: 1 - stop pvping at all/stop pvping when losing; I'll be honest, the main reason I started pvping was to grab a purple saber (!). Now I obviously have one (btw thank you Bioware, loved the buyable color crystals!), but after you cap, do all flashpoints and operations, there isn't much left to do. I'm not that interested in codex collecting, and the Tatooine baloon scarred my datacron hunting experience (it bugged me not once but 2 times, dropping me). Maybe I should go read some books? 2 - only play with friends and join the warzone farm extravaganza; I'm lacking in the ingame friend department, unfortunately. I joined this guild I'm in because my previous guild abandoned the game basically. I could make new friends or join random pugs forming in /1 I guess, but that does not change the semi organized teams unbalacing pvp situation. I believe BW is aware of this, and since solving it is hard, they 'fix' giving greater rewards to losing players than normal (if you can't win X bgs, well, lose 30, it gives the same reward). It's a challenge, I just hope it gets some attention. If your RBG can't win a match against other RBG teams, the problem is within your team. If your random pvp groups can't win a match against other random pvp groups, maybe the problem is in the system.
  6. I'd consider what this guy just said. These forums have a bad fame of badmouthing and heavy trolling, but at least on my post, I'm very surprised from what I've been reading. Maybe my prolix writting style scared people, or it was just TL/DR, but as someone that isn't exactly satisfied with the way the resolve mechanic works and how this game handles long CCs, I greatly encourage you to elaborate more on your post for better feedback. Like this guy did.
  7. I honestly have no clue. I don't play enough to know my servers guilds very well. In at least one of the matches, I was paired with a 4 people premade in my team. The other team had a better 4 people premade, though, and we lost. It was the 2/2 loss I mentioned earlier. I'm honestly looking forward to cross realm BGs. Because if this is a server specific thing, I'll be glad to be able to get randomized more.
  8. If this works exactly like you're saying, I'll be someone very happy. You sure it's like you saying? I'm not saying you're wrong - I just didn't read it anywhere, so I'm clearly not up to date -, but if SWTOR brings WOW model of RBGs, it won't work the way you say - people still queue as group of 5s for non rated BGs. Which, in WOW, if it's a geared group and you get any of the 10man BGs, you'll be crushed, just like the teams of 8 random people. Most of the top pvp players in WOW that queue as duo for regular BGs tend to entertain themselves with HK farming since they don't need any honor gear and have no rank ladder to climb other than reaching the higher HK achievements. But SWTOR has the valor system, which strongly encourages organized pvp players to heavily milk warzones for points. For the queueing advices, I rarely let the 'requeue' button active on losing strikes, but it didn't help me much. For the gear advise, unfortunately I have no Rakata gear. I cleared the HM operations like 5 times, and killed Soa NM exactly once, the very first time trying it. My gear is full Columi; but I like to think my experience as a hardmode healer raider in WOW makes me overcome the gear requirements. Here theres a pic of me in the NM Soa kill: http://trigger-happy.ca/ (btw, I believe my guild is recruiting!) I'm not playing a lot, and due to inquisitor overflow, I usually passed on big upgrades (like Rakata weapon) to most active guildies.
  9. Yes, I played 32 matches this night. 31 hutballs, and 1 voidstar (the 31th game) where I lost to the Republic. 1 win. Also lost the last huttball (32th). It was 2/0 for my team - I did a free pass for someone to cap the first ball, and extricated the second capper. Other team capped 2 balls and we lost. Update! I just won my second victory! the 33th game, I capped the ball absurdely fast somehow (decent positioning, people actually passed to me). I was involved in 5 of the 6 caps. Of course, I didn't get any MVP votes, but Im not really that concerned about other player's recognition. After a +- 3 hour pvp session play, that's my results, and now I have to log and get some sleep. This puts me at 2/3 from my daily, and 6/9 from the weekly, which I have for 2 weeks now, unable to complete. I don't play a lot, but I believe I played around 100 matches over 3 days (my Ilum quest is marking 105/150, and that's all from warzones), making my win ration around 6%. I'll be honest, I don't think it's been a special bad day. When I play pvp, my regular expectations is to win 1 out of 5 matches, since the chance I'm stuck with random 7 instead of a 4 premade is a lot bigger. However, I usually don't, and I am seldom able to complete the weekly. The daily is out of question. From what I observe: 1 - Almost every match, the first team to cap wins. It's like the other team gives up and stick to random player killing/medal farming (I thought it was made less effective with the patch?). At least players are leaving less warzones. 2 - Huttball is a very interesting and challenging game, but nigh impossible to coordinate when playing with random 7 players. In this BG, even 2 players from the same guild is enough to greatly unbalance the matches. 3 - The people I know (not that many people, true) that queue solo for Warzones (everyone plays empire) experience less than 10% win ratio. The changes to Ilum quests are very nice, because it makes very easy to track this! 4 - The people I know that queue with 2+ friends report a win ratio over 70%. I honestly feel tempted to abandon solo queue pvp because of how frustrating it is, specially empire side, to play a very technical game with such low expectations. If anyone from Bioware reads these forums and want some suggestions, I really don't know which to give. It's a strange suggestion to ask to not allow queueing as group in a MMORPG, but other than that I don't know what could make these games more balanced. Maybe pair premade teams with a very high win ratio with random players with very low ratios to make the game slightly more challenging for the premade? Or maybe to try to balance the gear between the teams, giving premades with 4 battlemasters the least geared players in the warzone to mix the group?
  10. Hey folks, I just want to vent a couple issues with the community, even if it just means I'll get bashed and trolled until there's no tomorrow. I have a lvl50 sorcerer that unfortunately right now I'm unable to play more. I've healed and DPSed flashpoints, operations and warzones. For instance, I have done everything hardmode, and killed Soa Nightmare, so I'm not worthless. I'm most certainly not the brightest pvp star, but I can stand my game. I use my interrupts, cc, kill people, do a lot more than average damage and know how to contribute to objectives by knocking carriers with overload, did my fair share of clutch extrications not only by grabbing carriers but by saving people from fires/etc. Even got some tells of people saying 'nice move' every once in a while. Last night, i got some playtime. Equipped my full centurion set (yes, I'm still far from battlemaster gear) and went to complete the daily 3 win quests. I did 30 warzones. As empire, of course it was 30 huttballs. My teams won 1. That's a pretty awesome 3% win rate right there. The main difference from what I could see is that I'm usually hanging around with 7 other guidless/random guild characters, where the other team almost always have at least 3 from the same guild. Even if the big hitters are on my team, they win easily and sometimes with record time. My question is: should I just give up pvp at all unless I have guildies and voice chat to play? Because from what I'm experiencing, 3 people, even with random gear and half assed skills can totally turn the tables of any warzone just because it means almost 50% of that team is playing coordinately.
  11. Then maybe you should have, instead of just nagging at some random expression. You'll see in this thread feedback to Bioware on how much players enjoy the purple (and other) color customization, and how it'd be lovely to have that available to a larger player base, instead of just a niche of second rate pvp weapon for Empire players. You'll even read some good ideas, like the hability to customize color of weapon and armors dissociated with the +stats - which is a good one, since BW removed the 'match gear so it doesnt look like clown suit' option from the game. Also, for the guy who said 'stop asking for crystal because there are servers with queues', eh... I do think Bioware has more than one single developer, so giving feedback on some art subject seriously won't impact on fixing real scalability code for server population or the dreaded FPS issue a lot of people has been meeting.
  12. Oh yeah! And also, male-to-male! I'm really sorry Ashara is not fond of girls.
  13. Purple color crystals pretty please. You can keep unique things going. Make it so the dark/red one is only available on rakata/battlemaster if you want. Keep making stuff like Master Chamma's Lightsaber, that allows dark siders to wield a green blade saber. Make it so there's some rare black only crystal around that requires you to farm a month doing heroic 4 quests to get it. Make a color shifting crystal that is even more super rare and require you to subscribe the game for 2 years collecting crap for it. But please pretty pretty please make basic color sabers like purple and white available. And not all at endgame. If you have plans to screw us on white, at least throw us some purple for joy of republic and low level empire players. Also while at it, throw a bone to artificers and get them to make the new colors.
  14. They CAN be tanks. They're not ALL tanks. Playing one myself still far from level cap, I learned rapidly to stay away from PVP until this early stage pass.
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