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Legacy Wide datacrons


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Sounds to me you simply want them to be useless since you do not want to spend your precious time trying to get them. Guess what? With a bit of practice you can the relevant datacrons for your class in a day or so. (since you only need either cunning+aim or willpower+strength next to endurance/presence and the matrix shards are pretty much useless.


I think you meant this reply for someone else.

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The same is true in reverse, those who have all day to play get an advantage over those who actually work for a living.


So the knife cuts both ways...


I was making the same point as you, actually. But those who have all day to play want to keep and hold their advantage, and they throw down the "P2W" card on anything that appears that it might allow those with more RL-money-to-pay than RL-time-to-play to "catch up".

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I was making the same point as you, actually. But those who have all day to play want to keep and hold their advantage, and they throw down the "P2W" card on anything that appears that it might allow those with more RL-money-to-pay than RL-time-to-play to "catch up".


Kind of like the guy who works overtime has an advantage over his co-worker who doesn't in that he makes more money than his co-worker.


For those that want to claim that this is a "game", how about the guy who plays golf every weekend and spends a couple of hours a week practicing generally holding an advantage (being a better golfer) over the guy who only plays one weekend a month.


My objection to legacy datacrons is not based on the "I spent X time to get Y, so you shouldn't be able to pay money to get Y", though.


My objection to legacy datacrons is some rewards, in this case that stat bonuses from the datacrons, should remain in the "have to be earned per character" category. I could not care less if it took Johnny 30 minutes sitting on that Tattooine balloon to get those datacrons and Billy paid someone to pull him up to the datacrons and got them in 5 minutes, though, since both players "found" the datacrons on those characters.


Like many players, though, i would like to see a legacy datacron codex that would allow me to see which datacrons I have found with which characters.

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My objection to legacy datacrons is some rewards, in this case that stat bonuses from the datacrons, should remain in the "have to be earned per character" category. I could not care less if it took Johnny 30 minutes sitting on that Tattooine balloon to get those datacrons and Billy paid someone to pull him up to the datacrons and got them in 5 minutes, though, since both players "found" the datacrons on those characters.


Noted, but I simply disagree with your premise...


My characters are not separate people, they are all me... This is why legacy storage and legacy gear makes sense... Using your logic, perhaps we shouldn't be able to mail 10 million credits to new toons to get them started, it does sure jumpstart the whole process, and those credits weren't earned "on that character"...


Between buying HK-51 at lvl 1 (boy does that speed up the starter planets), speeders at lvl 10, CM crystals at lvl 10, CM gear at lvl 1 (even without mods, the base armor level gives a big boost over most of the lvl 1-5 gear), that ship has sailed.


How about the presence boost for someone with unlocked toons? How about the 4 buffs? Combine HK-51, the 4 buffs, the max presence boost, CM gear, and you have a HUGE advantage over brand new accounts.


Heck, I rolled a new Sage a few weeks ago, my second one... after putting her in my guild (10% bonus XP) and mailing her a few XP boosts, I then unlocked all the titles for her (thanks collections). Instant LEVEL 3 (nearly level 4) without moving more than 10 feet.


I get what you're saying, but I think your concepts of toons don't match the game. After all, I don't have to earn 198 gear on all my toons, I can just fit out one toon with legacy gear and move it around between toons. The 192 Yavin companion gear is a perfect example as well.

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Noted, but I simply disagree with your premise...


My characters are not separate people, they are all me.

No, they are not. They are pixels and database entries.


This is why legacy storage and legacy gear makes sense... Using your logic, perhaps we shouldn't be able to mail 10 million credits to new toons to get them started, it does sure jumpstart the whole process, and those credits weren't earned "on that character"...


Between buying HK-51 at lvl 1 (boy does that speed up the starter planets), speeders at lvl 10, CM crystals at lvl 10, CM gear at lvl 1 (even without mods, the base armor level gives a big boost over most of the lvl 1-5 gear), that ship has sailed.

Exactly. That ship has sailed. That does not mean the HMS Legacy Datacron should sail, as well.


How about the presence boost for someone with unlocked toons? How about the 4 buffs? Combine HK-51, the 4 buffs, the max presence boost, CM gear, and you have a HUGE advantage over brand new accounts.

The Presence boosts are incentives to play more classes, i.e., play the game to get a bonus. The datacrons are the same thing, i,e,, play the game to get a bonus.


Heck, I rolled a new Sage a few weeks ago, my second one... after putting her in my guild (10% bonus XP) and mailing her a few XP boosts, I then unlocked all the titles for her (thanks collections). Instant LEVEL 3 (nearly level 4) without moving more than 10 feet.

Gratz, I guess?

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Kind of like the guy who works overtime has an advantage over his co-worker who doesn't in that he makes more money than his co-worker.


For those that want to claim that this is a "game", how about the guy who plays golf every weekend and spends a couple of hours a week practicing generally holding an advantage (being a better golfer) over the guy who only plays one weekend a month.



Your first example is a single RL transaction of time-for-money, rather than two possible game transactions - RL-time-for-advantage and RL-money-for-advantage; thus not relevant for the topic.


Your second example is easily countered - the guy who plays golf less often can spend money on better quality coaching and lessons, thus making up for time with money.


Further, this game is not supposed to be an accurate simulation of RL. It is an artificial environment purely for the purpose of recreation. Those who spend more RL time in the recreation do not necessarily deserve advantage over those who spend more RL money, nor vice versa.

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Your second example is easily countered - the guy who plays golf less often can spend money on better quality coaching and lessons, thus making up for time with money

And this would be analogous to paying a Sorc/Sage in-game creds for pulling your character up to a hard-to-reach datacron (where this is possible), which Ratajack already mentioned.

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Exactly. That ship has sailed. That does not mean the HMS Legacy Datacron should sail, as well.


I disagree, I think it should.


I really don't know where else to take it, since you are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine.


Neither of us are "wrong", we just view it differently.

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Noted, but I simply disagree with your premise...


My characters are not separate people, they are all me... This is why legacy storage and legacy gear makes sense... Using your logic, perhaps we shouldn't be able to mail 10 million credits to new toons to get them started, it does sure jumpstart the whole process, and those credits weren't earned "on that character"...


Between buying HK-51 at lvl 1 (boy does that speed up the starter planets), speeders at lvl 10, CM crystals at lvl 10, CM gear at lvl 1 (even without mods, the base armor level gives a big boost over most of the lvl 1-5 gear), that ship has sailed.


How about the presence boost for someone with unlocked toons? How about the 4 buffs? Combine HK-51, the 4 buffs, the max presence boost, CM gear, and you have a HUGE advantage over brand new accounts.


Heck, I rolled a new Sage a few weeks ago, my second one... after putting her in my guild (10% bonus XP) and mailing her a few XP boosts, I then unlocked all the titles for her (thanks collections). Instant LEVEL 3 (nearly level 4) without moving more than 10 feet.


I get what you're saying, but I think your concepts of toons don't match the game. After all, I don't have to earn 198 gear on all my toons, I can just fit out one toon with legacy gear and move it around between toons. The 192 Yavin companion gear is a perfect example as well.


If your characters are all you and not separate people, then why are they so separate im so many ways?


By your logic, whenever one character does something, EACH AND EVERY character, present and future, should also receive the rewards for the ONE character having done it.


Whenever any character loots a piece of gear, why not just automatically give EACH AND EVERY character, present and future, that player has an equivalent class appropriate piece of gear? After all, they are not separate people, right? They are all the same player, right?


Whenever a character gains XP, why shouldn't EACH AND EVERY character, present and future, that player has gain an equal amount of XP? After all, they are not separate people, right? They are all the same player, right?


Whenever a character loots any credits or earns any credits, why shouldn't EACH AND EVERY character, presesnt and future, that player has receive the same amount of credits? After all, they are not separate people, right? They are all the same player, right?


BW does provide many legacy perks that will help you level alts, but the majority of them, at least, are indirect as opposed to providing direct permanent, character performance affecting stat bonuses.


HK-51 is a companion. He can help you level up, but he will not function in a WZ or an FP with a full group. The presence bonus affects your companion's performance and not your character's. Again, your companion cannot go into WZ's or FP's with full groups. The XP boosts will increase the XP earned in various endeavors, but you still have to earn that XP.

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Your first example is a single RL transaction of time-for-money, rather than two possible game transactions - RL-time-for-advantage and RL-money-for-advantage; thus not relevant for the topic.


Your second example is easily countered - the guy who plays golf less often can spend money on better quality coaching and lessons, thus making up for time with money.


Further, this game is not supposed to be an accurate simulation of RL. It is an artificial environment purely for the purpose of recreation. Those who spend more RL time in the recreation do not necessarily deserve advantage over those who spend more RL money, nor vice versa.


The guy who spends money for better quality coaching, lessons and equipment cannot simply "buy" a better game. He still has to put forth the effort to improve his game, even if he has the help of better quality coaching.

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I don't see why people are arguing against this. Them adding this system doesn't hurt anyone. It's even less intrusive than the XP boosts that they already force everyone to do. I really don't get it...


Some people feel that some things should be left in the "have to be earned PER CHARACTER" category. Datacrons are one of those things.



It appears that the devs may think so, as well. There have been numerous links posted (in various threads regarding legacy datacrons) to statements by yellows, including Eric Musco, that they will not be implementing legacy datacrons. Whatever the motivation for those statements, though, the end result is the same. There will likely be no legacy datacrons in the foreseeable future.

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I don't see why people are arguing against this. Them adding this system doesn't hurt anyone. It's even less intrusive than the XP boosts that they already force everyone to do. I really don't get it...

Articulate why you think this change is needed, other than your desire for "completionism."

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Some people feel that some things should be left in the "have to be earned PER CHARACTER" category. Datacrons are one of those things.

So elitism, got it.


Articulate why you think this change is needed, other than your desire for "completionism."


I'm not saying it needs to be. I'm saying I would like it to be. If it's never added life goes on. It's a QOL improvement request.

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I'm not saying it needs to be. I'm saying I would like it to be. If it's never added life goes on. It's a QOL improvement request.

Again, what is the justification. other than just because you want it? What QoL improvement does it offer?


Answer: it does not offer any QoL improvement because it is not a QoL improvement, it's a mechanical improvement. If the bonuses from the datacrons are that significant, then they are worth the bother of getting. If they are not that significant, then your character won't miss them. This is about completionism, nothing more.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So elitism, got it.


Enlighten me, oh master, as to exactly how leaving some things in the "have to be earned PER CHARACTER" category is elitism.


Does that make the devs elitists, since THEY are the ones who designed the game such that the datacrons need to be earned PER CHARACTER?


I'm not saying it needs to be. I'm saying I would like it to be. If it's never added life goes on. It's a QOL improvement request.


So, you have NO reason that this change is required, yet those against legacy datacrons are the "bad guys"?

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I don't see why people are arguing against this. Them adding this system doesn't hurt anyone. It's even less intrusive than the XP boosts that they already force everyone to do. I really don't get it...


If you don't see why people are arguing against this then you aren't paying attention.


Many reasons have been given throughout the history of these threads. If you don't get it, that's fine, but there's no excuse to be ignorant about it what with all of the debating.


I know why people want it and I know why people don't. There are plenty of good arguments both ways and I happen to be on the "do not want" side of the debate and, thankfully, we know it's not going to happen.

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So elitism, got it.


People say "elitism" like it's some kind of bad thing, it isn't. If you want to say "elitism" like it's bad then fine, I'll call you "entitled", and that really *is* a bad thing.


If I put more time and effort into something than you then you're damn right I should have more stuff then you. Why should you get the same things as me for not doing what I do?


Just like people run dailies on multiple characters every day and run 4-hour operations get different, better, or more things than me. It's fine, they're doing things that I don't to get things, it's a choice we make in how we spend our own time playing the game.


I have no right to demand I get the same things others do for doing things that I don't.

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If someone does not want it, then do not pay the cost of it. I think Datacrons are the worst kind of time sink in the game. Would rather pay 2m credits per toon or much CCs to unlock datacrons via Legacy than grind them around with ~20 toons even if I had the time. It's just a chore.


In fact, whole idea of "you get your mainstat/other relevant stats" from silly cubes around the worlds is painfully silly. Limitation of Legacy level 50 should be it and at least one character with Datacron Master. Other than that, I don't care. All the arguments against Legacy crons are at best pseudo intelligent when those at the core are at level of "u gotta grind pov", which incidentally is the opposite of what people are looking for, Quality of Life improvement with the request of Legacy datacrons.


Please BW, for once, deliver.

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If someone does not want it, then do not pay the cost of it. I think Datacrons are the worst kind of time sink in the game. Would rather pay 2m credits per toon or much CCs to unlock datacrons via Legacy than grind them around with ~20 toons even if I had the time. It's just a chore.


In fact, whole idea of "you get your mainstat/other relevant stats" from silly cubes around the worlds is painfully silly. Limitation of Legacy level 50 should be it and at least one character with Datacron Master. Other than that, I don't care. All the arguments against Legacy crons are at best pseudo intelligent when those at the core are at level of "u gotta grind pov", which incidentally is the opposite of what people are looking for, Quality of Life improvement with the request of Legacy datacrons.


Please BW, for once, deliver.


All of the arguments against legacy wide datacrons are at odds to your own opinion and thus incorrect, should be ignored and I should get, what I want.

Finally you make a call to BW, to reaffirm the fact your opinion is correct, those in disagreement are wrong and please, they must do it now, if they too want to be correct.


Hide the "But I want it now and with no effort" post as much as you want - it still sticks out like a sore thumb.

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Hide the "But I want it now and with no effort" post as much as you want - it still sticks out like a sore thumb.

Of course people want it because they do not want to waste time running around for them, ie. not do the work, because it's very very boring time sink. Seriously, that's the whole thing. Get rid of the annoying grind with conditions X, Z & Y. Having already done it X-times, Paying Z-amount of credits or Cartel Coins and having Y-level legacy to prove the previously done grind on the account. That is the QoL.


What is really priceless, and this applies especially to you Stoofa, is people coming here to give this precious piece of input: "you gotta work for it, it sticks like a sore thumb you don't want to work for it".. That can only be answered with... "no sith sherlock, are you maybe the slowest person in the universe? Duh!". Give it time, it'll sink in. :o

Edited by Ruskaeth
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