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Gear we would like to see on the Cartel shop


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basic set of black hooded robes for my assassin.

neo crusader armor

imperial trooper armor

pilot helmets

the face mask/hood of the sith we see in decieved and hope


Off the top of the head that is what i would like to see. that and Armor Dye Packs. I've seen a lot of armor that I liked the look for but hated the color scheme.

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The Dark Jedi orange medium armoring set has been in the logs since launch but never actually in game. I would pay cartel coins for this set or a medium orange armor version of the heavy armor Jedi Battlelord set, preferably in white or black.


But mainly I'd want the Dark Jedi set.


This is a great opportunity to start putting out some exclusive Light and Dark only armor sets to finally take advantage of our characters alignment.

Edited by Dawginole
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Now that we know what's available, I say we discuss what we would like to see going forward--


Personally I would love just a basic hooded black robe for my Sith. It's an iconic look that has been missing from this game.


I'd also like to see some imperial trooper gear for Bounty Hunters (like Pierce's first set) and SiS gear for smugglers.


What else do we want?


This, simple black multi-layered robes (that's inc. the under robe) for Sith, and Brown/Beige versions for Jedi

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I want classic mandalorian armor!


I can agree with this.

I want the KotOR-version of mandalorian armor, on top of the SWtOR-version (it is different, after all, and I like the KotOR version more). With the helmet that connects to the armor the way it does, protecting the neck.

Oh and some Sith trooper armor from KotOR too. The shiny one.

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I would gladly pay $100 real life money for a Star Trek uniform or a borg outfit!


The black and white suit and tie that Jules Winfield and Vincent Vega wear in Pulp Fiction would be cool!


How about the Droog outfit from A Clockwork Orange?

Anarchy Online is that way -->

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Now that we know what's available, I say we discuss what we would like to see going forward--


Personally I would love just a basic hooded black robe for my Sith. It's an iconic look that has been missing from this game.


I'd also like to see some imperial trooper gear for Bounty Hunters (like Pierce's first set) and SiS gear for smugglers.


What else do we want?


Imperial trooper gear is in the CE shop.


I'd like to see the character creation screen jedi knight armor. Or any hood down jedi armor.

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I want:


A nice simple plain black robe (with some pants dangit!!).


A sexy battle set for my twi'lek Jugg. Darth Talon sexy. Yeah I get its the wrong time period, but if I can make a Lethan Juggernaut I want her to be sexy. Sue me.:p


A black trench-coat. Sorry but the current smuggler wear just doesn't do it for me.


Plain chest pieces without robes like in the movies. You know like when they take their robes off in "Sh*t just got real" moments (fighting Darth Maul for instance)?


Come on guys. You have one of the largest IPs EVER! Countless comics, movies, cartoons, books, and other Star Wars games to pull ideas from. Stop being bland and mediocre.

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If you buy an armor set from the cartel shop, will you get that set for all of your characters and your future characters as well?

Not currently. There are a lot of requests for it. I personally think they should offer players choice for whether or not they want BoE or BoL gear, and pay accordingly. But a lot of people want it to be BoL by default.

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The character creation armor for Jedi Knight, exactly as it is with the hood down.... How long do we have to ask for a hood down robe!!! It is just driving me crazy knowing that there are so many cool looking robes in this game that would be so much enhanced with the hood down. And after a year, nothing has been done! WHY!? JUST WHY?!


I acually stopped playing this game the whole summer because of the no hood down issue, just why does not developers care about issues like this, when according to most all posts on the JK forum is about how horrible the JK armors look.

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The character creation armor for Jedi Knight, exactly as it is with the hood down.... How long do we have to ask for a hood down robe!!! It is just driving me crazy knowing that there are so many cool looking robes in this game that would be so much enhanced with the hood down. And after a year, nothing has been done! WHY!? JUST WHY?!


I acually stopped playing this game the whole summer because of the no hood down issue, just why does not developers care about issues like this, when according to most all posts on the JK forum is about how horrible the JK armors look.


There already IS knight's robe with hood DOWN - its Aspiring Knight's Vest, for 15 lvl


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Now that we know what's available, I say we discuss what we would like to see going forward--


Personally I would love just a basic hooded black robe for my Sith. It's an iconic look that has been missing from this game.


I'd also like to see some imperial trooper gear for Bounty Hunters (like Pierce's first set) and SiS gear for smugglers.


What else do we want?


Here's an idea, how about they put all the gear they had during the beta back into the game instead of making me gamble for it, that would be just great.


Don't put any gear in the cartel shop, just put it in the game through events like you should have in the first place BW!

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