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White Crystals...Youre kidding me right?


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I bought 3 of these crystals when they were available earlier in the year. Im glad they are bringing them back, and I actually received one on the PTS today. As someone who has 7 level 50s (3 at the time they were available) I am glad to have the chance to get them for my other characters.
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I LOVE disgusting. Tell me more:)


Well, the wondrous egg is the first clue as to the origins of the transparent crystal.


There is a mystical furry animal that secretes chocolate syrup from its glands when defecating, and this is only the beginning of the truth. Without more explanation as to why a furry animal evolved with a defense mechanism of secreting chocolate syrup, it is due to the environment of large birds known to mate with any species, and hold them hostage expecting offspring or eating them if they fail to deliver.


So these birds instead of entrapping these mystical furry animals, will instead feed off the half digested food covered in Delicious chocolate (Delicious to them) who have been known to eat copious amounts of this food as it were some cure to all their problems. However, this situation began when smart devious birds of the same species, knew about this food and adverse affect on its species, and provided this food at extremely high costs as well.


Also nearby are some rancor's, who normally feed on large prey, but these chocolate stuffed birds have become a delicacy, and easy catch due to being overweight to the point of losing the ability of flight. However, the magical properties of this chocolate stuffed birds had an averse effect on the rancors.


Normally rancors, which are mammals, lay live births... however, due to some strange science, the rancors have begun to lay eggs. This is the wondrous egg.


The secret of how to unlock the egg for its transparent properties is clued in with the source as well.


The wondrous egg naturally has a crystalline structure, however it lacks the proper elements to emit plasma to be transparent. This is done with fusion science of collecting flatulence from all three animals and binding them. This also begins to explain a deep origins, and unlocked power from within.


So in essence the transparent light saber is a transparent saber of flatulence which has been reported to last for a very long time, and never seen to lose power, and produces a unique smell that is reported to be an acquired taste.


Meanwhile these furry animals have been growing exponentially at alarming rates covering fields with chocolate waste.

Edited by VegaPhone
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It's an epeen thing.


A level 10 should never have potentially better gear than a level 50 to some people. I can agree with that to a point but really who cares enough to be angry about it? I don't care what other people have, it doesn't lower my own value.



It does with gear-score. P2W is P2W, you can apologies for it all you want, it doesn't change that reality. :(

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Complaints about grab bags are common it seems, at least to me, across games that offer them. But they do seem to be EXTREMELY popular items. Especially in games like STO.


Unfortunately if you are against them that means you will have to tolerate them most likely due to the high profit potential. The only saving grace here is that perhaps the items in the bag will become unbound after 5 days.

Yeah il tolerate it :p

I would prefer buying piece than having to rely on random luck.. its like trying to get a certain item currently in-game but you have to pay real money for it? No thanks.


At least people can sell it on the GTN so i might be buy stuff from them. Sound like they legalize buying credit and made it safe

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Yeah il tolerate it :p

I would prefer buying piece than having to rely on random luck.. its like trying to get a certain item currently in-game but you have to pay real money for it? No thanks.


At least people can sell it on the GTN so i might be buy stuff from them. Sound like they legalize buying credit and made it safe


Thats the idea. Its a great way to make credits in game and also discourages gold sellers...but there are hoops to jump through and the market is fickle naturally so the curve is not necessarily stratospheric.


LotRO has locked cash shop purchases as far as I understand. The wisdom of the 5 day unlock remains to be seen, but I'm happy they are doing it...and a bit concerned. We will see.

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Thats the idea. Its a great way to make credits in game and also discourages gold sellers...but there are hoops to jump through and the market is fickle naturally so the curve is not necessarily stratospheric.


LotRO has locked cash shop purchases as far as I understand. The wisdom of the 5 day unlock remains to be seen, but I'm happy they are doing it...and a bit concerned. We will see.


See? We have common ground. I completely agree with you here.

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Honestly I've had my white color crystal since 1.2.. I had just enough money to buy it too and i love using it because literally no one else has it haha. In a way i feel obligated to wear it just because its so rare and i like that. But if i start seeing alot of others with white crystals, im going to go back to the classical red saber. So I am not worried about this becoming a common thing. I can't wait for my Nihilus mask though, and i really, really, really, really hope that it shows with a hood. :) Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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Well, the wondrous egg is the first clue as to the origins of the transparent crystal.


There is a mystical furry animal that secretes chocolate syrup from its glands when defecating, and this is only the beginning of the truth. Without more explanation as to why a furry animal evolved with a defense mechanism of secreting chocolate syrup, it is due to the environment of large birds known to mate with any species, and hold them hostage expecting offspring or eating them if they fail to deliver.


So these birds instead of entrapping these mystical furry animals, will instead feed off the half digested food covered in Delicious chocolate (Delicious to them) who have been known to eat copious amounts of this food as it were some cure to all their problems. However, this situation began when smart devious birds of the same species, knew about this food and adverse affect on its species, and provided this food at extremely high costs as well.


Also nearby are some rancor's, who normally feed on large prey, but these chocolate stuffed birds have become a delicacy, and easy catch due to being overweight to the point of losing the ability of flight. However, the magical properties of this chocolate stuffed birds had an averse effect on the rancors.


Normally rancors, which are mammals, lay live births... however, due to some strange science, the rancors have begun to lay eggs. This is the wondrous egg.


The secret of how to unlock the egg for its transparent properties is clued in with the source as well.


The wondrous egg naturally has a crystalline structure, however it lacks the proper elements to emit plasma to be transparent. This is done with fusion science of collecting flatulence from all three animals and binding them. This also begins to explain a deep origins, and unlocked power from within.


So in essence the transparent light saber is a transparent saber of flatulence which has been reported to last for a very long time, and never seen to lose power, and produces a unique smell that is reported to be an acquired taste.


Meanwhile these furry animals have been growing exponentially at alarming rates covering fields with chocolate waste.






What a wondrous Galaxy we live in.

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Personally, I have no trouble with lvl 10's being able to use +41 white crystals.


'Course, I tend to think MMO's were better back in the days of EQ, when there were no level restrictions at all. Level restrictions on gear took a big part of the fun out of MMO's for me. Before that I actually had some use for all the money I got crafting. Being a lvl 20 (or thereabouts) equipped with some of the best drops in the game. Now... not so much.

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Which negates the fact that:

A) I was right and had facts.

B) You were wrong and just talked with no knowledge

C) I was right and you were wrong. Again. Just in case you werent smart enough to realize it.


On a side note you might be right it was a joke except as of last night theyve kept trying to get that price. Keep talking without knowing what you are talking about.


Or some one on this form on that server Saw your post and the argument and decided to go place one hilt on the GTN at that price just to give you some something to crow about so they could keep laughing.

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guess bioware threw out and ignored all that talk of bringing white crystals back in the future, but making them very difficult to obtain...the way they made it sound months ago was that we would have to do some chain quest or farm a ton for these things instead its just a bag drop...thats pretty sad. Ive already been jipped out of my CE extras now my white crystal...whats next bioware will you take something else that is rare and give it to everyone?
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Like I said in a previous topic I created, this game is starting very discretely to lean towards the P2W model but this forum is filled with a lot of blind fanboys that didn´t see the epic fail of this game so far, some people thinks its the monthly subscription model that it´s dying... well that may be true, but doesn´t change the fact that the speed this game went from monthly subscription to "F2P" proves that there is a disturbance in the force... but go ahead fanboys be explored and deceived by one of the worst if not the worst game company called EA.
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Like I said in a previous topic I created, this game is starting very discretely to lean towards the P2W model but this forum is filled with a lot of blind fanboys that didn´t see the epic fail of this game so far, some people thinks its the monthly subscription model that it´s dying... well that may be true, but doesn´t change the fact that the speed this game went from monthly subscription to "F2P" proves that there is a disturbance in the force... but go ahead fanboys be explored and deceived by one of the worst if not the worst game company called EA.


DCUO went F2P in 5 months and is doing just fine. Your doom and gloom forcast is amusing though, as is the over reacting P2W claim which is unfounded. Cosmetic items are not P2W, they just upset little spoiled entitlement brats.

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