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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe.


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And then we'd have people complaining about the folks in the pink Vader armor ruining things. :rolleyes: Really, how hard is it to just LIVE with what color something is?


At least you decided to post the rolleyes smiley in the middle of your comment instead of the end.


Hooray for variety :)


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I liked my former Sentinel's combo




Esseles Sentinel's Tunic

(Can't remember gloves' name)

(Can't Remember Belt)

Laminoid Battle Leggings

Drelliad Boots


It's orange gear, and jedi looking, I've since changed my armor since that screen was taken. I agree this game needs a dye system badly.

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Need a dye system, this would solve ALL color problems for people.


With the Blue Voss armor " " " bug " " ", I think it proves that a dye system already exists and will probably be introduced with F2P somehow.


But, yes it would be awesome to finally get to use STAR WARS-looking clothing with the right colors.

Edited by Saiaku
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my guardian would like to get the that Sentinal chest piece with the middrift exposed...i can get boots and gloves that work well with it, but that piece is no where to be found. at least on the Sith side, several of the medium pieces can also be found in heavy. however, on Repub I can get the same robes in light brown to dark brown. on occasion they will throw in a random pastel pink or green or bluish.


lets not get into the hoods portion...hardly find any medium with hoods up and cant seem to find a heavy with hood down. Yes, robes are iconic for Jedi, yes, but there are many examples of non robe jedi gear ou there.


also, on the web site there is an image of a muarader wearing that skullish like head piece yet it doesnt exist in the game.


and a suggestion: make all gear or most gear adaptive. there are several pieces that are just plain fantastic, but are light armor; and thanks for putting all the restrictions on the pieces to specific classes...have to resort to getting gear in other places to gear up my companions.


anyway, back to work.

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Agreed with the whole dye thing.


My shadow managed to pick up a modable Navy blue robes that look amazing. I think it's called Noble Consular's Vestments. But yeah I'm going to be pulling everything out of newer robes and sticking it in that one for the rest of the game.

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I would like to have a dark green robe for my jedi. Most end game gear in SWTOR just don'T has the simple but still cool look the stuff had in the movies... maybe someone should have told BioWare that we want Star Wars gear and not WoW gear.


Someone told them the opposite, quite obviously. It's plain to see that all the areas in which SW:TOR comes up short match perfectly with areas that were obviously implemented to attempt to weasel in on WoW's popularity. There was some suit with a checklist out there making sure that they could "appeal" to WoW's market. Remember in beta when the modding system was heavily neutered? It took them months post-release to get it back to half the functionality it had in beta.


All MMOs are niche games. Even WoW itself is a niche game, but they managed to carve out a pretty large niche. You need to be unique to be successful in this market, as people are already comfortable where they are. If you offer them nothing original, they have no reason to switch, regardless of setting. If BioWare had been allowed to create their own game instead of shoehorning WoW-like content at the expense of original ideas, SW:TOR would have been a lot more successful in the long-term.


Oh, and on-topic; I wear the Ulgo chest with the yellow/red colour scheme applied to otherwise heavy armour. Aping Count Dooku, here.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Sith gear is even worse. It wouldn't actually be to bad if they removed the silly random sticking out bits from it, especially on inquisitor gear which looks totaly out of place :/


They shouldn't be trying to re-invent the starwars looks (which is a good one) and make it like wow. Wow's gear sets mostly look terrible.

Edited by NasherUK
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Sith gear is even worse. It wouldn't actually be to bad if they removed the silly random sticking out bits from it, especially on inquisitor gear which looks totaly out of place :/


so youre saying you dont like 10 foot long shoulder pads? I keep wanting to jump from a mountain and see if i can take flight.

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I'd really like something along the lines of Luke's Return of the Jedi outfit. A form fitting combat suit without armor because as a Jedi you don't need it. Furthermore in the movies anyone that was ever shot and had armor on still died...


Leia was the only person that took a shot to her body (Luke took one to his artificial hand) and survived. Well that I can remember at least.


I might be in the minority but if they ever allow us to mod many of those clothes we see on NPC's that look cool without any type of armoring or 3D parts stuck to them I'll be using them.

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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Someone told them the opposite, quite obviously. It's plain to see that all the areas in which SW:TOR comes up short match perfectly with areas that were obviously implemented to attempt to weasel in on WoW's popularity. There was some suit with a checklist out there making sure that they could "appeal" to WoW's market. Remember in beta when the modding system was heavily neutered? It took them months post-release to get it back to half the functionality it had in beta.


All MMOs are niche games. Even WoW itself is a niche game, but they managed to carve out a pretty large niche. You need to be unique to be successful in this market, as people are already comfortable where they are. If you offer them nothing original, they have no reason to switch, regardless of setting. If BioWare had been allowed to create their own game instead of shoehorning WoW-like content at the expense of original ideas, SW:TOR would have been a lot more successful in the long-term.


Oh, and on-topic; I wear the Ulgo chest with the yellow/red colour scheme applied to otherwise heavy armour. Aping Count Dooku, here.


I think you have it backwards. The most successful MMO is WoW and it's the least original one out there. Copying EQ and making it super simple is not "unique". No game is unique anymore because non-unique is the proven formula.


And on-topic... Brown robes look horrible, are completely illogical (even in the illogical SW world), and are a constant reminder that Jedi are just mildly tweaked fantasy wizards and fighter/mages. The George's limited imagination shouldn't have to mean the poor Jedi are condemned to eternity looking like Gandalf without the pointy hat.

Edited by CosmicKat
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What a great thread. Both my Guardian and Shadow wear brown robes, however...


...Like many others in this thread, I'm truly disappointed with how hard BW has made it to get simple 'Jedi-esque' gear - i.e. like the movies.


Virtually all belt and gloves gear has LED lights or metal plates strapped to it for my Guardian, for example.


As someone else in this thread has noted, somewhere in BW obviously took the decision to try and make gear 'WoW-esque' and we've ended up with player gear that isn't very good, for the most part. Which is bizarre, because most NPC game looks great...


Anyway - let's help each other! Post up your best brown robe and simple gear for those that want to look like Jedi from the movies (BW - I should NOT have to writing sentences like this.


For me, the Gree quest chain chest piece reward is on my Guardian and the Esseles Consular chest piece is on my Shadow (though sadly, I'm yet to find a matching orange set of complementary gear).

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So I really don't care about any of the new gear, new mods are all that matter to me. Because im a Jedi and I wear a Brown Robe. So who's with me? Who else is a proud Brown Robe wearing Jedi? Forget about all those crazy flamboyent types that want to strut their sparkly new cloths. Brown Robes Represent!


Brown robe here too! (Although there is the occasional blue robe when the mood takes me)

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So OP, I suppose you're not digging the Samurai-Reindeer WH headpieces. Only WH gear I like is on my vanguard. The rest of pub WH, particularly for jedi, looks like Buzz Lightyear should be wearing it in the next Toy Story installment.


I dusted off an old assassin toon (L39) and am enjoying the fact that he has a nice set of plain black/dark grey robes and peripherals that I picked up in the teen levels and can just keep upgrading for awhile.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I think you have it backwards. The most successful MMO is WoW and it's the least original one out there. Copying EQ and making it super simple is not "unique". No game is unique anymore because non-unique is the proven formula.


And on-topic... Brown robes look horrible, are completely illogical (even in the illogical SW world), and are a constant reminder that Jedi are just mildly tweaked fantasy wizards and fighter/mages. The George's limited imagination shouldn't have to mean the poor Jedi are condemned to eternity looking like Gandalf without the pointy hat.


If you think WoW flat out copied EQ, you never played EQ. Sure, the combat is in the same vein, but as for overall structure and accessibility, they were (and are) in completely different ballparks. There is a reason that WoW was the game that thrust the genre into the popular eye.

Edited by CelCawdro
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If you think WoW flat out copied EQ, you never played EQ. Sure, the combat is in the same vein, but as for overall structure and accessibility, they were (and are) in completely different ballparks. There is a reason that WoW was the game that thrust the genre into the popular eye.


Do you also think Pepsi is in a completely different ballpark than Coke?

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