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resolve sucks baaaad...


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nothing new here...but i just tried again, on a different toon, to play a warzone...once again didnt last 10 seconds before being stunned and overpowered without getting off one single shot !


im getting tired of people saying the one who got stunned to death is a bad player too. i had no chance to "wait til my bar was full to use my breaker". the bad players are the ones that cant beat you with their other abilities...they have to gang stun you so you never have a chance.


the problem now is that EVERYONE is leading off with stuns so you pretty much have to do the same to even have a chance. now we have stun wars...this is crap pvp at its worst.


definately a game breaker for me

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Don't feel bad, while I'm waiting for my resolve bar to fill, I am dead before the stun wears off. Even if I pop the cc breaker, I'm dead with a sent/maur is stunning/chocking/stasis me while a trooper/merc is aoe'ing the spot I'm stunned and I'm stuck in an infinite sage/sorc project/lightning all hitting 5k crits.


What's really awesome is watching your resolve bar fill and someone tosses you the hutt ball when you have less than 100 health remaining and of course, death by dispatch before you make it 2 steps. And the finale, your team mates berate you, because you didn't throw the ball.

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i just cant imagine who thought this change was a good idea...


and to the people out there saying "you just need to understand resolve and how it works"... well sorry im not a good enough player to magically not die while being frozen and wailed on by a couple people at once...ill work on that ;)


seems the only thing to do when a wz starts is wait for someone else on your team to run in and take the beating instead of you, then you get to play

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Don't feel bad, while I'm waiting for my resolve bar to fill, I am dead before the stun wears off. Even if I pop the cc breaker, I'm dead with a sent/maur is stunning/chocking/stasis me while a trooper/merc is aoe'ing the spot I'm stunned and I'm stuck in an infinite sage/sorc project/lightning all hitting 5k.


without team support you will die in the situation you described its a team game

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You do know that you don't have to wait for your resolve bar to fill before using your cc breaker right?

Which should when used depending on the situation enable you to pop defensive cool downs eat a wz med and or adrenal, use counter cc, the cc breaker gives you enough time to react

Also when Facing multiple opponents without some form of team support you will die and shouldn't expect any less

And in a pug you can be surrounded by team mates and recive no support this isn't the games Fault it's just how it is sometimes

Edited by denpic
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Can you succinctly explain the changes and how they are making it worse now than before?


Seriously???? :eek:


How about you take a look at the MANY threads on the broken resolve issue which was made far worse with the changes put in place in 1.4? It's broken, plain and simple and anyone dropping into a thread like this and saying "your bad" or "you need to L2P" or something similar is trolling or enjoying the broken system in some twisted, power mad way.


If they don't fix stun wars soon there will be no PVP'ers left to queue. I've already lost 2 more friends to the fiasco that was 1.4... I have no idea why I'm still hanging around other than I'm on a 6 month sub through December.

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Seriously???? :eek:


How about you take a look at the MANY threads on the broken resolve issue which was made far worse with the changes put in place in 1.4? It's broken, plain and simple and anyone dropping into a thread like this and saying "your bad" or "you need to L2P" or something similar is trolling or enjoying the broken system in some twisted, power mad way.


If they don't fix stun wars soon there will be no PVP'ers left to queue. I've already lost 2 more friends to the fiasco that was 1.4... I have no idea why I'm still hanging around other than I'm on a 6 month sub through December.


So... you can't? You're mad but you can't explain why, yet you think that one of the systems should be changed for reasons unknown.


Fact is, Resolve is not the problem. TTK is the problem.

You are not mad that you were stunned, you are mad that you were killed while stunned. Rather than trying to bandaid the problem by changing stuns or Resolve, you should be trying to get Bioware to fix the root problem, which is that you can quite easily be killed during a single stun from incidental focus fire.

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well now that we know that YOU know the facts and the rest of us just suck...


the problem with RESOLVE is that it allows too many incapacitating effects to stop you from doing anything at all before your bar goes white. using your one breaker only to get hit again then die isnt really helping much. before, you could get the bar filled up faster and have time to heal or hit em back at least.


if you think playing is JUST cc'ing away then you might not be so great either eh ?

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0 - 0 huttballs hahaha. mega lolz !!! stunlock their ball carrier til he dies. then they stunlock ours til we die. 12 minutes 59 seconds of trading stunlock kills back and forth. the whole game comes down to who has the ball as the clock ticks zero. if that's the case make huttball 30 second matches. then at least it doesnt waste a quarter of an hour or more
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well now that we know that YOU know the facts and the rest of us just suck...


the problem with RESOLVE is that it allows too many incapacitating effects to stop you from doing anything at all before your bar goes white. using your one breaker only to get hit again then die isnt really helping much. before, you could get the bar filled up faster and have time to heal or hit em back at least.


if you think playing is JUST cc'ing away then you might not be so great either eh ?


There is no problem with Resolve. It worked just fine from launch all the way up until now.

The difference between then and now is that TTK has decreased to the point where 2 players can kill you before your resolve bar fills. The bar still fills at the same rate, so you are factually incorrect in your assessment.

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So... you can't? You're mad but you can't explain why, yet you think that one of the systems should be changed for reasons unknown.


Fact is, Resolve is not the problem. TTK is the problem.

You are not mad that you were stunned, you are mad that you were killed while stunned. Rather than trying to bandaid the problem by changing stuns or Resolve, you should be trying to get Bioware to fix the root problem, which is that you can quite easily be killed during a single stun from incidental focus fire.


No Darth, TTK is not the issue, Resolve is. Given the crap ton of CC's in this game, Resolve is terribly inadequate. TTK in most 1v1 fights is perfectly fine, assuming both people can heal, both can use an escape ability, etc...it's the root, root, stun that is the root of the problem. Resolve sucks!!!

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No Darth, TTK is not the issue, Resolve is. Given the crap ton of CC's in this game, Resolve is terribly inadequate. TTK in most 1v1 fights is perfectly fine, assuming both people can heal, both can use an escape ability, etc...it's the root, root, stun that is the root of the problem. Resolve sucks!!!


No one is complaining about Resolve in a 1v1 situation.


The problem is that 2 or more players can burn you down before Resolve ever kicks in. That isn't a problem with Resolve, that is a problem with DPS being too high or your health pool or armor rating being too low.


Tier to tier, the percent gain for DPS is much higher than the defensive gains. That is the root of the problem. It is simple math in the back end that causes problems onscreen. Unfortunately, those problems are perceived by players as being with Resolve, which is not the case.

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No one is complaining about Resolve in a 1v1 situation.


The problem is that 2 or more players can burn you down before Resolve ever kicks in. That isn't a problem with Resolve, that is a problem with DPS being too high or your health pool or armor rating being too low.

Resolve IS the issue. You can NOT convince me otherwise. Increase the TTK and you make healers God mode. Great healers are already a pain in the **edit**.


You even admit that Resolve didn't even kick in, indicating to me that RESOLVE is the ROOT of the problem. 2v1, you SHOULD die!!!

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Don't feel bad, while I'm waiting for my resolve bar to fill, I am dead before the stun wears off. Even if I pop the cc breaker, I'm dead with a sent/maur is stunning/chocking/stasis me while a trooper/merc is aoe'ing the spot I'm stunned and I'm stuck in an infinite sage/sorc project/lightning all hitting 5k crits.


What's really awesome is watching your resolve bar fill and someone tosses you the hutt ball when you have less than 100 health remaining and of course, death by dispatch before you make it 2 steps. And the finale, your team mates berate you, because you didn't throw the ball.




My favorite as a concealment op is when they throw us the ball.


It's like are you kidding me?


What the hell do you expect us to do with the hutball?

Edited by Ahebish
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nothing new here...but i just tried again, on a different toon, to play a warzone...once again didnt last 10 seconds before being stunned and overpowered without getting off one single shot !


im getting tired of people saying the one who got stunned to death is a bad player too. i had no chance to "wait til my bar was full to use my breaker". the bad players are the ones that cant beat you with their other abilities...they have to gang stun you so you never have a chance.


the problem now is that EVERYONE is leading off with stuns so you pretty much have to do the same to even have a chance. now we have stun wars...this is crap pvp at its worst.


definately a game breaker for me


This is mainly about situational awareness. Why are you stunned by multiple people? Where is everyone else in your group? Did you just run into cross fire for an entire match then wonder why multiple people standing 10 to 30 meters away easily stunned killed you over and over? A) Stop running around alone B) use the camera and look around C) stop going places where you can be constantly flanked and cc'ed the entire match D) use common sense...if you come around a corner and suddenly 2 non friendlies are standing there pop a defensive ability because 9 times out of 10 your about to get stunned. E) Pick your time of attack and some targets, don't just run into the thick of the battle pressing buttons. If you do even half of that your chances of living increase dramatically. By the way I don't lead off with stuns unless it fits the situation. :rolleyes:

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Can you succinctly explain the changes and how they are making it worse now than before?


it takes 50% longer for resolve to fill. once it fills, it's actually better than before because it won't start ticking until cc ends. unfortunately, many more ppl are dying *before* resolve ever fills because it now fills more slowly. additionally, resolve resets when you respawn, so the cycle tends to repeat itself rather than respawning with a semi-useful full resolve bar (semi-useful cuz by the time you reach any action, that ticker will be nearly gone).


succinct enough?

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The bar still fills at the same rate, so you are factually incorrect in your assessment.


no it doesn't. the resolve doesn't stack when baddies hit you with multiple stuns at the same time. that would instantly fill resolve. now it does not.

Edited by foxmob
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Resolve is bugged with relation to knockbacks. I play with "always show resolve bar" on, and some of the time, knockbacks are generating zero resolve, and I have received multiple knockbacks in quick succession all while being stuck at less than 200 resolve.


Knockbacks and pulls used to generate 400 resolve on their target per use, meaning you would be white-barred after 3 knockbacks if they happened within a short time period. This is definitely not happening anymore.


I will post video proof later this week once I am back to my regular computer.

Edited by Jenzali
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