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Stupid F2P Restrictions


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wow your a moron.. Digital Deluxe Edition does not = free perma subscribe... you still have to subscribe if you want full perks.


Anyways, I completely agree that BW is milking this game too much. you dont see other completely F2P games that ARE sucessfull (eg, Maplestory, GunZ, TF2, etc.) milk so much cash that they restrict equipment, UI, and Gameplay Elements.


You've just used the power of NECRO! But seriously, the restrictions are fine. Especially after you spend 5 bucks and become preferred.

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F2P Restrictions are intended to make you subscribe.You can write on forums about how stupid are F2P restrictions.Only subscribers can write on forums so F2P restrictions are working as intended and they are not stupid.


no sir, it's sending a message to people that sub aren't that worth as they think it would be, we might encourage them but ur msg need to stop.

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Although nothing interesting has been written since this was bumped up from October, I think it might be worth dicussing how FTP restrictions have been received (from a subscribers perspective of course).


Firstly, what wasn't mentioned (or not known) back when this thread was born, was that unlocks would be freely available for credits and as such the restrictions aren't as impossible as many would imagine. The absolutely new player after 15th (?) November wouldn't have known the game to be any different, so limited quickbars, lack of sprint at L1 etc. is not an issue for them. They work with what they are given, mostly content. In the three months since FTP, only twice have I heard a grumble and both times was when the FTP player got their first purple drop and realised they couldn't equip it.


And I've never seen "No FTP" in chat as someone predicted would happen.


The most grumbling I have seen - and even that isn't too bad - is from returning players whose Preferred Status wasn't enough for them. Being more aware of the restrictions placed upon them that's hardly surprising though. All in all, I think the FTP model has been a success.

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When I heard SWTOR was going FTP, I actually went and bought a month just so that I could come back into the game and fall in love with it. Now that I see the kinds of restrictions on FTP players, I'm once again facing the sinking, ice-in-the-gut feeling that is one simple fact: The game isn't worth paying to play, and FTP is just going to be a headache.


Three flashpoints a week? Outrageous. I run that on a new toon in the Esseles instantly. Three warzones a week? I burn them out in about two hours if that. Limiting inventory space and cargo hold space for cartel coins? Sheesh Bioware and EA, you might as well tell players "here is a butchered, neutered trial version of our game for you" and just get rid of the free-to-play notion.


If you have the time to burn up your Flashpoints and Warzones in a short period of time, your playing the game enough that you should be subscribed (which you must be because you posting on forms). The point is to make you see the benefits of subscribing, not make you feel like your covered in loving warmth and give you a multi-million dollar MMO completely and entirely for no cost to you, that is foolishness. The fact you believe you should only belies that there is a problem with your sense of self entitlement, and says very little about the preferred/f2p options.

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I'm pretty sure EA never had any true intention to see if they can truly utilize F2P. With F2P, they were conviniently able to smuggle cash shop in game. Their currenyt business model is all about making the already existing loyal 300k or so subscribers to pay assloads of cash for stupid embarrassing junk like cartel packs. They don't seem to believe in being able to get a whole lot brand new players or brand new subscribers. Edited by Stradlin
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I'm pretty sure EA never had any true intention to see if they can truly utilize F2P. With F2P, they were conviniently able to smuggle cash shop in game. Their currenyt business model is all about making the already existing loyal 300k or so subscribers to pay assloads of cash for stupid embarrassing junk like cartel packs. They don't seem to believe in being able to get a whole lot brand new players or brand new subscribers.


That argument stops holding water when you realize subs get cartel coins every single month for subscribing. Nobody is MAKING you spend a dime on this game besides the sub.

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I dislike the "buy credits for cash" aspect of the Cartel market. This weekend I saw someone list 50 Cartel Packs on the GTN, which probably cost him $200 in cash. Once they all sell he'll have over 12 million credits.


Just think, that guy you pugged for HM EC wearing full Dread Guard may have never run a single flashpoint, let alone an operation.


While I don't begrudge anyone spending their money any way they see fit, it annoys me that this will convince EA that they "got it right" and will continue to do weird things with the Cartel Market (e.g. release schematics for new Grade 7 spaceship parts and then sell them for cash in the CM on the same day).


A fool and his money is quickly parted, and the CM caters to that fact.

Edited by Khevar
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I dislike the "buy credits for cash" aspect of the Cartel market. This weekend I saw someone list 50 Cartel Packs on the GTN, which probably cost him $200 in cash. Once they all sell he'll have over 12 million credits.


Just think, that guy you pugged for HM EC wearing full Dread Guard may have never run a single flashpoint, let alone an operation.


While I don't begrudge anyone spending their money any way they see fit, it annoys me that this will convince EA that they "got it right" and will continue to do weird things with the Cartel Market (e.g. release schematics for new Grade 7 spaceship parts and then sell them for cash in the CM on the same day).


A fool and his money is quickly parted, and the CM caters to that fact.


Indeed. EA is employing the "frog in the pot" strategem and slowly turning up the heat. How much can they move the game to P2Win to make as much $$ before the game is unplayable? :cool:

Edited by Urael
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That argument stops holding water when you realize subs get cartel coins every single month for subscribing. Nobody is MAKING you spend a dime on this game besides the sub.


How many lottery tickets the montly dime buys you? It is very much a 1st dose is always free - type of a thing. How can this not be clear yo you? Who exactly is ;AKING you to spend money on the sub of this, or any other game?

Check post right below yours and begin meditating on that water holding.

Edited by Stradlin
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That argument stops holding water when you realize subs get cartel coins every single month for subscribing. Nobody is MAKING you spend a dime on this game besides the sub.

Back when I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and heard about the "non-pay-to-win-cash-shop", I hoped that a number of attractive alternative armors would be available in the cash shop.


The first thing we got were some recoloured armors that look terrible (imo).

The second thing we got were some $15 armors with level 30 purple gear in it. (lulwhut?)

The third thing we got were some other $15 armors that were halfway decent.

The fourth thing we got was nothing, still waiting.


There are precious few adaptive armors in the cash shop that are any good. And these all cost 3 months worth of complimentary Cartel Coins.


This isn't someone leveraging F2P and the cash shop to improve the business. This is "how far can we push people to spend money."


If there were 3 times as many armor choices in the Cartel Market for 1/3 the price, I think it would be beneficial for the bottom line of the company, it would be more attractive to the people wanting to spend money, and it would be more fair to the subscribers who could buy one new armor set per month with complimentary coins.


And as far as spending artist time creating those new pieces of armor to sell, there are about 50-60 pieces of NPC armor / Unmoddable Leveling greens which are (imo) spectacularly awesome and could be retasked as adaptive armor without additional modeling or texturing.


Heck, my IA had this white Imperial officer's uniform that was so damned good looking that I was 15 levels past it's usefulness before I was willing to replace it. Put THAT in the Cartel Market and I'll buy it.


My point is they COULD do it in a way that is great. They AREN'T.

Edited by Khevar
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That argument stops holding water when you realize subs get cartel coins every single month for subscribing. Nobody is MAKING you spend a dime on this game besides the sub.


I have noticed that a lot of wealthier people are just buying credits via reselling Cartel items that they've purchased.

Which puts those of us without a decent amount of spare cash at a handicap.

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I don't want to sound like a fanboi here. I despise EA and their business practices and I wish BW would extricate themselves from the EA umbrella ASAP. But really SWTOR is better about the microtransaciton idea than most other F2P mmo's I've tired (and I've tried many). At least in this game you can level 1-50 without spending a dime of real $, and enjoy a good story (or 2).


That being said, there are a few things that I don't think should be restricted to subs and CC's. Artifact quality gear usage and flashpoints and a single cargo bay should all be available to anyone.


Just my 2 creds worth

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it's FREE! what do you expect? You know the old saying "you get what you pay for", well its true. Stop complaining about free stuff. The devs don't work for free and just like you they need to get paid to feed their families. So either pay to be a preferred or subscriber (which really isnt much for what you get), or play with the restrictions.


You are not entitled to anything, remember that! You get to play most of the game for free, be greatful for that. if you want more, pay for it!

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