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HuttBall 101 - A Player Guide


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Another quick question (that occurred to me after trying some WZ's last night). I got the ball passed to me, and quickly passed it on to another player in front of me, but I was wondering (because everything moves SO fast) if I was the person nearest to the goal, and needed to try to score, is there anywhere I can find a map/pics/video of exactly how to run up and score?


Luckily, I only got the ball twice, and the first time I was killed immediately, since the enemy passed me the ball when I had 6% health left. I figure though, that as I level up and get a little better at this there will come a time when I need to take the ball and run/score. I don't want to be horribly unprepared in that event.


When you get the ball, you need to run into the Endzone of the OPPOSING team. So if you're on Yellow, you need to run into the Purple endzone and vice versa. There are only three direct paths to the endzone and they are all from the catwalks. There is a pit below the catwalks that has no direct path into the endzone unless you have an ability that moves you to an ally/enemy, or an ally uses a pull on you to get you out of the pit.


The fastest way to get to the endzone is to take the top catwalk until it turns, then drop down to the lower catwalk and run straight to the goal line.


Also, please remember to pass if someone is ahead of you or if you are about to die.


until class balances are implemented in Huttball, it's a broken WZ. Character manipulation = win. WIthout any form of character manipulation, this WZ will always favor Imperials.

Care to explain?

Edited by SnakeAes
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This is both the easiest and the hardest WZ to win. If 3-4 players know sports/how to play you will always win. Simply get into position to make it easy for the carrier to pass it to you, if all players do this its a free win. Personally I think this WZ is a bit unexplored, and thus its easy to win if you have just a few players who understand the objective! Nice guide though! I love Huttball, free honour!
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This is both the easiest and the hardest WZ to win. If 3-4 players know sports/how to play you will always win. Simply get into position to make it easy for the carrier to pass it to you, if all players do this its a free win. Personally I think this WZ is a bit unexplored, and thus its easy to win if you have just a few players who understand the objective! Nice guide though! I love Huttball, free honour!


That seems to be the biggest issue...too many people forgetting that it's basically a simulation of team sports, not deathmatch. I'd bet a team of fresh 50's with a passing familiarity of any team sport could beat a pug of BMs that don't watch sports.

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you can put a guide together all you want its still a bad game. Not many really like the game. In fact i cant think of 1 person i have met that actually prefers hutt ball. Now most of the time People just stand there so somebody wins fast. I would rather them take hutt ball out of the game and just have the two. Doesn't matter if i win or lose I still hate hutt ball.
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:sy_target: Helpers :sy_inventory:

This map features 3 types of "Helpers:"

  • Speed Boost - The speed boost power-up is located in the center of the pit on each side of the map. These power-ups allow your character to move very quickly for a short period of time. This power-up is best used to get out of the pit area.
  • Heal/DPS Buff - This power-up will increase the damage and heal amount a player deals for a short period of time. These are located near the main level ramp on both sides of the map.
  • Heal Buff - This power-up is an instant heal. It is located in 4 spots on the map just to the corner of the exit ramps of the pits.


Note that the 'Heal/DPS Buff' is actually +15% expertise - it also reduces damage taken by 15%. This can be extremely helpful if you're being beaten on or as a Ball Carrier.


Rest of the post is some awesome stuff.

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When you have two teams that are balanced and know how to play, huttball is a blast and my Favorite WZ unfortunately most of the time you just have 1 team that facerolls the other, which does make it very fustrating. I find it more dymanic and thrilling than the other 2 WZ, with more omg i cant believe that happened moments. Harpooning a jugg at the last second into the pit to save a score, or being dragged into the pit myself then storming back up to a player and getting the score :D
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Yeah it's basically American Football.


The key to winning: don't play hero ball and PASS!




At the end of the day, it's the scoreboard that matters. Know your class...know what your class contributes...and focus on the objectives.


I'm squishy, so unless it's a place where I can pop my sprint and run it in, ball carrying is not for me.

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I couldn't see this tip anywhere in the guide:


If you're standing next to the enemy ball carrier on low heath, with him about to die also, move away or at least get ready to pass really really fast.


Can't count the number of times someone has not done this. I also have people standing in the fire next to the enemy carrier quite often, with another enemy player on full health standing on the oppsosite side of the flames...

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Huttball is awesome when the match is actually close. I had a game the other night that ended 1-1 and we won by having the ball at the end. Unfortunately, Huttball has a few flaws:


1) It's very easy for one team to dominate the other. Much moreso than the other two warzones, in my opinion, a few good people can pretty much win the game my themselves, whereas this isn't true in other warzones. A team that has a 20k+ HP tank and a couple healers (particularly sage/sorcerer healers) can win a Huttball match easily even if the rest of their team is a bunch of DPS with 12.5k HP. This leads to many 6-0 or 6-1 wins which just isn't fun at all for the other team.


2) Sort of related to #1, some classes are awesome in Huttball, and many are worthless. Huttball matches can be won without killing a single enemy player, which makes most non-stealth capable DPS classes pretty worthless. A team full of Gunslingers and DPS Commandos is going to have no shot in a Huttball match, and I know people who play these classes hate Huttball most of the time. On the flipside, there are some classes that are awesome in Huttball. I play a Shadow tank, and with force speed and all my defensive abilities, often times I will score 75% of my team's goals. Not to mention my stealth allows me to get in position for easy scores quite often. Sages can make Huttball matches a lot easier due to their friendly pull, and any healer is important to keeping your ball carrier alive.

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I play as guardian tank and find it incredibly easy to score on Hutball:


  1. I grab the ball in the middle then force/guardian leap to an enemy or friend on the platform above.
  2. Then simply make my across the fire pit usually followed by a few enemies who cant kill me because I have all my CD's on.
  3. Usually I save up for my full resolve meter too then pop my cc break so no one can stop me.
  4. Then I just manoeuvre behind an enemy and force push them down into the goal line which resets the force leap I just used.
  5. Then I just jump down to them and score.


This is pretty much my win button for Huttball now.

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I hated hutt ball, cuz I sucked at it and was in orange gear. Did the gear grind and I still hated hutt ball, I remember at one point playing WZ's all day and not winning once LOL...I was about to rage and throw my PC into the snow.


Then one day it started clicking! I still suck and dont like being carrier cuz I get to freaked out haha but I can deal some damage and realy see that I am helping my team out, clearing paths or protecting our carrier.


Your guide is spot on for me and wish I'd of read it a month ago lol, TY tho =)


I dont get as frustrated anymore...still a lil bit yes but I know now what to pay attention to and try to read my team/enemy team the best I can and it seems to help.

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I'm not sure if it was mentioned, I don't feel like reading through every page, but if it wasn't


If you find yourself in your own zone, or close to your own zone, It is better to throw the ball away resetting it than it is to let an enemy player kill you and get the ball since they would be very close to their goal. So if you are screwed and near your own goal don't be afraid to toss the ball away and reset it specially if a large # of their players are around you and you have teammates near the middle.

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