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Would the outcry for "strange" SW races be silenced if...


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Would the outcry for "strange" races be silenced if we could


1) rename our companions

2) redesign our companions in a barbershop

3) take DIRECT control over our companions (and basically use our main as companion) - i.e. do the switcheroo?


I´d love to run around as Khem Val, Droid, HK51, Wookie, Jawa (temporary) and have "myself" (my char) as companion.


Quick way to solve big problem?


Dialogue problems: Solved. Main character still the talking one.

New stories or voiceovers necessary? No. Still attached to main character.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Would the outcry for "strange" races be silenced if we could


1) rename our companions

2) redesign our companions in a barbershop

3) take DIRECT control over our companions (and basically use our main as companion) - i.e. do the switcheroo?


I´d love to run around as Khem Val, Droid, HK51, Jawa temporary and have "myself" (my char) as companion.


Quick way to solve big problem?


or give us "cybernetic disguises"( starred in the jedi knight and Imperial agent stories) to make us LOOK like aliens

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Wow... the "cybernetic disguise" thing is a pretty brilliant idea actually.


It would help avoid problems with companion romance (disguises removed during those cutscenes just like helmets are) and the disguise could also be disabled during scenes that make any reference to your character's race.

Could be an appearance customization slot like our companions have.

Cash shop people: pay attention to this! :D

Edited by Stenrik
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They could silence the outcry for more playable races if they implemented more playable races.




It won´t happen because doing another ton of voice recordings and changing the stories so every NPC reacts to your e.g. Jawa character would be insane.


All they can do is put another skin on your human body character and call it a new race (e.g. Cathar cat makeup)

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Bioware dont get what a MMO is about, swtor is barely even a themepark MMO, its a rigid do not deviate from the track no matter what affair.


Throwing in non human races would have been an interesting and welcome addition, they dont even need to uprate the appearance via armour and could just have customisations ala Khem and Blizz. But hey, we get Cathar, another identikit humanoid class..........


Swing and a miss Bioware, sadly like most things in this "mmo"

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But they will need to stay to continue the story lines; hopefully some cool things can be done, like the SW (emperors wrath) taking revenge on the Jedi knight. Obv the JK can't be killed, but why not Kira killed? Would be neat to kill opp factions companions where it makes sense, as others possibly come along. Could really tie the plots together.
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I would still want to play an alien species. However the idea of changing the appearance of a human to look like an alien would work. As for the compaion idea I dont think people would be happy with that because most of the high end game is played as the main character, maybe at level 50 they would let you take over your compaion. This could work for some compaions where the compaion is the same class so the dialog and romance wont matter because you have completed all of that for example



Tanna Vik - Trooper

Yuun - Trooper

Xalex - SIth Inquisitor

Skadge - Bounty Hunter (bit of a leap)

Guss Tuno - Smuggler



However I suspect we are much more likely to be able to buy skins in the cash shop or even new speices if the demand is high enough.

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1) rename our companions

2) redesign our companions in a barbershop

3) take DIRECT control over our companions (and basically use our main as companion) - i.e. do the switcheroo?



1 - No, companions have stories and their names are tied to it, sorry.

2 - You can buy companion customization kits

3 - You want to code that? You want to try and code that? No. You're the hero, you're companions the help.

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They could silence the outcry for more playable races if they implemented more playable races.




This. Not having them is just really bizarre. I read their reasoning for it but I can't say I agree with it. At all. It was yet another red flag thing from the start. Right along with Jedi Wizard.

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I don't think that it's feasible based on the current game mechanics. Which means that it will never happen...they can't eve get the staffing to keep up with current bugs or expand on the basic areas that most MMO's already have, why would they want to remake the entire engine just to spruce things up a bit?


Not that I don't like the idea. but to keep it within the current structure would be a necessity....and they could still give us allot more interesting things to do with this. some examples are:


1) allow for more customization with comp skills. let us pick and choose from a variety of skills for the comps. like if i want Vette to be more single target focused, i could drop her AoE skills, but pick up a vicious bleed, and perhaps a finisher that does more damage with the amount of bleeds on the target (this would work great with my vengeance jugg, that has up to 3 bleeds at one time on the target). or what if i wanted theran to be more of a DPS powerhouse with only one healing skill or so I could sub out the other heals for more potent damage skills...that would be a perfect comp setup for my tank, whereas the DPS comps can't kill fast enough to keep up with my incoming damage, a Theran that could throw out a basic heal, then rip apart the adds would be perfect.


2) give us a "companion view" camera setting...so we can stand back and watch us kill stuff from our companions point of view. That could give us the feeling that were really "playing" our comp if nothing else


3) along the lines of #1, make the comp skills more involved with each other like the player skills are. with the ability to move things around like in #1, we could modify the comp skills so they work in tandem with ours, and using them like another skill bar would add to the overall feeling of our comp being "part of our team" rather then just a silent automated entity.


4) and of course, more cosmetic options. the whole "skin" thing is really sort of crude IMO. It almost reminds me that my companions are very "basic". i want my vett to be body style #3, as an example....or have different feature combinations then whats available. Or nadia grell....man, all of her custom skins make her look like a goth partier after a few too many years of living wild. how about a normal "country" girl look? or perhaps just give me a customization screen like we have at character creation....then each comp will be different. it's sort of weird feeling to stand next a a group of consulars with 5 identical Theran's standing there. It would be nice to see a theran that was a huge hulk, as an example...or perhaps the tubby scientist with an overinflated ego...


5) One last note....please give our tank comps a real tank stance. give them a way to survive that would make running them without a healing style class a realistic option. If your class doesn't have heals, then going without a healing comp is more trouble then it's worth.

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1 - No, companions have stories and their names are tied to it, sorry.

2 - You can buy companion customization kits

3 - You want to code that? You want to try and code that? No. You're the hero, you're companions the help.


1. Bad decision without thinking about future possibilities. Why put their names into voice over dialogue?

2. Preset kits vs. full character creator? ... :(

3. BW is responsible for hiring the coding champions, this is not supposed to be a fan modding project

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  • 2 weeks later...
If only they would add new species.


More species with human body types so they fit into the class stories? Bleh.

I´d prefer taking direct control over the companions and the main character taking over the dialogue.

Quick fix. But the companions need customization like in a character creator, all the companion clones running around is bugging me since day 1.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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There was a poll pre launch that calculated all the SWG races people played.


Its was like 70% of the player base played Human, Zabrak or Twilik. While the highest non-humonioid looking race was only the 8% wookie.


My suggestion would be to add something along the lines of "Hero Races" (see WoWs hero classes) were you're allowed to play crap like Wookie but you have flat companions and story.

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Would the outcry for "strange" races be silenced if we could


1) rename our companions

2) redesign our companions in a barbershop

3) take DIRECT control over our companions (and basically use our main as companion) - i.e. do the switcheroo?


I´d love to run around as Khem Val, Droid, HK51, Wookie, Jawa (temporary) and have "myself" (my char) as companion.


Quick way to solve big problem?


Dialogue problems: Solved. Main character still the talking one.

New stories or voiceovers necessary? No. Still attached to main character.

No. Star Wars is known for a diverse universe of weird looking aliens since the original cantina scene.

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Would the outcry for "strange" races be silenced if we could


1) rename our companions

2) redesign our companions in a barbershop

3) take DIRECT control over our companions (and basically use our main as companion) - i.e. do the switcheroo?


I´d love to run around as Khem Val, Droid, HK51, Wookie, Jawa (temporary) and have "myself" (my char) as companion.


Quick way to solve big problem?


Dialogue problems: Solved. Main character still the talking one.

New stories or voiceovers necessary? No. Still attached to main character.

I like these ideas but to take over the character should not be implemented. Sorry but this isn't KOTOR as much people want to try and make it. It is an mmo and should only be able to control your own character.

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No. Star Wars is known for a diverse universe of weird looking aliens since the original cantina scene.


Agreed! Star Wars was --from the very beginning-- based on following the paths of heroes from a wonderous variety of species:


Luke : Human

Leia : Human

Han Solo : Human

Obi Wan : Human

Chewbacca : Wookie

Lando : Human

Moff Tarkin : Human

Yoda : (Yoda-Species)

Vader : Human

Palpatine : Human

Jabba : Hutt

Boba Fett : Human

C3-P0 : Droid

R2-D2 : Droid


And just to help you out a bit: Here are a couple of minor characters:

Ten Numb : Sullustan (And let's be honest, you didn't even know his name)

Greedo : Rodian


This was turned up to crazy-levels in the prequels:


Anakin : Human (still)

Padme : Human

Darth Maul : Zabrak

Jar Jar Binks : Gungan

Qui-Gon Jin : Human

Chancellor Valorum : Human

Jango Fett : Human

Count Dooku : Human

Panaka : Human

Nute Gunray : Neimoidian

General Grievous : Xalek

Boss Nass : Gungan


You see? The foundation of Star Wars is a truly large variety of species...


....oh wait. Scratch that. The foundation of Star Wars is a truly large variety of humans... with a load of other species as set furniture, and a couple tossed into larger roles. In that respect... SWTOR is right on track.

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