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no hk51 for solo players


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well they desided to cancel kotor 3 for the old republic i will play this game as a single player.

its my money i play however i want


This is why us solo players are here! and this "then dont play a MMO" line is older than my grandmother. That seems to be the usual answer ever time a subject like this comes up. we pay like everybody else. ( well until nov anyway). They should adjust for team size or lack there of.

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The real problem with the HK-51 companion not being available to solo players is just that: It's a companion. Unless they've radically changed the game in the last couple of months, companions are useless for flashpoints, operations and pvp and are mainly there for solo and duo play.
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This is why us solo players are here! and this "then dont play a MMO" line is older than my grandmother. That seems to be the usual answer ever time a subject like this comes up. we pay like everybody else. ( well until nov anyway). They should adjust for team size or lack there of.

Wrong. Just because you paid doesn't mean they should change what type of game you're playing. You're playing an MMO. It is not a single player RPG. It is not Kotor 3. You can try and make this as much about Kotor 3 as you can, but it's still not.


No matter how bad I want it, I cannot force an RTS to become a Turn-Base Strategy game. Even if I paid for it, I have to accept the genre of game I bought.

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I really dont see a problem here. All it requires is ONE hardmode. Just get a group and do that, spend 30 - 45 mins on it, and then your done. Also, Maelstrom prison is probably the easiest hardmode flashpoint for the Republic side (not sure about Foundry).
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Wrong. Just because you paid doesn't mean they should change what type of game you're playing. You're playing an MMO. It is not a single player RPG. It is not Kotor 3. You can try and make this as much about Kotor 3 as you can, but it's still not.


No matter how bad I want it, I cannot force an RTS to become a Turn-Base Strategy game. Even if I paid for it, I have to accept the genre of game I bought.


its not an MMO its an MMORPG you cannot force an MMORPG to become an MMO

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well they desided to cancel kotor 3 for the old republic i will play this game as a single player.

its my money i play however i want


So you have already chosen not to do Ops and get Dreadguard gear, so it will be your choice to not get HK-51.

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I think solo players should be able to get hk51 companion. I say this because companions are for when you're soloing anyways.


says who?



hk is supposed to be something you need to work for. so, you don't like wasting 20 minutes doing a flashpoint? that's too bad. no droid for you.



if you asked .me. I think the quests you have to do to get him still sound way too easy and I'm kinda disappointed you only need a char on the opposing faction that is lvl 15. it should have at least been 30something (both legacy items only available on rep balmorra and imp taris instead of coruscant and dromund kaas)

Edited by amnie
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says who?



hk is supposed to be something you need to work for. so, you don't like wasting 20 minutes doing a flashpoint? that's too bad. no droid for you.



if you asked .me. I think the quests you have to do to get him still sound way too easy and I'm kinda disappointed you only need a char on the opposing faction that is lvl 15. it should have at least been 30something (both legacy items only available on rep balmorra and imp taris instead of coruscant and dromund kaas)


So who said you can't run solo and work for it.No one said they didn't want to work for it.That is just a talking point.As is oh it is a mmo blah blah.

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its not an MMO its an MMORPG you cannot force an MMORPG to become an MMO


I cannot force KotoR 2 to be a multiplayer game either. No matter what you think about MMO's they are designed and supported to be a group based genre. Even the ToR devs made statements that they want you to group. The content they deliver reflects that. So cry all you want, you bought and play a multiplayer game.

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This argument NO LONGER applies in the "current" MMORPG environment. MMORPGs of today are not the same as they were in the past. The games are specifically geared to solo play and "rush to level cap" play. Since the "percieved" majority seem to only want to play end game.


As far as the meme screed forming around HK-51, HK-51 was not put in the game for "group content players only". It was a nod to KoTOR fans. Period. KoTOR was a single player game. Thus, as Dulfy has stated HK-51 can be aquired solo. Now will it be AS EASY to obtain solo? She say's .... wait for it ... No. But, guess what, most of us SOLO players ACTUALLY LIKE THE CHALLENGE. I guess we can say that all of you that group are "weak sauce". :p


Cheers!! :cool:


Such a backwards post. . .talk about being biased and narrow minded.


First you say this MMO is not like how they used to be, and say this game is made for solo play and 'rush to the end game' leveling.


Have you played this game? Why would anyone rush to the end game when it's not even fully fleshed out AND they spent 99.99999999%(sarcasm) of their budget on the voice over which is all during the leveling up process. I'm not quite sure you play the same game we're playing. if you think SWTOR is one of those games.


And then you pretend like you know why this companion was put into the game. Ummm, he's popular and is highly requested. When looking for new content to put into the game, why would they not listen to their customers? But saying he's not for "group content players only" is you just spouting lies. You dont work for BW last I checked, and you dont have any insider information.


Now I dont have any knowledge of this companion or how to get it, but if you in fact do have to do a HM flashpoint for something, and/or heroics. . .then that sounds like they want you to group up to get the companion. I'm not saying they literally sat there and said 'muahahaha, lets restrict this piece of content(if you can even call getting a companion content) from the solo players'. instead they probably said 'lets make our players want to progress through the content we already have to obtain this companion'. to help revitalize older content or for whatever reason.


You saying 'this companion is a nod to kotor' and then making this WILD assumption that 'since its a nod to kotor, and kotor is a single player game, the BAM, that means it's strictly for solo players', is quite comical.


Then it gets even better. I wasn't even gonna respond until I read your last 2 sentences. And this is coming from someone who was an 80s kid and played those insanely hard arcade games we had lol the ones that were made to do one thing and one thing only, drain your pocket of quarters. So I know what it's like to love(and hate lol) the challenge in a video game.


Making another assumption(I see this a lot in your posts) that 'us solo players' all want a challenge in our game, which is why you solo. This game is FULL of casuals that play the game because of the IP, ones that might get to play 4 hours a week(most of that is on the weekend) and really just want to experience the rich story that Bioware is so famous for making. Theeeeeen you go and call the raiders of the game(and of all MMOs) 'weak sauce' because they like to group with friends and complete a dungeon together. Really? Come on dude, I highly doubt any of them is expecting it to be easier because they group. I'm sure they want it just as challenging.


I'm sorry man, you usually have some sense and some logic in your posts, but that one was just full of fail.

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you know what I was just thinking?


HK shows up in flashpoints. so a huge part of the 'story' to him is indeed group content. if people 'care' about hk at all then they should already whine about not being able to see that story without doing the flashpoint. actually, half of the story of this game is group content... and solo player claim they play for the story? eh. nope. don't buy it.


(and solo player love the challenge, eh? I'd love to see you do hm denova solo)

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you know what I was just thinking?


HK shows up in flashpoints. so a huge part of the 'story' to him is indeed group content. if people 'care' about hk at all then they should already whine about not being able to see that story without doing the flashpoint. actually, half of the story of this game is group content... and solo player claim they play for the story? eh. nope. don't buy it.


(and solo player love the challenge, eh? I'd love to see you do hm denova solo)




The best think SWTOR could do to increase F2P active account numbers?


Let us use 3 companions in Flash Points.


It would fix a LOT of issue with the game.

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So let me get this straight. There are people who choose to 'play solo', yet indulge in the social activity of complaining to dozens if not hundreds of forum users by way of this thread. Quite the paradox we have here. Sounds like a bunch of people running out of things to cry about. Edited by Nanglez
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So let me get this straight. There are people who choose to 'play solo', yet indulge in the social activity of complaining to dozens if not hundreds of forum users by way of this thread. Quite the paradox we have here. Sounds like a bunch of people running out of things to cry about.


So all you groupies that are whining on here you do that also in a group during the game?One reason people don't group is because of a bunch of lame people who think they have the right to control other players and cry like spoiled little princesses.They don't pay my sub and they didn't buy my game.All they have done is reinforced my reason to not group.Except on rare occasion or pvp.You don't like it tough.

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So I've been doing a few HM flashpoints trying to get myself geared a little better mostly just because I think the recruit armor looks ugly on my Jedi. And as I feared, all of the groups I've gone through have wanted to spacebar their way through the story and skip past content like optional bosses and stuff.




I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I wasn't completely out of my league in HM flashpoints like I had feared I would be. I thought for sure I would be too undergeared to contribute anything of worth to the group, but I have been able to hold my own. Of course, the groups I have been with have been much better geared than me, and they have all been very nice about helping me through the content. But it was still a pleasant surprise to find out that it wouldn't be as awful of an experience as I had thought it would be.


Now the only problem is getting enough commendations to get better gear, it seems like it is going to take forever.

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There shouldn't be any reason a solo player shouldn't be able to work toward HK just like a solo player can play the majority of the game. People can yell this is a MMO, but that doesn't change the fact that things like class story were designed for a solo experience even if others can come along. Edited by Sorwen
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