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no hk51 for solo players


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Solo? Go play single-player game, not MMO.


I too, tend to run solo. I play an MMO. If I want to run with a group, I run with a group.

MMO's have the option of running solo or with groups, for a reason. It is the individual player's

choice how he/she plays the game. Go play your own game and let these folks play theirs.

When I play solo, I run along, sharing buffs and throwing shots to assist they who I pass. It is

my choice, how to play the game.

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I too, tend to run solo. I play an MMO. If I want to run with a group, I run with a group.

MMO's have the option of running solo or with groups, for a reason. It is the individual player's

choice how he/she plays the game. Go play your own game and let these folks play theirs.

When I play solo, I run along, sharing buffs and throwing shots to assist they who I pass. It is

my choice, how to play the game.


Yep, also, it’s a companion not endgame raiding gear. There is no reason for it to require a Hard Mode to acquire, but that’s how they’ve done it, so they can listen to all the complaining, and I bet they change it eventually.


I don’t have a problem, per se with the whole grouping to get, but it seems strange to force a group for a companion.


(not directed to OP) As far as solo players thinking they should have the option to get him without being forced to group with ransoms’, it’s their game as well, so they should be able to enjoy it how they like, all MMO means is there are a LOT of people playing alongside you, NOT that you need to play WITH them. Again, this is NOT Raid gear we’re talking about, it’s a freaking companion anyone should be able to get.

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Solo players can play MMOs. But don't you dare demand that this be turned into a single player game in order to accommodate the solo player.





No need to make things up, I didn't see the OP asking for BiS gear and the ability to solo run HM's or Operations.


SWTOR has so far concentrated on end game PVE in it's updates, almost exclusively but needs to give the solo player some love such as mini games, story tied to characters - not planet story. This was the perfect opportunity.

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Hi, I'm a solo player that doesn't use group finder. In fact, all of my game time is spent doing my own thing and ignoring all group/guild/chat invites other than general chat. I don't bother with Heroics. Flashpoints. Warzones or anything else that involves having to group up with people.


Have a nice day.




So you come to the forum and make a thread for OTHER people to see complaining that you have to play a part of the game with other people???


So you'll post about things in an MMO online forum but wont play with other people in an MMO game. . . . . . . . . I'm confused right now . . . . . . . :eek:

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While I am not a solo only kind of player, I am not a PvE player either. I prefer PvP. Does this mean I don't like to grouping? Actually I love grouping when it's for an objective I enjoy (see: pvp). And sorry this is not BiS we're talking here so its not like anyone's saying turn an MMO into a spg. Some of the responses... "Don't you dare!" LOL way to go there, baby mama drama.


Also I think you see the, shall we call it dissapointment, is most MMO fans could care less about the addition of HK. They could have picked any other new companion character, the only reason they are even adding HK is because fans of the single player game wanted him. The real fans of him would be the Kotor crowd so it is a kind of "stick it to you" that they require the fans that originally gave rise to this MMO from the KoTOR spg to have to play a playstyle they otherwise would avoid, just throwing it out there...


And honestly don't see why this had to be tied to Flashpoints. Is this going to give you an advantage in Ops and FP somehow? If so that is a different story, otherwise really don't understand that move. The heroics I get. I even wouldn't have minded 4+ heroics. I just think the flashpoint requirement was not necessary. And believe it or not do enjoy the occasional flashpoint. Just not enought to grind to gear up for a HM if thats what it will be, as has been suggested. Imagine the whining that would of come from the other side if they made it where you had to win a certain number of WZ's in order to get it for people who don't PvP... ( and before it gets said no I not lumping all into one just saying it goes both ways).


Ah well he will probably be available in the cash shop anyway. (I kid I kid)

Edited by Jaden
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Yeah dude. I mainly play this game because it's Bioware and it's a continuation of the KOTOR franchise, not because it's a MMO. I like Bioware's RPGs but I'm not crazy about MMOs. There are actually quite a few things that could have been much better about this game if it wasn't MMO. Edited by MorgonKara
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Then it's clear you cannot be bothered by the rewards that come from those group activities.


The HK quest is similar to those. It starts as a group quest and ends that way. Since you're not fond of grouping or the rewards they provide for grouping. The HK quest should bother you if it does.


The same goes for the OP as well.


Some of us soloers havent said a word that we are locked out of FPs. I played EQ for 5 plus yr(01 to 06ish), and I used to enjoy the social aspect. These days my health is worse, and I use my PC in conjection with my TV from the confines of my bed. Grouping would be bad enough, and then you throw in all the bathroom runs....nah I keep to myself, and understand there are things I cant get in game.



Putting HK behind the grp stuff is a slap in the face though. Like everyone that has spent hundreds of hrs on the KOTOR series ISNT going to want him. There was no reason this couldnt of been an epic singular quest.


Putting it into PVP areas is even worse. Someone at BW needs to get their head out of their backside. The PVE servers are the most populated, and yet they wanna subject these folks to PVP? Are you kidding me? Maybe I have read it wrong, but if PVE gamers are indeed subjected to PVP then someone needs to be fired.



I will eventually try to get the HK companion, but then again maybe I wont. It appears to me BW doesnt understand their fanbase these days, and quite frankly, the novelty of being a fanboi has lost its luster. EA, as a company, has made MP a priority in all its titles going foward. I am guessing DA3 will have a strong MP component, and should pretty much finish my enjoyment of all things with a BW tag.


I hope when the non-compete clause is done, the Drs open a new studio, and dont bother with an investment firm that is willing to sell their company out from underneath them.

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I would have prefered that you could get him through solo quests but I will grudginly group up in order to get HK-51. I just hope the groups I join don't mind carrying my weight, and like to see the cutscenes because I like the story and don't like to spacebar through it. :p
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I start to think the situation is funny. BioWare has it achieved to create another time in which the cummunity breaks into little pieces and of course BioWare gets it's fair share of hate.


When the first anounced that their will be quest chain and one needs a characters on both sides, there wasalready quite a few not happy, but I though back then maybe the character on the other faction just have to be around level 25 or so, and one has to go the Tatooine, and the rest will just be a nice long questline that everyone can do by himself.


Now, it turns out we have to be only about level 15 on the other faction, which seems simple enough, but we also have to do some group content (which should be possible to do alone, but it seems that nobody cares about that, since it well established that hating each other here on the forums is so much fun).


I don't get it. Even if the people can not make it alone through the content, but if they want HK-51 so badly, why can they not just simply group one evening and get him. They could also just wait til the game goes F2P, they surely might have friends which could help them (and BioWare would be happy about some more players which might decide one day to drop a few dollars or euros or what have you on the game). And those poor souls who have no friends could just wait a few years or whatever until they the level cap is high enough so that it will easy as pie to get it done.


But then I also don't understand BioWare. Why haven't they just asked months ago what we would think about that some part of that questline is group content, instead of going ahead and doing stuff and find later out that it makes people unhappy? But when has BioWare ever cared about what we think? Or would BioWare change it if enough people would bring up plenty of reasons why it should be solo content?


Personally I am fine that it includes some content that might need a group, after all this is a MMO, and everyone who plays it (for whatever reasons) was fully aware of that fact, and that some stuff might need one to group up to get it. Don't get anyone get me wrong, I don't mind people who treat this game like a single player game, but they should understand some content is just not open to them. I see no PvP player complaining about that he don't get the pets and mounts that drop in operations, if they would like to have that, they go do it.


So could we now just calm down already?

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I start to think the situation is funny. BioWare has it achieved to create another time in which the cummunity breaks into little pieces and of course BioWare gets it's fair share of hate.


When the first anounced that their will be quest chain and one needs a characters on both sides, there wasalready quite a few not happy, but I though back then maybe the character on the other faction just have to be around level 25 or so, and one has to go the Tatooine, and the rest will just be a nice long questline that everyone can do by himself.


Now, it turns out we have to be only about level 15 on the other faction, which seems simple enough, but we also have to do some group content (which should be possible to do alone, but it seems that nobody cares about that, since it well established that hating each other here on the forums is so much fun).


I don't get it. Even if the people can not make it alone through the content, but if they want HK-51 so badly, why can they not just simply group one evening and get him. They could also just wait til the game goes F2P, they surely might have friends which could help them (and BioWare would be happy about some more players which might decide one day to drop a few dollars or euros or what have you on the game). And those poor souls who have no friends could just wait a few years or whatever until they the level cap is high enough so that it will easy as pie to get it done.


But then I also don't understand BioWare. Why haven't they just asked months ago what we would think about that some part of that questline is group content, instead of going ahead and doing stuff and find later out that it makes people unhappy? But when has BioWare ever cared about what we think? Or would BioWare change it if enough people would bring up plenty of reasons why it should be solo content?


Personally I am fine that it includes some content that might need a group, after all this is a MMO, and everyone who plays it (for whatever reasons) was fully aware of that fact, and that some stuff might need one to group up to get it. Don't get anyone get me wrong, I don't mind people who treat this game like a single player game, but they should understand some content is just not open to them. I see no PvP player complaining about that he don't get the pets and mounts that drop in operations, if they would like to have that, they go do it.


So could we now just calm down already?


Not to pick a fight, but isn't that last bit rather ironic? So far, I think you win the "rant award" here, at 6+ paragraphs. Just because we don't agree, there's no need to label us as hysterical :)

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I don't know...I'm a pretty dedicated solo player, been running solo ever since I left SWG. But even I find pugs very easy to run with in this game, they generally have good attitudes and the game tends to be forgiving of mistakes.


If you were interested in getting any advice, I would say this...give a few group runs a try. You might find it's a bit better than other games....thanks to the fantastic gaming community.

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All this griping i completely don't understand. Bioware will never be able to satisfy everyone's idea of the perfect game.


It's a Flashpoint, not an exam in aeronautical engineering. If I was trying to satisfy an MMO playerbase I'd bang my head against the wall continuously.


Strangely enough, I would bet if the quest line were completely solo, there would be some derp thread saying how this is an MMO and we should group up to get him. There is just no way to make everyone happy.


I think its great they are adding him. I'll have a good time doing the quests. Just be happy. 1.5 is going to come out much sooner than i had anticipated and I'm looking forward to it.

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i don't get it once it launchs it will be easy to find groups for it they already said their splitting up the 7 components part of the quest according to a dev response on the PTS


i was able to get a group for this on the PTS also

Edited by Froippi
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Not to pick a fight, but isn't that last bit rather ironic? So far, I think you win the "rant award" here, at 6+ paragraphs. Just because we don't agree, there's no need to label us as hysterical :)

Thank for the rant award! But seriously, it is hysterical what happens here... okay, many forms, and especially this board, are often that way. But telling the single player minded gamers here they picked the wrong game isn't helping anyone. So, maybe we start thinking about solutions... or a dev from BioWare could just do what they almost never do, and talk to us about this mess. So far this thread is just some people whine about not getting something and others tell them they don't deserve it, because they have to group for that kind of stuff by saying that MMOs are that way. Both parties are just hysterical, instead of thinking how it could be solved so that everybody is happy.

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i don't get it once it launchs it will be easy to find groups for it they already said their splitting up the 7 components part of the quest according to a dev response on the PTS


i was able to get a group for this on the PTS also


Oh, you must be new around here.

On SWTOR.com people whine for the sake of whining.:rolleyes:

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Some people are fooling themselves. If you don't group you will not be able to do HM Foundry/Malestrom and HM False Emperor. They are not in any way soloable. Maybe after Bioware raises the level cap (assuming they don't tweak HM difficulty) and they have enough tiers of end game gear (which a solo player would not have), then it can be done.


Right now, it can't be, least of all by a solo player. If you want HK-51 bad enough, you'll just have to suck it up and group. The biggest shame by far is Republic players have to go to empire territory on Hoth to get one part, but empire players never have to go to republic territory. That sucks, but both Foundray/Malestrom and False Emperor are easy enough, especially if you are only a DPS.

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well they desided to cancel kotor 3 for the old republic i will play this game as a single player.

its my money i play however i want


Then why make a thread about it? For the love of pete, its 2 flashpoints, I don't think spending a whole 2 hours with other players is going to ruin your gaming experience.

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Some people are fooling themselves. If you don't group you will not be able to do HM Foundry/Malestrom and HM False Emperor. They are not in any way soloable. Maybe after Bioware raises the level cap (assuming they don't tweak HM difficulty) and they have enough tiers of end game gear (which a solo player would not have), then it can be done.


Right now, it can't be, least of all by a solo player. If you want HK-51 bad enough, you'll just have to suck it up and group.


Well HM Malgus is soloable (Stevoo solo's HM Malgus) , even more importantly according to Dulfy's blog it's SM False Emperor that you have to do. The benefit of Story Mode is that there are NO ENRAGE timers so you can focus on surviving rather than dps. If it takes you 15 minutes to kill HK-47 in False Emperor, you still killed him:)


So here are the facts:

1. HARD MODE Maelstrom Prison/The Foundry cannot be soloed

2. The new Belsavis Heroic isn't easy to solo but hardly impossible

3. Story False Emperor has actually been soloed by several players.


What does this tell us? No matter how good a solo player you are, you're going to have to do 1/2 of a Flashpoint with at least one other player. If grouping up bothers you so much that you can't bring yourself to just 2 man HK-47 and then leave the flashpoint, then so be it - you're going to be waiting until the new level cap comes out to get HK-51.


Edit: the "just 2 man HK-47" refers to HM Foundry, I'm not certain where the relevant piece drops in HM Maelstrom Prison.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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No need to make things up, I didn't see the OP asking for BiS gear and the ability to solo run HM's or Operations.


SWTOR has so far concentrated on end game PVE in it's updates, almost exclusively but needs to give the solo player some love such as mini games, story tied to characters - not planet story. This was the perfect opportunity.


You aren't making a demand when you use say that BioWare "needs" to give soloers some love? You could have fooled me.


You don't realize that BioWare already caters to the "solo" gamer. They cater to the solo gamer by making it convenient for the those players to experience group content, NOT by designing content that can be soloed. They cater to you by not forcing you to join a guild, run with a set group, or even make lasting friendships in the game, while still being able to experience and enjoy every aspect of the game (you can even PuG Operations.) They do this through the LFD tool. They do this through the PvP queue system. They do this through the GTN (as opposed to a trade chat, or individual player shops.)


Making content accessible to the solo gamer is not the same as making content that is soloable. You are free to run the dungeon necessary to obtain HK-51. You don't need to make friends, just plug your info into the LFD tool and off you go. The content is accessible to you as a solo gamer. They've done what you asked for, when you factor in that this is an MMO setting. I'll explain what I mean by that.


I agree with you: ToR needs more mini-games. It needs Pazaak where we play against other players. It needs swoop racing where we can race other players. It needs space combat that allows us to play with, or against, other players. There's a theme here, where each item should include some sort of meaningful player interaction.


(Note: Everything in the above paragraph is available to the solo gamer. You are one player with one pazaak deck. You are one player in control of one swoop bike. No guilds, groups, or casual acquaintances required.)


Catering to the solo gamer does not mean removing the need for player interaction. The MMO setting demands player interaction in every aspect of the game, as part of what defines an MMO, sets these games apart from regular games with multiplayer support. Player interaction is at the heart of the MMO genre, at it's very core. That's why I say the "solo gamer" has no right to demand that anything be soloable. They can, of course, ask that group content be made more accessible to them, and many times that is a valid and understandable request.



Edited by Macheath
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I soloed a lot while leveling my 10 lvl 50s.


I really don't like people on the whole. They're imbeciles, mostly.


But I do group for WZs and Flashpoints, which are content I consider worth playing.


On that note, if you refuse to group for HM Foundry/Maelstrom Prison and SM False Emperor, you will be missing out on a whole lot more than just HK-51. Those flashpoints are some of the most compelling content in the game. They are vital touchstones in the story.


I'm pretty confident that most soloists would enjoy making an exception and PUGging those two.


I predict that the more painful leg of the journey, for those of you who take the plunge, will be getting to that jawa in Outlaw's Den.


See you there!

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For many reasons I am a solo player. My health, my husbands terminal cirrhosis (he is on Hospice now), the fact that I ran a rather large guild for almost 20 years encompassing several games and came to SWTOR to "get away from it all", the fact that finding groups for things is an exercise in futility in this game (understanding that if you go for the comp in the first rush you will be able to find groups easily, just wait a while when every one has one and THEN try to get a group for it), and many more reasons, I CHOOSE to solo this game.


Id be really upset about not being able to solo for the comp if I wasnt already planning on unsubbing over the free to play issue. LOL.



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For many reasons I am a solo player. My health, my husbands terminal cirrhosis (he is on Hospice now), the fact that I ran a rather large guild for almost 20 years encompassing several games and came to SWTOR to "get away from it all", the fact that finding groups for things is an exercise in futility in this game (understanding that if you go for the comp in the first rush you will be able to find groups easily, just wait a while when every one has one and THEN try to get a group for it), and many more reasons, I CHOOSE to solo this game.


Id be really upset about not being able to solo for the comp if I wasnt already planning on unsubbing over the free to play issue. LOL.




I understand disliking grouping with some of the people in this game: between the "no, it was your fault we wiped" people who can't take advice, and the "brb in 2 min" players who leave and don't come back, there's a lot of people I wouldn't want to group with (hence ignore lists).


That being said, if during peak hours you say "solo player looking for a friendly, polite person to do HM Maelstrom Prison/Foundry with" I'm sure you'll get a couple of nice people who are happy to do the flashpoint slowly and show patience.


As a matter of fact, I'll help out:


If anyone of you have level 50s in the Empire on Jung Ma, then simply see if anyone from Terror is on (go to the /who and type in Terror under search terms) and we'll be more than happy to help you. My guildies are fun loving people who have no issue with watching cutscenes or carrying undergeared players through a flashpoint to help them get a sweet companion.


P.S: My mains are Sha'al (Sorc) and Jagoss (Juggernaut), during the first week 1.5 is out, I'll help anyone who wants to get HK-51, get him:) All I ask is that you show me the same respect that you want shown to you.

And yes, all help is free of charge.:)

Edited by AshlaBoga
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The logic, or more lack of, that some of the people here display is simply staggering.


What some people are actually doing is the following :


They want a Hamburger but the hamburgers are out. So instead they decide to order spaghetti. Now this spaghetti is being advertised as spaghetti, it is obvious its spaghetti and absolutely no-one has ever stated the spaghetti would in fact be a hamburger.

So according to these people, what is the best thing to do? indeed! complain that the spaghetti doesn't come with a sesame bun.


You bought an MMO, you cannot solo all content.

If you wanted a single player game, you should have bought a single player game. If the Single player game you wanted is not available you should not have bought anything at all.


Want HK-51? Group up for it, as you should.

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