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no hk51 for solo players


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You're completely ignoring the possiblity of level 50 players actually playing alts rather than hanging out on the fleet or doing endgame stuff (hardmodes/OPs).

A lot of people don't care about endgame at all and never take part in it. After reaching the cap they often leave the game if there's nothing to do besides "classic" endgame activities or reroll an alt to experience the leveling again (or in case of SWTOR experience another class story). Being one of those players, I rarely log into my 50s these days and if I do, it's either to do some dailies or to RP, but definitely not for endgame stuff like hardmodes or OPs.

I am not ignoring anything, I am merely telling people that in THIS game saying people 'by and large' not caring about endgame is a flat out lie.


you even say it yourself. they roll an alt (or leave the game) BECAUSE there is nothing to do at endgame. (which isn't entirely true but we've had these discussions back in January and they added more content since)


unlike most others here I am .not. making any claims what people who have a lvl 50 actually do - or want to do. I was posting numbers that indicate more than enough people DO care about endgame and they are NOT a 'vast minority' as people always love to claim.


this is TOR, not EQ2 or FFXI. it doesn't take forever and doesn't take 'super dedication' in this game to be competative in end-game (in the sense of hm fp and ops) so naturally a lot more people actually .do. participate in endgame.

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What this guy said... seriously. MMO games are meant to be played with other people. Stop crying please and just use the LFG tool to get the damn thing done.

I'm so tired of this stupid response. There are more ways to interact with people than running flashpoints with them. :mad:

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Does anyone think that maybe BW made HK-51 accessibile the way they did was to entice people who don't like endgame content (in this case HM FP) to try one? That maybe before they get to HK-51 they'll get a good gear drop, and I don't know want more? It's not like Bioware is making players complete all HM FPs, which for most experienced players would be quite easy considering everyone would be queing up to get HK51, but for solo players would be tough becausse they don't know the mechanics.


And going into PvP territory won't be that hard. If you have the credits, you can even QT there from anywhere, so u can still avoid it. The only problem is one component is located in empire territory thus giving imperial players an advantage over republic players (on pve servers, on pvp servers it won't matter).

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Does anyone think that maybe BW made HK-51 accessibile the way they did was to entice people who don't like endgame content (in this case HM FP) to try one? That maybe before they get to HK-51 they'll get a good gear drop, and I don't know want more? It's not like Bioware is making players complete all HM FPs, which for most experienced players would be quite easy considering everyone would be queing up to get HK51, but for solo players would be tough becausse they don't know the mechanics.


And going into PvP territory won't be that hard. If you have the credits, you can even QT there from anywhere, so u can still avoid it. The only problem is one component is located in empire territory thus giving imperial players an advantage over republic players (on pve servers, on pvp servers it won't matter).


I have actually asked them elsewhere about the reasoning for placing the Collector Kezzit in a Free-For-All PVP zone. I doubt they will ever answer it though as they do not say much about the things we want to know about. :rolleyes:

It could be that they do want players to experience PVP and placing it there will cause some players that normally wouldn't to actually have to. Or it could be that they just wanted to make more content for that area to make it used more. Who really knows? Until they tell us why, we may never know the reasoning behind it.


For me it is not about how hard it may be to go into a PVP zone. It is about having to just go in there at all. You can either have them Force you into a PVP Zone if you want the HK-51 bad enough; or you can skip it all together and have them make you miss out on the Content that you might have been wanting for some time now.


It is our choice to make but they are Forcing us to make a choice we may not like or normally make.


I personally do not like the idea of having to go to the Outlaws Den for the HK-51 Companion. If it was some sort of really good armor or weapon I would not mind it. But it is a Companion. A Companion that many have been wanting for some time now. There are many do not like to PVP. So those players are being Forced to either choose to be put into a PVP Situation or miss out on the content all together. That to me is just wrong. If it was anything other than a companion I personally would not matter.


All I want is for them to move the Collector Kezzit to a new location that is not in a PVP Zone. That is all I ask for. To me that would fix the Quest.


On a side note:

It is actually two components that the Collector Kezzit Vendor sales. If I read that part of the quest correctly. But that doesn't really matter.

Also it is a Free-For-All PVP Zone. Basically in the Outlaws Den you can attack players of your own faction as well.

Even if you can QT there from anywhere or vise verse, you will still have to go there and be in a PVP Situation. Something that a lot of Non-PVP players do not want to do.

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why do you force us solo players to do a hm fp to get HK-51.

is no-one playing these fp that you heve to force the solo players to do those FP.


I haven't read the 11 pages (at the time of my post) of replies, just the OP's post, so my answer reflects that.


All I can say is it's a MMO, and that some content including content that many will want to see will be locked out due to various playstyles. I don't expect to see every ops zone unless I either join a guild doing ops and/or make friends with people that do, and they are willing to be patient and bring me along risking more wipes until I learn the zone. There's speeders that one can only get if one completes every HM FP, or kills a certain set of world bosses, or some other requirment that needs people to group or form an ops. If I'm not willing to do that, I shouldn't expect such.


This game already has a huge amount of content for the solo player. Not every new item should be expected to be completed by the solo player. It might be disappointing that you have to do 2 level 50 FP's, one at HM to get him (along with 3 heroic 2+ zones in the new daily area based on what I saw in a walkthrough) but again, not everything will cater to every playstyle. Just like I don't expect to get speeders that require me to do a certain set of ops to get, or gear of a certain quality level and so forth.


Anyway, they aren't the hardest FP's by far. They didn't ask for something like Lost Island or even Kaon Under Siege. Don't dispair, and form up via group finder when you're no that stage. I've found at least on my server with rare exception that people aren't jerks even in PUG's and will be patient with someone new to a HM FP as long as they aren't truly inept.

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I haven't read the 11 pages (at the time of my post) of replies, just the OP's post, so my answer reflects that.


All I can say is it's a MMO, and that some content including content that many will want to see will be locked out due to various playstyles. I don't expect to see every ops zone unless I either join a guild doing ops and/or make friends with people that do, and they are willing to be patient and bring me along risking more wipes until I learn the zone. There's speeders that one can only get if one completes every HM FP, or kills a certain set of world bosses, or some other requirment that needs people to group or form an ops. If I'm not willing to do that, I shouldn't expect such.


This game already has a huge amount of content for the solo player. Not every new item should be expected to be completed by the solo player. It might be disappointing that you have to do 2 level 50 FP's, one at HM to get him (along with 3 heroic 2+ zones in the new daily area based on what I saw in a walkthrough) but again, not everything will cater to every playstyle. Just like I don't expect to get speeders that require me to do a certain set of ops to get, or gear of a certain quality level and so forth.


Anyway, they aren't the hardest FP's by far. They didn't ask for something like Lost Island or even Kaon Under Siege. Don't dispair, and form up via group finder when you're no that stage. I've found at least on my server with rare exception that people aren't jerks even in PUG's and will be patient with someone new to a HM FP as long as they aren't truly inept.


i know i can't get everything for solo play but the most hyped item for the last 6 month should be avaible for everyone. every other companion is via class quest. why don't they add a heroic solo instance for aquiring Hk-51

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I have actually asked them elsewhere about the reasoning for placing the Collector Kezzit in a Free-For-All PVP zone. I doubt they will ever answer it though as they do not say much about the things we want to know about. :rolleyes:

It could be that they do want players to experience PVP and placing it there will cause some players that normally wouldn't to actually have to. Or it could be that they just wanted to make more content for that area to make it used more. Who really knows? Until they tell us why, we may never know the reasoning behind it.


For me it is not about how hard it may be to go into a PVP zone. It is about having to just go in there at all. You can either have them Force you into a PVP Zone if you want the HK-51 bad enough; or you can skip it all together and have them make you miss out on the Content that you might have been wanting for some time now.


It is our choice to make but they are Forcing us to make a choice we may not like or normally make.


I personally do not like the idea of having to go to the Outlaws Den for the HK-51 Companion. If it was some sort of really good armor or weapon I would not mind it. But it is a Companion. A Companion that many have been wanting for some time now. There are many do not like to PVP. So those players are being Forced to either choose to be put into a PVP Situation or miss out on the content all together. That to me is just wrong. If it was anything other than a companion I personally would not matter.


All I want is for them to move the Collector Kezzit to a new location that is not in a PVP Zone. That is all I ask for. To me that would fix the Quest.


On a side note:

It is actually two components that the Collector Kezzit Vendor sales. If I read that part of the quest correctly. But that doesn't really matter.

Also it is a Free-For-All PVP Zone. Basically in the Outlaws Den you can attack players of your own faction as well.

Even if you can QT there from anywhere or vise verse, you will still have to go there and be in a PVP Situation. Something that a lot of Non-PVP players do not want to do.


if you really really really really really really want something then you will suck it up. as it should be. and I think .that. is part of the point of the whole quest. you are SUPPOSED to go way out of 'your way' to get this companion. you are to show that you really spent time on this and experienced this game in all its glory to have an iconic part of the star wars extended universe.


if you are really not feeling like going to the outlaw's den... well.. what can I say? I'm pretty sure they aren't taking HK out of the game once he's available, so you can just wait a few days (or maybe a week), work on the other parts of the quest first or whatever, and then find a few like-minded people (or even ask for people who actually have experience as PVP player) to 'protect' you or do the quest together... and go there on a monday night at 2 AM. chances are you will be completely alone.




edit: the most hyped item should be available for everyone?



Edited by amnie
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if you really really really really really really want something then you will suck it up. as it should be. and I think .that. is part of the point of the whole quest. you are SUPPOSED to go way out of 'your way' to get this companion. you are to show that you really spent time on this and experienced this game in all its glory to have an iconic part of the star wars extended universe.


if you are really not feeling like going to the outlaw's den... well.. what can I say? I'm pretty sure they aren't taking HK out of the game once he's available, so you can just wait a few days (or maybe a week), work on the other parts of the quest first or whatever, and then find a few like-minded people (or even ask for people who actually have experience as PVP player) to 'protect' you or do the quest together... and go there on a monday night at 2 AM. chances are you will be completely alone.




edit: the most hyped item should be available for everyone?



absulotely yes Hk51 is not a "i am better than you show off" he is a iconic kotor companion that should be for everyone even the most casual players
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i know i can't get everything for solo play but the most hyped item for the last 6 month should be avaible for everyone. every other companion is via class quest. why don't they add a heroic solo instance for aquiring Hk-51


"Available" and "I dont want to do the requirments" are two completely different things.

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I am not ignoring anything, I am merely telling people that in THIS game saying people 'by and large' not caring about endgame is a flat out lie.


you even say it yourself. they roll an alt (or leave the game) BECAUSE there is nothing to do at endgame. (which isn't entirely true but we've had these discussions back in January and they added more content since)


unlike most others here I am .not. making any claims what people who have a lvl 50 actually do - or want to do. I was posting numbers that indicate more than enough people DO care about endgame and they are NOT a 'vast minority' as people always love to claim.


this is TOR, not EQ2 or FFXI. it doesn't take forever and doesn't take 'super dedication' in this game to be competative in end-game (in the sense of hm fp and ops) so naturally a lot more people actually .do. participate in endgame.

People saying people don't care about end game is like those saying people wanting Hk that solo don't want to work for it.It is a talking point.This forum posters love to post them.I don't know how many myself and don't care,If you enjoy it more power to you.1-to 50 then crafting and then PVP in that order is how I enjoy the game.How someone else does is their business I just wish folks would stay the frell out of mine.That said I don't want HK.I left him in the pacified mode in K2 and he can stay there.There are some that solo that do.They should be allow to in their play style.I never seen so many "You gotz to do it my way people.

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i know i can't get everything for solo play but the most hyped item for the last 6 month should be avaible for everyone. every other companion is via class quest. why don't they add a heroic solo instance for aquiring Hk-51


It is available for everyone. It is you that chooses for it to not be available to you. If you want it so bad then suck it up for 1 hour of your life and get it.

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It is available for everyone. It is you that chooses for it to not be available to you. If you want it so bad then suck it up for 1 hour of your life and get it.


40 times 1 hour because its not a legacy unlock. so there will be plenty off wipes because i am a bad player

Edited by sepulhead
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40 times 1 hour because its not a legacy unlock. so there will be plenty off wipes because i am a bad player


You have 40 characters? The only bad player is one who cant or who refuses to learn how to play. Dont be timid. Those dungeons are not as hard as you think. Most groups could carry you through without even knowing so. Just play your part. Learn the fights and get better. You might surprise yourself and enjoy it.

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People saying people don't care about end game is like those saying people wanting Hk that solo don't want to work for it.It is a talking point.This forum posters love to post them.I don't know how many myself and don't care,If you enjoy it more power to you.1-to 50 then crafting and then PVP in that order is how I enjoy the game.How someone else does is their business I just wish folks would stay the frell out of mine.That said I don't want HK.I left him in the pacified mode in K2 and he can stay there.There are some that solo that do.They should be allow to in their play style.I never seen so many "You gotz to do it my way people.


Uhm. It's an MMO..Massively Multiplayer Online game..SOME things need to require groups. SOME things need to require you help and be helped by others. You want a solo game? Go back to the Knights games. Like it or not The Old Republic is meant to be played with others. Those people wanting HK need to suck it up and accept that.

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People really have a hard a time with other people wanting to have something that won't affect them at all.


Solo players want HK. Having HK won't affect group players at all. In fact, group players probably won't even use HK, whereas solo players might.


Way to be selfish about something that doesn't even make you give anything up for other people to enjoy it.

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People like to joke that those who complain about not wanting to do a hard mode are wanting "Free Stuff" this is a Video Game. Not a job. When I plug in my 15 bucks a month ON TOP of the actual price of the game. I play for entertainment.


You create a game where "everyone" has to work insanely hard to get one item. That's called a Grind and they are not fun. Despite what Elite people say it's the solo players who rarely go into hard modes who are more likely to use this companion. My price to obtain this companion is the cost I pay per month.


Yes. I do want Bioware to give me my companion FREE. It's been MONTHS since they told us it was coming. We have to jump through all these hoops. This is a BAIT AND SWITCH. Just like with Legacy. We THOUGHT we were getting super cool items to encourage us to play ALT'S.


Wrong. We unlocked the option, twice for the item. Then we have to pay to use it. It's disgusting. Just GIVE US THE COMPANION. You gave us vanity pets, The Founders title in our mail. Why do we have to grind for a companion.

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