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First Bad Experience With Flashpoints

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Let me first state that I am admittedly a solo-playing person. I'm new to MMOs, and even though I have two characters up to lvl 50, I still feel like I'm learning how to play properly (i.e. - Holding my own and not making anyone that I'm grouped up with upset with me.)


I decided to start leveraging the group finder (primarily because the guild I'm in is not that big, yet, and there haven't been many people online to group up with). I did two Flashpoints (one was HM: BT and I believe the other one was HM: False Emperor) previously and started them both out by saying, "Hey, I'm a new 50, and new to MMO in general. Please let me know if any mechanics I should know about."


I picked up right away in both, that most people just want to ride their speeders around mobs and only interact with bosses. While I've noticed that the drops weren't as many when we did have to fight a mob, I have found this kind of weird since you miss out on possible random premium loot drops. But, I'll go along with what the group wants to do.


Anyways, I get pulled into Directive 7 with a group. They seemed to know where to go on their speeders to get around the mobs. It seemed the path to take was a lot trickier than other Flashpoints. So I ended up falling 2-3 times into a mob. After the third time, one of the group member types "gdit i hate you". I decide to say nothing. Next thing that happens is I get voted out of the group.


So is this kind of behavior commonplace or did I just run into a bad group? I'd also be happy for any suggestions/comments on how I could even make it clearer to folks that I'm still getting the hang of the game. I think I'm just going to try to get some more people in the guild I'm in and hope to find 3 or more folks who are on in the evenings to run Flashpoints and Daily Heroics with me.

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That was a bad group. I have yet to be in a group that pulled something like that. If I was I would vote kick the guy that tried to vote kick the new guy since you stated you were new to the fp.


But I have to say people are getting extreme on avoiding mobs in these fps. I watched a guy trying to jump some boxes to avoid a fight for two minutes before I finally said it would be easier to just kill the mobs. They agreed and we killed them in 30 seconds and moved on.

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That was a bad group. I have yet to be in a group that pulled something like that. If I was I would vote kick the guy that tried to vote kick the new guy since you stated you were new to the fp.


But I have to say people are getting extreme on avoiding mobs in these fps. I watched a guy trying to jump some boxes to avoid a fight for two minutes before I finally said it would be easier to just kill the mobs. They agreed and we killed them in 30 seconds and moved on.


ha, totally did something like this on boarding party. Trying to avoid 2 gold Jedi with juggernaut type 3. in the end, when I was showing him the route (after 2 minutes of him getting up on pipes) I accidentally pulled those 2 Jedis and addons :D


that facepalm still hurts.

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Skipping mobs is very commonplace. Getting kicked for not knowing the zone is not (especially after letting the group know you are a new 50).


After a few weeks of running flashpoints the only item typically needed from a flashpoint is the Black Hole comms you get from doing the group finder daily quest. For this reason I skip as much as possible, although if I am grouped with an undergeared player I will ask if they want to do all the bosses.


I think most people do not mind helping a new 50 gear up and learn the zone. We ahve all been there.


My advice would be to keep doing the group finder, let the group know that you are a new 50 and do not know the zone. When you do get those bad groups just add the jerks to your ignore list so you won't be grouped with them again and shrug it off.

Edited by Groco
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Okay, I'll keep getting into the group finder. I don't know if they were all in the same guild or not, but I did go back and put them on my ignore list. :D I was in a great group when I did False Emperor. They told me where to stand and how to ultimately beat him in the end. Hopefully I'll get good enough so I can then be the one helping out n00bs like myself. I do enjoy grouping up with folks who don't get upset that you're not that great at the game (yet) and are willing to show you the ropes.
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Okay, I'll keep getting into the group finder. I don't know if they were all in the same guild or not, but I did go back and put them on my ignore list. :D I was in a great group when I did False Emperor. They told me where to stand and how to ultimately beat him in the end. Hopefully I'll get good enough so I can then be the one helping out n00bs like myself. I do enjoy grouping up with folks who don't get upset that you're not that great at the game (yet) and are willing to show you the ropes.


If you are a dps player, I'd say this behavior can be considered more normal than if you were a tank or a healer. Just shrug it off, everyone makes a mistake at some point. That and everyone was new to FPs and these instances at some point as well.


Keep plugging away at it and disregard the people who bring you down. In the end, it's a game so deaths, mistakes, and lots of fun....are all inevitable.

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Okay, I'll keep getting into the group finder. I don't know if they were all in the same guild or not, but I did go back and put them on my ignore list. :D I was in a great group when I did False Emperor. They told me where to stand and how to ultimately beat him in the end. Hopefully I'll get good enough so I can then be the one helping out n00bs like myself. I do enjoy grouping up with folks who don't get upset that you're not that great at the game (yet) and are willing to show you the ropes.

Keep it up and I hope you do have fun. There are many players who still enjoy running the FPs and are happy to help new players learn the strats of the fights.

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Yeah, group finder can be really hit-or-miss sometimes. Just keep at it, and be glad that if you have someone on ignore that you never have to group with them again! For those who kick people for accidentally aggroing mobs, shame on them! We've all done it, and we've all been beginners, too.
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Pretty common occurence and it will only get worse with Free-to-play. WOW people are rude and they've brought their rudeness here, it spreads like cancer. They are impatient, rude, condescending, petty, and vulgar. They will go out of their way to trash you as a player and a person, as well as, vote kick for frivolous reasons. Sadly, this is a growing trend in MMO's. MMO community now compaired to MMO community 10 years ago are so polarized its mind boggling, yet that one title "WoW" seems to be at the core of the growing problem. Nothing you can do about it either, except go play a single player game.


General chat on my server is full of bacon spouting, jawa movie title yelling, talking about getting high or drinking til they puke. Cursing is the norm and if you ask them to tone it down, they get their friends and spam you with tells or spout off even more in general.

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Let me first state that I am admittedly a solo-playing person. I'm new to MMOs, and even though I have two characters up to lvl 50, I still feel like I'm learning how to play properly (i.e. - Holding my own and not making anyone that I'm grouped up with upset with me.)


I decided to start leveraging the group finder (primarily because the guild I'm in is not that big, yet, and there haven't been many people online to group up with). I did two Flashpoints (one was HM: BT and I believe the other one was HM: False Emperor) previously and started them both out by saying, "Hey, I'm a new 50, and new to MMO in general. Please let me know if any mechanics I should know about."


I picked up right away in both, that most people just want to ride their speeders around mobs and only interact with bosses. While I've noticed that the drops weren't as many when we did have to fight a mob, I have found this kind of weird since you miss out on possible random premium loot drops. But, I'll go along with what the group wants to do.


Anyways, I get pulled into Directive 7 with a group. They seemed to know where to go on their speeders to get around the mobs. It seemed the path to take was a lot trickier than other Flashpoints. So I ended up falling 2-3 times into a mob. After the third time, one of the group member types "gdit i hate you". I decide to say nothing. Next thing that happens is I get voted out of the group.


So is this kind of behavior commonplace or did I just run into a bad group? I'd also be happy for any suggestions/comments on how I could even make it clearer to folks that I'm still getting the hang of the game. I think I'm just going to try to get some more people in the guild I'm in and hope to find 3 or more folks who are on in the evenings to run Flashpoints and Daily Heroics with me.


I know what your're going through. I had a bad experience the other morning. I was doing one of the random quest through group finder. Don't remember the mission. It's the one where you go through some sort of theater. Two of us said at the begining that we never did the quest. Anyway the other guy ran into a mob and the group wiped out. One of he jerks said if you pull again I'm leaving. Second time there was a part in the mission that required someone to man the cannon. They told one of us to man the cannon. I didn't know how to operate it. We wiped again (that was my fault). The two jerks were like, this ain't happening and then rage quit from the group. I sent a whisper to one of them and pretty much told them at least most of the other players I played with was kind enough to explain things out instead of barking out orders and rage quitting. After that i put both those clowns in my ignore list. This is one of the main reasons why I pretty much play solo and avoid joining any guilds. Don't have the patience anymore to deal with some brain damaged moron.


Anyway good luck in setting up a good guild. I hope everything works out for the best for you.

Edited by Iron-wolf
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unfortunately you've encountered people who probably have been bred by wow. No respect for the others, just "me me me" and they only want to finish the flashpoint the fastest so they can run the grind to death.


the good news is that contrary to wow, people cannot rename their characters and everyone share the same server. Therefore acting like a ***** repeatedly will slowly catch up to them, they'll be put on more and more "ignore" lists and be isolated.


I personally like to run my flashpoints quickly, but always slow down to explain the fights and the shortcuts to people who are new. If I see them make mistake I ask whether they know the flashpoint and want a short briefing.


I've encountered my share of bad and selfish behaviours, but I've also met very nice people. So don't be discouraged!

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I know what your're going through. I had a bad experience the other morning. I was doing one of the random quest through group finder. Don't remember the mission. It's the one where you go through some sort of theater. Two of us said at the begining that we never did the quest. Anyway the other guy ran into a mob and the group wiped out. One of he jerks said if you pull again I'm leaving. Second time there was a part in the mission that required someone to man the cannon. They told one of us to man the cannon. I didn't know how to operate it. We wiped again (that was my fault). The two jerks were like, this ain't happening and then rage quit from the group. I sent a whisper to one of them and pretty much told them at least most of the other players I played with was kind enough to explain things out instead of barking out orders and rage quitting. After that i put both those clowns in my ignore list. This is one of the main reasons why I pretty much play solo and avoid joining any guilds. Don't have the patience anymore to deal with some brain damaged moron.


Anyway good luck in setting up a good guild. I hope everything works out for the best for you.

Hm...looks like I'm not the only one who had that problem with KAON UNDER SIEGE...


OP, what server are you on? If you're on Jedi Covenant, I'd love to join up with you when I do my random Hard Mode Flashpoints. I'm a tank, so you get the bonus of a STUPID FAST Group Finder queue in addition to someone who knows most of the Flashpoints already. (There are exceptions: I've STILL never done Lost Island, for example...)

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Most people running level 50 flashpoints have done them many times before so want to skip the story and trash etc. Though if you say you want to do it all people usually dont mind. On my server (the progenator) I rarely get problems with people. Edited by NasherUK
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I made a lot of mistakes, also caused some good wipes along the way. You do learn by your mistakes and before long you won't be a fresh 50, and you'll be giving the same advice to some other new 50.


I'd put it down to a bad PUG. Keep grinding those HM's and you'll be fine. Once you start getting the gear you need I think you'll be the one wanting to skip through, trust me.:cool:

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Whenever I end up in a PUG with fresh 50s, I try to explain things to them as clearly as I can. I also offer to do all the bosses so that they can gear up.


I wouldn't kick anyone for aggroing by mistake. I've done all the Flash Points 2898734893874287934872387948712387712838791289 times and I still aggro once in awhile. It happens to all of us. People don't pay attention, lag spikes, etc.


However, as someone who has been a lv 50 for a very, very, long time, I will be honest and admit that some fresh 50s can be frustrating to deal with. I have the biggest issue with the ones who have absolutely no clue how to play their class. Among the worst is those who spec DPS, then que as a tank. This is all on top of the fact that they have crap gear...

Edited by Radzkie
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Let me first state that I am admittedly a solo-playing person. I'm new to MMOs, and even though I have two characters up to lvl 50, I still feel like I'm learning how to play properly (i.e. - Holding my own and not making anyone that I'm grouped up with upset with me.)


I decided to start leveraging the group finder (primarily because the guild I'm in is not that big, yet, and there haven't been many people online to group up with). I did two Flashpoints (one was HM: BT and I believe the other one was HM: False Emperor) previously and started them both out by saying, "Hey, I'm a new 50, and new to MMO in general. Please let me know if any mechanics I should know about."


I picked up right away in both, that most people just want to ride their speeders around mobs and only interact with bosses. While I've noticed that the drops weren't as many when we did have to fight a mob, I have found this kind of weird since you miss out on possible random premium loot drops. But, I'll go along with what the group wants to do.


Anyways, I get pulled into Directive 7 with a group. They seemed to know where to go on their speeders to get around the mobs. It seemed the path to take was a lot trickier than other Flashpoints. So I ended up falling 2-3 times into a mob. After the third time, one of the group member types "gdit i hate you". I decide to say nothing. Next thing that happens is I get voted out of the group.


So is this kind of behavior commonplace or did I just run into a bad group? I'd also be happy for any suggestions/comments on how I could even make it clearer to folks that I'm still getting the hang of the game. I think I'm just going to try to get some more people in the guild I'm in and hope to find 3 or more folks who are on in the evenings to run Flashpoints and Daily Heroics with me.


I think thats pretty common, theres a lot of totally impatient and self-righteous idiots these days. I was in a pug of some retard guild once, running LI and the dps was like ninja pulling all the friggin time, so I asked them kindly to stop that unprofessional behavior but they didnt. So at some point one of the dps got killed because he pulled too much aggro. Reaction: I got vote kicked Reason: I cant tank LOL

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OP, don't let a few d-bags ruin your swtor experience. we all make mistakes and sometimes there are people that instead of picking up and trying again, will act like spoiled children because things didn't go the way they planned. as much as these hardcore elitists hate to admit it, they were once new and green themselves. you will eventually run into more of this type, its inevitable. just remember that they are a minority and most players are helpful and patient. good luck and have fun :)
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the hms now are nothing more than a race to the end with some of the dumbest means to skip mobs. i have seen people waste time for a group member to run back after a fall death which then afterwards only to kill the same single mob they were trying to skip. i have seen others jumping over three tents in which if one person missed one then you have one or two groups to kill. if the same people went to the left there is only one strong or regular to kill if you didn't avoid it. people have become totally stupid in this mob skipping mini game.


i have also had a sage use rescue to constantly pull people she thought was too far behind in the group. i has at half health healing up after a encounter and this person "rescued" me out of healing up. totally idiotic and went on my ignore list after the hm. stupid is as stupid does.


i just don't get it though. i too have done all of the hms several times. enough to get four (4) toons bh geared out and when i wait in queue 15-30 min i kinda want to enjoy the run and not make it a race. i don't mind skipping some mobs mind you but when i cant get my healers power back up after a boss encounter it is just too much. i refuse to solo queue in the lfd with my healer for some time now.


sometimes i think the worse thing that was done was putting in bh coms as the final reward. perhaps it should have been one per hm boss killed and or one per stage of the bonus quest. this would have solved a LOT of issues i have encountered. then with the stupidity i have seen maybe not.

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So far, I've been lucky to only have one bad FP experience. Also, it was fortunately short and sweet.


I was playing a healer and I get into a BOI that appeared to be already somewhat in progress. This is already a red flag, because I figure it means either the last healer left, or they booted him. It's 3 members of a guild, they're definitely all fresh 50s, and they're sitting at that first trash pull that you can easily skip . Problem is, if you've wiped a couple of times, you can't pass them anymore, they'll aggro on you.


So, they get on their speeders and charge through, and die. We all get back in, and they want to try to do it normally, but they all just charge in and the dps just take on a whole pack of silvers on their own, taking massive damage, so despite my best efforts I can't keep everyone up. I say "you may want to consider using CC and having dps focus on the same target"


I get vote kicked. :rolleyes: I Put everyone in that group on ignore. :rak_02:

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