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1.5 On PTS There's Hope Yet!


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Well I'm excited to say the least! Saw the announcement on the front page and I thought "Wow... That was fast!"


I'm looking forward to it! HK-51! Woohoo!


Same reaction here. It was quite fast. Has it been 6 weeks yet since TFB was on the PTS?


either way im pleased, that its no only HK51, but nightmare mode EC and a new daily area/storyline.

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I don't base much off popular conjecture :cool:


Mid level toon - around 25 ish.


The only REASON you would NEED a toon of the oposite faction is to go to areas that are ONLY accessable BY a particular faction. To fully access ALL the potential areas that are NOT accessable you have to have a toon that can access Imperial taris or republic balmorra. Then you have a toon that can access all the areas that your other toon can not.


You have to have a toon that is capable of accessing:


Corruscant, Republic Taris, Republic Balmorra.




DK, Imperial Balmorra, Imperial Taris.


Both factions can get to all the other planets.


Mid level is not neccessarily "level 25" while that IS the mid point is not the MID RANGE. The high point of the mid range would be by dividing 50 by 3 and then assigning 3 bands of levels:


1-16, 17-33, 34-50


Following this and looking at the potential places that you MAY have to visit to get all the parts you need to have a toon in the 17-33 range. To access imperial taris/ republic balmorra (and live) you need a toon closer to 33 not 25. You have a few more levels to grind. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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Well, well, well. And so it is true. I've just completed the dailies on Section X. I'll save my detailed comments for the PTS thread, but I'll make a few comments generally for the sake of general.


So... wow, they are getting serious about their dailies. No more quick runs. Its not a grind per-say but you better be prepared. To those that think it will be too easy... nope. That is not an issue. It's not a hard mode situation, but in certain areas you have to have your head on a swivel.


Also... I got ganked by the World Boss. lol I didn't think I was too close but apparently he has good vision. He will seem familiar to some of you and he wanders around so to speak.


The HK hunt kicks off in Section X and is thus underway.


Overall, it is interesting to say the least. I give it... 4 Sateels out of 5.

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Well no transfers again. They just need to quit calling it a PTS. I would prefer cold hard truth to the wishy washy way they refer to the PTS. Once again the people they hand picked checking out the new content. This is getting old quick.


PTS: public test server. You can go and TEST.

Test levelling a character for example, see if 1.5 broke any low level skill or any mission in your level range.


It looks to me you're not interested in TESTING, rather than SEEING the new content before others.

Feeling entitled much?

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I'm encouraged by this. Is this a big content update, no. However it will give us more. A new world boss to work on and a new Ops for those still fighting and/or beating TFB HM. For those not quite at progression level there is the daily area for new content and a story line quest for HK. So not something for everyone, but enough content for another 6 weeks. Keep this coming and there will be a lot to do, especially if you have alts.
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PTS: public test server. You can go and TEST.

Test levelling a character for example, see if 1.5 broke any low level skill or any mission in your level range.


It looks to me you're not interested in TESTING, rather than SEEING the new content before others.

Feeling entitled much?

If a company wants free QA, they have to encourage people to go over there. Or they can keep doing what they've been doing. How has that worked out so far? Character transfers are an easy way of getting testers.

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PTS: public test server. You can go and TEST.

Test levelling a character for example, see if 1.5 broke any low level skill or any mission in your level range.


It looks to me you're not interested in TESTING, rather than SEEING the new content before others.

Feeling entitled much?


Since I spend majority of my time on my lvl 50's, I'd much rather test the lvl 50 content to provide feedback, but considering how Bioware handled the last patch's feedback, letting the game breaking performance issues go live anyway, it doesnt matter what level character you have on the PTS; they wont listen.

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Since I spend majority of my time on my lvl 50's, I'd much rather test the lvl 50 content to provide feedback, but considering how Bioware handled the last patch's feedback, letting the game breaking performance issues go live anyway, it doesnt matter what level character you have on the PTS; they wont listen.


This^. Why bother testing to find game breaking bugs when those game breaking bugs go out anyway to the live servers. Still waiting for the studder issue to be fixed and noticed it is not fixed on the test server.

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I love how eveyone jumps into the thread and moans about how they arent getting the one thing they wanted. :rolleyes:


The one thing I wanted is a PLAYABLE GAME! At the rate they're going, the next patch will go live before they fix the performance issues. I need a reason to keep giving them my money. Many of us can't even enjoy the content they just released thanks to the performance issues, so how is a new companion supposed to fix it? Their top priority should be fixing what they broke with the shadow crap or rolling the change back to pre-1.4 until they can figure out how to fix it for everyone. How can they be so obtuse??

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Glad to see BW is sticking to their 6-week content production commitment. Not real thrilled about HK-51 though considering both my Pubs and Imps are on separate servers and I can't unlock him. Oh well. Should be a nice PvE addition for a lot of people.


You only need a level 15ish to get HK.



To get HK you need to receive all 7 components there is one hidden on both capital planets only need a low level to get there so it's not that hard for players


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they did mention a few months back that hk would be unlocked by having a character of each faction, so they did give warning.


no amount of warning should force me to level up another toon when the proper solution is to allow me to move toons.


Of course there are a lot of things that are more important to me, e.g.

  • reducing the number of disconnects that occur for WZ players
  • allowing rated WZ players to rejoin their WZ is progress when they are disconnected
  • getting season 1 of rated going (and having a proper season 1 superbowl)
  • doing things to make the game more successful -- free to play? I don't care about this option directly but I do want the game to be more successful so they can in turn fund development for improved quality, long asked for features and new content.

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The one thing I wanted is a PLAYABLE GAME! At the rate they're going, the next patch will go live before they fix the performance issues. I need a reason to keep giving them my money. Many of us can't even enjoy the content they just released thanks to the performance issues, so how is a new companion supposed to fix it? Their top priority should be fixing what they broke with the shadow crap or rolling the change back to pre-1.4 until they can figure out how to fix it for everyone. How can they be so obtuse??


QFMFT! I like SWTOR a lot and I am very patient with regards to pace of development but the quality issues for PvP in 1.4 strain my patience mightily. I don't know about the PvE side of things but the PvP is getting worse with the DCs and frame rate issues.

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QFMFT! I like SWTOR a lot and I am very patient with regards to pace of development but the quality issues for PvP in 1.4 strain my patience mightily. I don't know about the PvE side of things but the PvP is getting worse with the DCs and frame rate issues.


The performance issues are affecting the whole game. I can't even do space missions with my settings as low as they will go. Doing operations and warzones gives me a migraine. They took a perfectly fine game for everyone and broke it for a large portion of us all in the name of less fuzzy shadows. WELL HOW ABOUT WE ALL LIVE WITHOUT SHADOWS UNTIL YOU FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE IT WORK PROPERLY FOR EVERYONE??? ROLL IT BACK BIOWARE!!

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U want to romance a machine??? A better question with hk is : are we going to get a new kind of proffesion (unlocked) with him? As an advanced machine, it may give us something!!.. But no romance for me, thanks. Edited by Oyranos
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no amount of warning should force me to level up another toon when the proper solution is to allow me to move toons.


Of course there are a lot of things that are more important to me, e.g.

  • reducing the number of disconnects that occur for WZ players
  • allowing rated WZ players to rejoin their WZ is progress when they are disconnected
  • getting season 1 of rated going (and having a proper season 1 superbowl)
  • doing things to make the game more successful -- free to play? I don't care about this option directly but I do want the game to be more successful so they can in turn fund development for improved quality, long asked for features and new content.


You sir, contradict yourself.


The point that i bolded. Thats exactly what its for.

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I give them props for sticking to the schedule finally....so far.


However, I still feel the changes being made and things being added are not adding that much value to the product measured against the bugs that still prevail, those added from prior patches, and other game shortcomings.


Loading moderate to well received content into a game that currently stands as a bug fest is not a wise move IMO. It degrades what otherwise would be good commendable content.

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