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fix the CC in this game


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All i know is people talk now all the time ingame about this stunhell and alot of players will leave soon , just like after

1.2 that killed swtor pvp, now we know the developers dont care about losing subs so what more is there to say.

Anyways i think i will unsub soon aswell, go back to rl.bioware knows nothing about keeping players happy.

PvP in swtor is nothing but pure garbage, a gibbfest for the remaining 15% of the playerbase that have not left the game.Ranked is dead many weaks ago, tons of bugs and a gear grind from hell with expertise as the ultimate fail.


You might be on to something with the Dev's not caring about subs numbers. With the game going to FTP, there will be a significant infusion in cash from both advertisers and players via the "buy content and gear" from in game store playbook.


Who knows.... I've been around since early beta and the game has never been in this bad a state for PVP.

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You might be on to something with the Dev's not caring about subs numbers. With the game going to FTP, there will be a significant infusion in cash from both advertisers and players via the "buy content and gear" from in game store playbook.


Who knows.... I've been around since early beta and the game has never been in this bad a state for PVP.


what? i prefer this CC then seeing lolrauders killing everything with immunity to CC, just saying. and dont throw the OMGFINDACOORDINATED GROUP ********, thanks

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You might be on to something with the Dev's not caring about subs numbers. With the game going to FTP, there will be a significant infusion in cash from both advertisers and players via the "buy content and gear" from in game store playbook.


Who knows.... I've been around since early beta and the game has never been in this bad a state for PVP.


2-3 teams are queing for ranked on europes pvp server tomb of freedon nadd, and thats all it is

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I get that roots and snares are a primary defense/attack mechanism for 2 of the 3 ranged classes (the third being a useless class period).


however, it doesn't change the fact that a particular player is cc'd multiple times. once he's been cc'd a certain number of times, he's granted temporary immunity to cc. that's the resolve system. roots are, by definition, cc's.


outside of trolling, I consider all of the above to be fact. now for my opinion:


if a sorc can't root a mara because the mara's resolve is full, then tough poo, dude. that mara just lived through 3 cc's even to get to that point. he's earned his lousy 8s or w/e of immunity. deal with it. really. root is immobility. it's not a snare. it doesn't just slow things down. the target cannot move at all. and cleansing effects don't even work unless the cleanser is of a particular class, which is kinda bs. if that wasn't the case, then the argument that roots are cleansable might hold some water, but they are not. so even if you have a cleansing class in your group, it's particularly unlikely that he can cleanse away a force effect root.


and while I'm on the horse: I understand that sorcs, in particular, require roots to survive (sometimes they just need to die, imo). however, what's with giving roots to tanks and maras/sents? yeah yeah, it ensures that their channel hits. but so what? they're melee. they have instant cast everything. and even when you're not rooted, you're going to eat half of the channel just running out of it, because ravage very clearly maintains its effect between 5-8m away if only it's started in range (not sure if that's a bug or not, but it seems to apply to all cast abils too).

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As someone who wants to help his team in huttball and carry the ball I cannot comprehend why they changed the resolve system. Until the resolve is full you are at a disadvantage.Sure, it works better when its full but by the time is full you are dead. You are stunned and wait for the resolve bar to fill up but it does not, your hp is going down massively 6k smashes everywhere, yet you are still in the stun. You pop breaker so you can pop a cd to survive, bang another stun and you are dead.


more like smash for 7k+

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Convert nearly all stuns in pvp to mez.


Fix what that unbalances. (huttball, op healing, escapes from stealth capable classes)


That'll make it still quite useful to remove key players from the fight for a period of time (normal definition of CC). But it'd force people to outplay you when they try to finish you. Since as soon as you take damage, you'd be able to play again.

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I'm basically rephrasing what I said in a similar thread, but forgive me, I'm interested in getting this fixed.


My idea was that resolve would fill up faster when you are taking damage. So stuns still work, but if someone is hitting you you'll get your white bar very quickly. You can still use it strategically by stunning someone and leaving them alone. This is better than having all stuns break on damage because it would be harder to accidentally break an important CC and if there are DoTs ticking it wouldn't necessarily break after the first tick. How fast it fills could be debated, but I think maybe 30% of your health or so should break the CC and give you your white bar.


Also, I like the idea of healers being able to remove stuns/snares. I know as a scoundrel there are a couple I can remove, but it's not enough. I should be able to remove all stuns and snares and it should also leave a buff on the player that prevents them from being stunned or snared again for 10 seconds or so.


Perhaps I am exaggerating and biased, but it feels to me that about 70% of my time in active combat on my sentinel is spent either snared or stunned.

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Archangel pls read my first point. The roots would still be usable on a resolve capped player. My idea is that on a non-resolve capped player the root adds a chunk of resolve.


As an example lets say you try to test this out in a wz with a friend. He is at 80% resolve and you root him. He is now rooted and he is resolve capped. he chases you for a bit and while he is still resolve capped your root comes off cd and you root him again. It works! He is still rooted. You were not affected very much.


As it is now the player can be rooted and rooted and rooted and stunned and stunned and stunned before becoming capped. Annoying!



Ah ok, I see what you mean. So roots/snares remain always usable, but they add resolve preventing followup hard stuns/mezzes.


Still not sure how I feel about that. I'd like to lower trinket by 1 minute and then see if future changes are needed. Incremental changes win out over broad sweeping changes. Also my shadow needs to be able to snare and then later spinning kick (hybrid spec) or low slash (infiltration spec) which means I need the resolve bar to not be full.

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Ya archangel I have all the classes and I know what you mean about shadow but I'm not saying it would fill it all the way up. Root/snares should be less than most other stuns/mezzes.


Also I do think the 400 resolve upon trinket activation is possibly a good idea.

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I would suggest the following simple change.


CC break adds 400 Resolve.


That could possibly work but I'd have to see how that played out in tests. I also think lowering the cooldown on CC breakers would still need to be done.

Edited by Zovyn
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Without CC most ranked matches would end in stalemates.


they could fix that, remove all cc for melee classes and significantly reduce them for ranged ( they need a little to create distance) and remake the warzones with lower cap timers or something that makes it able to cap an objective without the use of CC, and also this would attract groups to get ranged classes like dps commando/merc and sorcs into the rwz because they will have that little cc. to create a balanced 8 man team, each class need unique abilities that a team do not want to be without.


Bioware you PVP FAIl is having pugs que. make it so in 8 vs 8 you need always to form a 8 man group and THEN que up, that way you balance the team before every wz, this is part of daoc's success with pvp.

Edited by Zeaza
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I think the crowd control is just a bit excessive, generally speaking. I don't know if it really needs tweaked but I can see how at times it is very frustrating. I too have been stun locked and just sat there wondering why I couldn't go down swinging.


I don't know if the stuns need to change as much as I think durations need limited.

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they could fix that, remove all cc for melee classes and significantly reduce them for ranged ( they need a little to create distance) and remake the warzones with lower cap timers or something that makes it able to cap an objective without the use of CC, and also this would attract groups to get ranged classes like dps commando/merc and sorcs into the rwz because they will have that little cc. to create a balanced 8 man team, each class need unique abilities that a team do not want to be without.


Remove all CC for melee? Do you smoke dope? Then range would be king in an instant. How would you propose melee would hold onto their targets? Hopes and dreams?


Bioware you PVP FAIl is having pugs que. make it so in 8 vs 8 you need always to form a 8 man group and THEN que up, that way you balance the team before every wz, this is part of daoc's success with pvp.


Again, smoking dope. DAOC had no "you must queue as 8 or no PvP rawwwwwwwwwrr!" concept. In fact, you couldn't be further from the mark. You could PvP as any number in DAOC. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8... and with any class set up. Yes, double healer, 1 support worked best as a sovereign unit, but far from necessary. Requiring 8 ppl destroys solo PvP. We'd have less queues than ever. DAOC excelled at solo PvP, so you wouldn't even be staying close to your goal. The only thing they need to do is implement a tank/healer/DPS system in the WZ queue just like there is with the group finder queue. Then classes can be assorted properly and the matches will be more balanced.


This game will NEVER be DAOC. It has virtually no similarities with it. There is no RvR. There is no frontiers. There is no third faction. There is no working CC immunity system. There are no keeps. There are no towers. There are no relics. There is no Darkness Falls. You may as well try to make this game Call of Duty, which actually shares more similarities with it PvP wise than DAOC does.

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Remove all CC for melee? Do you smoke dope? Then range would be king in an instant. How would you propose melee would hold onto their targets? Hopes and dreams?




Again, smoking dope. DAOC had no "you must queue as 8 or no PvP rawwwwwwwwwrr!" concept. In fact, you couldn't be further from the mark. You could PvP as any number in DAOC. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8... and with any class set up. Yes, double healer, 1 support worked best as a sovereign unit, but far from necessary. Requiring 8 ppl destroys solo PvP. We'd have less queues than ever. DAOC excelled at solo PvP, so you wouldn't even be staying close to your goal. The only thing they need to do is implement a tank/healer/DPS system in the WZ queue just like there is with the group finder queue. Then classes can be assorted properly and the matches will be more balanced.


This game will NEVER be DAOC. It has virtually no similarities with it. There is no RvR. There is no frontiers. There is no third faction. There is no working CC immunity system. There are no keeps. There are no towers. There are no relics. There is no Darkness Falls. You may as well try to make this game Call of Duty, which actually shares more similarities with it PvP wise than DAOC does.


Sigh i guess you never ran rvr on a pro level 8vs8 on daoc thats what im talking about. Bur my only point to this was that all teams should be formed on fleet just like ranked. And about the removing cc from melee. I also said significantly decrease cc for ranged. And with balanced teams made before entering the wz. Its all good.now please no more nonsense. Daoc was purely open pvp so u could do what you want. Swtor is all about instanced wz and needs balance, daoc didnt have balance between different classes they were all unique.

Edited by Zeaza
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