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Correct Me If I Am Wrong.


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From what I understand...


F2P is "rumored" to have a limit on number of warzones played, operations, flashpoints, and other features. This seems like it is going to be a system with a FORCED SUBSCRIPTION MODEL in order to play at level 50, which currently is where all the problems are in the game. Let me explain in detail. Say brand new player "Joe Lightsaber" starts at level 1. Joe gets to play (1-50) all story quests for free. Level 50 Long term subscriber "Chris Blaster" is feeling the pain of lack of content and things to do at level 50. Chris doesn't really want to quit, but is excited to keep going as F2P at level 50 until there are some major content updates for level 50s that are worth resubscribing for. Chris will get screwed by a limit based on being level 50 while Joe will thrive in the most exciting content filled area of the game, 1-49 story/leveling.


Requested Clarification for this.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Why do people always act so surprised when they learn that Free to Play isn't actually free ?


Ask yourself this. Do you think EA/Bioware, a BUSINESS, would just do this out of the goodness of their hearts? Or are they doing it to increase profitability, as any good business does in order to survive. Think about it...


F2P is "rumored" to have a limit on number of warzones played, operations, flashpoints, and other features.


It's not a rumor, it's confirmed. If you're Free to Play, you're gonna have to fork over money in order to unlock these further. Welcome to "Free" to Play.

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From what we've been told it sounds as if F2P players at 50 will have access to a certain number of FPs, OPs and WZs per week and they will be able to purchase additional access (passes, similar to the way DDO and LotRO do with their Adventure Packs) via the store, all without having a subscription. The subscription at that point will just remove the limits and the need to purchase additional access.


Of course, this is just conjecture based on what we've been told so far, so I may be wrong.



Edited by Blackavaar
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There free to play option is more of a advertisement to sucker in more subscriptions. Its purpose is to try and get people who normally wouldnt play an MMO ($15.00) to give this type of game a try. Or people that dont want to leave their current MMO (WoW, or whatever), but now will because they can sort of sample the game and see what SWTOR has to offer. If they like they'll subscribe.


Also im pretty sure you'll have to actually buy a copy of the game which is at least $30.00, so that could be nice for revenue.


Im very ANXIOUS for this. I hope it works out and helps this game get out of the hole its in.

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People who are just in SWTOR for the story don't have to pay. Very casual players can get warzones and flashpoints, but would have to pay if the like to do them more often than the F2P model allows them to. Operations are normally anyway more for hardcore MMO players, so they are just for people with sub.


Maybe there will be ways to unluck certain stuff without having to pay a full sub, but remember nobody tells you you have to play that content... still I am worried how many warzones will pop when the game goes F2P and if I just meet then there people with crappy gear, but never see any rated anymore.

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I don't really see this as a major problem. 'Chris' has already experienced 1-49, the only downside is 'Joe' got to experience it for free, while Joe had to pay. 'Chris' now has the option to wait until new content is released, with a few constraints (but he's not paying anymore so its a pretty good deal), this can only be seen as an improvement from his previous position as he's got more options of play style (even if their not the best) Whatsmore, this problem can be easily resolved by adding new content, exclusive for subscribers, and seeing as that's already in the works (e.g. Makeb, as well as a whole load of other stuff they haven't officially announced), 'Chris' won't have to wait that long for new content while he plays on a restricted model. Edited by Beniboybling
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In fairness they said they were adding a free to play option, rather than becoming free to play. Also the impression they have given is that players can subscribe for full access to everything at no additional cost (although there is a question hanging over the Makeb update) but they have additional option of paying a reduced amount to allow access to each of FPs/Ops/Wzs. It allows greater options to the consumer which I have no complaints about, allowing them to play the parts of the game they want.
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Free to Play is a misnomer. It always has been. You will pay to play, one way or another. Either you pay the sub and not worry about restrictions, or pay to play those areas that are restricted. lol, It is a marketing ploy. BTW, I'm not saying it is misdirection or a scam, just pointing out that Free to Play is really Pay to Play even though you may feel better about the name.
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From what we've been told it sounds as if F2P players at 50 will have access to a certain number of FPs, OPs and WZs per week and they will be able to purchase additional access (passes, similar to the way DDO and LotRO do with their Adventure Packs) via the store, all without having a subscription. The subscription at that point will just remove the limits and the need to purchase additional access.


Of course, this is just conjecture based on what we've been told so far, so I may be wrong.




That is my understanding as well. Alot of the drama and conjecture comes from the way one of the EA execs (or was it a Bioware dev...been a while since I read it) waffled on the question about whether or not people with subs would have to pay extra for Makeb when it comes out or not.

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Free accounts only get 1 character slot and limited bag/bank space while questing. Not only do they get to experience just one story line (unless they choose to delete the character and start all over...) they also get several handicaps and very limited end game content.


If you feel that that is a good deal for an MMO then the choice should be easy on what to do.

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Free accounts only get 1 character slot and limited bag/bank space while questing. Not only do they get to experience just one story line (unless they choose to delete the character and start all over...) they also get several handicaps and very limited end game content.


If you feel that that is a good deal for an MMO then the choice should be easy on what to do.


So, what happens to former subscribers who have multiple characters?

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Free2play makes it possible to play the game for free, but you will never have the same access to the game

that a subscriber has. You can, however, lift several of the restrictions with one-time payments,

but then it's not free anymore, is it?

Anyway, TOR is not a charity, it's a business, so yes, they want your money. It's not rocket surgery, really.

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The problem I personally see is the newbie Joe Lightsabre having a really tedious time.


As far as we know now, the big thing BW plans to monetize on is simple convenience. Basically gutting the games functionality and "quality of life" features they've spent the first year patching in. I'm not sure what type of backlash that (taking stuff OUT for f2p instead of introducing new things you monetize) will get tbh. Could get really ugly and push former paying subs that would have stayed on f2p away completely.


Bloody tightrope BW, it's a bloody tightrope. And you ran out of nets underneath.

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They havent announced how it will work, other than the levelign experiance will be free. The number of character slots available, etc all still unannounced. They have thrown into the reaklm opf discussion things like a limited number of warzones, or a limited number of rewards with unlimited play. They have said that any character made will not be deleted, but if youswitch to ftp you will have to choose which characters will be available. As for switchign those, they havent announced, but im guessing it will cost something.


Just stop panicking about it - you havent seen what they will do, they themselves dont know. It was announced to investers in july and the team was left to pick up the pieces and make it happen.


If you like playing now, keep doing so. If you dont like the changes when it happens, leave. Just please stop freaking out over nothing. If you want your input heard on what would be a deal breaker go to the suggestion forum and tell them. Thats all you can do.

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So, what happens to former subscribers who have multiple characters?


They won't be deleted. I recall they said that the first time the player will play on F2P model, he will have to choose which one will be "unlocked" while the others will get locked (but still saved)

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The real tragedy is that pieces of what "Chris" used to get for his $15 per month are now only available in the cash shop, even though he's still paying his sub. Certain armor models are only going to be available through the cash shop, for example. This wouldn't have happened if the game hadn't gone F2P.


That's the hidden downside of this hybrid "free or pay" to play option. Those who choose to continue subscribing lose features that would have normally been included in a subscription model. Just hope it stays minor cosmetic things like armor skins.



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On the other hand, subscribers are getting cartel coins with their subscription...

The question is just, what will the coins per month get you in the shop...

And as we don't know the prices yet, it's a whole big bag of "don't know".

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The real tragedy is that pieces of what "Chris" used to get for his $15 per month are now only available in the cash shop, even though he's still paying his sub. Certain armor models are only going to be available through the cash shop, for example. This wouldn't have happened if the game hadn't gone F2P.


That's the hidden downside of this hybrid "free or pay" to play option. Those who choose to continue subscribing lose features that would have normally been included in a subscription model. Just hope it stays minor cosmetic things like armor skins.




Well said. What use to be used as 'incentive' to do things, will now be sold.

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The real tragedy is that pieces of what "Chris" used to get for his $15 per month are now only available in the cash shop, even though he's still paying his sub. Certain armor models are only going to be available through the cash shop, for example. This wouldn't have happened if the game hadn't gone F2P.


That's the hidden downside of this hybrid "free or pay" to play option. Those who choose to continue subscribing lose features that would have normally been included in a subscription model. Just hope it stays minor cosmetic things like armor skins.




Subscribers also receive Cartel coins to purchase those pieces that are cash shop only. It's not ideal for the subscribers but at least we have a choice on what we want. If it becomes a problem where I view everything in the shop as something I want to purchase and don't have the coins given by my subscription, then I will complain. In the mean time, just play the waiting game.


My guess though is that it will all be trash and I'll just keep hoarding the coins for something interesting in the long run.

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