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SWTOR Lead Designer has left the game.


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If I had to read all the mindless crying from stupid people about a project i was working on I wouldnt have been around as long as he was. All u people do is gripe and whine about everything and 95% dont even know what you are talking about in the first place. He is probably suffering from depression after trying to figure out how to dumb down the classes enough to keep the stupid people(majority) happy while not making it mindlessly easy for people who acually try and figure out how to play and adapt to the game. I dont think I would witness as much crying as I have in these forums if I worked in a daycare for kids with down syndrome. It is just plain depressing.
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He quit. No surprise there, with the disappointment of the last patch on PvP, I'm on my way out the door with him.


The next few weeks are going to be rough, and I doubt the changes we need (like fixed backfill) will be coming until they sort their staffing out.


What I see is an opportunity for EA and Bioware to get someone to fill his shoes and exceed the expectations the loyal players have been demanding. I've seen plenty mmo's pull a new senior developer and pull failing mmo's out of a downward spiral. What I also see is a chance for SWTOR to end completely if they don't get someone that understands the plights of the players that are financing them.


What are some things you think the new Lead Designer should consider?


He started to play sorcerer thats why he quit :p

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He started to play sorcerer thats why he quit :p


Going from playing Sin to Sorc I wouldn't blame him.

Unlike fotm PT/Mara/Sin to do well on a Sorc (or any of the none streamline / less viable ACs) it really takes a lot more.

The OP thru his posting history was a huge defender of his original class (Sin) and tried to convince people how Sorcs are fine when he was leveling up.


Sorc/Dps Operative are both very famous in dominating lowbie bracket PvP, but in real world high end PvP as long as certain class turn 50 their effectiveness turns into crap.


BW's only mean of PvP balancing seems to be based on 10-50 overall WZ scoreboard which is extremely stupid.

In SWTOR, dot spec dont do more dps over burst spec (in normal mmos in the world, the low burst of dot class is usually made up by the higher dps overall). And you get burst class like concealment operative putting out lower overall burst compare to none-stealthing dependent ACs like Mara/PT.


SWTOR's AC balance is out of whack, especially the way how BW dealing with the AC balance is almost unheard of. e.g Buffing already FOTM classes like Mara/Sent Shadow/Sin who already have MULTIPLE viable DPS tree to even better, yet they leave classes like operative that has zero viable dps tree in the cold.


Hopefully whoever takes over in development can see the stupidity in the current AC balance and fix it before its too late (might have been too late already).

Edited by warultima
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That was a sorc/sage. I wonder why.


We should roll back to when the operatives roamed the Earth and stealth classes were feared as vengeful gods, in my opinion. Totally unbiased, disinterested and objective, of course.


But I accept it isn't going to happen, so I've got over it and don't harp on endlessly asking for it. And for those whose irony detectors are permanently crippled, no I don't really think we should go back to it.


Also, Daniel Erickson leaving is old news. It was already happening before patch 1.4, so it's incorrect to link those particular dots.


F2P isn't far off, and having a new figurehead will help with the feeling of a reset both internally and to present the game to the public, I guess.


Except operative was already nerfed way before 1.1.5.


Even tho, if i am to be killed by an OP class i prefer to be killed by an operative who had used at least a coherent chain of skills going in and out of stealth like a madman than rail shotted to death by a drooling poweretech.


Those were the days.

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Going from playing Sin to Sorc I wouldn't blame him.

Unlike fotm PT/Mara/Sin to do well on a Sorc (or any of the none streamline / less viable ACs) it really takes a lot more.

The OP thru his posting history was a huge defender of his original class (Sin) and tried to convince people how Sorcs are fine when he was leveling up.


Sorc/Dps Operative are both very famous in dominating lowbie bracket PvP, but in real world high end PvP as long as certain class turn 50 their effectiveness turns into crap.


BW's only mean of PvP balancing seems to be based on 10-50 overall WZ scoreboard which is extremely stupid.

In SWTOR, dot spec dont do more dps over burst spec (in normal mmos in the world, the low burst of dot class is usually made up by the higher dps overall). And you get burst class like concealment operative putting out lower overall burst compare to none-stealthing dependent ACs like Mara/PT.


SWTOR's AC balance is out of whack, especially the way how BW dealing with the AC balance is almost unheard of. e.g Buffing already FOTM classes like Mara/Sent Shadow/Sin who already have MULTIPLE viable DPS tree to even better, yet they leave classes like operative that has zero viable dps tree in the cold.


Hopefully whoever takes over in development can see the stupidity in the current AC balance and fix it before its too late (might have been too late already).


agree.... imao ... especially this


BW's only mean of PvP balancing seems to be based on 10-50 overall WZ scoreboard which is extremely stupid.

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Stick with one advanced class and you will burn out immediately. Honestly I don't really see a problem with mercs and I am a sorceror which is basically your class only with light armor and higher death count.


You should really play a Merc in PvP before making assumptions...Sorc during its worst days...Which have passed, were still equal to Mercs in every way, and still had a very viable Hybrid Spec that could top DMG charts, as well as pump out 150k plus heals to boot.....Death ratios are actually pretty even between Merc, and Sorc given Sorcs root, Force Speed, and Bubble vs, Mercs heavy armor, and long CD bubble, no escape tools at all....Since 1.4 Now a melee root (Why bother).

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I'm sorry I have to post again, im still laughing. This game's dev team is a CIRCUS. hahahahahaha

They shut down SWG for this. Oh this is getting better and better. News like this always makes me smile. Not even SOE could be THIS bad

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I'm sorry I have to post again, im still laughing. This game's dev team is a CIRCUS. hahahahahaha

They shut down SWG for this. Oh this is getting better and better. News like this always makes me smile. Not even SOE could be THIS bad


You know what is an even bigger joke? You, paying for a game to troll it.

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To me this is good news for this game, when you have customers pissed off at what you have done in the last 3 patches. Because you don't take customer input into account. We end up with a big loss in subs and the game in the state it is now. Not gonna bash what he did but there are a lot of us unhappy with the way this game is heading.



I hope the new person they put in charge not only commentates with the customer base. But come up with some good idea on were the game should head from here.

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I live with myself because I know the truth about why I play what I play. No matter what explanation I give about why I rolled the classes I did, people will always assume I am a re-roller. So personally, I don't give a **** what anybody thinks about me for the classes I play and that's why I made the sig just to compound their ignorance because they automaticqally believe it. And even if I was a re-roller, who cares? Nobody on this forum or in this game pays my sub.


P.S. Other reason why? It's a game. I don't take it as seriously as most people on these forums do.


k. No offence I just can't stand FOTM rerollers. Have zero respect for them. Anyways keep on keeping on then. :)

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Are you KIDDING me? These forums provide more content and entertainment than this game ever will. Waiting for F2P sir. I'll be around a while ;)


:D I lul'd. I said it before, and I'll say it again: 1.4 was a horrible patch, but it's almost worth it just for the forum response to it. I get in one irl laugh every day - at least! :cool:

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Daniel Erickson

Read his twitter.


He was the lead writer for the storylines(from the wiki), I still cant see how this relates to PvP? Other than the text at the beginning of WZs, maybe those useless cutscenes for VS and NC?

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He was the lead writer for the storylines(from the wiki), I still cant see how this relates to PvP? Other than the text at the beginning of WZs, maybe those useless cutscenes for VS and NC?


He was the game Lead Designer and Creative Director..


As for PvE bound staff - Alexander Freed is also thanks BioWare for 6 years of cooperation and quit.

Alexander Freed is known as author of Imperial Agent story.


And if you are curious how it relates PvP... If you are a decent professional and you are see that all people around you is quit their jobs, wont you go to search for a new job also?

Edited by Missandei
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SWTOR's AC balance is out of whack, especially the way how BW dealing with the AC balance is almost unheard of. e.g Buffing already FOTM classes like Mara/Sent Shadow/Sin who already have MULTIPLE viable DPS tree to even better, yet they leave classes like operative that has zero viable dps tree in the cold.



Thing about that is you count every JK buff as a sent buff. Focus tree buff wasn't for sents, it was for the dps guardians. If you think that AC had a more "viable" pvp DPS tree than other "non fotm classes" you're mistaken. Vigilance was always meh and focus/rage got over-nerfed a couple pathces back, they just fixed that in 1.4.

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To me this is good news for this game, when you have customers pissed off at what you have done in the last 3 patches. Because you don't take customer input into account. We end up with a big loss in subs and the game in the state it is now. Not gonna bash what he did but there are a lot of us unhappy with the way this game is heading.



I hope the new person they put in charge not only commentates with the customer base. But come up with some good idea on were the game should head from here.


All the BW people are quitting...it's probably because of the itdiots from EA thinking they know what to do with the game.


To me, it's the same stuff Star wars Galaxies went through in the beginning. All the devs worried about were dollars and not quality. You'd have to be borderline retarded to not realize anythig with Star Wars on it will make boat loads of money as long as it's a good product. This is the second SW MMO that is dying an early death because the CPmpanies producing it are moronic. If anyone mentions the Clone wars they shuld go sit in the corner and color...

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He was the game Lead Designer and Creative Director..


As for PvE bound staff - Alexander Freed is also thanks BioWare for 6 years of cooperation and quit.

Alexander Freed is known as author of Imperial Agent story.


It is clearly a bummer for anyone(myself included) who likes the class and other stories, but I don't see it a PvP worry.


And if you are curious how it relates PvP... If you are a decent professional and you are see that all people around you is quit their jobs, wont you go to search for a new job also?


Yes and no, a decent professional will make their own decision.


What I got from Daniel's leaving is he didnt like the monetization driven changes rather than story driven game. With the success of Kickstarter and up and coming games like Project Eternity and Wasteland 2, maybe he wants to get away from F2P and get back to writing story. While I dont like this change with SWTOR at all and am really stoked to see the above 2 projects get off the ground without needing an EA type backer its not a direct issue with PvP.


When F2P comes if we are getting nickel and dimed to play PvP or get gear as subscribers, than I would worry.

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i like this post. I quit the game few days ago after doing a few rated warzones since the patch. Sorceror bubbles were exploding every 6 seconds or so, building 10% resolve'ish, and stunning me for 3 seconds, over, and over, and over, and over. I was completely unable to play. End of story, its as simple as that. I could not being to enjoy a second of the gameplay in that match. I somehow came out third in damage because im a smash juggernaught and only needed to hit two buttons.


If the game doesnt completely die, the new developer that comes in truely needs to understand PVP and what it takes to make a half-decent enviornment for us. I was laughing hard when I found out the same crew from Mythic-pvp made this games PVP. They have great ideas but the always go overboard with CC, they're obsessed with it. Other people in the pvp department had issues with damage control on certain classes, and other classes are just simply not fun to play when you engage an enemy (Mercenary etc). The balancing issue with warriors, marauders mainly, and Mercenary/Commando (lack of gameplay mechanics and mobility) is something thats been aronud for a while now and its disgusting. The sorceror bubble exploding should only work if its on THE SORC that casted it, something of that nature. This is a red flag, and when you read the talent that does this to the sorceror bubble, to me if you PVP in this game you'll immediately stop and say, "WOW thats going to be interesting......" if you get my point. Sorcerors had issues when they were getting locked down, but this is a comical attempt to solve that problem. The gameplay in this game is now awful only because of the CC fests. If they fix the CC problem, i dont mind warriors and powertechs doing obserd amounts of damage, and a marauder that is invincible while doing god damage. As long as i actually get to play and react, i'm fine. Its star wars, as long as the pvp is decent im going to stay and play.

I will say that I enjoyed my characters on SWTOR more than any other MMO and I will miss it. Its sad that it has come to this because of unprofessional decisions. PVP has been butchered. I know a few others who are happy with the game, but they are end game pvp marauders and powertechs, and even they understand the obvious balance gap.

The new guy that comes in (if they get one), needs to take baby steps when 'nerfing' classes. Nerfing is not something that should ever happen, but at the current state of this game some classes need to be, but SLIGHTLY. Key word slightly. For instance, if you nerf the Rage Warriors, make their smash talent increase the dmg of smash by 90% from 100%, instead of 75% or 80% from 100%. I'm a rage juggy myself and i wouldnt mind this 'nerf'. Instead theres always drastic measures taken whether they are nerfing or tweaking a class. Its obnoxious and i see it in almost every MMO.

The reason im posting this comment even after quitting is b/c i still love this game but can't play it in its current state. I'll be keeping tabs on this website for updates and hopefully can return when things are more reasonable. Goodbye all! :( :( :(

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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