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Impossible to get datacrons


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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.
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I picked up a handfull of them.

Got frustrated and well forget about it.

Maybe some day I'll get the rest.


Jumping has changed. There's now some sort of "bounce back" mechanic when jumping that never used to be in place. Add to it the lag/stuttering issues lately and there's just not enough precision with character movement.

One thing that always got to me is that the holocrons are in areas, through areas of the game that are not finished/polished. To easy to get stuck/glitched/fall through etc. Having to start all over through no fault of your own.

I sat through the jawa balloon 4 times. The first three I 'glitched' to the ground half way through. On the fourth I finaly made the whole trip, won't be doing it on any other toons unless I find myself incredibly bored some day.


Some people may find them fun, good for them.

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Whether impossible or just damn difficult to get to, I think it was a major mistake in the design of ToR to do this. Perhaps because I don't want to play super mario brothers star wars version but far more because it highlights the lack of exact control you have over your avatar. It highlights how you can fall through gaps that shouldn't be their and how often the camera angel is just horrid.


Of the six or so I haven't got I look back and wonder what sort of idea went into running through an exhaution zone to get a datacron or jumping from a beam onto another beam 200 feet off the ground. Its a bizare game play choice as it just seems to hammer home how meaningless death has become in TOR. Where has games like dragon age reward not dying all the way through games like TOR make dying so meaningless that if you fall to your death 10 times don't worry just keep on trying till you suceed.

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Yea, in the past, I usually suggested dropping your settings down to Very Low and being careful which jumps you have Sprint active for and which ones you didn't. These choppy graphics that hit randomly ever since 1.4 released though...yea, they're much more difficult now, even some of the easy jumps that used to be doable with little to no effort.
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The trick is this: Do not try running jumps.


You do standing jumps--hit the jump key, then the forward key. Depending on whether you have sprint and/or run on, you will jump a different amount. You will not jump further by running. You will likely jump less, and if you are actually trying to jump across a gap, you will more than likely try to start the jump too late and fall.


With practice, standing jumps can become very predictable. They are also less impacted by lag or choppy graphics as you are not depending on any visual feedback. The jump/forward/release key sequence is to be done in rapid order, and gets typically executed fairly consistently.

Edited by Zhiroc
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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.


I sent in tons of negative feedback about datacrons and jumping in closed beta


While its annoying to all get up


Its far from impossible and just ran a buddy through a number of planets (including coruscant and Nar Shaddaa which are the worst imo) dc gathering other day!


YES the UI is not great for Super MArio Bros design

but its not impossible

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I think he is talking about post 1.4 patch with all the issues that the patch caused. Like the stuttering and skipping that many are experiencing. Trying to navigate to many of the datacrons now would be harder for those of us that are having these issues. I know that with all the affects I am experiencing right now some of the ones I got before would be a lot harder to get now.


Currently I have not tried for any more datacrons since the patch. I can't hardly stand playing the game with the issues I am having. It is actually giving me a headache when I try to focus on the screen. All of that stuttering and flickering is messing with my eyes. :(


I hope they fix the game soon.

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Learn how to jump. What you need to do is get on the inspiration for their datacron game and practice. Namely find a copy of Donkey Kong and you too can become a Datacron Master. ;)


OP is talking about how 1.4 now made it impossible for him...not that it was "inpossible to get" in general.

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OP is talking about how 1.4 now made it impossible for him...not that it was "inpossible to get" in general.


And as the first reply pointed out, it's still possible to get so he needs to practice. And the way to practice how Bioware made the datacron gathering in this game is to go back to the 80's and play some Donkey Kong.


Just like Starfox is practice for their space game. Or even Galaga can do.

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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.


To be honest It feels like it's easier to get to the datacrons, jumping to pipes for example seem a lot easier since 1.4, before you had a very small area on the pipe you could stand without falling, after 1.4 seems like they increased the area to make it easier to jump from pipe to pipe without falling...


Thats how it feels to me anyways...

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but its not impossible


True, it's not impossible. But it's Fake Difficulty.

It's a difficulty that is not primarily dependent on the skill of the player, but has many more factors that decide if you succeed. And many of those datacron jumpathrons are rather unforgiving if you fail a jump.


That does not make them impossible. But it can render them very annoying. I have no problem with failing a challenge because I suck at it. But I find it grating when I fail a challenge because the tools I'm given to beat it are faulty. It makes me angry at the game's designers.

And if a patch apparently introduces new bugs that make those 'unfair' challenges even more unfair... well, I'd skip them altogether if i wasn't such a completionist.


Secondly, on a minor note: Some people see those platform segments as a welcome change. Some don't. I, for one, loathe platform games. I am simply no good at them, and that is why I play other games. And that is why I dislike this shift in gameplay. I'd rather have had some more exploration-type datacrons where you really have to look to find it (the one on Taris in the basement of the Hospital is great in that).

But, as I said, minor note.

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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.


It's not necessarily the game, I have found that if I switch to a certain keyboard/mouse/computer setup 'crons I couldn't get before where considerably easier (and vice versa), so it's really a matter of hardware latency. I agree though, I don't know which developer thought it would be fun to put platformer mini-games in a game, but he should be shot, after suffering severe torture.



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I've got all datacrons on my first 50, and nearly all of them on my other toons. I got about 20+ datacrons post 1.4 on one of the alts I'm levelling.


Some tips:

-Turn sprint off

-I find spacebar followed quickly by W is better than running and then pressing spacebar, for box-to-box accurate jumps. For loooong jumps I use running then spacebar, holding W


We often do datacrons in teams in our guild. Being able to push/pull team members helps a lot.

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And as the first reply pointed out, it's still possible to get so he needs to practice. And the way to practice how Bioware made the datacron gathering in this game is to go back to the 80's and play some Donkey Kong.


Just like Starfox is practice for their space game. Or even Galaga can do.

Jumping in other games is nothing like in SWTOR. I for example enjoy the jumping puzzles and Vistas in GW2, but even though I have all the datacrons with my main in SWTOR I still think the jumping physics in SWTOR is just crap.

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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.


Well, i dont have the kind of problems that u have..

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Learn how to jump. What you need to do is get on the inspiration for their datacron game and practice. Namely find a copy of Donkey Kong and you too can become a Datacron Master. ;)


+1 to you Sir ;)

I too became a pro-jumper because of Donkey Kong :p

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One of the biggest things that helped me and alot of members in my guild when doing datacron hunts is to turn off your sprint. Of course this won't help the lag issues with precise control, but if you take your time this will help. Line your jump up and then wait a second to make sure there is no lag, then jump.
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+1 to you Sir ;)

I too became a pro-jumper because of Donkey Kong :p


Yea, I did Donkey Kong, Jungle King (which lawsuit forced change to Jungle Hunt), then later Tomb Raider, Mario world, etc. They were fun. I agree the datacrons aren't impossible, but the crappy game engine does cause some jumps to be more difficult than they should. Skill is NOT the issue here at all!

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Jumping in other games is nothing like in SWTOR. I for example enjoy the jumping puzzles and Vistas in GW2, but even though I have all the datacrons with my main in SWTOR I still think the jumping physics in SWTOR is just crap.


Yep, this is the only game where I've had issues with this sort of puzzle. This game engine isn't up to that task (yes, they're not impossible, but skill isn't the issue here).

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@mphill, love the "Arsenic and Old Lace" reference in your sig, one of my favorite classic movies.


As for platforms, I always stunk at those games, but I try for datacrons anyway. Some I can get after multilpe tries, some I've just given up on.


For those who say they have no problems, learn to jump...good for you, you are providing no help or guidance here. Go boost your ego elsewhere.

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Its only me or with the state of the game its impossible to get to datacrons. I can move straight in the game the jumps dont perform correctly. After this last patch/update its impossible to control the moves of the char with precision.



I read the posts you guys put, and tkank you to the ones who try to give advices to how to get datacrons, but the problem its not the datacrons i get all the datacrons in other toons some more dificult then others yes specially some jumps are tricky but all duable. The problem is after 1.4 patch the movement of the toon change, it dont react the same way to keyboard we cant have the same control of the toon.


After i right this post i make other tests and even when you are running straight and turn to one side with one simple click in left or right he almost make a 45 angle turn.


After patch the control toons are diferent.

Edited by FoxPT
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