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Let us move!


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This is getting ridiculous, still zero responses from BioWare about this matter.


Either merge other servers with ours, or let us move. We're the only ones who didn't benefit from consolidations.

And I'm not paying for 1 PvE/PvP pop per hour.


Please respond to this.

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F2P won't fix the issue with PvP, unless they give free level 50 geared characters to everyone that decides to play. Or do you really think that with a 3 Warzone limit per week any of t he F2P players will make a difference in queue pops? They won't. It will take a couple months for a few new people to actually get interested in the game, decide to pay and then gear up at 50 to be competitive and add to the PvP crew.


Also, someone said up there that we chose to play on RP-PvP server so we gotta take it because it is less popular. Well, maybe you chose, I just came here because my guild was here. If we had chosen PvP, I'd have gone for it too. Also, when the game started Jung Ma was good in population for a few months, we always had pops and a strong PvP community, this was mostly true until 1.3, then it started going down. So is it fair to put the blame on people that chose this server months ago (or almost 1 year ago in some cases) when it was actually as good in population as any other server? Don't think so.

Things are not black and white, many variables weight on people's decision to which server they go, and blaming people's choice becase the server has low population now doesn't make much sence in my mind, as BW is responsible for balancing the population on the servers as required. They have been doing so for months, but their actions have not affected Jung Ma very much, this is what most people are complaining about.


Wisdom from my favorite Juggy. But I would add that until Bioware moves in one direction or the other we have to wait to see what happens.

Edited by Anishor
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Don't be fooled by Jung Ma's Standard designation. When PoT 5 is standard with 2 instances of 250 people on fleet Jung Ma is listed as Standard with 1 instance of 80-90 people on fleet.


It is BioWare fudging the numbers.


When I log into Pot5 in the morning there are 100+ people on fleet and its rated "Light." But when I log into Jung Ma at 8pm to raid its "Standard" but there are only 60 people on fleet. Smells like fudging the numbers to me!

Edited by HaemmernZeit
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I hate to say it, but really to help Jung Ma--I wish they would allow server transfers. So you all who are unhappy can leave and become happy.


And also, it will allow those people who are unhappy with lag or any other problems that come with a higher pop to come on over to us. Maybe then it will balance out.


I love Jung Ma, but I am tired of seeing unhappy people in it. Let me have my happiness and their's as well.

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This server is still hemorrhaging players, Acoy/JJ need to stop lying to people because they like to be big fish in small ponds.


Don't generalize, I've always supported a merge, different people have different opinions, can't toss a whole guild in the same boat man, especially when you accuse them of lying I would say :)


Plus, if you check the last 30 days graphics, in terms of population we've been keeping it even: http://www.torstatus.net/jung-ma/history/7d#!/jung-ma/history/30d


I think, at least PvP wise, most of our problems is how the low population is changing our habits. People are slowly stopping ranked PvP, stopping warzones because of badies, re-rolling on other servers, giving up on World PvP events etc. They do this because of failed attempts, slow or non-existent queue pops, no reply from bioware regarding cross server queues or server merges (or replies that do not satisfy them).

What is hurting the most in Jung Ma is the morale due to the frustration that a low population server can generate, the wait is slowly breaking our community apart.

Edited by carlosg
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I hate to say it, but really to help Jung Ma--I wish they would allow server transfers. So you all who are unhappy can leave and become happy.


And also, it will allow those people who are unhappy with lag or any other problems that come with a higher pop to come on over to us. Maybe then it will balance out.


I love Jung Ma, but I am tired of seeing unhappy people in it. Let me have my happiness and their's as well.


I agree with this post, let who want to leave go. Let those of us who like the server stay. Why punish those who who enjoy it here( and don't feed me the crud that no one here is happy being here.) Make the transfer a two way street. People who don't like their host server can move here. If i am not mistaken the sole complaint of this thead is due to lower server population pvp isn't as active as your tastes would like? I know for a fact that people are still pvp'ing.

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i think, at least pvp wise, most of our problems is how the low population is changing our habits. People are slowly stopping ranked pvp, stopping warzones because of badies, re-rolling on other servers, giving up on world pvp events etc. They do this because of failed attempts, slow or non-existent queue pops, no reply from bioware regarding cross server queues or server merges (or replies that do not satisfy them).

What is hurting the most in jung ma is the morale due to the frustration that a low population server can generate, the wait is slowly breaking our community apart.



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I myself have been guilty of attacking other players on the server over this issue. It sucks because once we start fighting among ourselves then you get bad feelings on both sides and it lets EA off the hook.


If you read one of the latest Q&A's they said they pushed back server transfers to focus on F2P. So that should let everyone know how they feel about this issue. There are just not enough of us on the server to really make them take notice.


I have a couple of guys from oldrepublic.net that have offered to help me start over on Shadowlands so I will roll up there and see how it goes.


anyways enough rambling.

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I'm not going to put up with another month of ghost town for something that may or may not happen.


Let us off the server!


Also with the Restrictions on f2p players. It won't help most of us who are lvl 50 and want to do end game content and can't cause of the low population.

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I want to play this game.


My subscription has been current since launch and I'm not planning on cancelling it anytime soon, or even threatening that I might. Unfortunately, I have been playing less and less since July. Now I barely log in once a week and rarely for more than a couple of hours.


My guild voted to move here from Vulkar's Highway early this year but over time practically everyone has quit. I've joined other guilds, but it always seems to be the same story of heavy-PvE or heavy-PvP/; never a healthy mix of both (this includes some of the larger guilds here). And never any ranked-PvP that I can get in on (I realize I need to learn to work with the existing teams, but there's never a chance).


I wish I weren't Imperial, but my toons have too much gear, too many pets/vehicles that are no longer obtainable and I hate to give it all up. My legacy level is 50 with almost everything unlocked through work (except the human race and the last social box). I know it doesn't matter, but it reflects the hard work and devotion I feel for this game. However, I never want to do that grind again because it means so little.


The few friends I have left that are still playing are on Prophecy of the Five and Jedi Covenant and constantly begging me to re-roll over there without appreciating the frustration of leaving everything on Jung Ma behind.


If F2P brings back a large, active population to Jung Ma then great. But if not then something needs to be done much quicker than Bioware has been doing things thus far. I'm not an RP-er (I lost the vote when my guild moved here), but I'm indifferent if we stay or leave.


I just want to play this game.

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