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Do you guys think Makeb will have a Day/Night cycle?


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So you like playing on fake non-immersive worlds that feel like movie set pieces with fake props.


Non-immersive is subjective, and doesn't extrapolate to all other players.


Just because you think so doesn't mean we all think so. This game is quite immersive for me without day/night cycles. And none of it seems like fake props. But good job trying to assume that everyone else thinks exactly like you do!

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Non-immersive is subjective, and doesn't extrapolate to all other players.


Just because you think so doesn't mean we all think so. This game is quite immersive for me without day/night cycles. And none of it seems like fake props. But good job trying to assume that everyone else thinks exactly like you do!


I agree.

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Non-immersive is subjective, and doesn't extrapolate to all other players.


Just because you think so doesn't mean we all think so. This game is quite immersive for me without day/night cycles. And none of it seems like fake props. But good job trying to assume that everyone else thinks exactly like you do!


I think this game isn't immersive enough for me.


Also, why are posters on these forums so rude and disrespectful? It seems as though anyone who has an opinion that is something other than "this game is great" gets bashed by like half of the forum community. Why don't you people lay off and be a little more polite. If you don't agree with something, simply say you don't agree with it. You don't have to personally bash other posters and treat what they said like it was something ridiculous and stupid. The vast majority of people in the world have a lot more intelligence than people give them credit for and they deserve to be treated with respect. I don't believe stupid people exists in the world. I do however believe that inconsiderate people who honestly don't give certain things much thought exist though and it's those people who usually consider everyone around them to be idiots, simply because they don't in fact bother to consider things and their egos and insecurities won't allow them to believe themselves to be equal to everyone else in the world. They want to believe they're special and so delude themselves into thinking they are.


Anyways, that was a bit of a rant but people really do need to be more respectful on these forums in my opinion. I know the majority of people online are usually A-Holes because there are never any consequences for being rude here, but still... Have some decency.

Edited by Ken-Shi
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I hadn't even thought about Makeb having a day/night cycle until I read this thread. It really isn't high on my list of necessities.


I think it highly unlikely they would suddenly add day/night cycles to the game for one planet. I would dearly love the planets to have day/night as I think the current implementation only adds to the static feel of the worlds in ToR. I mean , wherever you go it always looks the same.


However, I think this is purely wishful thinking which will only lead to raising people's expectations and we all know where that has got the game. So I have to agree with you, at this stage in the game it really isn't high on my list of game improvements.

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Non-immersive is subjective, and doesn't extrapolate to all other players.


Just because you think so doesn't mean we all think so. This game is quite immersive for me without day/night cycles. And none of it seems like fake props. But good job trying to assume that everyone else thinks exactly like you do!


The what is "immersive" arguement "jumped the shark" back in December when people tried to argue that excessive numbers of long loading screens somehow added to "immersion". :D


Day/Night cycle is more immersive than a static film set, there's no getting away from that. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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I'd prefer to see the worlds have their own day/night cycles. But if it isn't added I won't be too upset. It does add realism to a planet when you go there and it's day time out and later it's night. Could also make for some cool events on planets, where only certain events like the republic attacking an imperial base with snipers at night.
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I'd prefer to see the worlds have their own day/night cycles. But if it isn't added I won't be too upset. It does add realism to a planet when you go there and it's day time out and later it's night. Could also make for some cool events on planets, where only certain events like the republic attacking an imperial base with snipers at night.


The problem with existing worlds is they've got shadows in textures.

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Probably not.


It's funny, because a day/night/weather cycle for planets would probably seem like a "back burner" feature to add from EAware's perspective. They'd rather dish out more warzones and flashpoints. Yet if 1.5 introduced planet cycles that would probably garner the biggest round of applause more than anything they could add otherwise.


It's the little things that count.


Actually, I think SGR, Chat Bubbles, or Chair Sitting would make a bigger splash in the community separately than cycles.


I very much doubt it's a case of either/or, it is much more likely to be a case of not happening/not happening. :(


It's a bit of both actually. Time and funding is a huge part of the decision making of what goes in a game and what doesn't. Apart from that, choice of style is what determines if that is on the table to begin with when it comes down to number crunching and assigning resources. BW, like many other game companies, choose to have a particular style and theme for each planet to augment t he story taking place on those planets. While cycles may enhance the atmosphere for a particular set of players, it does not enhance the story elements, therefore is unnecessary and resources that would be spent putting them in the game can be reallocated to other things that do enhance the story elements and gameplay.


I just figured that since most of the turn-around that this game experiences is high level players leaving for one reason or another, that BW would consider adding a bit more immersion to a planet that high level players will be playing on for long periods of time.


I had no idea so many ppl would shoot the idea down lol!


Most have not left because of a lack of immersion, but because of a lack of content. Hence, why adding certain immersion elements may make some of the current players happy, it certainly won't bring back any who left.


I don't believe stupid people exists in the world.


You obviously don't live in the USA - there are plenty of stupid people here.


The what is "immersive" arguement "jumped the shark" back in December when people tried to argue that excessive numbers of long loading screens somehow added to "immersion". :D


Day/Night cycle is more immersive than a static film set, there's no getting away from that. :csw_yoda:


I disagree. As I have mentioned before, games I have played that have cycles are not any more immersive than those that don't and often feel less so because the cycles have no actual purpose other than to try to be immersive, which fails for me.



Edited by BJWyler
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I´d totally purchase day/night cycle in the Cartel Shop.... :cool:


Seriously, I find it a little weird that this day/night thing is even a topic up for discussion! This is defacto STANDARD since years.


There is no MMO without a day/night cycle or at least changing light situations, at least none of the recent ones.


The Secret World, GW2, Rift.. even oldies like WOW and SWG.


here are some nice day/night screenies from my ongoing adventures in TSW


(click on pictures for full screen)


So.. come one.. let´s just blame the hero engine for a while, and wait until it can handle it.

Let´s do not talk about "artistic decisions" or other made up reasons for not having something basic as a day/night change

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I disagree. As I have mentioned before, games I have played that have cycles are not any more immersive than those that don't and often feel less so because the cycles have no actual purpose other than to try to be immersive, which fails for me.





Which games have you played that have Day/Night cycles, but don't feel immersive for you? :confused:

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Let´s do not talk about "artistic decisions" or other made up reasons for not having something basic as a day/night change

Just because you don't happen to agree with the reason doesn't mean the reason is "made up."


Which games have you played that have Day/Night cycles, but don't feel immersive for you? :confused:

The two most recent are Vanguard and GW2. I don't recall if STO has cycles - I haven't played much, and when I do, am not usually on any planet long enough to see the cycle change. To be fair, I don't necessarily think these games are any less immersive than SWTOR on the surface, but the difference is that my immersion is not broken when playing SWTOR because of the lack of a cycle, but it is/was in VSoH and GW2 because of the cycles occurring. I found it too jarring and annoying in long play sessions.



Edited by BJWyler
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I think it's highly unlikely that Makeb will have a day/night cycle.


I'm one of the players that actually likes the fact that the developers chose to give each planet a distinct feel, and part of that choice was a fixed time of day.


Bearing in mind the reasonably quick levelling I've never found myself to be on any planet overly long. Certainly not long enough to tire of whether it is day or night at any particular time.


If I was the kind of person to obsess over trying to justify why it was always light on most of the planets I'd think along the lines of 'People tend to go about their business in daylight.', and not lose any more sleep over the matter.


I would however like to see some stronger weather effects make it into the game at some point. The snow flurry when you head into an exhaustion zone on Hoth, and the ocaissional flurry on Ilum suggests that the engine has the potential to deliver decent weather effects.

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With the fan outrage BW recieved on not having day/night cycles on planets, do you think BW devs took the hint and incorporated a day/night cycle on Makeb?


I'm hoping for one, even if it's just on the one planet, it would be pretty cool.


Not a fat chance. Day/Light cycles was a design decision due to not knowing how to program it in with the ****** engine they use.

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The two most recent are Vanguard and GW2. I don't recall if STO has cycles - I haven't played much, and when I do, am not usually on any planet long enough to see the cycle change. To be fair, I don't necessarily think these games are any less immersive than SWTOR on the surface, but the difference is that my immersion is not broken when playing SWTOR because of the lack of a cycle, but it is/was in VSoH and GW2 because of the cycles occurring. I found it too jarring and annoying in long play sessions.




Never played either of them, but every MMORPG I've every played has had Day/Night cycles (except maybe Planetside, come to think of it).


The worst being WoW which had a 24 hour cycle.

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