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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

After Cathar...


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What I want is Zeltrons, come on BW its so easy just grab all of those human faces you love to dump in other races and change the skin and hair colour to shades of purple.


What I think will be next? hmm I want to say Togruta but I doubt it, all of the Togruta in the game only have one face, even Ashara shares her face with all other togruta female NPCs, so I'm going to go with Arkanian offshoot simply because they would be easier to implement.

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I could see Voss for either the Republic or Empire. Naotolans and Togruta really only make sense for the Republic. The xenophobia really makes thinking of Empire exclusive races rather hard.


Not really.

SI- any race due to the fact you start as a slave.

BH- Any race due to being well .....scum

IA- Any race can spy, "loyal republic" races are even better.


the only one that could cause issues is the SW story.

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I wish we could be droids, realistically though they will probably go with Togruta's.


On a side note it doesn't matter what rules Lucas said about Yoda's species, he no longer has a say in it because he doesn't own it anymore, we mustn't forget that, all of Lucas's "rules" can go out the window now.

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I wish we could be droids, realistically though they will probably go with Togruta's.


On a side note it doesn't matter what rules Lucas said about Yoda's species, he no longer has a say in it because he doesn't own it anymore, we mustn't forget that, all of Lucas's "rules" can go out the window now.

I think Yoda should stay unique.

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There are many AWESOME species in the Star Wars universe but some of my faves would be:

Kel Dor- Awesome, just awesome. I mean that face mask thingy, SICK.


Kaleesh- Pretty similar to the Kel Dor but 10 TIMES COOLER.


Nautolan- Pretty cool, maybe I like them just because of Kit Fisto.


Bothan- Pretty awesome, ok, but not amazing.


Taung- Pure BOSS.


Yuuzhan Vong- SICK

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Arkanian or Voss, I would preferer Voss, since I like the fact that there is an alternative force school in swtor, and it could make for some interresting roleplay stories, I dont see how they would explain the Voss in the class story. I mean for instance starting as a sith warrior Voss on Korriban, and not being told about Voss until chapter 3 in your class stroy, might seem a little strange. Still it is also strange for the Cathar to join the emipire, and we've seen with the legacy unlocks that Bioware don't really those things. Personally I don't care that the races might not fit with your story, since it allow for more player choices, and open up for more rp possibilities. For instance if it wasnt for the legacy unlocks I would never have been able to make a Rep version of my sith purebloods, for roleplay on Rep only planets.
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Togrutas and Nautolans have best probability.


I guess we can let Zeltrons go away, since we have already two basically red species (purebloods, imp. zabraks, also twilek can be red). Arkanians are great idea, though. there is more arkanian subspecies (from people with white eyes without pupils and brown skin to simply very white people).

Voss seems usable as a playable species too. After all, there is now only one species completely without hair or horns or tentacles (Rattataki).


My biggest dream is also red-eyed Sith Jawa, btw. :D I would pay even 50 bucks (provocation) to only see jawa sith NPC in-game :3


Pethaps fight between Jawa Sith Lord and Jedi Master from Yodas race? :p

Edited by Vlad_Dracul_
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On the subject of the Taung that people had mentioned, it's a touchy subject matter I would say, what with the very possible ripped ideas from the Predators. Space hunters, similar appearance, code of honor, etc. Yes, Star Wars came out in the late 70's. But the Taung weren't even mentioned until the late 90's. Predator was already out in the 80's. Taung were a cheesed ripoff (my opinion). And frankly Predators are better.


But anyway, yeah Taung are extinct. Zeltron and Echani would be great and easily added. Nautolans and Trogruta and be added fairly well with some pre-existing skins and mods in the game already. Kaleesh, Kel-Dor and others such will be on the "No" list due to lesser human features. Like no Mouth, Clawed hands and far more limited creation options.

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