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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scheduled Maintenance for Game Update 1.4: September 26th, 2012


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Hasn't 1.4 been on the PTS for like 2 weeks? Don't get me wrong, I'm EXCITED! However it feels like they're rushing it a bit...


Just because they put it on the PTS for 2 weeks doesn't mean that they didn't do internal testing before they handed it to the community to see if a third party could find any further bugs, which i am lead to believe there was very few bugs with 1.4 compared to 1.2 and 1.3

Edited by Reble-Dog-Squad
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On a side note, and not to complain, but has the length of the downtime(s) for any of these patches been explained? It seems to me that these updates would be prepared well before the actual time the servers are brought down - and all testing of said patch has been going on for weeks now. :rak_02:


If anyone can shed some light on the subject, I'd be more than grateful.



One possibility for the patch time is that some updates make alterations to the database. In this case, a conversion script needs to be run to alter the affected records and this takes time. Also I'm sure it takes some time for them to actually stop the servers, apply the patch, start them back up and do internal tests before opening them for play.

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1. Why do you keep messing with the maintenance window day? Was this some lame attempt to not launch 1.4 with Pandas? It is getting pretty frustrating trying to organise running anything with the limited numbers we have when you keep changing your maintenance day.


2. I see no mention of anything for Oceania players (increases to 12 player slots and most importantly a server merge). What happened to this increased communication pledge? You guys fail so badly at communication, it is honestly laughable.

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Hasn't 1.4 been on the PTS for like 2 weeks? Don't get me wrong, I'm EXCITED! However it feels like they're rushing it a bit...


Tested NM TFB on the pts, and encountered no or extremely few bugs. There was a major one on HM last boss, but it was adressed. I think we're safe with the old bugs we're familiar with ;)

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Just because they put it on the PTS for 2 weeks doesn't mean that they didn't do internal testing before they handed it to the community to see if a third party could find any further bugs, which i am lead to believe there was very few bugs with 1.4 compared to 1.2 and 1.3


Oh yea with an imperial fleet of a whole ton of 4 people on PTS and republic fleet with 2 (both number includes myself).


1.4 is very throughout tested for sure.

Edited by warultima
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Hopefully I'm wrong, but from my understanding you are pushing live all the class changes that people told you they don't like, without any changes based on player feedback.


I"m speaking especially about:

  • More CC in PvP
  • Sages and Merc class changes.



Edited by Deewe
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Hopefully I'm wrong, but from my understanding you are pushing live all the class changes that people told you they don't like without any changes based on player feedback.


I"m speaking especially about:

  • More CC in PvP
  • Sages and Merc class changes.




By people you mean... you and a small minority right?

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I mean people who actually tested the classes and provided constructive feedback.


Of which I saw none on the classes from you on the PTS forums.


Eheh, just because u havent seen me it doesnt mean i dnt agree with the changes installed. Saw and read lots of post totally agreeing with the changes and also saw other posts disagreeing with the changes.

As its usual with all class changes, some will like it and some others will not but that defenetly doesnt mean that you speak for all others around here.

Ive been on PTS since i do have a lvl 50 there and i do have read all the changes reguarding my main, wich is a sorcerer healer btw and ill tell right now, i do like them, so since you dnt speak for me, im guessing that you arent speaking for all the others as well, so do us all a favour and speak for yourself.

Edited by Kophar
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Eheh, just because u havent seen me it doesnt mean i dnt agree with the changes installed and again, saw and read lots of post totally agreeing with the changes and also saw other posts disagreeing with the changes.

As its usual with all class changes, some will like it and some others will not but that defenetly doesnt mean that you speak for all others around here.

Ive been on PTS since i do have a lvl 50 there and i do have read all the changes reguarding my main wish a sorcerer healer and ill tell right now, i do like them, so since you dnt speak for me, im guessing that you arent speaking for all the others as well, speak for yourself.

Subtle difference between you and people like me: we've been on the PTS even before we had level 50 char and tested the changes with a range of various classes and different levels.


And guess you are also speaking about yourself, so how better is your feedback than mine or say all who took the extra step to write down their feedback on the PTS?


(edit) BTW nothing changed since Beta, the devs still don't listen to gameplay feedback but for bug tracking. At least from what we can see on our side. That's the main issue.

Edited by Deewe
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