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Did I hear this right?


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Still no SGRs in the next patch, 1.6.

Oh well.


And they still have said jack all about Makeb. Oh, well indeed. Going by the six-week benchmark, 1.6 will be the last content patch of the year, and still no sign of story content on the horizon.

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Is Gabe still working at BW? Or did he also leave like the rest of the "core"?




That says he still works there, though I don't how much you want to trust it.


Of course, if he had left, there'd be a thread about people cheering/whining his departure (as there have been for other developers and writers).

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I am sure this something they want in game but cannot justify yet. They don't want to say anything since this is a very touchy subject that can balloon outside of the game. So they are quite on the issue and will be for my guess 2 or 3 more months which should be about the time we hear about the next big content upgrade.


I am against the idea since the stereotypes used may hurt the gay community more than help it. By using stereotypes it reinforces the belief that gays are somehow immoral or questionable in nature. I don't expect bioware to be able to make up any worthwhile story since all romance in TOR is fairly bad.


I use the term gay to stay on topic in the threads.


This subject has already ballooned outside of this forum. It was all over Kotaku and other game sites for a while, and ultimately EA came down on the side of having SGR content. Since then they've been completely silent.

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Welcome to MMOs, where one person won't enjoy the same area of a game that another person does, get used to this.


lol, actually it is you who should get used to it. I just stated that if i wont be satisfied with developement of this game, ill quit. Somehow you couldnt stand it and have to point the obviuos thing, which by the way i stated myself.

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Giving this a bump on my way out the door, as this is where I think future SGR discussion should continue, more visibly than in the Story & Lore ghetto where we've been enouraged to stay out of the way and be low-key and low-profile. That has done nothing to help us, so to hell with low-key and low-profile. Post here.


To the initial question of the post, there has been no response of any kind from BioWare, the devs, the producers, the community team, from Gabe Amatangelo or Hall Hood himself. The retracted tweet remains the last word we have heard on the subject, if you can count retracted words. Before that, the last word was from then Lead Writer Daniel Erickson at the Guild Summit, but Erickson has parted ways with the studio, and a recent Livestream Q&A told us that not all Guild Summit statements still hold true, although no mention was made of whether his regarding SGRs does or not.


That leaves us with Stephen Reid's announcement of Sept. 2011, which is the boilerplate response CS hands out to anyone asking. Reid has not been Community Manager for many months, and the statement he made was pre-launch, to a pre-launch audience. Which leaves us with what?


That's right, kids – NOTHING.


We know nothing about whether or not BioWare intends to ever implement any sort of same-gender romantic content at all. We've asked politely, for months and months, to hear if this is even still on the drawing board. Those questions have never been answered here, ever.


I grow tired of asking, so this will be the last time. What is the status of same-sex romantic content?

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LOL. SGR. My game crashes while exiting flash points. I don't receive my comms after a sm operation. Yesterday I became stuck on the ground. I could attack, heal, deal with mobs but I couldn't move. When I typed /stuck it respawned me below the surface of the ground. There are existing bugs, new bugs, and reemerging bugs in this game. I'm so very glad they've found the time to add romance options for same sex toons. That resolves all the issues I've been having.
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Heh, and I can't believe they are wasting time working on stuff that you* care about and I don't. Whatever that might be.


Are we all cool now? One selfish need is no more or less valid than another.


Fact is, it's for the people who care about this stuff to keep reminding Bioware they want it, and it's for Bioware / EA to prioritise that work against other planned features and existing bugs. Personally I doubt we will see anything like this until late summer next year at the earliest, if at all. Better for y'all to put your energy into supporting the things you want implemented rather than nay-saying what other people want and you don't.



* and by you, I mean, anyone who felt the need to pitch in with a similar comment. I'm not directing this post at you personally ;)

Edited by GillianKersonati
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I am pretty sure it was stated at some point that, if SGRs are coming, it will only be with new companions, not with existing ones.


That's also something we don't know, especially now considering Mr. Hickman went out of his way in the recent LiveStream to tell everyone that not everything said during the Guild Summit is true. He didn't say which bits weren't true (like guild capital ships, which would have been cool).


I'd link the FAQ that has everything that we know in it, if you'd like.

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*pokes head in, looks around


Wow spacious here in general. Was getting cramped being shoved in that Story and Lore forum for so long.


Well now that we are here, just a quick reminder about the inevitable since this thread will undoubtedly draw every troll and bigot on the fourm, don't reply, just flag and move on.


/waves goodbye to Uluain


I won't be far behind, only came back for the one month to check things out and see what they have added and improved in the nine months I've been gone. Unfortunately not much. Once my one month runs out I'll be gone again, likely for good this time. Until then though I can do little more than ask "What's the status of SGRA's being added to SW:TOR?".

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Agreed. I'd rather have the bugs/disconnects fixed rather than being able to have my main tongue another dude in the cut scenes..


You guys DO realize that Bioware doesn't just work on one thing at a time, right? Story content and bug fixes are done at the same time by different teams.

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I am pretty sure it was stated at some point that, if SGRs are coming, it will only be with new companions, not with existing ones.


I was under the impression that the exact opposite was stated way back by Daniel Erickson. He said that they always knew which companions were going to have SGRA, which implies that the ones we have in game now.

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Wow. There are so many rude, obnoxious or arrogant posts in this thread that it makes my head spin.


Let me be clear about something here:


Just because YOU are not interested in same-gender relationships DOES NOT MEAN that this isn't important to a lot of other players who wanted this in at launch.


Such options were there at launch for other games from Bioware (notably Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age), so were sorely lacking here.


If you're not interested in it, that DOES NOT make it a waste of time. By that logic, I could claim that all PvP improvements are a waste of time. I could also claim that many of the flashpoint improvements are a waste of time. Do I claim this? NO. Why? Because I realise that other gamers have different priorities to myself.


Please have a bit of empathy for this and realise that a heck of a lot of players find this an important part of character design and story. Furthermore, please refrain from making snap value judgements about those for whom this is important, lest you be judged as such yourselves in a similar nasty manner.


Kind thoughts


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