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Resolve sucks


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FIx it.

Too many stuns, too many mez's. Too many knockbacks, pulls, pushes roots and slows.

It's not fun.


I mentioned this a few times...lately I am spending more and more time on the forum hoping something will be done. This generally means I'm about to leave the game because I'm not enjoying it, and really I'm pretty easy to please.

I'm pretty sure others feel the same way if they haven't already quit.

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Too much crying. not enough learning how resolve works.


-I have no issues with resolve. its working as intented and its not going to be changed.


If you got hardCC'ed oh well, it happens. It prolly means u should not have survived that encounter reguardless of resolve of not. -contrary to more popular belief you should not 1v6 and win.


On a suggestive note: It happens in every game too, so i suggest you just stop playing games rather than looking for new ones. The grass is never greener just loaded with more fertilizer.

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I hated it at first, but it isn't as bad as I first thought. Most people hit their CC breaker before having a full resolve bar and that kills them when they immediately get stunned again. I think learning that, and maybe in the abilities that fill resolve, it should say how much in the tool tip, and just more information all around on how it works..
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I don't care if it's working as intended...it's not fun. You feel like you are running through mud, or you are forced to just sit at your keyboard and WAIT to play again. If the resolve mechanic HAS to exist, All control needs to be on cooldown for a LOT longer, or the resolve bar needs to decay MUCH slower or the breaker needs to recharge MUCH faster. Does anyone really enjoy this mechanic as it is? I mean when you talk about pvp with your guildies or friends do you ever say.."Man TOR has got the best pvp control system it's a blast!" ?


I cannont ever imagine anyone saying this..I bet most people are like, "meh, oh well I guess I'll deal with it."


Am I wrong?

Edited by Bryanseven
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I would actually like to hear from an Operative or someone like that who might be watching opponents resolve bars. Seems to me like their class being played well might depend on knowing what causes how much resolve and making sure they use it right and seeing people use their breaker wrong.
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I don't care if it's working as intended...it's not fun. You feel like you are running through mud, or you are forced to just sit at your keyboard and WAIT to play again. If the resolve mechanic HAS to exist, All control needs to be on cooldown for a LOT longer, or the resolve bar needs to decay MUCH slower or the breaker needs to recharge MUCH faster. Does anyone really enjoy this mechanic as it is? I mean when you talk about pvp with your guildies or friends do you ever say.."Man TOR has got the best pvp control system it's a blast!" ?


I cannont ever imagine anyone saying this..I bet most people are like, "meh, oh well I guess I'll deal with it."


Am I wrong?


Let me guess, you play a melee class? A Mara/Sent or Jug/Guard? Get used to it, it's part of the game and makes it much more than mashing DPS buttons. A littler tactics goes a long way.

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Well resolve works fairly well imo. However (and I wish I had fraps running) I did get stunned the other day in an NC that did not fill my resolve at all (had 0, got stunned by a sin filled 0 resolve). This was my first time ever experiencing a issue with resolve.
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Alright maybe some peeps like the system, good on ya.


I'm finishing my class stories, which are without a doubt the only really great parts of this game, and moving on.


I DO play a melee classes, but seeing as this is Star wars I figured it would be more fun to swing a lightsaber and do force stuff than shoot a gun. If I wanted to shoot a gun I'd play call of duty or something.


As far as strategy is concerned...a veiled attempt at showing your contempt for my pvp ability. I didn't say I did badly, I'm not the emperors gift to pvp or anything but I do have 4 50's in pvp gear. One with valor 83 and full augmented WH with about 80% mod optimization. I'm not completely clueless, I just think the system is crappy.


Anyway, this post wasn't really for the masses to be honest. I just wanted to put something up so that hopefully whoever is paid to check these messages and report to developers can put another check mark next to the "PVP crowd control complaints" column and hopefully something will change. If not...well theres always something else to do.

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'oh, I don't like how this game works, why can't it work like game xxxx?'

'if you don't like it, and liked game xxxx, why don't you go play game xxxx?'

'becose xxxx sucks'


Resolve now is good, I'm not so happy on how they will change it, but will adapt.

Dealth with it, or please go play xxxx.

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Well its not going to get better IMO. It will be as frustrating or more in 1.4 because I see myself being chained stunned a bit more easily now. At least they threw us a bone by adjusting the resolve timer so effects have to wear off before full resolve starts to decay, but.....



We’ve also made adjustments to the Resolve system in Game Update 1.4. We’ve adjusted the gain logic of Resolve such that simultaneous and overlapping control effects no longer linearly add together their Resolve gain values. Instead, using a crowd control ability on an already controlled target now applies reasonable Resolve gain values by comparing the incoming control effect to the greatest of existing control effects.


As a result of these Resolve changes, unorganized teams will no longer pay huge penalties for overlapping control effects at critical moments. For example, it can frustrate players when pickup groups accidentally make a Marauder immune to Control because two or more teammates tried to stun him at once. The resulting unstoppable wrecking ball that the attacker transforms into made for a pretty poor experience for players trying to escape him. Additionally, we don’t like it when a Huttball ball carrier gets “fed” full Resolve by a disorganized pickup group trying to stop him from scoring by simultaneously landing multiple Control effects.


Maybe this is a ninja marauder nerf, but really, how about toning them down a bit? Maybe resolve is "close" to being fine, as-is. They should have said "watch the opposition's resolve bar more closely and L2P". This is the part that makes me upset. There is something wrong in the sentence and "resolve" ain't it. No one else becomes a "wrecking ball" with full resolve, and the DEVs fully admit that they are "wreckx-n-effect".



Just shake ur rump I guess...

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The problem isn't really how the resolve works.

The problem is that most of the stuns have short cooldonws, 1min and less, while the only cc breaker has a cd of 2 minutes.

"but but but you should use the cc breaker when you have full resolve omg nab l2p ;_;"

Yes, I know it and I'm sure that most of the people do as well, but here's the thing:


Resolve gets full

I use cc breaker

Resolve goes to 0

I get stunned again twice

Resolve is full


I die

1 min 30sec left on cd



And since most of the stuns have cds of 1min and less, people just blow them whenever they are off cd, which creates massive stunfests. Funny thing is, that EAware will only encourage that in 1.4, instead of making people think twice before using a stun.

Someone also mentioned that I shouldn't expect to do a 6v1, well I don't. But there should be an explonation other than getting stunned 6 times ;)


As long as there is a possibility of getting hard stunned for 8 seconds or mezzed for 16, this is just not going to work.

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In theory, resolve is a decent system, but I bet at least half of the players have no idea how it works.


I see failed stuns on empty resolves almost every other warzone vs both factions and every class in the game.

To the best of my knowledge, cc has never failed to stun me when I have empty resolve and I certainly have never "resisted" it on any of my toons.


Prior to 1.2, cc never failed at all, but since 1.3. the failures have increased exponentially.


At this point true stuns/mezz, like flashbang/debilitate (my sniper), whirlwind/electrocute (sorc) and electro dart (merc) have about a 10% chance to fail on empty resolves (goes into cd without animation, without effect and without filling the enemy's resolve bar).


This has nothing to do with breaking on damage, immunities, clicking the cc breaker very fast, or the "elusive" cc resist. It also doesn't have anything to do with lag on my end, I have 13-30ms latency and above 60 fps in warzones.


I know this can be done with a lag switch (and I do report when it happens in critical situations like capping/arming/scoring) but I suspect that there is also some sort of bug that was introduced with one of the patches this year. unless we really do have 10% cheaters playing pvp nowadays.


Of course, since the majority doesn't understand resolve or pays enough attention to it, nobody seems to be concerned. :(

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Maybe this is a ninja marauder nerf, but really, how about toning them down a bit? Maybe resolve is "close" to being fine, as-is. They should have said "watch the opposition's resolve bar more closely and L2P". This is the part that makes me upset. There is something wrong in the sentence and "resolve" ain't it. No one else becomes a "wrecking ball" with full resolve, and the DEVs fully admit that they are "wreckx-n-effect".


LOL, me and another guildie laughed hard as well, when we read that official description about marauders turning into unstoppable wrecking balls.... and one of their specs is getting buffed this patch, good lord.

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resolve is getting fixed in 1.4




Yes from 1.4 a player can be stunlocked for days until he/she unsubs....


And as others have said, game is not called stunwars for nothing.Pretty sure the game have lost 1/4 of

all it's pvp players alone because of resolve beeing garbage.

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people like you are the ones that always go into wz's with a buddy to watch your butt. no matter what people say 1v2 happens 1v3 etc. etc. all resolve does is make sure the 2 or 3+ cant lose to the 1 because of stuns. they already have the number advantage but with how crappy resolve is its a guarantee win without taking much dmg. the only people that like resolve how it is are the people that use classes that do nothing but stun because they cant win on a level playing field. 1 stun should fill the resolve bar PERIOD. slows and roots should NOT ignore resolve. kinda makes resolve pointless.


People who have teammates watching their butt are winning and you are surprised?

Maybe you should learn to play with your team instead of thinking you're Chuck Norris, because you are not.


From your description it seems like you want resolve to be your god mode and you're disappointed it's not. Tough luck...

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People who have teammates watching their butt are winning and you are surprised?

Maybe you should learn to play with your team instead of thinking you're Chuck Norris, because you are not.


From your description it seems like you want resolve to be your god mode and you're disappointed it's not. Tough luck...


i don't go around and try to rambo anything. i don't want god mode. i want a reasonable system where i cant be stunlocked till death. happened earlier. watched my resolve... almost full almost full ready to use cc breaker DEAD. to many stuns in the game.


premades vs pugs is another story. throws the game out of balance and makes the casual players never want to play again... bw should ask themselves this. are there more hardcore players or casual players? i guarantee there are far more casual players and they are letting premades take all the fun out of it. ya ya ya i know your response get some friends this get some friends that. is that really the lame comeback someone will come up with? pug is just that a pug premades are just that premades. they shouldn't mix.

Edited by Slicktime
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I don't care if it's working as intended...it's not fun.


Thats the kicker for me


Its not fun!


And your right, it is broken.

But you could do videos and analyze it frame by frame and some troll is still going to come along and tell you to L2P, because thats what they do on message forums.


I dont go a day not hearing complaints about Stuns in Stun Wars Warzones and even join in myself when im chain stuned 7 times in a row despite having a full white bar.


Right now stun is used to make up for lack of ability.

Its a IWIN button for the most part

Just spam stun much as you can is the general tactic of most players sadly

Rarely do you meet up with that actually impressive player that outright owns you with out the use of stun, because they dont need the cheep win.


But thats what EA/BW/Mythic wants.

Mythic did this same system in DAoC at first with ultra powerful, lock everyone down, AOE, instacast, no resist Mezs

So hey, they mostly (not fully) taken out the aoe cc nonsense and now just have the over powered stun a lot system of single target.


Personally I miss the old days of AD&D rules where you had saving throws vrs this stuff and only like 20% of the hold spells would actually work.


Tell you, TOR pvp would be MUCH different if all players got saving throws vrs movement impairment abilities.


And all those yelling L2P would be here yelling they cant stop anyone and its to hard to learn their classes and abilities and play to them.


Honestly I dont think EA can go F2P with the current resolve system intact.

There has been more then enough complaints about it

They not going to convince others to spend extra money on pvp content with resolve as it sits today!


My solution:


1) Longer cooldowns on all stun abilities

2) All stuns/ccs break stealth instantly

3) any player under 50% health is immune to any and all forms of cc/movement impairing abilities

4) after being successfully cc'd you have a 15 sec immunity from all movement impairing abilities (this completely eliminates stun locking)

5) All changes to stuns are in PVP only and work as currently do, excepot when cast on other players/companions.


Those 5 things would effectively remove stuns from being a front line assault ability to a last gasp defensive ability.


And thus players would be free to play their class to their classes strenghts.......if they can.

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Thats the kicker for me


Its not fun!


And your right, it is broken.

But you could do videos and analyze it frame by frame and some troll is still going to come along and tell you to L2P, because thats what they do on message forums.


I dont go a day not hearing complaints about Stuns in Stun Wars Warzones and even join in myself when im chain stuned 7 times in a row despite having a full white bar.


I have yet to see a video that documents a consistent bug that prevents resolve from working. The 7 times in a row chain stun while having a white bar story is a lie. A deliberate one that makes the rest of your post invalid.


Edited: And FGS try to play more then one class before you make game changing proposals. Yeah your face-rolling mara/sent doesn't need much CC to perform but others classes may be a bit harder to play, you know?


Only for you, i mean after all you are the only one who knows how to play and knows how resolve works I'm sure the 7/10 of the playerbase that left dident have a clue as well CLICKY


No I'm not, I'm not even particularly good. But I recognize you as a constant resolve QQer so you are either clueless still (hard to believe but still a possibility) or you just don't like the system, which is fine. The fact you are unable to adapt to how resolve works, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F15dgBzwOrc.



Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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The problem isn't really how the resolve works.

The problem is that most of the stuns have short cooldonws, 1min and less, while the only cc breaker has a cd of 2 minutes.

"but but but you should use the cc breaker when you have full resolve omg nab l2p ;_;"

Yes, I know it and I'm sure that most of the people do as well, but here's the thing:


Resolve gets full

I use cc breaker

Resolve goes to 0

I get stunned again twice

Resolve is full


I die

1 min 30sec left on cd



And since most of the stuns have cds of 1min and less, people just blow them whenever they are off cd, which creates massive stunfests. Funny thing is, that EAware will only encourage that in 1.4, instead of making people think twice before using a stun.

Someone also mentioned that I shouldn't expect to do a 6v1, well I don't. But there should be an explonation other than getting stunned 6 times ;)


As long as there is a possibility of getting hard stunned for 8 seconds or mezzed for 16, this is just not going to work.


Resolve mechanics suck. Hopefully 1.4 makes it better. I am not holding my breath. I am able to constantly stun, slow and knockdown opponents. The impact of most of my CC as an assassin is grossly under estimated by bioware and doesn't effect resolve much. Whether you use your cc breaker early or late against me is laughable. Either way you end up in some contant state of cc unable to defend yourself or get away.


I predict it wont get better.

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