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10 Good
  1. jsoulpersonas


    So I shouldn't be able to play with my friends because you dont have any?
  2. jsoulpersonas


    So I shouldn't be able to play with my friends because you dont have any?
  3. I've often considered rerolling op bc I believe that I'll be better on it than my sorc . One question, does static barrier add to heals done? I feel like it doesn't and If that's the case that's why sorc ls are always lower than ops in hps
  4. I can't believe they are giving in to people like this by actually giving refunds. It makes me feel sad for the future of the game and others in the genre
  5. Huh me too, and 7 min apart . I have no idea how that happened sorry to disappoint
  6. Thanks a lot ! I'd be really interested to hear why after achieving 2/3 caps you send one mar to the 3rd node instead of playing defensively, is it that you'd rather have mid?
  7. Thanks a lot ! I'd be really interested to hear why after achieving 2/3 caps you send one mar to the 3rd node instead of playing defensively, is it that you'd rather have mid?
  8. Its actually being "fixed" in a way that will only become worse from the OPs pov
  9. Edit: read the whole thread, original post obsolete
  10. Just get the dps set , tank gear is useless in pvp
  11. Lemme guess, a concealment op saying how skilled he is bc he can solo undergeard bads and healers . These guys are everywhere it's so funny really
  12. There's to many bad ( probly young) mars to nerf them, most only pvp once in a while or once ever. Good players take advantage of the potential mars are given and that's why we are OP, bad players can get by on a mar when they can't on another AC
  13. Why not use vind. Saber as offhand also? In a diff shell of course
  14. I'm happyI got to keep my name , thanks alot BW
  15. It's not that hard to gear up, and the gear gap isnt as big as the Losers say, if they put you on the same level your still gonna lose against ppl who know how to win. No amount of gear is gonna help when u are playing poorly. Maybe pvp just isn't for you. Why do ppl think they should be able to ding 50, go into their first wz, get 75 kills and an epic as a reward
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