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Fix the Premade Imbalance


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Without cross server ques there will be no fix...period. So I suggest until then you find some friends and get a voip. And start complaining about X-server ques instead of crying about how unfair things are...it's working as intended and groups have every right to que 4 or 8 mans all they like.
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Over time it should average out. Sometimes you will get grouped with a premade, sometimes you will go against one.


If you think there's a faction imbalance, roll the other faction.


I think it's been enough time...and some of us don't have factions up to par. If one started out on a specific side obviously that is their better toon.


Also it's more than faction. Guilds "set up" same faction games on same faction too. Technically if you get stuck with them you can lose out cause they will already determine the winner verbally before you start.

Edited by NoaFlux
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doesnt matter really what ppl think...Id like to see the real numbers, but I'd guess 80%? of ppl queing are solo ques. Make these ppl mad/frustrated enough to unsub and voila..no game. Seems to this point swtor hasnt figured that out (hence massive sub losses and server reductions), but maybe the next game along will use the lesson learned and get it right.
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I know at least 1 it did....make the casual/time limited players unhappy, lose the game. That's it. They lose the subs due to many things..one of which is the que system.


I know that one person quit the game and as we all know one person equals 10 million people so every day 10 million people quit that solo queue with the possibility of facing a premade...

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To the rest of the people out there... Those of you who feel the need to troll the OP - example : "Working as intended"... Yes, this PvP system -is- working as intended, but working as intended is not always "Working at peak functionality". To the person saying that the OP needs to get some internet friends, maybe this person doesn't have time to invest 100-200 hours of gameplay time just to play on a competitive level. Which is exactly what is being required at the current point. Some people -do- like to play casually and just hop on to PvP for a few hours, and then bail... -If- done that way, then it would take -MONTHS- to get to the point where they -MAY- be able to play competitively against other players... Why? Not because they can't get those internet friends, but because people won't accept a half recruit, half battlemaster geared person into their premade group. Why would they? And even if most players were willing to invest months into a game to finally be able to play it competitively, by the time they reached the point that they originally intended to get to, there would be better and newer gear. which basically means many more months would need to be invested, at which point, the same would happen... Newer gear would come out, and they would be in an endless cycle of never being able to catch up to the point in which they would be capable of playing competitively. At which point, they would either give up half or more of their life to invest hundreds of hours to play the way they wanted, or they would do the more likely thing... Which is quit the game.



What is to stop people queing with recruit gear and then gearing into their war hero once in the wz? I know the valor was mentioned, but at 50 if you save, you can buy like 2 pieces of BM, no where close to a full set. You can suck, get valor points (but not a lot of medals) and get low comms. Lots of issues trying to group that way.

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While I agree with many of the points I'm still in favour of the current system for 3 reasons:


1. Playing against better players (whether by skill or by gear) means you have to learn your class really well , making you a better player. I wouldn't be able to heal as well as I can now without having to deal with constant focusing and cc'ing while gearing up

2. Not practical on some servers, on Master Dar'Nala our low population means we would never get a pop if premades and pugs were separated

3. Not all premades are over geared war hero terrors. Many of the players who pvp in my guild are in recruit/Bm and not very skilled, but like to pvp together. By grouping together they are technically a premade, but if forced to play against WH premades all the time will get destroyed every time.


There could be a better system that also takes acount of these reasons, but I don't know what that could be

Edited by Vacarius
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Hey, newbie here! This is my first MMO, it's been hard trying to incorporate all the MMO terminology, but even so I was having lots of fun (and not sucking so much :p ) in the warzones under 50, and some after 50.


Then this impossible matches started to happen. I didn't understand what was going on (3 of our guys couldn't take 1 enemy), until I noticed we were always against the same group of "impossible to kill/stop" players, always together, helping each other. I guess that is a 'pre-made'.


Well, it's a NIGHTMARE.


I really tried, but it's not fun at all, I stop queuing when I see these teams online.


To say something nice, since is my first post, I find the community very friendly, helpful and patient (thank you!).


(Sorry for my english).

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I really tried, but it's not fun at all, I stop queuing when I see these teams online


Sadly, this can be a big problem for undergeared players, I'm trying to gear up my guardian atm, but evaoprate every time I enter combat. Three things can help:


1. Often you'll end up facing the same team over and over again. This happens because you're all queing again after leaving the warzone, meaning you just end up back together. A helpful trick is to wait 5-10 minutes after getting smashed by a premade and hope they get a que, meaning you'll get a different group next time

2. Follow a healer. While you gear out of BM, I fin folloing one of your healers helps a lot. Spend the whole game guarding him, cc'ing people trying to take him out etc, and if he's you'll both live longer.

3. Find a friendly guild. The top pvp guildsgenerally won't take new players without gear, but any guild is better than none at all and a mate or two to run with can make things more enjoyable, and make it easier to get geared


The nature of gear pvp means the low geared suffer, but hang in there until BM and you'll have a blast :)

Edited by Vacarius
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Routinely going against teams whose composition is practically unbeatable is no incentive to continue. Spending 10 seconds stunned, then dead, then spending 30 seconds waiting for the door, 30 getting back to the fight, then being stunned for 10 seconds until death... idiotic.

We have one stun-break that takes 2 minutes to recharge. The resolve/diminishing return mechanic is stupid to the point of absurdity. You can be dead twice over long before the resolve bar is ful enough to make a difference. Why is it that game designers think a compelling part of play is making play unavailable? It's essentially pointless unless you have a pocket healer (or are a pocket healer) and can live through huge swaths of time where you just stand there twitching.

There's also times when it misrepresents someone's level of resolve, so you blow a kick or stun on someone that shows half-full but they're really immune - and you've wasted your stun while they happily pound the @#$! out of you. Oh yeah, and the insipid lag when you have someone lined up on a bridge or near a hazard... only to find out your graphics are wildly misreporting their location and you just kicked them into a perfectly safe spot.


Just look at the end-of-match scoreboards. I don't care so much about my win/loss ratio as I do the clearly blocked out boards. If you're seeing big blocks of friends and foes instead of relatively scattered lines, you're seeing poor match-ups between sides. When we win it's generally because everyone on my team is above everyone on the other team. When we lose, the converse is the case. If there's a polluted board, it was usually a close match. The mixed boards are a rarity, something like 1 in 3.


And yeah, I could find or make a guild up so that I could _always_ have organized runs. I spend eight hours a day organizing and motivating people. The last thing I want to do when I get home is unpaid organizing and motivating. That's not recreation.

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OP needs to make some internet friends.


Whisper some people and ask if they want to group for a PvP. It's not that hard, unless if you match up against me :D


First off you miss the point of what is going on here.


PREMADES are mostly in War Hero Gear and have Vent or Team Speak.


PUGs are in mostly lower tier gear and have no Vent or Team Speak.


So the result is not fun for either side after 8 matches it is pretty fail on BioWare part.


A fun PVP match is even teams in a tough close fight, not a instant win or stomp with little effort.

Edited by Metalmac
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Hey, newbie here! This is my first MMO, it's been hard trying to incorporate all the MMO terminology, but even so I was having lots of fun (and not sucking so much :p ) in the warzones under 50, and some after 50.


Then this impossible matches started to happen. I didn't understand what was going on (3 of our guys couldn't take 1 enemy), until I noticed we were always against the same group of "impossible to kill/stop" players, always together, helping each other. I guess that is a 'pre-made'.


Well, it's a NIGHTMARE.


I really tried, but it's not fun at all, I stop queuing when I see these teams online.


To say something nice, since is my first post, I find the community very friendly, helpful and patient (thank you!).


(Sorry for my english).


This post is the right answer and should be put on a billboard. The reason the PVP in this game is dieing is because of what he said. There is a reason why 1-49 PVP is a lot more fun compared to 50 PVP.


News Flash: This is a game. I play games to have fun. If I'm not having fun then there are plenty of other games I can go to in order to have fun. This is the thought process going through peoples minds, and I'm sure you want them to keep thinking your game is fun. I suggest you seriously balance out the playing field of 50 PVP, this is coming from a rank 100 Overpowered marauder(Yes this class is overpowered please nerf it).


When I can 3vs1 on my marauder because of my gear(Mostly the class, it needs a nerf) then there is something wrong and broken. That 3vs1 I'm talking about? Yea they were wearing BM gear as well. Please fix the issues.


P.S.- Before a troll says "Well those three must of been bad". They weren't, so you are wrong again. I figured I would help you out before you posted something useless.

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Relax OP, game have alredy lost every 7/10 PvP players. When we are down to 9/10 we will see a rewamp

of PvP. Now we all know why all those players have left, me myself have been in 3 guilds on Origin servers

that died because of the same things.


1 Unbalanced classes,half the AC not wanted in pre mades.

2 Faction imbalance in favor of Empire on most servers.

3. PvP is a gear grind from hell,pity the poor fool who wants a new main and have to gear up....again....

4. Empire classes playes better, more fluid and have higher base damage and better looking gear.

5.Expertise enough said.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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just came back from my 5th match today in a row against the same premade while queing solo.


Its not fun, its not a L2P issue and in my case not even gear disparity (/though I was the top geared guy in random group mostly). Something needs to be done in order to not let pre-mades play randoms.


I love star wars but I am seriously considering leaving the game over this.

Edited by DevorRentreen
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just like Trion's Rift which allowed premades to farm newbies and solo queue'rs, and we know what happened to Rift its a dying game...swtor is allowing the same. If bioware keeps letting this imbalance continue, you will see a majority of the solo queue pvpers leave the game and you will be left with the 1% who think they are awesome cuz they can farm solo players all day with there premades. Stop this before its too late...most of paying customers are solo queue'ers.
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One major thing to think about is that the modding idea is horrible for pvp as it is now. 4 people in full wh and on vent is bad (50% of their side already lol) but put those 4 people in gear that they tailor modded and wow it is horrible. Blind donkeys would win in their situation.


There are classes with their major abilities that hit for around 3-4k in aug wh but in modded out aug wh they hit for 5-6k and ones that hit for 6 in aug wh but 7-9 when modded out. That is a huge difference on top of aug wh which is already a decent difference. Also this is only available to the most hardcore in a game where lvl'n alts is probably the best thing swtor has going for it. The 2 reasons I stay are that I love huttball and I love switching between all classes for pvp.

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Also, for all of you people saying make your own. You are being pretty dumb and ignorant. This is a game and many people will play it differently. We need the masses to play it to make it better for us. The masses need some tweaks to the matching system. To tell them to play it differently is to tell them to leave for greener pastures and take our development money with them.
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This post is the right answer and should be put on a billboard. The reason the PVP in this game is dieing is because of what he said. There is a reason why 1-49 PVP is a lot more fun compared to 50 PVP.


News Flash: This is a game. I play games to have fun. If I'm not having fun then there are plenty of other games I can go to in order to have fun. This is the thought process going through peoples minds, and I'm sure you want them to keep thinking your game is fun. I suggest you seriously balance out the playing field of 50 PVP, this is coming from a rank 100 Overpowered marauder(Yes this class is overpowered please nerf it).


When I can 3vs1 on my marauder because of my gear(Mostly the class, it needs a nerf) then there is something wrong and broken. That 3vs1 I'm talking about? Yea they were wearing BM gear as well. Please fix the issues.


P.S.- Before a troll says "Well those three must of been bad". They weren't, so you are wrong again. I figured I would help you out before you posted something useless.


^^ This.


People not having fun are people not playing. When the bill comes due and I think well, I haven't logged in for 2 weeks, maybe I'll let that one slide - it's already too late.

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1 - Group Premades against Premades and PuGers against PuGers

2 - Group Recruit geared Personel against Recruit Geared Personel and War Hero against War Hero...

3 - Open up PvP Queue for Cross Server Play


In my hummble opinion, this 3 points, could fix or improve, the main pvp issues.


Kind Regards.

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Here's my idea.


Instead of "taking something away" from people (ie: the ability to queue with your friends and get pops in a reasonable amount of time, etc.)


How about better rewards for playing different toons in PvP.


Say, you got a really neat mount for getting at least 1 toon from each AC to Battlemaster, or something like that.

You might see fewer "uber-geared" people running around - they'd be on alts - AND people would get to know the other classes better (and how to counter them.)

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just came back from my 5th match today in a row against the same premade while queing solo.


Its not fun, its not a L2P issue and in my case not even gear disparity (/though I was the top geared guy in random group mostly). Something needs to be done in order to not let pre-mades play randoms.


I love star wars but I am seriously considering leaving the game over this.


Me too. I have many videos of it now. I am going to post on here soon. It is the worst I have EVER seen. In all my videos we don't get more than 10 kills. I kid you not. We don't get over ten!!!! What do they get? Approx 200!!!!!! 200 kills!!!!!!


This is either hack cheating, premades that are cheating (fixed matches), or bots. I mean hey I like the game a lot. But at the end of the day...when I think, "is this really worth my time and money?". Will I stick around when I'm playing an artificial match? I doubt it. What's the point? It's no different than playing another game against the computer. It will only take me one new game to leave and never come back...I mean how does this benefit me? Most importantly I can't trust Bio Ware, cause they never have ONCE tried to fix any of these issues. I never know what matches are real and what matches aren't. At the end of the day it just seems like a big waste. For all I know I played 6 fake matches in a row over the past two days.


Bio Ware needs to make a statement and show us they are against this. I really can't support a company that doesn't take this seriously.


I'm not trying to be mean, but I really feel like I could be wasting my time on these fake matches and it could move me to leave without a little support or confidence from the company.

Edited by NoaFlux
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