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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I need everyone else to read this


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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option

-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

-Non-Static mobs

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game

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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option

-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

-Non-Static mobs

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


1. maybe, I dont care much tbh. I am happy with hood up :)

2. no. I never understood the idea of making the game area so dark you cannot see much without turning the gamma up for 30% of the time (lotro).

3. Dont we already get rain atleast in some places.

4. sure, why not

5. There already are some wandering, rest are in groups. how much wandering do you want?

6. yes please for space improvements

7. well, swoops might be nice. I dont really care about pazaak

8. sure, more planets. Dantooine might be nice, or not if its rubble + farmlands :)

9. Maybe, some class quests already do this a bit, but only a bit.

Edited by turjake
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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option

-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

-Non-Static mobs

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


This will just get bumped into Suggestions, but okay.


1. Sure, customizing looks is important to people. I don't play Force users often but I can see why they want this.

2. No day/night. There is a lore reason for this.

3. There is rain on some planets. But again, there's a lore reason behind no big weather so, No.

4. Customization is a good thing. Yes.

5. I don't know what non-static mobs means. No opinion here.

6. I'm fine with Space combat as it is. I don't do it often but I have fun when I do. A lot of people don't like it, maybe it's worth a revamp. Sure.

7. I wouldn't participate but a lot of people say they would. Sure, bring on mini-games.

8. More planets will come, this is a given. We just have to wait for expansions/story updates.

9. This game is telling a story so being linear is kind of needed. That said, I'd love to go to a different part of Courscant or Alderaan at higher levels and continue the story there, not just always bump out a new planet.

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-Hood down option

Kinda see the point, but at the end of the day irrelevant

-Day/Night cycles

Irrelevant, completely

-Weather Effects

Irrelevant, completely

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

Irrelevant, completely

-Non-Static mobs

Irrelevant, completely

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)


-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

Agreed but not a major game improvement but a bit of a time waster

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

One right now would be good. Less guided and less segregated factions. Something for PVP servers.

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game

Irrelevant, completely

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This will just get bumped into Suggestions, but okay.


1. Sure, customizing looks is important to people. I don't play Force users often but I can see why they want this.

2. No day/night. There is a lore reason for this.

3. There is rain on some planets. But again, there's a lore reason behind no big weather so, No.

4. Customization is a good thing. Yes.

5. I don't know what non-static mobs means. No opinion here.

6. I'm fine with Space combat as it is. I don't do it often but I have fun when I do. A lot of people don't like it, maybe it's worth a revamp. Sure.

7. I wouldn't participate but a lot of people say they would. Sure, bring on mini-games.

8. More planets will come, this is a given. We just have to wait for expansions/story updates.

9. This game is telling a story so being linear is kind of needed. That said, I'd love to go to a different part of Courscant or Alderaan at higher levels and continue the story there, not just always bump out a new planet.


Morgani said it all for me, I'm just going to quote for Agreement, except for number 5.... where I say meh. Mobs are fine as is. There are patrolling mobs and there are static location mobs, just like other MMOs. I don't need randomized jumps out from behind a rock and backstabs me mobs.

Edited by Andryah
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For the record, force users aren't the only ones that deal with hoods. The Imperial Agent sets have them as well.


What is the lore reason for no day/night cycles? I know there is one for Hoth specifically, but I am not aware of problems with other planets.

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For the record, force users aren't the only ones that deal with hoods. The Imperial Agent sets have them as well.


What is the lore reason for no day/night cycles? I know there is one for Hoth specifically, but I am not aware of problems with other planets.


The lore reason as I understand it is that each planet is taking place within a certain time frame within the chapter. So for example Coruscant is taking place during (and this is just random years and months chosen by me) July of 29 ATC. By the time you get to Hoth, you're in February of 31 ATC.


Having day/night cycles means having day/nights with dates and months and years. Since every Trooper is playing the same story, it doesn't make sense that one Trooper hits Alderaan in August of 29 ATC and another hits it in December 87 ATC.


The easiest way to not deal with so much moving time was to not have visible days and nights. Its a suspension of belief.


Someone can totally correct me, because as I said, this is how I understand the reasoning. Its the same for weather.

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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option

-Day/Night cycles

-Weather Effects

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

-Non-Static mobs

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


I'm sorry but this is neither new or original. This has all been brought up in countless other posts. Use the suggestions forum and bump those threads.



Now I've gone and bumped this thread....:o

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The lore reason as I understand it is that each planet is taking place within a certain time frame within the chapter. So for example Coruscant is taking place during (and this is just random years and months chosen by me) July of 29 ATC. By the time you get to Hoth, you're in February of 31 ATC.


Having day/night cycles means having day/nights with dates and months and years. Since every Trooper is playing the same story, it doesn't make sense that one Trooper hits Alderaan in August of 29 ATC and another hits it in December 87 ATC.


The easiest way to not deal with so much moving time was to not have visible days and nights. Its a suspension of belief.


Someone can totally correct me, because as I said, this is how I understand the reasoning. Its the same for weather.

That's not a lore reason, that's just Bioware pulling something out of their butts to justify why there is no day/night cycles. The actual reason is they wanted to preserve the art style of the game by having painted horizons and it would of been too expensive to implement day/night cycles. It would of required a different painted horizon for every different phase of the light cycle. For an entire 24 hour period something like 100 different backdrops would of been needed. That's the actual reason.

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-Hood down option

We'll see this eventually but understandably not a huge priority.


-Day/Night cycles

People tend to poo-poo as irrelevant but if they move in the direction of making the game more sandbox-ish, which works better for a F2P model, IMO, this would actually be pretty important. Day/Night lets you add more variation to environments by creating conditions for special events and night/day-only critters.


-Weather Effects

Star Wars is all about environment and BW understands this. I think we'll see this eventually if the game doesn't go belly up in a couple years. Hoth and Tatooine in particular would benefit from severe storms that create interesting new circumstances (and possibly rare critters to fight).


-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

Anything that doesn't fit a F2P model where you buy goodies to wear or companion looks to throw on isn't going to happen. I think they decided on this way back when the game launched and they nuked advanced companion avatar tweaking options. I'm surprised they're adding chest-piece color-matching for companions TBH.


-Non-Static mobs

I see no problem with mobs as-is. If anything, too many wandering mobs and ambushes can get really obnoxious.


-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

Well, I seem to remember they had another team working on something big (was it Factor 5?) and they've mentioned a number of times having more advanced space stuff in the works. It's kind of a duh thing to add. IIRC it drew a lot of new people to Galaxies. A more advanced space experience would generate a lot of new interest in the game. But keep in mind it's kind of like building a new game in its own right. I doubt we'll see it before summer next year.


-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

These were categorized under what they called the Wall of Crazy back before launch. As in "would love to add but not enough win to make it anything but very low priority." I agree.


-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

Not sure what to say except "duh" here.


-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game

Again, adding a bit more sandbox to the themepark may be exactly what the doctor ordered especially if space travel opens up a bit. I think they'll move in this direction as it becomes the obvious thing to do for F2P.

Edited by Pherdnut
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I agree'd with this exact post on some other thread earlier today, But this thread has given me a little insight... I don't see day/night happening because of the reasons (expense wise) posted by someone above... I honestly couldn't care less ... but more planets with random weather patterns would be nice... WZs, the BH even the FPs and Operations that are outdoor based should have random weather patterns. Put some new life into these things.


As far as everything else suggested by the OP, people have been asking for these things since the game launched and will continue to ask for them.

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Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


-Hood down option


I guess it is a nice idea that can't hurt if being added. PvPer/PvE'er/RPer, all want to look good, whatever that means for an individual. At the end, small things make people happy.


-Day/Night cycles


Well, there are some problems with this, I think. As far as I know, Dromund Kaas has to stay the same. At least that is how I remember the zone was described in the book: dark area with constant lightning because of what Emperor has done to his home planet. Am I correct on this one? As for other planets - sure. Would be nice :p.


-Weather Effects


Only on some planets. Some just have to stay the way they are :).


-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)


Yes!!!! They simply cannot go wrong with adding this. I am sure they will be adding that when game goes Free-to-Play.


-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak


Yes, would be nice but they said they are working on it. So, maybe soon :).


-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game


Yeah. It is a shame having such a wonderful planets and no reason for us to go back. But, they are adding these events, so that is a start, I guess :). Planets are amazing. Vastness has to be used. Everything is there, just use it, Devs :).


My text: red. Only commented on things I agree/disagree because there are some I do not care much about. :cool:

Edited by Boyana
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why aren't these stale ideas back at the suggestion box where they belong?


Because I wanted everyone to get together and say either yay or nay on these ideas. If the moderators throw this into the suggestion box, odds are none of us will see it again, thus negating any chance of the fan base tossing their weight behind it. One suggestion by one player is worthless in the company's eyes. One suggestion supported by many players is something for them to consider.

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-Hood down option


-Day/Night cycles


-Weather Effects

like the rain on kass?

-Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

always improving

-Non-Static mobs

mobs move... are u melee dps? or u want randomized mobs like diablo or soemthing?

-Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)


-Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak


-More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)


-Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game

like companion, option al and event quests?

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