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Tired of people not spacebarring

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Seriously, not to complain but can't you make it so that we have to option of going into a flashpoint or quest giver without all the useless conversations ive seen a billion times? Whats worse is there is always some noob who "hasnt" seen it, so then i have to twiddle my thumbs until the conversation is over.


I have propossed that group finder have an option that could be selected for "skip conversations" (or called speed run). To group people together that want to skip. Not skipping should be the default as that is how the game is designed. :cool:

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Just ask from the start if players wish to spacebar or watch the movies. If 1 of 3 say spacebar, leave. If 2 of 3 say spacebar, boot the 3rd.


FYI - Hardmodes, spacebar is the expected norm, imo, because you're doing it for the lewt. Storymode, it's 50:50.

Edited by TUXs
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Hard mode versions of flashpoints should be modified to reduce or remove dialogue cut-scenes.


I understand that the whole point of this game is the story, but the intention behind hard modes is that you will be running them multiple times, that's how bioware has set it up. We need to run these multiple times, and with the random group finder, it could be the same flashpoint more than once. The tedium of slapping that spacebar needs to go.


Story Mode should be the only mode with cut-scenes.

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Well done!

Well done!


I have run into this mentality a few times now


Worst one was a guildy (at the time, no longer) would not stop and heal after fights and would run off into next fight. I was playing my sage healer and asked for him to slow down and heal up between fights please.


He told my it was my only job to keep him healed and thats only reason I was there


Strangly enough he died next encounter and after that (with out a word being said) he would stop and heal for a second or 2 after combats!


Also ran into this mememememe mentality in CTS


Again was on as my sage and said /1 healer lfg or partner for CTS (I routinely 2 man CTS with this character)

Got a responce by a tank and a DPS so added them both and they wanted me to use my DPS companion.


OK, I usually use Qyzen as hes got 21k health and a taunt to control fights but since we had a tank player all should be good!


Well we wipe first pull because tank is not taunting so nadia (DPS companion) and I have all the argo and die.


So I pull out Qyzen and say "I need him to taunt so im open to heal everyone"


Well these two terrified im breaking the holy trinity of 2 dpser, tank, healer start going off on me and finally just had enough and pulled the first fight figuring seeing for themselves would be better then anything I could say. We handle first fight fine with not even a close call.


So all is good right?


Nope they still demanding Nadia.

I move to second floor and now one calling me a troll for insulting her tank ability by using a tank companion (in hindsite I guess I kinda was but she didn't taunt and we wiped because of it. A level 50 Vanguard shouldn't have to be told to taunt in a group, it should be standard practice) then other one summons her MUCH WEAKER dps (was in under 50 gear) companion to over ride and remove mine!


Having no desire to fight with these 2 mental cases I just quit group and left not wanting to fight with them and their overly strict group design ideals that everyone else must follow.


And suddenly these two start filling Black Hole with " *name* is a terrible healer and dont group him and blah blah blah"


Got anouther partner in a couple minutes and we two maned CTS with no drama, no near calls, no wipes, no problem!


As I left BH that night those 2 were still screaming about me and asking for a healer to join them.

They both hit ignore after that


Sad truth of matter is some people really think you are there for THEM ONLY and to play THEIR WAY ONLY


My Main is a healer, and lazy tanks are annoying as hell, Tend to mention in the box, I can't heal if I am getting the crap shoot out of me. Normally that does it well enough for them to get the point but sometimes the just don't get it or don't care.


On topic, when it comes to SB, I SB through most of the content at first, if I see that I am waiting through the cut scenes I stop and start watching them. There are probably some FP that I have never seen in their entirety but that's ok with me. But I never get worked up if someone wants to watch them, it's time for me to grab some more water, or eat something if I want.


This is an MMO, and that means that there is going to be other players, and as mentioned by other people, if you want to make a speed run then don't use group finder.

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Seriously, not to complain but can't you make it so that we have to option of going into a flashpoint or quest giver without all the useless conversations ive seen a billion times? Whats worse is there is always some noob who "hasnt" seen it, so then i have to twiddle my thumbs until the conversation is over.


How about the person trying to watch for the first time because the last time they had idiots screaming about pressing spacebar?


Don't do FPs if you can't play with others then.

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Was in a similar situation when i was healing in a FP a couple days ago, the guy wouldn't listen either and kept on going, i just let him die a couple times, he learned his lesson :p


One thing I loved about playing the healer. You don't want to slow down enough for people to heal up, no healz for you. loved it when he died. I even did a LOL in the party chat.

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How about the person trying to watch for the first time because the last time they had idiots screaming about pressing spacebar?


Don't do FPs if you can't play with others then.


Why does "playing with others" only work one way?! Majority rules imo. If others skip, I skip. If they watch, I flip on the TV.

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Why does "playing with others" only work one way?! Majority rules imo. If others skip, I skip. If they watch, I flip on the TV.


If someone was doing the FP for the first time or even if someone just wants to re-watch, I wouldn't care about "majority rules". I'd be at least respectful. If your hard pressed on time, you really shouldn't have started group content anyways.



Hard mode versions of flashpoints should be modified to reduce or remove dialogue cut-scenes.


Story Mode should be the only mode with cut-scenes.


Agree with this, though. If your doing hard mode your most likely doing it for the content, not story.

Edited by odericko
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every time I see some one asking 3 times 'space' or once 'space noobs' I stop spacing.

if person complains more, I will wait till very last moment to choose my conversation...

I'm a tank, mostly, go ahead, complain about spacing :)


I space, dont care if they space. let live and let die.

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OP I replied to (if you read what that person said) had nothing to do with what others on the team do or don't. It's all about how the OP feels.


OK, fair enough :) I generally go with the flow...I've been the n00b who wanted to watch, I've been the guy trying to squeeze one in before going to bed.

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If someone was doing the FP for the first time or even if someone just wants to re-watch, I wouldn't care about "majority rules". I'd be at least respectful. If your hard pressed on time, you really shouldn't have started group content anyways.





Agree with this, though. If your doing hard mode your most likely doing it for the content, not story.


Okay with HM as well. But whoever is putting the team together should also specify something like "speed run" or "story run". So everyone knows what to expect. Or even if they can put that in the group finder.

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OK, fair enough :) I generally go with the flow...I've been the n00b who wanted to watch, I've been the guy trying to squeeze one in before going to bed.


Ditto. I'm normally the last to hit the spacebar because if someone wants to watch it, I let them. But if I see everyone hit the spacebar and I'm the only one not, then I will as well.


Also on the original server of Krayt Dragon pre-group finder days, I used to run lowbies through things just to farm social points and help them get through it. And I'd let them know every loot roll I'd pass on. I haven't done that on Shadowlands yet because people aren't having as hard a time getting grouped to do it. But I also figured that could be their first time seeing the content ever so if they wanted to watch it, so be it.

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Hard mode versions of flashpoints should be modified to reduce or remove dialogue cut-scenes.


I understand that the whole point of this game is the story, but the intention behind hard modes is that you will be running them multiple times, that's how bioware has set it up. We need to run these multiple times, and with the random group finder, it could be the same flashpoint more than once. The tedium of slapping that spacebar needs to go.


Story Mode should be the only mode with cut-scenes.


makes sense

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I just had to quit a team in an Esseles run last night because this guy (with this same mentality as the OP) refused to slow down long enough for others to get off the Elevators. It was not an issue with me, but I noticed the rest of the team getting stuck on the previous levels because this guy would not stop leaping in to battle before the rest of the team could use the elevators to join the rest of the party.


I politely asked him, "Can we please wait for the others to use the elevators before attacking the mobs?


His response, "They should keep up"


Instant ignored and quit the team with an apology to the others.



People's lack of patience makes them the true annoying party members. Not the one's who would like to watch the story.


I myself spacebar through the story, but if somebody wants to watch it, then so be it, I kick back and watch it too.


This is the mentality that was bred in Wrath of the Lich King. Screw everyone else I don't care about anything but rushing thru this as fast as possible. God forbid you just let him die then the healer gets to listen to him cry about that.

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I always ask up front if a spacebar run works for them. If someone says no, then I make a decision on whether or not to stay. If it is Esselles, I will politely drop the group. Anything else and I will generally stay. The lockout timer is longer than staying in a group and being forced to watch the cut scenes.


I also believe that people who say "they have seen the cut scenes 100s of times" actually mean that they have spacebarred through them 100s of times...

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If you can't spare a few moments to let someone enjoy the story, you probably need to reevaluate your life priorities.


Yeah, that really has nothing to do with it at all. Gaming is entertainment, like watching TV, but interactive. I would argue that the people who have nothing better to do in life than watch the same cutscenes over and over again, are the ones who might wanna reevaluate...but I don't think EITHER behavior implies flawed 'priorities' in any way.

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For story mode FP, it should be expected there are new players who haven't seen the cutscenes. For HM flashpoints, I agree that spacebarring should be the norm; BUT, right up front you should ask and make sure all are OK with that. Often in HM FPs I make choices I never made before, and sometimes am curious to see the playback when I win the roll. But not enough to hold the group back if that is their desire.
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I agree with the OP. If you take a look at my posting history, you will see that I've actually made posts defending watching the story and not spacebarring in past threads. The reason I've changed my feelings on this is experience. I was super casual before and was just leveling alts. I never did dailies or anything. Or I did do them, it was rarely. I'm now in a raiding a guild and try to do all the dailies every day, so I don't have as much time to just relax and watch cut scenes I've seen a million times already.


There are two situations I can recall. One was when I was in Battle of Ilum and my guild ended up needing me for Explosive Conflict. I think I wouldn't be so annoyed with people watching cut scenes, but they were doing such low DPS that the run was taking forever. I was on the last boss fight talking to my GM and they were literally not doing hardly any DPS. Cut scene watchers are just badly geared and played casuals. Having to sit and watch the cut scene after carrying them through the whole flashpoint is just insult to injury.


Another instance I can recall is a freshly geared tank queueing up for Hard Mode Kaon Under Seige for the first time. He was way too squishy and didn't know fights/pulls, so we ended up wiping a few times because of that. I was also pulling DPS away from him like madman. I shouldn't have to sit through cut scenes in a Hard Mode, carry badly geared people that didn't even take the time to learn the fights/pulls on normal mode AND then to top it all off have to pay an enormous repair bill because of all the incompetence.


Bottom line is, I'm 100% certain all the posts in this thread defending not spacebarring are badly geared and played casuals that don't have a 50. If they do, they don't play them at a high level and just level alts all day. Trust me, if you run each flashpoint enough times and don't have much time to watch cut scenes, you'll understand where me and the OP is coming from. I think this is BioWare's fault though and they failed big time with this game and his replay value when it comes to the story.

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