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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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No, let me make it clear. This is the kind of crap that killed PvP on this server to begin with.


While most of us realize what guilds like yours are really all about, some don't. The steamrolling, triplecapping, superqueueing, use every bug and exploit to your advantage mentality wears very thin on a RP server. From what I've seen and heard, there has been a slow but steady increase in activity since the PvP guilds left, so don't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for your triumphant return. Eventually, players get tired of it and stop PvPing altogether, and then you'll be whining about not having any "competition" again.


In short: do yourselves and everyone else a favor while you still have lowbies, and re-roll on a PvP server. The only reason you're back is because you feel like you can steamroll here. The POT5 experiment was a failure, just like I predicted it would be, with so many guilds returning to their original servers where they can go back to being at the top of the heap.


Theron, I went to POT5, I still have characters on POT5, I STILL pvp on POT5, the "POT5 experiment" did not fail because the people who transferred there could not steamroll, it failed because Biofail pulled 8vs8 ranked warzones and destroyed the pvp community on POT5 due to the massive amount of people who stopped pvping or unsubbed; if you do not believe me feel free to read posts on the POT5 forums or the PVP forums.


I'm sure that some people legitimately want to faceroll pugs on an RP server, but having played on both I can honestly understand why people prefer the "community" element of an RP server, regardless of what their endgame goal is.


Ultimately, if the ONLY thing you want to do is endgame competitive PVP then I agree with you, you will probably be better off playing on a different server; however, if you are a social gamer who enjoys multiple aspects of the game then (even if PVP is/becomes your favorite) playing on TEH is probably going to be more rewarding than rolling on a pure PVP/PVE server due to the community that exists on the server.


And for the record:


Superqueuing/getting two four man groups from the same guild into the same warzone is luck of the draw, and it is going to happen from time to time - you are just as likely to fight yourself.


Queue dodging - lame, get a life.

Edited by alexsamma
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I'd like to give a shout out to all the pvpers on ebon hawk! I love pvp and hate pve, and after bouncing around from game to game I've come back to swtor and its been fun. Whether its rolling or getting rolled I have a blast. We're just one big happy disfunctional family and I love you all!



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There's a lot of ************ going on this thread, which is sad to see because the point of it is to not *****. Ive been kind of lurking and not really posting ever. However, in the interest of getting this thread back to its original purpose:


I want to shout out a few people and groups:


1. Regulators - I hate you guys so much =D No, seriously, its always a good match when you guys are out there.

2. Republic - hate playing against you guys in rep v. rep, love playing on your teams.

3. Lanfeare - please stop killing me....ha.




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No, let me make it clear. This is the kind of crap that killed PvP on this server to begin with.


While most of us realize what guilds like yours are really all about, some don't. The steamrolling, triplecapping, superqueueing, use every bug and exploit to your advantage mentality wears very thin on a RP server. From what I've seen and heard, there has been a slow but steady increase in activity since the PvP guilds left, so don't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for your triumphant return. Eventually, players get tired of it and stop PvPing altogether, and then you'll be whining about not having any "competition" again.


In short: do yourselves and everyone else a favor while you still have lowbies, and re-roll on a PvP server. The only reason you're back is because you feel like you can steamroll here. The POT5 experiment was a failure, just like I predicted it would be, with so many guilds returning to their original servers where they can go back to being at the top of the heap.


If it's any consolation to you... I hate that I'm back on TEH and I wish I were still on a PvP server. I don't think it's because going to a PvP server failed though, I really enjoyed it there. Fact of the matter is my friends (the people I want to play this game with) came back here. So I'm back and yes, I will steamroll and triple cap until my heart's content because I play every War Zone down to the last second. People can say what they want about this server and that server, but the fact of the matter is that War Zones are instanced and once you go in, it's all the same, no matter what server you're on.


The real problem is that people on RP servers need to get over themselves and drop the holier than thou pompous *********** attitudes. What the hell would you all do if there were cross-server queues? Just stop PvPing even though you "supposedly" enjoy it because you think it's wrong to play your heart out until the very last minute? Sorry I'm not the type to sit on my node and camp once I reach the point of no return regardless of whether I'm winning or losing. If that's your mentality then, quite frankly, I'd prefer you and your kind not join the queue at all. There's nothing more retarded than running to your node and sitting there...


Anyways... I'm pretty sure I won't be here much longer anyway and this kind of crying and complaining is why I left in the first place. It's not because there isn't competition on TEH or because there aren't enough PvPers. It's because you guys *****, moan, cry, and complain about everything when it comes to PvP and it gets old.


A word of advice, keep your "code of conduct" for PvP on your server to world-PvP. Once you go into and instanced War Zone, everything is fair game; for you might not always have the luxury of just PvPing with the people who are actually on your server....

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you call it an "RP" server, tell us pvper's to go to another server? it is an RP server the community is great ive made awesome friends and even better enemies but if your going to defend your sucking at pvp on us being too good in a RP server then you guys stick to the cantinas and talk about your problems personally i love and hate MVP loving the close match's finally giving the pub side back some of its power now republic isn't alone in kicking butt, but i don't want to talk to these guys i want to smash their face in the dirt and watch them run as little numbers tick off of them im not scared of all these new guilds i welcome the challenge! stay and play house in your safe little worlds but me i crave blood!!:mad:
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Hey everybody! I'm pretty new to SWTOR pvp but I've enjoyed my time so far immensely. Before I started pvping I only had a handful of people on my friends list; now after 3 weeks I have close to 100 that I know and enjoy playing with! I usually queue with a pick-up group of some kind, so if you want to play with me, don't be afraid to whisper! I'm also looking for any dedicated pvp (sorry, I don't pve) guilds or arena groups that have space for a halfway-decent shadow.

Anyway, without further ado, my guild shoutouts (these are all guilds I like to play with/against):

Republic side: MVP, Republic, Game Genie, The Core, Azure Blades, Aisthesis

Imp side: Regulators, Adrenals, Pax Imperium, Silent Council

I should have prepared player shout-outs but I didn't so the only person I can think of off the top of my head is Notte! He's one slippery bugger. Pub side has too many to list right now.. love y'all!



Alacris :rak_03:

Edited by wilcou
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you call it an "RP" server, tell us pvper's to go to another server? it is an RP server the community is great ive made awesome friends and even better enemies but if your going to defend your sucking at pvp on us being too good in a RP server then you guys stick to the cantinas and talk about your problems


please keep posts like this to the hate thread.


or just to yourself.

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please keep posts like this to the hate thread.


or just to yourself.


He does bring up a good point though. It is an RP server. I made a toon here and transferred another for legacy buffs because of the community. I try to RP a pvp player and rally whichever side I am on. If you get triple capped or blown out on the regular it isn't the team doing the blowing out's fault. The fault lies with your inability to rise to the challenge of end game pvp.

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It is an RP server. I made a toon here and transferred another for legacy buffs because of the community. I try to RP a pvp player and rally whichever side I am on.


Not reading posts from RP'rs or Bronies, sorry they hurt my eyes.


lol... wait, what?

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I would like to give a shout out to naomi and who ever that tank is you were rolling with last night/this morning.The chemistry between the both of you is amazing.


I would like to give a shout out to regulators; no one in particular you all work really well together.much respect.


and last but not least i would like to give a shout out to the whole teh wz pvp community; just all around good games hardly any rage quitters and a strong desire to fight it out even if our team is down.



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